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About dumbdorkbob

  • Birthday 04/22/1992

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  • Biography
    I'm a skater not a fighter(I also like to draw)
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  1. [COLOR=Blue][B]Name[/B]:Sword(Everyone who knows his real name is dead) [B]Gender[/B]:Male [B]Appearance[/B]:[url]http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/34498535/[/url] [B]Personality[/B]:Not an open person, but is loyal to whoever he respects. Tries to hide his true potential and power. He is all about speed. If someone or something is late he will be angry. He searches for a place to belong, killing anyone who tries to stop him. Two words to describe Sword are lonely and pathetic. [B]Weapon[/B]:Has a sword given to him by his only friend before he died. It contains all the pain Sword has taken through torture. It is black and gray, like his soul.It is not really metal it is pure energy only in the shape of a blade. I makes the sound of lightning striking when he swings it and when it kills the victim's soul becomes trapped inside it. [B]Skills[/B]:Usually he uses his kicks to stop opponents for he is so fast and powerful. Is able to take his energy and use it as a projectile. He can only do this at full power though and uses up a lot of power. He has the unique ability to jump and stay in the air for minutes at a time. [B]Any other Info[/B]:Can dodge almost any strike and has never been hit in combat though he was tracked, trapped and tortured during his childhood. He trains every day, for he never feels he is powerful enough. His main weakness is the fact that he feels sorry for people like himself, lonely. He was born in the mountains and is 16. His parents were murdered when he was born and the murderers took him and did their best to warp his mind. The only thing keeping him sane was his friend Camen, whos parents were also killed by the gang. The scar on his cheek is from a sword, hence his new name.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Blue]Just about every metal can be a solid or a liquid. By the way, who was the "they" that told you water could heal(sorry for being mean, I just got back fom a trip to my [B]little[/B] cousins :animeangr ). [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Blue]If I had to choose a favorite element it would be water. Water is free, moving as if it were alive. You can put your hands through it yet it has the strength to tear down mountains and sculp canyons. I also like how it changes: flowing and graceful to hard and smooth as stone carved by a river for years. It gives us life as it takes life, as seen in storms, like it has a mind of its own. I also love wind and light, wind because it also flows and tears away but you can not hold it-it has no texture or feeling, light because it brings both day and night, day when light is seen everywhere, and night when light is seen when you look up at the stars and moon and ponder your hopes and dreams. The best feeling I have ever had is by a creek, looking up to the stars while I feel a gentle breeze blowing on me as if just to make me perfectly cool. It gives me peace to run my hands through some water, more when it is clear and in it you can look at yourself as if you were looking into your soul, night surrounding you. It gives me pleasure, not just to look up at the stars, but to look down, into a clear creek, and see what hovers so closely over me, as if watching me while I what them. Though it seems as if I love dark, I do not. I love the stars and the light they give off, and I love the wind, patting on me like a close friend, and I love the water, giving me hopes and dreams. Water is amazing, I turns into three of the four types of matter, though it looks like the fourth type, plasma.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Blue]Hey, I said before(and before that), is copying fancy jutsus really better then detecting shiobi, jutsus, and weapons. Think about it. :animeswea [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Blue]The person I betted with is almost as stupid as me(almost). Like I said before, no one listened to me when I said not to vote based on looks and people that use it. And your right, I really do not have a care in the world(off topic). Dang, your one of the few people who listens to me(judging by your posts). I guess people like copying jutsus. I said to give opinions to which is better and that is where I made a mistake. I meant which is better to a shinobi. If it was which would I like all around, I would have said the Sharingan. It truly is my fault for not being clear and I am sorry. Sometimes I am such a dope. All in all since I didn't clarify what I meant, I guess I will [B]finally[/B] agree with the masses(they like me again, yay!),the Byakugan and Sharingan are equal in that one is a better shinobi tool and one is more fun to use and is useful outside of shinobi practices. Peace out! :wave:[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Blue]Let the masses get mad, as long as I am happy :animesmil . By the way, I betted on the one that starts the a "B" . Oh well, I guess your right.(But still, I lost my precious money.) :( At least I can get on with my life finally instead of worring about a stupid poll.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Blue][INDENT]I cannot believe it got so many votes(the first by me of course). I thought one would win too. I guess we will never know which is truly better. [/INDENT]Uchiha must be a popular name for girls. Oh well, what do I know, I am just a loser skateboarder who hit his head too hard one day(off topic). Most people chose Sharingan because of who uses it and how it looks(which I said not too). In conclusion, I now owe my friend five bucks thanks to some people who did not read what I put down(who would want to).(Dang, now I have to find $5). (just kidding).[/COLOR][CENTER]ON THE PEOPLE WHO MADE ME LOSE MONEY: :mad:[/CENTER] [CENTER]ON THE POLL: :( [/CENTER]
  8. the red-haired kid just saw sexy- jutsu.
