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Everything posted by bluemarble

  1. You guys can count me out of this one... I'm vacationing for two weeks and won't be able to participate... :(
  2. Well that sounds like a good idea, it's been done before so it shouldn'nt be too hard. Since you're trying to save space what I suggest you do is after you've set up the cover image which leads you to the main page on the website you use one illustration of a page with panels and create hot spots in the different panels which lead you to a different page on the website. Each panel respectively an image that corresponds with the page it leads to, duuuh. I'm not sure if this is what your lookin' for but this is my idea, if you need more help or explination just ask.
  3. I'm all for gay marriege, equal rights to all right? Yep yep. Good stuff.
  4. Hey, sign me up... Well if I'm good enough that is. Here are a few of my fav's. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y192/comixink/shinsukelow.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y192/comixink/BM_Char_Sheet.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y192/comixink/shinsuketones.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y192/comixink/Jedilow.jpg[/IMG]
  5. This is a thread for all sketches, unclean dirty roughs of will be or not be pieces. Post your ideas here, character sketches, fan art, whatever. I'll start. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] [b]EDIT:[/b][/COLOR] [url]http://tp-txdp4282.content-type.com/-685351509/images/samushin.jpg[/url] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][size=1]I made your image into a link because it was far too large. 56k users would've suffered just trying to load that page; that, and it stretched OB's layout, which is against the rules. Hope you understand. [b]- Retribution[/b][/size][/COLOR]
  6. Well so far I'm really interested the things I would fix are the skin colors? What's up with that? Is there a good reason they're all grayish? At first I had thought they were zombies. Second I would work on your figures it would help alot more. The comic is paced really well, I love the way you drew the enviroment in the second to last page first panel! Work on your consistancy aswell, there are problems with characters in relation to their enviorment sometimes and other times it's not there. The figures also look good sometimes style wise but other times we can see that you made a mistake that wasn't meant to be there. You're great. Keeping doing what you're doing.
  7. I'm more of a Whisper Of The Heart fan... It's so damn gooooood! But it wasn't directed by Miyazaki so whatever.. Lol. Go Studio Ghibli!
  8. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y192/comixink/nidan.jpg[/IMG] FIIIXED! NIDA! Here's Ichii Shinsuke.. Mmm. GIANT TURTLE! [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y192/comixink/shinsuketones.jpg[/IMG]
  9. OB username: Blue Marble Date you could begin working on tutorial: Whenever, as long as it doesn't interfere with WoW, jkjk! E-mail/Messenger: [email]comixink88ster@gmail.com[/email] AIM- theb0snian Preferences: Not to sound full of my self but I can pretty much do a tut on anything, well not painty style coloring... [URL=http://comixink.deviantart.com]devArt Page[/URL]. That's where all my little artwork is.
  10. I like the idea, and it's always good to teach people how to draw. But tutorials are hard to do because of differences in style. Also I'am a firm believer in that people should train themselves traditionaly first, before taking on Anime/Manga styles. But I would def be interested in doing some tuts! XD
  11. [QUOTE=sakurasuka][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/s.jpg[/img] [size=1]I don't know if Blue meant he/she wanted to claim Delta's or not. Blue, if you're already working on this, feel free to go ahead and post. If you're not, I claim it! It'll be up tonight or tomorrow morning! Mwahaha.
  12. [quote name='cancer][COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I would claim bluemarble's, but it was posted out of sync. phooey.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] Sigh... It was wasn't it? Dang. Alright, well someone should post a character of theirs! I would most def be willing to do some arting! Lol.
  13. [QUOTE=YoukaiAlchemist]O.o Sorry, bluemarble, want me to change it?? ^_^ ok, so I really like these sorts of manga: action, horror, comedy/horror, and anything else cool like that. my favorite manga are InuYasha, Hellsing, Ranma, Cowboy Bebop, and...ummm....just about anything else like that. hehe.[/QUOTE] Psh no! I'll change mine, I've been too lazy to make my own so this will give me a reason too.
  14. I would too! Me and YoukaiAlchemist have the same Av... >____< Lol. But yeah, a preview would be nice something that costs like 25 cents, I'd be down.
  15. In my opinion, I'd rather go with the tones than the color. This is a great find by the way! I'm really interested and may even use this company for my own little endevours in publishing my manga. :) Again, nice find!
  16. [QUOTE=silver_blade]You have great artwork, but there are a few points I would like to bring up. Why does Jiro wear an eyepatch? Is he actually blind, or does he just like it? Why are the rich kids "bored with their meek existence"? Sure, Asuka's boyfriend ignores her, but they sound like they have a pretty sweet life. I find that sometimes it is harder to relate to main characters with such great lives. I mean, if they are rich and bored, can they not just go somewhere besides school, home, and baseball with their money? One more thing: Yoshio looks in no way like a turtle to me. His character design is good, but it might be even better if he had a few turtle-like qualities, considering the fact that he is really a turtle spirit. I'm not trying to be harsh or anything, I just wondered about that stuff. Your art is solid and the story sounds pretty interesting, so keep working at it. I look forward to anything else you post about this story.[/QUOTE] Lol. I love these questions! The eye patch happens about four pages into to the first volume, that's all I'll tell you because I really don't want to give away what happens. Let's just say it's a result of Yoshio's entrance. Jiro and Asuka have money yes, but Jiro wants nothing to do with it since he is trying to make it on his own means, Asuka on the other hand sees her life as boring because nothing exciting happens.... Rich people are like this sometime, any way by "her parents having money" I meant that she's not completely poor, but she's not insanely rich. Why in the world would I want to give someone turtle like qualities, that's ridiculous, any way, he's transformed himself into a human to fit in. He's a god, he can do almost anything he wishes. The whole turtle thing isn't literal any way. If you read manga on a regular basis you'd find out that alot of things are sort of hinted at and very subtle. If I gave Yoshio turtle qualities it wouldn't be very Mangaka of me would it?
