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Everything posted by Sojiro47

  1. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Well, I'll be. I love this thread already. I'm with Ace on the Shudokan Karate-do bit. In fact, I'm one of the Black Belts testing Ace here in four days.[SIZE="1"] That's right Ace, I won't be there for the pre-test.[/SIZE] I have been training in Karate for close to nine years now. And I have to say, its probably the only thing in life that still brings me joy. I love my particular brand of Karate because, unlike Tae Kwon Do (which I loved, by the way), it trains us to use our hands more than our feet. I, like Ace, also specialize in kicking techniques. I also train in Aikido periodically, although I'm not sure what style specifically. I'm also an unskilled practitioner of Nakamura-Ryu kenjutsu. I'm so bad, I still don't even hold a Kyu. [/FONT] [quote name='visualkei'] I've observed a karate performance before and noticed lots of hand techniques. Are there any martial arts out there that is more about the hands than kicking?[/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Yes there are; Goju, Aikido, and certain forms of Kung-Fu are examples of martial arts that focus more on hands than feet. Also boxing, if you consider that a martial art. Some don't[/FONT]
  2. Sojiro47

    Death Race

    [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I recently went to the theater for what Dane Cook calls "a cinematic adventure" with several friends. What we ended up seeing was Death Race, based on "Death Race 2000" and directed by Paul W.S. Anderson. [B]WARNING![/B] I DO NOT recommend this film to anyone who doesn't like torture-like violence, has Death Race has been rated R for strong violence and language. This film takes place in 2012, where the economy has hit rock bottom, and unemployment is at an all time low. Even the moral health of the country is at its lowest. Much like the Romans before their fall, the public has become bored with regular entertainment and demands more. In return, a prison begins broadcasting gladiatorial style death matches, featuring inmates racing orgasmic cars for freedom, and hot women along for the ride. Our hero, Jensen Ames [SIZE="1"](Jason Stratham)[/SIZE], is framed for the murder of his wife so that the warden, Ms. Hennessey [SIZE="1"](Joan Allen)[/SIZE], can have him race for her in her baby, Death Race. Most of the film takes place in the three day race, which looked to me a lot like Mario Kart had slept with GTA and had an invalid child. This film really has no plot and is just an excuse to see cars with guns, unnecessary violence, and sexy women in one fast-paced viewing. But if that's what you expect to see, then you won't be disappointed. What did you all think of it?[/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I'm with Ace on the OK Go bit. I've been listening to Panic!'s new album, and even though it has the "panic" sound to it, I definitely liked their first album better. But I've go to admit, I do like "That Green Gentleman". [/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]You know, I would just be happy to be remembered. I have a few close friends, but I'd probably be remember at my Dojo as the Black Belt that dated too many dojo-girls. But I guess I'd rather be remember as the best assistant sensei[/FONT]
  5. [quote name='boothten'][size=1]Harry Potter > United States > Arkansas > Diamonds > Jewellery Materials > Quartz ;D! Alright, here's one: Adobe Photoshop > Chromosomes lawlz, have fun![/size][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Adobe Photoshop=Monochrome=Monochromacy (color blindness)=Human=Chromosomes OK, lets try something a little more possible. Star trek Voyager>Thunderstorms[/FONT]
  6. [quote name='Aceburner'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Paper Mario>Mario>Super Mario Bros. Super Show>List of Animated Series Based on Videogames>Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog>Scratch and Grounder. Now, link Keith Howard to Seabiscuit (film).[/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"] Keith Howard=Yugi-oh=Dualist kingdom=United Kingdom= Horse riding sports=Seabiscuit......Booya Ladies and Gents, I offer you: Panic! at the Disco and Chuck Norris[/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Oh, you're going to love this... My breakfast usually consists of Chocolate frosting, Mountain dew, and Starbursts. And occasionally Ritz crackers...[/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Having finished Peacemaker Kurogane, I have directed my attention a Ouran High School Host Club. Kind of an odd one, in my opinion. It's like a club for Japanese high school gigolo's. At first I thought it was going to be another Shojo FanGirl-spawner, but I actually like it. After two days of watching it, I'm on episode 12. Definitely not Peacemaker, thats for sure.[/FONT]
  9. [quote name='chibi-master']Seein' as I'm the kind of person that does it naturally, I personally think it's 'cause it's a force of habit! That or it's just 'cause we're talented people! Heh heh...:p Actually, I can function off of no sleep at all! Well, for a couple days. Otherwise, I could go on 2 minutes of sleep.:animesigh[/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I'm kind of the same way. Last weekend I went three days on like 2 hours of sleep, but I'm still recuperating from it. Having no sleep fries my energy level, and all I can do is sit at my computer and watch anime or post on weird forums... [SIZE="1"]OB[/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I normally don't hit the sack on school nights until about two or three in the morning, because of Karate and homework. But sometimes I get to bed earlier, depending on the homework factor. I find it fascinating how many people can function off of six or less hours of sleep. I had to force myself into that state, but there's a bunch of people who do it naturally. Why do you think that is?[/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Ace was the one who first showed this to me. I'm surprised they still have it.[YOUTUBE="Rurouni Kenshin - Particle Man"]OXtJfXr5ExU[/YOUTUBE][/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Book Antiqua"][CENTER][B]Song: [/B]Clear The Area [B]Artist: [/B]Imogen Heap[/CENTER] Imogen Heap is one of those artist who couldn't fit into any normal musical classification, which is probably why I like her. I was introduced to Imogen Heap by my best friend, and I've been hooked ever since. It still reminds me of her, too.:animeswea[/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Instead of waiting for permission to post the pictures here, I decided to link it. It's an online comic called Dr. McNinja. That's right, it's a comic about an Irish ninja who's also a doctor. Chew [URL="http://drmcninja.com/archive.html"][COLOR="Yellow"]that[/COLOR][/URL] for a minute.[/FONT]
