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Everything posted by dumbdorkbob

  1. When lights go out I get some friends and a hose. We hose a trampeline with water and have some fun. YAH! :haha:
  2. Hah, how did you know. you are sooooooooo smart(as smart as a monkey). [CENTER]:bash:[/CENTER]
  3. Hay Uchihaninjagirl, guess what my nickname is. I'll give you some hints 1.It starts with b 2.It is 3 letters long 3.It ends with a b people call me it because I am clutsy, usually when I fall on my butt :animeswea
  4. I would go to a closet, get into the feeble position, and think about bananas with machetes while rocking bback and forth(just kidding). Really I would light some candles in my room and read my favorite book(Inkheart)or my favorite manga(Naruto).
  5. *boom*, you have TVO. It also came with the souls of all the puppies you have kicked-and there not too happy with you. *I wish akamaru was my dog and he obeyed me and I did not get any thing else, he is not demonic etc., he does not hurt or kill my friends, family, or me. HA!*
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