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Everything posted by YoukaiAlchemist
Name-Kokolukia Age-17 Race-human Personality-sneaky, slightly childish, sly, and agile Appearance-brown hair, blue eyes, skinny, with a slight beard/goatee, and dressed in white baggy pants and a blue shirt. He has a blue cloth belt, and a brown leahter strap accross his torso that he uses to carry his sword. Hi carries his dagger in a leather bag that hangs from his side. (basically he looks like the Prince of Persia from Sands of Time) [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/68/Princeofpersia_sot.jpg[/IMG]
I've been looking all over for a list of good Prince of Persia monologues. I want to say one of them for my Governer's school for the arts try outs, but no luck. So far, the only one I remember is the "Time is an ocean in a storm" one. Do any of you know any others? if you do, please post them here. I'd be very grateful. Especially if it's the one right after "I will tell you a tale like none you have ever heard"
[QUOTE=Esther][SIZE=1] I wouldn't exactly say that we are the one true religion, but simply we have a little bit more knoweledge than other religions. I feel that most Mormons are comfortable within the religion, rather than the next person in another religion. The fact that we have more than one testimony of Jesus Christ is lone evidence. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] O.o hmmm...Do you mean ALL Other religions or most other? depenedign on what you mean I may or may not agree with you. ^_^ also, don't knock the knowledge of other religions. everything has its own lesson that is quite important.
[B]1. What religion are you CURRENTLY following? If you don't have one, then why?[/B]I'm following Christianity and Shinto, with a Taoist/ onmyouji philosophy. [B]2. Why do you follow that religion? Parents, personal reasons, etc?[/B]It feels...right to me. [B]3. Do you ever feel that people often critisize you because of these beliefs?[/B]Nope. No one really cares. XD [B]4. This one may spark a little bit of arguing: Do you believe that your religion is the [I]one true religion?[/I] If so provide evidence.[/B] Nope. there is no 1 TRUE religion, since man changes tiney things in almost all religion, thus making it less true. >.> also, I think God made most of the religions of the world just to laugh and seew what would happen.
Tanukioh is SOOO happy you all made this thread. ^_^ He told me to tell you that he's glad you cared enough to continue it, and that he hopes it goes well. O.o He also says it was a bus, not a train. XD But that's ok.
[quote name='cancer']I've heard a good deal about astral projection, but most of it comes from articles and other untrustworthy sources. So I'm curious to know what people on here think of astral projection. Also, have you ever experienced this phenomenon, and how does one go about detaching their spirit from their body?[/quote] One of my friends (I shall call him D) Astral Projects. D says he's been to a higher plane and talked to Buddha for a moment. then went and saw the past. O.o Not sure how true that is, but that's what he claims.
I celebrate Halloween by dressing up in the best costume I can think of (this year I'll either be Buddha, and Oni or a Tanuki) and watching horror flicks with friends... >.> or scaring people. whichever comes first.
[QUOTE=F.O.Y.][COLOR=DarkOrange]Funny, just yesterday I read an article about healing with prayers in [B]Skeptic Magazine[/B]. They had 2 groups of people with similar medical conditions. The control group was monitered but kept normal while the second group was informed that people would be praying for them (and they were). As it turns out, both groups were very close with ever so slightly more complications in the variable group (though not enough to consider it a result without retrial.)[/COLOR][/QUOTE] O.o hmmmmmmmmmm...I remember Stephen Colbert on the Colbert Report talking about that. He said that they forgot to put Amen at the end of the prayer. XD i know he was joking but still. o.o O.o if there's a Skeptic Magazine, is there an "Magical magic magazine"???
[quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']I really don't know what to say Youkai, I hope your grandmother's condition improves as I know what it's like to lose an older relative very close to you. Just out of curiosity, is your grandmother a smoker ? When you said your grandmothers' CO2 levels were twice what they should have been, it kind of raised that flag in my mind.[/SIZE][/quote] Yeah...she smokes. O.o and she shouldn't because A)she doesnt' breathe so well, B) its unhealthy anyways, and C) she's on oxygen...but she smokes anyways >_< ^_^ On the lighter side of things, she's doing well now and is going to be home in about 3 days! YAY!! thanks for helping out.
