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Everything posted by Rhasune

  1. Ah! Yay! Yes, i just sent you a PM with reference pics :P ;)
  2. Requesting a wallpaper of Mahado and Isis from Yugioh? Mmmm, Like Mahado from the Dawn of the Duel arc as Priest Mahado and Priestess Isis and then Dark magician, and Ishizu Ishtar....and for words, put, "Mahado and Isis forbidden love. Hope its not too complicated
  3. Name- Saribano Ishtar (Nickname Sari) Age- 17 Personality- As the daughter of Ishizu Ishtar, this girl is warm hearted, laid-back, calm and will not back away from a duel. Her deck full of spellcasters and dragons. She is very determined and believes in the heart of the cards no matter what. Appearance- [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v717/Timaeus4ever/Ishizusdaughter.jpg[/IMG] Rank- Ra Yellow Most Rarest Card- Silent Magician Lv. 8/ Horus the Black Flame Dragon Lv. 8
  4. Can someone make me, a avatar of Isis, from yugioh? The Dawn of the Duel Arc. And, a wallpaper of Mahado and Isis from Yugioh? Mmmm, Like Mahado from the Dawn of the Duel arc as Priest Mahado and Priestess Isis and then Dark magician, and Ishizu Ishtar....and for words, put, "Mahado and Isis forbidden love. ^^;;;;;;
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