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Everything posted by YoukaiAlchemist

  1. I'm a male from Kentucky (LAND OF THE FRIED CHICKENS!) I'm 17 with 2 younger brothers. O.o Theres a lot more to me but I'll save that for later. ^_^
  2. OOC: sorry. I'll read more carefully next time Daemon woke up. Where the hell was he? He couldn't move or even transmute his restraints. What was going on?! "MOVE DAMMIT!" he shouted to himself as he tried to get his arm loose. No use. he ended up hurting himself. "So does anyone have any idea what's going to happen? or how to get out of this?" Daemon asked, giving up on struggling. Daemon looked up to see a guard standing infront of him. This could be trouble.
  3. Daemon decided to forget everything that had happened. He only wanted to be happy again. "I'll be right back!!" Daemon shouted, running outside. He had an idea. Something that would cheer both Miloe and himself up. "o...k...." Miloe said quietly, feeling quite confused. Daemon checked to make sure no one was watching, and then began to transmute. Flowers, sapling trees, and herbs where all on his list of ingrediants. In a few minutes, Daemon had constructed the worlds first tulip-rose-and-apple-bush. "I need to come up with a better name..." he said to himself as he carried his creation inside. If he had bothered to pay attention, he would have known that the light from the transmutation could have given away his location, but he no longer cared about caution. he only wanted to be happy again. "CHECK OUT WHAT I MADE!!" Daemon called happily, as he entered the house. "Oh my god..." Miloe gasped. Daemon wondered if she meant "Oh my god it's beautiful," or "Oh my god it's hideous!"
  4. o.o I think that it's mostly due to societies closed mindedness to things it thinks are strange, and because of the people that come up to your door and keep trying to make you take a pamphlet and such. o.O that plus it's an easy target. o.O() Still your not alone in the sick of being made fun of. I'm in the south and i'm sick of southerners being made fun of as "stupid, redneck, shoe-less, shot gun carrying idiots." It's funny, but it's getting old. seriously.
  5. Shin wandered through the passages until he found a small group of men gathered around the barracade. What where they doing? Shin had no idea. He figured it would be best to simply hang back and keep an eye out for guards. If something went bad Shin would be out of there like a demon fleeing Hell. He pressed his back against a wall and faded into the shadows, keeping his eye on the men. He heard one of them say the name "Pe Ell". The name sent shivers down Shin's spine. So that was the famous killer. Shin would have to be even more careful with him around. there was not telling what would happen if Shin got too close and goofed up.
  6. OOC: I"m back from Dad's! O.o let's get this thing back on track!!! PLease??
  7. OOC: I just got back from Dad's. I was there for 2 weeks. O_O() EVERYONE POST!!! PLEASE O_O Daemon sighed and began transmuting the room clean. What was wrong with him? Why was he feeling so down? Normally he would be having a blast pranking or doing something nice for Miloe, but right now he just felt...empty. Was it because he had been controlled? Or was it that he was back in this house? what was wrong?
  8. OOC: "Poor post quality..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daemon stepped into the kitchen. most of the food in the fridge was out of date and no longer good. "Time to check the pantry..." he sighed as he opened the door. "So, Miloe, do you like pasta??" he asked as he tossed all kinds of noodles onto the table. "That's about the only thing we've got til I can go out and get more. Trust me, transmuted food tastes crappy" Miloe sighed "I guess pasta will be ok..." Shin nodded and got to work, cooking the best pastas he had. He also took some spices and sauces he had canned which where still edible and heated them up. This was the first meal he'd fixed without transmutation in about a year. He hoped he hadn't gotten rusty.
