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About natsuki

  • Birthday 01/24/1987

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  • Biography
    I'm 19, just finishing off highschool then I hope to become a teacher after uni!
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  1. I really love Serena and Darien from Sailor moon..but thats just because i was obsessed as a child and still am really, who doesnt love them though? it just seems too perfect, strong guy protects clumsy girl hehehe. One of my other favourite couples is Hitomi and Von from Escaflowne and to be honest i still dont know why i like them so much together. :catgirl:
  2. I have seen some of "My Hime" its a really good series, i love the romance and the fighting scenes. Well put together in my opinion, I havent heart of many of the others on the list though. :catgirl:
  3. I think I would like to be Natsuki from Mai Hime, or Hitomi from Escaflowne I love Natsuki's long hair and the fact that shes a silent type and yet hot and powerful. I like Hitomi because she seems really fun and I would love to be able to predict the future, plus who wouldnt want Van?!? :animenose
  4. I think I really built it up, like I figured it was going to be so much better. I will try going again next year, maybe if they have that dance again, i really wanted to go to that. They lost a child on sunday, i'm not sure if thats what your referring to, but I wasnt aware they shut down the hotel.
  5. I went to anime north on sunday, it was my first time and i spent 3 hours on transit to get there...unfortunitely it was not worth my travel time. I must have built it up in my head because i was sadly let down. :animesigh
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