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Everything posted by Sojiro47

  1. [QUOTE=SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue]What do I think? I think emo is an overused slang word used to describe everything from a choice in music, to a range of fashion styles to someone?s attitude. Much in the same way that I remember hearing people referred to as a punk or as being Goth. The fact that someone wears tight pants, black make-up, or does any of the things commonly associated with ?emo? doesn?t necessarily mean that they are or that there is anything wrong with calling yourself one. I think emo is just something that on some level they can identify with and those who don?t just assume that they are suicidal or don?t have a life. Much in the same way people once thought the same thing about punks or someone who is Goth. Actually a lot of people do this whether they are emo or not. As it seems that complaining is far easier than actually doing something about the complaint itself. Now as for all the comments about tight pants. I don?t think that wearing tight pants makes you an emo. I wear stretch denim jeans because they are comfortable, not because they look ?tight? Though I avoid black since that color holds in the heat when you are out in the sun. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well said SunfallE! That was, too a sence, what I was trying to say! But you did a much better job of it then I did!
  2. False, that dude scared the crap out f me! ^_^' TPBM is BlackTigerGurl!
  3. That's also a false! I haven't the slightest! TPBM has a lethal weapon near them right now! (50 feet)
  4. [QUOTE=Kita Erindur]Black Cat is so good! So far I've watched 12 episodes of the anime, and read 3 volumes of the book. I love the art, and its style. I picked it up kind of randomly at a books shop where they had a 3 for 2 offer, and there wasn't anything else I wanted. I saw the words 'sweepers' and bounty hunters, and decided to give it a go imediatly. It turned out to be so much more!! I think Eve is a really interesting character, I'd like to see more bcome of her. I need more, but I have to wait till september, for viz to release the forth volume.[/QUOTE] There's always the japanese vesion! Me, I'm a Sven fan! [I]Self styled ladies man!![/I] Oh, yeah! Sven has a past as an [SPOILER]IBI agent[/SPOILER] and that part of the story is awesome! I wish they would hurry up and publish that volume!
  5. True! Your posts seem to be very gentle in nature! TPBM Doesn't have a myOtaku account.
  6. Umm, I'm an assassin! Thats a False!! I kill people, that's wrong!! TPBM wonders why I keep posting on this thread!
  7. No ESP, I'm just an Assassin! False, I live in Washington state1 TPBM is addicted to this thread!
  8. [QUOTE=BlackTigerOFire][FONT=Arial][COLOR=RoyalBlue][CENTER]False. Haven't had a boyfriend yet. :animecry: TPBM has cheated on a test before.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] False, I'm smart enough, thank you! Oblivion, yours would be a false as well, I can barely draw a stick figure!^_^' TPBM has had a Monster energy drink within the last hour!
  9. True, but only as a role model! I'm a guy, but I'm not gay! TPBM has cheated on a girlfriend or boyfriend.
  10. [QUOTE=Fluffeh]I call it being 'cool'. Last school year I didn't have it, so this year I'm hoping to be considered 'cool'. And that my friends, is the diffrence between Emo peoples and I. I actually do something to achieve my goals and not mop around.[/QUOTE] Dude, no matter what they do, I will not tolerate any insults about anybody unless it's made at themselves! Please don't do that again! However, "emo's" do have a habit of complaining about stuff and not taking action right away. But "emo's" problem's are generally not related to popularity, more like life in general!
  11. [QUOTE=Fluffeh]Out of curiosity, would having little streak of hair going through your eye be considered 'Emo'? I have one and I can see fine, but it doesn't cover the whole eye, so just wondering.[/QUOTE] Only by idiots!
  12. [quote name='Aceburner']Yeah, we might even start some Numbers jokes, even though it's not even a religion.[/quote] Don't even think about it!
  13. False! TPBM know's if two crabs that have sx can give each other crabs!(std)
  14. An attempt of futality! People have been trying for Utopia since the Great Flood of Genisis! If they haven't got it yet, it won't happen! But I think we should make that attempt of futality anyway! It won't create a Utopia, but it will make life a little better!
  15. [QUOTE=sakurasuka] 8. 'Gothic chicks' indeed tend to be quite good looking. As to why, I've no idea. That question may never be answered. [/size][/QUOTE] It's because they just look so much better in black than "none goth" girls do! That's my theory, anyway! Some people who wear black get catagorized as "goth", have you noticed? I used to happen to me all the time! Then I got mad and became "goth" and set them strait with my feet!(the only fighting techniques I use are kicks) They never catagorized in around me again. ^_^
  16. True, and the taste! I prefer red wine, but cooking with white wine is good, too! TPBM knows where I live.(research might be requiered!)
  17. False, I cat person! TPBM is in Kendo(way of the sword) or Karate.
  18. No such thing! Don't use titles! But as far as those type of people go, I think it's a little too dramatic! But they're some of my best friends! I just think they need to chill out and mellow out! Think thins thru, you know!
  19. [quote name='Aceburner']There are also plenty of jokes about jews, muslims, catholics, etc. You just have to learn to live with it. There'll just be more if you complain.[/quote] Ace and I go to church together, and we're always cracking jokes. Even at our own religion. I think that joke's will always be made about you, directly or not. To put it bluntly, get over it! If you don't learn to laugh stuff off, then you will basicly live a life of boredom. If they make jokes about your god, then get mad. It will be for the right reasons, at least!
  20. Ok then, here it is! I think I would like it 150x80 pixels. Keitaru would be on the left side, with onlt his torso and head showing! The Katana would be held in front, hands at waist level, ti of katana at neck level. I would like the BG color red. After that, I don't care! That took more thought than I thought it would!
  21. Hehe...I own a sword, it anyone wants to use it! I am the oldest of four kids, and it's a miracle I haven't turned my sword on them yet! The youngest is 2, and all he does in scream! The next is 5, and all she does is scream at the youngest for screaming! Then there is my sister who is 14, and screams because the other two are screaming! And then there's me with a spliting headache!
  22. [QUOTE=Corey][size=1]It would probably help to explain what an AMV is. Then someone would be able to help you.[/size][/QUOTE] An AMV is an anime music video! Places like [URL=http://www.youtube.com]Youtube[/URL] are full of them! But as for making them, I don't know either!
  23. I would chose the ability to create and manipulate fire without any accelerants! I say this because I love fire!!! To be able to create and control fire without matches or lighters would be a dream come true!
  24. [quote name='Azarath']Do you know a website with banners because the one I looked at you had to by them.You think you could tell me one for free or something ;)[/quote] Sorry, I don't know of a website that has free banners, but if I find one, I'll PM you!
  25. True, tho I hope it doesn't happen! The person below me knows where and who depression hurts.
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