  9. Shin was getting ready for another sneak attack when the gates opened. "interesting..." he smiled, making his way slowly to the gates. He was the last one out, taking his time to leave, in case the guards tried to head off the people ahead of him. As he went, Shin devised several back up escapes, all of which he knew had little chance of success, but then again, this one wasn't so great either. He also considered bribing the guards with the contents of the bag he had just stolen...whatever it was. He wanted to know, but experiance had taught him NOT to open ANYTHING til he had gotten it back to the hide out. It could be an explosive. "You there!!" someone called from behind. It was a guard. "HALT!" Shin stopped and turned to face him. "Good evening." he smiled to the guard. "I figure your a wise man are you not?" "What are you getting at?" the guard glared. "Since your so wise, you would see a good deal when it came to you, wouldn't you?" Shin asked. The guard caught the jist of what Shin meant. "Yes I would. What do you have?" "You just 'loose' us in the halls and I'll give you this" Shin said, holding up the bag. "It's filled with silver. Quite valuable. I managed to smuggle it in." The guard practically drooled over the sight. "YOu bet!" Shin handed the guard the bag and took off. Just a few seconds later...>BOOM!! there was a huge explosion. [I] "So it really was an explosive...."[/I] Shin laughed to himself, turning down a corridor. This little distraction with the guard had caused him to loose track of everyone else. Oh well. he'd end up wherever he ended up. OOC: Going away for 2 weeks. Please power play my guy til i get back
  10. [QUOTE=Sazabi][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]OOC: Can I just say what the fuck... Here are several things you need to get straight. One is my character's name is Jake for crying out loud and where the fuck did my guy get the scalpel from. He ain't the medic, Micah is.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [/QUOTE] OOC: sorry. o.o() I can't find my glasses so is hard to see what is written.... I fixed it. Shin glared at Jake. It wasn't his fault he had eye problems. He saw best in the dark, and the light tended to make his vision blur slightly. No one knew why. At any rate,Shin selected the shiniest weapon he could: a dagger. "I'll show that ass who can boss who around!" Shin snuck around the wall, waiting for the perfect target....THERE! with a burst of speed, Shin leapt onto his target's back, and slashed open his back, sending blood everywhere. [I] "BEHIND!!"[/I] his subconcious called. Shin turned quickly and stabbed the person who was trying to sneak up on him. Shin then rolled out of the way, stealing his assailant's carrying bag as he went. "That's why i'm the king..." Shin smiled to himself.
  11. OOC: sorry, my bad. :P I should really let you go with the discriptions of the room and stuff.. Shin glared at Jake. [I]"That arrogant jerk!! I AM the king of thieves....was at least...." [/I] he thought. [I]"And he didn't even notice when I stole the coins from him..."[/I] "Did you hear me, Shin?" Jake demanded. "Yeah yeah, stay at the rim of the fight so people won't sneak up on me..." Shin sighed. "Looks like this will be a good chance to proove my skills. So when are they going to hand out weapons and such? Or do we just have to steal them?" Jake gave Shin a strange look and told him to shut up.
  12. Ai grinned at Sky. "Ever ridden a cloud before?" Sky shook her head, and wondered what the hell Ai was talking about. From her look Ai could tell Sky was confused. "It's magic," Ai explained, "Very very fun magic!" Ai stomped the ground, making a cloud of dust, then stepped up onto it. "your turn!" Ai laughed. Sky blinked accouple of times, and got on. "How is it...never mind..." she sighed. She held on to Ai tightly as they took off. "So where are we going, Ai?" sky asked. "We're going to see my master's master. He's one of those 'Imortal Sages' you hear about in stories. He lives way on the other side of the world." Ai spead up the cloud, taking it through all kinds of loops and tricks. "Hope you don't mind. I'm just excited I get to see him again." Sky leaned her head off the side of the cloud. All this bouncing around was makeing her sick...though it was pretty fun.
  13. Miloe didn't say anything, so Daemon looked back at the house and sighed. Over the time he had been gone, it had fallen into disrepair. the walls had holes and the roof was caving in. "It was a lot better when I left it.." he said. "This time I'll have to build it better." Miloe gave him a strange look, as Daemon touched the walls, transmuting them back to the perfect state he had left them in. Some of the wood had rotted away, so he filled the holes with rock, and fused it all together. "Done." Daemon smiled, stepping back from the house. It looked almost like some of the houses in town, except for the strange rock patterns necesity had created. "Ready for the grand tour?" Daemon asked, smiling as he usually did.
  14. [QUOTE=Sazabi] OOC: Since tankioh is not coming back Blase will you have something happen to his character like a group of the brainwashed mutants attack ya'll or something.[/QUOTE] OOC: I'll play tanukioh's character. O.o I'm his buddy. and he said I could. Daemon gazed around. had Char and Mika gone this way? He had no idea. "Miloe, I'm starting to think the best idea would be to have THEM find US, and trap them. I know a place I used to crash at around here. It's got lots of raw materials to transmute to food and shelter..." Miloe sighed. "I guess it's ok, but my place would be more comfertable..." Daemon smiled. "Trust me, my place will be much better." There was a little shine in his eyes that said everythign was going to be alright. As he drove over to his old stomping grounds, he began to wonder why he had ever bothered to go to that cursed school in the first place...
  15. Shin looked over to Neko. She seemed kind of scared of him. He decided it would be best to fix the situation since it was more than likely he was going to be trapped with her for a while. "Here..." Shin said as he tossed her the tiney jewel in his hand. "It's all that's left from my big hiests...I figure it'd be best for someone else to keep it safe for me in case the guards wanna make sure I don't have it." Neko stared at him for a second but pocketed the jewel. "So what are you in here for, and why did they leave you like that??" Shin asked, trying to be friendly.
