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Everything posted by Sojiro47

  1. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]What do you guys think that the hottest gift of the year was this year? Last year it was the Wii, I think. Just a question born of curiosity.[/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Now that you mention it, Becky did almost kill me, and Joy had the potential to, no? By the way, Aaryanna, I'm with you 100%. Christmas was so much easier without family feuds and such getting in the way. Although, I did almost kill my sister at Ace's house, be we'll ignore that.....:animesigh[/FONT]
  3. [quote name='Korey'] I got to hang out with my GF all Christmas long and that was one of my favorite gifts[/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Umm....[/FONT] [quote name='Rachmaninoff']Same here, at least once the time with the family in the morning and early afternoon was over with.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Crud! I knew I forgot to put something on my list! Forget the official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle, with a compass in the stock. I want a Girlfriend. Crap....[/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Deer god, 2008DB, you font color kills my eyes...:animestun As for me, I've just recently started watching PeaceMaker Kurogane, and now I'm hooked. If you don't know already, it's another anime about Revolutionary japan, but this time it's centered around the Shinsengumi. It an ok anime that sates your thirst for action around the end of the series, but leaves a little to be desired. But if you liked the Shishio arc of Rurouni Kenshin, you will love PeaceMaker Kurogane[/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Hmm...All I asked for this year was a Gi for Karate, as my old one is getting small. But what I got was a BlueTooth headset and a digital camara. Didn't get what I needed, but it was a decent haul considering.[/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Good to know that I'm nit the only one who considered that, then. I find for me that that sensation tends to occur around people I meet through my Karate friends. Thought I was going crazy there for a second. ^_~[/FONT]
  7. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]I do not believe love is actually definable. Love isn't even an emotion as I perceive it, so much as it is a state of mind. To love a person or object or idea means that one would take actions and make sacrifices for said person or object (or idea) that one would otherwise not consider, for whatever reason. E.g.: I have three younger sisters. We squabble and snipe at each other on a regular basis because we are a fairly normal bunch of siblings; but if any one of them were to be threatened physically or emotionally, I would risk whatever necessary to end up between them and their aggressor. Even if we had just had the most vicious argument any of you could dream up, I would still do this for her, without hesitation.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I find it interesting that you choose a sibling for that example. You and your sister(s) have been together a long time, as I have mine. But what you described I also feel towards people I hardly know (from time to time). So here's a question then, tho it might be a tad off topic. Would you say that it is possible to feel love, as you describe it, towards an acquaintance or stranger? [/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Sojiro47 here. OK, so here it is, plain and simple. What I would like is a PeaceMaker Kurogane Avi/banner set, featuring Okita Soji. Color theme is up to you, if you so choose to accept this task. Seriously, I would really appreciate this. If you would be so kind. Thanks in advance.[/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Ok, SOS, I didn't want to play the "4-kids fails" card, but you made me. It's true that whatever 4-kids touches, ends up losing its fan base, but they don't have exclusive rights to all anime, just some of Shonen Jumps stuff. If you've ever seen the English version of PeaceMaker Kurogane, there's more blood in that the RuRoKen (Samarai X) DBZ, and Saw 3 combined. One piece is indeed an example of watered down anime, but is by no means an average anime viewing. P.S. Good to see you on.[/FONT]
  10. [quote name='Matt']I may be the only guy here who actually liked Twilight.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Ouch. *manhood threatened* As for the casting, although I am mildly displeased with the choice for Bella, I'm not digging the Edward choice at all. He doesn't strike me as "dangerous Vampire." But then again, that's why its called acting. Not that I have a better choice of actors. I'm also interested in who will be cast as Carlisle, who is my second favorite character only to Edward. I am a little disappointed that Stephanie Meyer isn't going to have anything to do with the filming. I feel that it will leave something missing from the movie.[/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I agree. Most anime now-a-days is indeed directed a teens. I think the only way one could feel that anime is being watered down is if you a watching dubs, such as the past One Piece dub. (Ha, beat you to it Ace.) Like 2007----uh, 2008DigitalBoy said, just watch on the interweb, and you get the good, original form anime was meant for.[/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Yep yep. I think everybody has something that others think is totally pointless. Two of the important things in my life are music and Karate. I'm with Taperson on the music bit. Not as far as she, but whatever. However, most of the people around me are musicians, so I don't hear much about that. Karate, on the other hand, is probably the most important thing to me in the world, and boy! Do I catch hell for it. I am often being told that I can live life without karate. But my comeback for that, ironically, is "Imagine life without music. That's what you're telling me." A little different, the two are, but it gets the point across. [/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Well, this one kind of surprised me, surprisingly enough. Although I dress in womens pants occasionally, and hang with the G.S.A., have no gag reflex, and flirt with damn near every walking human (nothing to cripples), I'm 110% straight....Even though I've been described as one of the gayest straight guys you'll meet. I do find it interesting, tho, that what you wear often leads people to question sexual orientation, at least in my experiences. Or it could just be the way I talk....[/FONT]
  14. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Your choice. What do I care. Along the same lines as organic clones, if you clone yourself and have sex with the clone, is that: a)Masturbation b)Incest c)Homosexual sex Just one of those random side questions.[/FONT]