  9. [quote name='tomoe&battousai']sharingan.reason1-it looks WAY cooler.reason2 you can stop/copy any jutsu.reason3-sasuke and itachi posses it and thats good enough for me.sharingan rox end of story[/quote]Listen to what say. Reasons one and three are not related to the topic. Reason two is faulty- it can copy [B]most[/B] jutsus. And it can not stop jutsus, it can only see them, not to mention the Byakugan can see them better and detect shinobi. And I can be proven wrong, just no one has given any real points yet(how many times do I have to say this, its making me tired). [CENTER] :animeangr[/CENTER]
  10. [QUOTE=Raiyuu][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Same applies to Byakugan, though. All it gives you is sight - how well you act on what it allows you to see depends on your fighting skills. Besides the aforementioned miniscule blind spot, Byakugan has [b]*no*[/b] weaknesses. There's been no evidence of negative side-effects that I've noticed (although I'm purely a manga reader, so there may be extra material in the anime I don't know about). Sharingan, on the other hand, can render the user useless for as much as week afterwards, if lots of high-speed copying was used. Not to mention Itachi's Mangekyou Sharingan, which (it has been hinted) can cause some sort of permanent eye damage if used repeatedly. Add this to the issues already raised in the thread, like the Byakugan's greater versatility and Chakravision, and Byakugan wins. I think the only category where it loses out to Sharingan is prettiness :p [/FONT][/QUOTE] Well the Byakugan has one side-effect: the veins popping out of your forehead, but that is really not a problem. For weakness the Byakugan is useless against shadow dopplegangers(which I am sure I have mentioned before). Your right about the Sharingan, that it uses up a lot of chakra. All and all I think the Sharingan is pitiful. Not that the Byakugan is perfect, it can be beat. It just is better since as a shinobi you are meant to have stealth, not fancy jutsus. The Byakugan breaks down stealth and it can basically do what the Sharingan can, block jutsus. And in looks I like the Sharingan better too. But in an assasination a prettier eye is not nearly as good as an eye that can detect shinobi. I truly think the Byakugan is better like you said and I will think that until someone can convince me. (Besides look at the poll-the Byakugan has been winning since the beginning) I look foward to hear a reasonable argument about this because no one yet has really proven that the Sharingan is better, just that they like the charcters the use it and that the it looks cooler(which has been proven and is totally irrelavent to this disscusion). So I agree with you.
  11. Wish granted, you now have Incredible, super-sized superhuman fighting fists of fury. All goes well until one day you trip and use your elbows to protect your awesome fists.You punch yourself and since your fists are super human you die. To make things worse when you go to hell you lose your strength. Too bad your fists are super-sized. Guess your suck there: no food, no water, and you can not die. I wish for a banana with a machete that no one, including me, can control.
  12. They both have weak points but the Sharingan is least useful(as seen when he tried to use it on Lee). Though Byakugan has one weak point and is fooled by Naruto's Shadow Doppleganger(since it is a flesh-and-blood copy)the Sharingan has no real uses other than being able to see jutsus. Plus, even though it can see jutsus, the user still needs to stop the justu somehow.
  13. This sounds really creative, I can't wait to read it. Is it, like, supposed to be funny? I'm laughing already(Zabuza as a gangster). Anyway good luck with it.
  14. Congrats!, you now have a murderous mutant poodle that can never kill you. Too bad it kills everyone you ever loved. And to top it off, although it doesn't kill you, it scratches your eyes out and you bleed to death. I wish for bunnies to rule a world with no humans.
  15. I now have a poll instead of a tally sheet though I ask people to still put their reasons for choosing either one of the choices. At least only one other person has posted so far but still, sorry for the confusion. Glad to get all of that out. :animesigh
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