  17. Why are they trying to help him? Good question! Chapter One will be out soon. Soon being a relative term. Thank you for your interest.
  18. My vote goes to [b]R2vq[/b] Good typography is certainly difficutl to accomplish. There are alot of factors in the design that are really well executed. The clashing text is really cool. It works well enough. The vector piece is nice, but it's not as creative. Since you traced the image and didn't draw it your self I can't really give you much credit, it's too simple as well. I don't believe that much work went into it, it's just a matter of using the shape tool in Illustrator and when you're tracing an image with the pen tool, it's not that hard. Although I do appreciate the work you claim you put into it, typography is on another level of design than vector tracing. If you'd have drawn the girl your self, then vectored it, that would have been alot more of a challenge. (Btw I apologize for the initial reply, I wasn't aware of the voting rules.)
  19. I'm from Eastern Europe and people over there are pretty much as racist towards each other as you can get, which is really sad. We all speak the same language, dress alike, eat the same foods, we're all made up of the same stuff just like any other race. The other day I was in a shopping mall with my grandfather and we were in the cashiers line. The cashier lady was african american, well I lived in Los Angeles so I'm used to all types of diversity, but my grandfather is not. He made a joke to my dad about her, he asked "Where did she go tanning?" I blew my top. I turned to him and in our language told him off. My father tried to convince me it was okay and that it wasn't such a big deal but I decided to ignore him for the day as well, or at least until the apologized. Racism is something that needs to be taken care in our society, it doesn't help anyone to be racist and there erally is no point. I do believe though with time it will just dissapear, newer generations will have an impact on the mindset and as the older generations die out it will die out with them.
  20. Turtle spirits, High School, and Baseball! Blue Marble is a manga I'm working on, here are a few notes on it I made, tell me what you think. [b]Blue Marble[/b] Here are a few notes on the characters, plot, and setting. Characters: Yoshio, Jiro Takamura, and Asuka Utagawa. [b]YOSHIOI[/b]: Yoshio is the spirit of the legendary turtle which holds the world on his back. He is naive, spontaneous and has the attention span of a puppy. He is a child at heart, but when provoked a force not to be reckoned with. His godly abilities lay dormant deep within him. His favorite color is sky blye. [b]JIRO[/b]: Jiro is the second son of the very wealthy and famous family Takamura. He is the star baseball player at Shimamura Highschool, with a bright future in professional baseball up ahead. Because of this, his mind is set to one thing, baseball. His father and brothers want him running the family business and for that reason they have set out on a mission to put his baseball endevours to a hault. Jiro is a very neglegent person, he feels whatever doesn't intrest him is unimportant and should be ignored. He is very highstrung at times, but can also be one of the nicest people you'll meet. His careless attitude towards Asuka and his relationship stems from the fact that his ego is as big as the Tokyo Tower. [b]Asuka[/b]: Asuka leads the perfect life. Her parents love her, she has money, she has the highest grades, and she?s dating Jiro. Okay, well that part isn?t so grand. Asuka is beautiful, though she is very modest, she usually keeps to her self and is very quiet. She loves to read, listen to music that inspires her to do and try things she?s never done. She longs for attention from Jiro. [b]Setting[/b]: Modern day Tokyo, Shibuya District, Jiro's home in the Aoyama District, and Shimamura High School. [b]Plot[/b]: Asuka and Jiro are bored with their meek existence, they long for something remotely exciting to happen. Their lives consist of transits between home, school, work,and Jiro's baseball games. They soon start to realize that it?s hopeless, they will forever be locked in the viscous cycle that is life, when a seventeen year old boy falls from the sky and almost literarily into their laps. A strange and curious boy, with no name or family history. With no recollection of who he is or where he is from he only knows a name, Atlas. His strange actions and even stranger personality attract Asuka and Jiro to help him. Copyright to Hamza Pecenkovic and Bruce Shikuryadomosamachan. Here is a character refrence sheet I made of the three: [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/view/34123888/]Character Ref Sheet[/URL] As of right now I'm working on finishing page one and getting layouts down for page two, also I'm working a wallpaper for my self of the three and developing a more indepth look at the Manga. When I have some of it done I plan on submitting it to the Tokyo Pop Rising Stars of Manga contest, we'll see what happens. If you have any questions you can leave them here or directly send them to me!
  21. I used to have a similar problem with my work not being clean enough, infact it's still there. I have come up with a few techniques to clean it up and not use a computer to aid me. (Even though I'm big on digital.) First, I use a non photo blue pencil to do all my underlaying sketching, like simple skeletons, pose work, and getting folds down and a simple drawing of the costume and hair. I also use this to determin light source if I haven't alread in my mind. Next I bust out the good ol' pencil and work over it with line, shading, and minor detail. Once I've finished that, since I'm too poor to buy a fancy lightboard (nor do I have the room to have one) I use tracing paper and do the final touches! If you're really up for using a digital method I would suggest Photoshop, GIMP, Open Canvas, Painter, and especially Manga Studio. MS is pretty sweet, I've been using it lately and my line quality looks alot better! Plus you get a bunch of crazy cool tones and alot of features like inking pens and they even do panels for you! Hah. [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/view/34123888/]Click Here[/URL] to see a piece that I did using all the above methods and then editing it in Manga Studio. -Hope this helps.
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