  16. OOC: I'll be playing Ai for Demis. Also, I have to leave this friday and won't be back for 2 weeks, so don't be surprised when I stop playing for a while. Ai nodded. "I'm perfectly fine." He pulled out his mystical staff and grinned at the GUK soldier. "Back off or else..." Ai's voice was filled with a dark vibe, and dripped with threat. "Or else what, racoon boy?" The GUK soldier laughed. Ai smiled. "or else THIS!!" Ai shouted, hitting the GUK soldier hard in each of his main pressure points. The guk fell to the ground, coughing up blood, and gasping for air. "I warned you..." Ai sighed. "Ok, Akira. You and Kobo can handle any others that show up, right?" the two of them nodded. "Good I've gotta go take care of something..." he nodded towards Sky, and walked over to help her.
  17. Shin looked around. His fingers hurt from picking the lock on Neko's restraints and on top of that he was bored beyond belief. "You'd think they'd send a guard or something to pester us while we wait..." Shin sighed. He dove his hand into his pocket, and pulled out a small, shiney jewel. [I]"this is all that's left?"[/I] he thought. [I]"too bad. I'll just have to steal more, I guess." [/I] He started to ask Neko if she knew when the guards usually came but decided not to. More than likely she was still mad and wouldn't help him. [I]"If the guard doesn't come soon...I'll have to cause some big trouble."[/I] he
  18. Me? I'm just chillin. Today's just a normal day. O.o I mean come on! Today's too obvious for something like that to happen....now tomorrow i'll be a lil apprehensive.
  19. [quote name='kenshinsbabe][SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I think there may be a bit of confusion over the type of housing in the levels. Mind clearing that up for us, Sazabi?[/FONT'][/SIZE][/quote] Yes yes. I'm confused on that as well. >.> course it was my fault, probably for the confusion. ^_^ Please clear it up so I can correct any mistakes. Also, are there more liberties among levels or are they all just kept in different sections with the same rules?
  20. Shin stared as small children, born in this hell of a colosium, ran passed him with thier stolen goods. He sighed to himself as he remembered the thrill of a theft. He hoped that the police hadn't found all of his jewles and coins. They where his shiney shiney treasure. A guard shoved a club into Shin's back. "Get moving," he demanded. "You're almost to your new home." Shin scowled. How had he, the king of thieves, ever been caught by these fools? The small "homes" that lined the streets where poorly built, and some looked like the smallest hit could cause them to cave in. Finally, the stopped at a cell in the back, and tossed Shin in. "Enjoy your new home!" the guard called, waving as he walked off. This hole was dark, and wet. Shin knew that no one could live here long without getting sick. "MMPH!" he heard from behind. Shin turned and saw a girl tied and gagged in a corner. Shin went over to her, and eased the tape off her mouth. "You ok?" he asked. "What's your name?" "Neko," the girl replied. she seemed a little miffed that she had to get help to escape. "who are you?" "My name is Shin, the King of Theives..." Shin smiled. "Looks like we're room mates.."
  21. O.o Sorry, bluemarble, want me to change it?? ^_^ ok, so I really like these sorts of manga: action, horror, comedy/horror, and anything else cool like that. my favorite manga are InuYasha, Hellsing, Ranma, Cowboy Bebop, and...ummm....just about anything else like that. hehe.
  22. ^_^ I would! Well depending on the type of manga, but I probably would!
  23. [QUOTE=silver_blade]Congratulations. You know why you cannot color well. Knowing why does not mean you get any better at coloring, though. In fact, your coloring obsession leads you down the path of madness, meaning you know have to do artwork with your arms strapped down in one of those nice, snuggly straight-jackets. I wish I had a non-toxic, normal, regular-sized chocolate milkshake made with vanilla ice cream.[/QUOTE]KA-BLOOWY! You've got a chocolate milkshake made with vanilla ice cream. too bad it was made by an moron and it tastes horrible. I wish I was really good at making AMVs.
  24. [QUOTE=fan ati cal][COLOR=Orange][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma]Congratulations, now everyone thinks you are hilarious. They can't stop laughing at you, no matter what. People just hear about you and they laugh. But, the downside to this is that they can't physically stop laughing and everyone begins to die of lack of breath. Now you are all alone, and still laughing at yourself until you too die of oxygen loss. I wish school would be over already so I can go camping, again.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Snap-crackle-poww! You can go camping. but you get attacked by a bear. Too bad you werent' in school. I wish I knew why I can't color very well.
  25. Name: Shin Sorinte Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: [url]http://photo.sohu.com/60/51/Img214525160.jpg[/url] < Basically this guy, only without a dagger or the cuts. Personality: A cunning trickster, determined, funny, a little sarcastick, and seems to have a thing for small shiney objects. Level: level 2 Reason for being in the Colusiem: Imprisoned for stealing diamonds and silver coins. OOC: yeah...he loves small shiney things.
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