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Everything posted by YoukaiAlchemist

  1. "STAY BACK!!" David commanded. "I want to fight this one. I can already taste the blood...." His eyes were pulsing red, and glowing with a hate that could have made the Devil crap his pants.
  2. [QUOTE=NIKI12345]I would rather be forced to write a book forever. Would you rather.. Get shot on a plain by your lover Or... Have your bestfriend kill you?[/QUOTE] the first one. WOuld you rathe be kidnapped by someone you find sexxy, or bored at home with nothing to do but daydream.
  3. David took a better fighting stance, as his eyes began to burn bright red. "I will swallow your heart whole.." he growled, baring his claw-like fingers. With that, he charged in, prepared to kill anything in his way.
  4. David felt something slip from his wrists. An accedent to be sure, but still it happened. His shackles had come off. His mind gave way to darker thoughts than any could imagine. Blood filled his vision and he vanished from the sight of his master. In his fit of insanity, he managed to root out the Vampire Slayers. He came to rest on a streetlight, gazing down at them. "Hello, murderers.." he said with a crazed grin. "Do you know me?? Do you remember what your kind did? Do you want to try to finish what you started? ANSWER ME!!"
  5. David shuddered. Hadn't people like that killed his family? He hated them, and feared them. "Who are we seeing, Master?" he asked, "A friend? Or a busyness partner?" The surroundings made him cautious, and the nervousness on his masters face scared him more than the two in the street.
  6. "Is there something special about them, master?" David asked, glancing at the two. "Should we be weary of them?" David had never been good at telling friends from foes at first glance. When it came to people his master kept an eye on, it was even harder.
  7. David wandered up to his master's side, holding a tray of snacks. "are these to your liking?" he asked, hoping he would not have to remake them. he loved his life, make no mistake of that, but the snacks where particularly hard to make, and could take hours just to get them right. David waited patiently for his master's answers.
  8. Name- David Age-125 looks between 17 and 19 Personality- Dual personallities. The quiet submissive servant and the insane killer. Appearance-Pointy eared, pail, 6'0" tall, thin, male, who wears black shiney clothes. When he his not fighting, he wears shackles with a flame design on them. Weapons-Blades chains and trickory. Side-Vampires Bio/Writing example-Little is known about his life before he became Rei's personal servant, other than he watched his entire family get buried alive. This caused him to loose his mind and develope split personallities. one seeks revenge on all humans (or whoever Rei tells him is bad) and the other is quiet, withdrawn and extremely peaceful. The change in personallities can be triggerd by the removal or application of the shackles discribed in the appearance.
  9. "Wood burns, the Earth burns, Metal sparks, and thus burns, and even water can burn at times." Kokolukia said with a smile. "It's a marvel of nature. Don't doubt yourself, ever, ok? Besides, something tells me your skills are limitless." Just as he finished talking, there was a rustling noise in the bushes. Kokolukia turned just in time to see a demon bird fly out from the forests. A massive one. "Looks like you'll get a chance to try your focus on this thing!" Kokolukia smiled.
  10. Kokolukia could hear amaya, and he followed the sound of her voice. "You know, water is a good, focused element too. In fact, they all are." he smiled at her. "So perhaps you should be like all the elements?" Amaya seemed kind of surprised to see him. "When did YOU get back?" she demanded. "A little while ago," Kokolukia smiled, pointing to his medaillion. "The mission was a success."
  11. [QUOTE=Rachmaninoff]If zombies were real then I would have to say that other aspects in relation to them are real as well. So I?d learn the magic I?ve seen in games that deals with the undead and go out and kill as many as possible. Then once I?m too exhausted I?ll end up being eaten alive and will have no need to hide. Or I'll get lucky and have a spot to rest until I can go out and kill again. Though if they are everywhere, eventually like everyone else I too will die.[/QUOTE] Or, you could use the magic to create a pocket univers and hide the last remnents of humanity in there.
  12. The details of what happened on the lone journey Kokolukia made were known only to him. He never spoke of it. The only signs to say what had occured were scars on his arms, over each of his eyes, and a strange bronze medallion hung proudly around his neck. He made his way to the camp, and looked around. "Where are Amaya, and Sky? What exactly have I missed??" he asked. Most people where thinking the last question about him too.
  13. [QUOTE=Kazuko][SIZE=1]I'd hide in my home. Broadband doesn't even come out here, why would zombies?[/SIZE][/QUOTE] :D Now THAT'S funny! But still, what would you do for food and such?
  14. Kokolukia heard Amaya leave. he wanted to say something but he was still tired. "Herbs don't work long on me.." he explained. "Family trait. and yeah. i know where i want to go. If I can pull this off, we'll have a huge advantage. trust me." Kokolukia turned around "None of you follow me. please," he asked solomly and headed out for the beach. He would be back. He felt it. But he didn't know if he would have the medallion or not...