  15. [quote name='Deus ex Machina'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Masturbation, people? What if you think of the robot as a person? What if they evoke the emotions in you a person would? Just because they don't reproduce, it's not called sex? EDIT: It's a bit NSFW but if your the type who calls them inhuman, then it's fine [url]http://www.dannychoo.com/blog_entry/eng/1161/Orient+Industry/[/url][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I consider a person to be someone who eats, breaths, sleeps, dreams, and feels emotion. As for the "not called sex" comment, What do you think masturbation is? It's nothing more than artificial sex. It's what you do when sex isn't an option.[/FONT]
  16. [quote name='Starwind']If everyone is so worried about whether or not hot girls are into nerdy guys, just do what I did and find a cute, nerdy girl and your set. They do exist, I promise they do. I found one and you can too.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I can one up that. I found a hot girl who digs ugly nerds, and she Loved me. Even ask Aceburner. No, it wasn't him. Ok, I'm going to be a dueche now, and answer every Guy-posted-girl problems thread from here forward. Yeah, she's cute, and chances are she's more intelligent than anyone gave her credit for. To answer your petition for advice, I ask you a question: Can you handle rejection? If not, learn to fast, because life's going to deal it out to you fast. Even if you have the balls to find out if she likes you back, it's not worth Jack if you aren't ready to be shot down. Because that fear is what keeps you from her. [quote name='Sean Connery']Best!? Losers whine about their "best". Winners go home and **** the prom queen[/quote] [quote name='Nicholas Cage']She was the prom queen[/quote][/FONT]
  17. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I'm with Desert on this one. Sex with a robot seems to me to be nothing more than a really complex way to pleasure yourself. And personally, although not being nagged by a significant other sounds nice at times, I'd like my wife to have some independence and personality. Clockwork and lights just don't cover the companionship that people can offer. By the way, am I the only one here who thinks metal-on-genital doesn't sound satisfying?[/FONT]
  18. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]You know what makes me feel old? I remember the [i]original[/i] Power Rangers. That's right, The Mighty Morphing Power Rangers!!! I remember when the DreamCast was ahead of it's time, and when everyone thought the N64 was the best thing since, well, fried rice. On top of all that, I'm an assistant Karate instructor at my Dojo, and 80% of my students are a little more than half my age. Plus, a friend of mine recently became engaged. To make my position worse, I'm a senior in high school looking for collages. [/FONT]
  19. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]You really should be a little nicer, DB. It's not nice to imply things about women you've never met/talked to/experianced ^_~. But yeah, She's probably totally conning you dude. Relax....Breath....It'll be ok, I promise. Then again, there is a chance she does know them, but hey. What do I care...I didn't meet her...[/FONT]
  20. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Part of the problem is that parents just [I]assume[/I] too much. They think that their kids are just too good to have sex outside of marrige, or that they're too much like their parents to be gay, lesbian, whatever. My parents have never bothered talking to either my sister or I about sexual behaviors or tendencies. They just assume that we already know what will happen, or that we'll go to Hell if we "come out". (By the way, I don't nessisarily believe that) Parents generaly just assume too much...[/FONT]
  21. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I just finished [I]Eclipse[/I]!!!! Sweet God Jesus!!! This has so far proved to be one of the best series o books I have ever read. I started the series because a friend of mine recomemded [I]Twilight[/I]. The day after I finished [I]Twilight[/I], I went and bought [I]New Moon[/I] and [I]Eclipse[/I]. I almost threw my book through a window when [SPOILER]Jacob kissed Bella. I totally wanted Edward to come out of nowhere and snap Jacob in half, truce or none.[/SPOILER] I was so bent out of shape over the whole [SPOILER]Bella loving Jacob [I]and[/I] Edward thing[/SPOILER] that I refused to sleep untill it was resolved in my mind. And although I knew it was going to happen, I almost cried when [SPOILER]Edward asked Bella to marry him. I absolutly loved the words he used..."'Isabella Swan? I promise to love you forever--- every single day of forever. Will you marry me?'"[/SPOILER] Not the most romantic thing in the world, but romantic enough to affect me.[/FONT]
  22. [quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"]Except then the other waitress demands that I give the tip to her, because the table was in her area. It was sufficiently awkward and I ended up never talking to her again.[/font][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Yeah, waiting can get pretty vicious. Never fun when tips are up for grabs. People have died in restaraunts for less. I would know....I was a by-stander, and I almost died... [/FONT]
  23. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]HAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh. My. God. I have had moments like this with people from my band. Total A-holes who make [i]everything[/i] their bussiness. But at work, I'm that dueche. There was a girl in my school band (she graduated last year) and she was the biggest jerk in the world. One day, my friend goes to get something to drink during a basketball game that our Pep Band was playing in. So she (the jerk) start's yelling at him about school pride and such, and he just looks at her and says, "Go take your Midol and change your 'rag'" and walked off. I laughed so hard. As for at work, I'm totally the jerk that people hate, because I yell at people who stand around during the busiest hour of the day at an Arby's. You just don't do that...[/FONT]
  24. [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]I know more about Star Trek then is healthy, and I'm pretty proud of that. Seriously, too much. I once correctly placed what season an episode of TNG was after roughly 3 seconds, and that was only by looking at Worf's hair. His [i]hair.[/i][/color][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I'm not entirely sure that's something to be proud of...^_~ I'm proud of my Friends. The nerdy ones, the genius, the freak, the rebel. The Sensei, the master, the student. These friends mean more to me than anything I have left. And more recently discovered, I'm proud that I can find emotional strength I never thought I had... [SIZE="3"][B]And I'm proud to be [I]stupid[/I]!!!!![/B][/SIZE][/FONT]
  25. [quote name='Dagger']Studies of this nature can yield interesting** results, but I don't think they should ever be taken as an actual explanation for what goes on in a modern society. There are just too many factors. [/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I whole heartedly agree. There, in my mind, can be no real explination to anything people do in this regard, mainly because individual lives are never lived similarly enough for any general explination to be correct. But they're fun to hear and think about.[/FONT]
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