  14. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]This is a formal request for a background pic for TheOtaku worlds program. I would like an Okita Soji background picture. Color scheme is completely up to the artist. I'm pretty easy going about the pictureexcept that it is. Thanks much.[/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Well, I'm not really a fan of St. Valintine's day, but I celebrate it for the others in my life. My girlfriend has this bizarre taking to Butterfingers and Sunflowers. Must be something about compound words. Anyway, my plan is to send her a bouque (?) of Butterfinger-made-Sunflowers at each of her six school periods, just to be cruel. Then we're going to dinner at this nice Italian reasturant in town, and then we'll see Juno, which she hasn't seen yet.[/FONT]
  16. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I've never lost someone I've [i]loved[/i] to death, so I probably don't know what I'm talking about. But it seems to me that death would take more out of [i]me[/i] than being cheated on. Death has a way off taking more than the person from you, leaving you with more holes than the one left by the deceased. I have been cheated on, and it is a painful experience, to say the least. But I eventually got over it. It felt like someone blew a hole in my chest with a shotgun. But you learn to live like the hole was never there. You move on and find someone better. But death....? I've had friends lose others to death, and I can't say that they've ever recovered. I couldn't explain how deeply they were torn. Holes can be filled, but from what I've seen one can't recover from death-pain. So an analogy for death would be like having a piece of you torn off, and incinerated right in front of you. Which sound's harder to recover from?[/FONT]
  17. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Wow, I did the same thing you did Rachmaninoff. Except I walk to school, so I was a bout half way there when I realized it. I almost went the rest of the way to see if anyone else forgot.:animeswea I tend to do things like forget where I put stuff, or turn my phone off at movies or school, but nothing more than that. [/FONT]
  18. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I choose.....The juicy Steak. That way his cloths have the chance of being stained. Plus, no one else choose that yet. I think that you have every right and reason to be offended. If it had been me in your shoes, I'd probably responded similarly to Heaven's Cloud. Actually, I never would have answered the phone. Not after three years. I don't think he's very bright if he called you first because, as you said, it would have already showed up by now. This totally goes on the list of reasons to stay abstinent :animesigh [/FONT]
  19. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]My plans for the New Years? That's easy, I'm doing it right now. Where I live, there is nothing to do at New Years parties but drink. And as I am 17 years old, that seems like a bad choice to make, so I will have little else to do other than be online. Last year I went to a New Years party with some friends, like SoS and Ace. But last time I checked, nothing like that is happening. So I will be here.[/FONT]
  20. [quote name='Rick Hunter']I'm not even going to address this, as clearly your intention is to start a flame war. I have no time for that. I simply request to speak to whoever is in direct charge of Otakuboards right now. Clearly this can not be solved by discussing this with moderators or regular members for that matter. As this is an issue that must be resolved between both sites Administrators.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]To me, it seems that the fact that you are going about this publicly, in a thread, shows that you do intend to start a "Flame War". Rick Hunter, if you wish to deal with this properly and avoid being told off by many a member of the OB, then I recommend that you send a PM to Charles, who is in charge of Otakupedia. If you refuse to do so, then PM James. And if you've already done this, then grow up and be patient. Someone is bound to say something to you, as you are making quite a mess of this whole ordeal.[/FONT]
  21. [quote name='Aceburner']Is your hair parted over one eye for the reason I think it is?:smirk:[/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Oh, you know me Ace. Always going for that "blond Emo" look. Really, there was no Sanji reference there. Although, now that I think about it, I do look a little like that Crap-cook. And by the way, Taperson, I used to wear glasses, if that helps your mental image of me at all.[/FONT]
  22. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Ace, please don't make me kill you. Sojiro47 is a combination of my Japanese name, given to me when I took Japanese, and an amazing anime character from Rurouni Kenshin. The "47" was given to me by my predecessor in Numbers. Pretty simple. [/FONT]
  23. [quote name='Sandy']Yes, my Gay Beam finally works! Mwahah, soon you boys shall all be gays! XD[/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Yes it does. That's what happened to me, anyway.[/FONT] [quote name='Sandy']Ahem, thanks for the compliment, but what do you mean by "the next mana"? Just curious...[/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"] If my good friend SoS is making the reference that I think he is, Mana is a Character from an anime called Shaman King. A good looking fellow, I suppose. But a little on the vertically challenged side of earth. By the way, you do look really good, Sandy.[/FONT]
  24. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Come now Taperson! you really shouldn't put yourself down on the internet, especially when it's not true. Alright, now for the not-so-awaited pictures Sojiro. Soory about the sizes, I don't work well with picture hosts. [IMG]http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e350/Sojiro47/Stuff/DSCI0015.jpg[/IMG] ^ I like this one better [IMG]http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e350/Sojiro47/Stuff/DSCI0007.jpg[/IMG] Please note that these were taken about five seconds ago, which was about 3 minutes after I got out of the shower...If I look bad, thats why....[/FONT]
  25. [quote name='Panache']We don't suck our kids are just pansies. Or at least that's what the people who censor the cartoons think.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Wow, that was the most blatantly honest thing I've read/heard all week. Actually, I'm not surprised that anime in America is being watered down. Think about it: Here in the U.S., we had legal battles for a year straight over video games being to violent. I think that if we are going to water down anime in America, we need to water down everything else that kids might watch: Law & Order, CSI, James Bond movies, The Golden Compass, Loony Toons, ect. Like that's ever going to happen. [SIZE="1"]Just a little side question. When other people were told that you watched anime, did they assume that anime [B]was[/B] hentai? Or did that only happen to me?[/SIZE][/FONT]
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