  15. [QUOTE=monipo1928]Sky was blushing hard and she thought back to her first love. 'Sorry 'bout what has happened aiden but you dumped me' She thought as she saw leondis staring at her. "Thanx leondis" She said quietly grabbing leondis' hand and giving it a squeeze. Soon she was back to staring at the sky.She had no idea why she had been named sky but she was glad.And in a way she was glad that she had finaly fell in love. But what await her she did not know and was hoping that she would not lose leondis in the final fight against her father.[/QUOTE] Kokolukia placed a hand on Sky's shoulder. "Better rest. We'll need everyone to be in top shape for the battle." he said. Sky jumped at his touch. "Where'd YOU come from all of a sudden?" she demanded. "I blame my parents." Kokolukia joked. "but seriously, we must prepare." Kokolukia turned, and again in the corner of his eye he saw the Dark Prince. A hollucination, he decided, but eerie none the less. If the sands of time where gone, why could this creature still exist? Why would it follow him so? It couldn't be real...could it? It all messed with his head. Perhaps he needed rest more than anyone. He laid down under the tree. His eyes closed. He saw more inside his head than out. His vision filled with a medallion, owned by his ancestor. The Prince had thrown it in the ocean...so...what if it had washed ashore somewhere. what if it was even on the beach a few miles over? The thought inspired him. He would leave, under cover of darkness tonight, and find that mystic medallion. Finally he would be able to set things right.
  16. Kokolukia stared amazed at what had happened. Would something as awesome and increadable as this happen to him one day? Would it truely? He was unsure. His mind was a mix of questions and no answers. He even questioned if his own eyes decieved him right now.
  17. Focus...Focus...focus. these words rung in Kokolukia's head as he made his singleminded journey. There was something here. Something ancient. Something dark. Then he saw it. The Dark Prince, his ancestor's yang to his yin.
  18. Kokolukia followed the feeling. It lead him passed Amaya. He simply sliced some of them as he walked on, single minded of this feeling. what was it?? What could it possibly be?
  19. Something called to Kokolukia...something deep within him called from the depths of his soul. There was something near. Something important. Something powerful. what was it? he couldn't place it, but it fealt soo...familiar....
  20. [quote name='monipo1928']Sky was still in shock after they started to work together.She just sat down on a log and looked at her bloodstained hair. "My hair?A weapon?" She said taking a strand of hair in her hands. "We could use your help!" Sersu shouted as sky was snapped back to reality. "ok!"She said getting up and taking her staff out but put it back. 'If my hair truely is a weapon it will work again' she thought whipping around and killing another demon. She whipped around again and saw her hair turn razor sharp.[/quote] Kokolukia was acrobatic. With leaps, bounds, and clever tricks, he managed to dodge the demons' blows, and hit them in their weak points. With a few he even managed to use their own bodies agaisnt them. His ancestor would be proud. "This would be easier..." he thought to himself "If only...." Why did he want to have control of time so badly? why was it so engraved in his psyche?
  21. [quote name='monipo1928']Sky recognized th eboy right away from her village. 'He's the boy that went missing!' She thought as her eyes widened at the thought of what he might have done. "Hikariko come down here!"She said calling the boys name. "Sky?" The boy,Hikariko questioned surprised to see the demon he had once deemed his big sister. "yes now who told you to do this?"She said getting on one knee. "A-A monster.It had red glowing eyes and long red hair" The boy said get scared. "Satan!"Sky hissed. Suddenley hikariko changed and tried to kill sky. "Satan is controlling him and his mind!"She hissed. "We have to kill him.There is no other choice" She said drawing her staff and hitting him over the head. She then unsheathed her sword and stabbed the boy. "Im sorry ... Im very very sorry hikariko" She said walking off. "Come on you guys.Oh and leondis you know i dont need a bodygaurd every second of the day" She said smirking and walking off.[/quote] Kokolukia looked at the dead child. If he had his ancestors dagger, he could have turned back time, and saved the boy...but no, he was stuck in the current. He could not go back. "One day..." he promised himself. "One day..." As he pondered this to himself, he continued along the path the others where travling on. what exactly lay ahead? He had forgotten. He now only thought of the power he longed for, and the child whose corpse lay in the dust.... OOC: ^_^ Sorry for the long abscence I was at my dads.
  22. Kokolukia glanced at the glow for a moment. "What exactly does that thing do?" he asked. "Is it magic?" He knew it wasn't what he was looking for. It wasn't his way into the past, but still, it drew him. What was it about the glow that seemed familiar?
  23. Kokolukia trudged through the forest, his dagger bloody from the demon he had killed. It had apparently sepparated from the group-not that that mattered now. in a few moments he stood before the group of demon killers on their way, apparently, to Light Village. Quietly, he got in the group. Mostly he wanted to see if anyone noticed him.
  24. ^_^ Sweet hiding (or not hiding) spots!!!o.o they all blow mine out of the water!
  25. ^ A question I got off of G4. personally, I'd choos a church. That way I could get my weapons blessed. ^_^ and then I could act out the Holy Hand Grenade scene from the Holy Grail. (yeah, i'm nerdy). So where would you hide?
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