My gramma is in the hospital. Her carbon-dioxide is double what it should be and mom thinks she won't last the night. I'm trying to get as many people as i can to do whatever they think will help--like charms or prayers, or well-wishes, or whatever--so that she'll get better. I know if everyone helps, she'll be ok. so please do whatever you can. I'll owe you one.
By puzzle box, I meant something along the lines of a "Personal Treasure Box" ^_^These are highly decorative boxes in japan that can only be opened by pressing key pressure points on them. That or maybe just a regular puzzle box. the kind you twist, and pull, and push on until it goes from a cube, to whatever shape, until the peaces can be slid out of place. (Like the Hellraiser Box, only not evil. :P Lol) Either way, I want them to be hyper coolz. as for my art,here's a pic of my puzzle design...the unsolved version. lemme know what you think. [url]http://s48.photobucket.com/albums/f231/Tanukioh/?action=view¤t=puzzle_box.jpg&refPage=&imgAnch=imgAnch1[/url]
I'm very interested in learning to make puzzle boxes as a hobby. O.o This might be in the wrong board--but, hey! I consider puzzle design an art!. anyways, I was hoping some of you could help me out. Basically i'm asking: does anyone know how I can get started designing puzzle-boxes and the like? ^_^ If so please let me know. (P.S. I promise I won't end up like Lemarchand. :P LOL)
Mystery of the living characters!
YoukaiAlchemist replied to YoukaiAlchemist's topic in General Discussion
Good points. I think I agree with you. >.> though I would love to think that possibly the characters of a book might come to life (Well, the good ones), it's a little too out there. then again, if they DID actually show up in such a way, it's probable that they would dissappear soon after. ^_^() but that's wishful thinking. Yeah, I agree with you. -
Mystery of the living characters!
YoukaiAlchemist replied to YoukaiAlchemist's topic in General Discussion
Thanks for the input. O.o Personally I think the sleep deprevation may be a good possibility because she tells me a lot about how her kids keep her up half the night. I don't think it's for attention though, since I was the first person she told (We share lots of secrets and such, and so she's already got lots of attention) o.O and I also keep the idea that it may still be a paranormal thing, due to the number of reports. though it could just be people that simply look like the characters. I'm sure it's happened before. -
Untrue! O.o I like girls with a good personallity...o.o because they tend to share more of my peaceful views. ^_^ That and I just feel more attracted to them for some unknown reason.
6th grade was when I decided I wanted to draw anime! ^_^ it's also when I started getting lots of friends because I was funny! >.> and it marked my interest in the possibility of the supernatural. v_v() though, it was also when I quit being friends with a guy I had trusted for 3 years because he wouldn't stop making fun of me, and hurting my lil brother.
Mystery of the living characters!
YoukaiAlchemist replied to YoukaiAlchemist's topic in General Discussion
from what she told me, she was just out shopping when she spotted 2 people that looked exactly like characters from a story she wrote. One of them winked at her. O.o True, she does believe in some supernatural things, but this really freaked her out. I don't think she was expecting it. and I know she doesn't do drugs. ^_^ though thanks for the imput. Maybe it was overactive imagination. -
Lately, I have heard of writers, one of whom is a close friend of mine, who see characters they write about actually alive in our world. Normally the characters are there only for a moment. Sometimes they actually say something (according to the guy that wrote Hellblazers, Jon Constantine actually told him that "The secret to magic is, Any ***** can do it.") of course the conversation could be made up. Regardless, I want to know what you all think. O.o What is causing these writers to see thier characters living and breathing in our world?
O.o you could always try ebay. if that fails they sometimes have wearhouse sites that pop up sometimes. ^_^ I once saw an ad for a site that had over 1000000 katanas. so maybe you could try one of those.
o.o I would be a pirate ninja! ^_^ BOOYA! that would be awsome, cause then i'd be sneaky as a ninja with a ship that I could use to rob people in other countries!
[QUOTE=Doublehex]Youkai Alchemeist: Denied. Put in more significant work for your character sheet.[/QUOTE] O.o...Sorry! I'll fix it! Name: Shino Age/Sex:17/male Race: Diclonus Alliegance: None. Allignment: Neutral. Most of the time, he doesn't care for helping others. In fact he prefers to watch them help themselves. Vector Traits: 6 vectors with a reach of 3 meters. He hates to use them, and they are weaker than most other Diclonuses. However, he is still considered highly deadly. Physical Appearance: About 5' 11" with dark blue (almost black) hair, and purple eyes. His horns are a little bigger than usual, and he usually wears dark blue clothes. Personality: He is mostly dark from years of being teased about his horns. He sometimes gets flashes of bloody deaths which sends him into a paranoid state. In this state, he often kills anyone that gets too close to him. Pet Peeves:being enterupted, cruelty, people that don't know when to shut up.. Special Possesions: a small mirror ringed with the number 8 (the sign for infinity) and a shiney jewel. They where gifts from his mother before she was murdered. It has been stated that they resemble 2 of the 3 items that Amaterasu, the shinto sun goddess carries. Background: He's lived on his own since his mother was murdered in front of him by GARM agents. He managed to escape through a window. 3 years later, he had managed to make it to tokyo, where he befriended a young girl. To his horror, he found she was found murdered a month later by a child molester. In an attempt to get reveng, Shino killed 3 parents and the actual criminal. Shortly after this, he was captured by GARM, but refused to obey them. They Didn't even manage to get him to the facility before he went paranoid and killed everyone around, save for one woman, who reminded him of his murdered friend. Shino spent the next few years hiding in alley ways and killing anyone that saw his horns. He is now hiding out in the tokyo Bay area. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Century Gothic]Next time, edit your previous post instead of making a new one. - Sandy[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
Daemon froze as he heard the sound of dogs running through the halls, and the guards racing after them, trying to find him and Miloe. "These bastids won't get in my way." Daemon smiled. He waited until they where just close enough and then, in a flash of light, transmuted the guards and their dogs into the walls and floors. He was about to run when, out of the darkness, leapt another dog. It had been hanging back because it sensed danger. Daemon reacted on instinct. There was another flash of light. and then.....darkness. Daemon sat up. He felt strange, and his arm hurt. He reached to clutch it and force the pain away. "oh...no...." Daemon said in a horrified whisper. There had been a recoil in his transmutation. His right arm was now made of the dog's torso and head. Questions raced through his mind. "Is it a stable fusion? Was the dog sick? What's going to happen? what if Miloe sees? Will this shorten my life? Can I still transmute?" All of this and more flooded his thoughts. He heard more people comming. there was no way he could fight them right now. So he ran back to Miloe. "We gotta go!" he shouted as he approached her, trying to keep his modified appendage out of sight.
Does manga count as comics? because if it does then I collect big time My faves are: InuYasha, Hellsing, FMA, and Cowboy Bebop (all of which I am collecting)
Daemon's red eyes shined brightly in the dark. He watched with grim pleasure as Mika burned the guard alive, and charged for one of the doctors. He could see the hallway just fine as he ran down it, holding onto Miloes hand. "Miloe, I have a plan." He smiled, "But I need you to stay here. I dont' want you to get caught up in the transmutation. It's going to be the biggest ever, and I don't know what will happen..." "Daemon..." Miloe started. "I...."
Daemon scowled as the guard picked up Miloe. "If you hurt her..." he glared," I'll send you to hell! DO YOU HEAR ME, YOU BASTA*D?! I'LL KILL YOU IF YOU HURT HER!" Daemon squirrmed in his restraints as much as he could as Miloe was carried off. [I]"Dammit I have to get out of here!"[/I] he shouted in his mind. but how? his powers where gone and he could barely even move. "Char, can you do anything?" Daemon demanded. "Mika, can you move at all?"