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Everything posted by Sojiro47
Virgins! You're Either Really Smart or Really Dumb
Sojiro47 replied to AzureWolf's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial][I]Trombone[/I] majors, on the other hand....[/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Well, most of [I]that[/I] talent only helps women or gay men...or one's own...pleasure. I play trombone myself, and I can assure you, I'm still a lost cause. ^_~[/FONT] -
[quote name='Retribution'][font=Arial]And, typical of the brain, there are parts we have absolutely no idea what's happening in there.[/font][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Coming from a random side of this most fetishes actually come from sub-conscious (sp) memory of our childhood. I don't remember the article I read it in (and I'm98.65% sure it wasn't anything like the Sex Curved IQ article), but it used the example of foot fetishes. The article said that infants who slept at the the foot of parents' beds or spent most of their time playing by their parents feet between the ages of birth and 2 years of age generaly had foot fetishes. Retribution's post just reminded me of that.[/FONT]
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]Interests? Hobbies? Everyone say it with me...[B][I][U]KARATE[/U][/I][/B]!!!! I spend almost every spare moment I have at the Dojo or training at the park or at home. I also train slightly in Kenjutsu and Kabudo... I also go swing dancing the first Friday of every month. And during school, I attend our school's swing dancing club. Those are my interests in a nutshell.[/FONT]
[quote name='xPromise']Like, I believe that they [I]choose[/I] to be homosexual, not genes. So for me, they gave into the temptation of liking the same gender, which would be a sin, according to the Bible. But that's just my opinion.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Ah, but the Bible says that we are born sinfull, so it is possible for people to be born gay, no? I do believe that some may choose to be gay, but you sound like you think [i]all[/i] of them choose to be. If people are born sinfull, is it not at least [b]possible[/b] for them to be born gay? Think about it.[/FONT]
[quote name='Shy'][size=1]I can assure you that my relationship is the most harmless, monogomous and [i]boring[/i] thing you'll ever find. The idea of someone not approving of me and my quiet lifestyle just boggles my mind. Perhaps they'd rather I be drinking beer kegs, contracting STDs, or impregnating others like all of my hetero friends. [/size][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]As long as it didn't include the word gay, you're probably right. For some reason, a loud portion of the straight community doesn't realize that only real difference between a serious straight relationship and a serious gay relationship is the gender choice. Sweat Goddess, straight activists are so stupid sometimes...[/FONT] [quote name='AzureWolf'][COLOR=maroon]Dooooooooode, no way... NO WAY... If you thought I was serious, you need a sense of humor.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Well, I had a sense of humor yesterday, but I was too depressed to pay attention to it. And yes, your hypothetical made sense, this time anyway...[/FONT]
[quote name='AzureWolf'][COLOR=maroon]I think there's some slight confusion, considering your example about interracial attraction I quoted. I never said things that are not your choice are automatically invalid. I said there is no validation from lack of choice. No validation and invalid are different.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Where's the difference. This seem's, to me, to be one of those, "I wasn't being mean, I just wasn't being nice" comments. It makes no sense.[/FONT] [quote name='AzureWolf'][COLOR=maroon]A small nutshell of said chaos: They are studying what influences the development of the sexually dimorphic nuclei of the hypothalamus [B](scientific)[/B]. So iif there was a way to change your sexuality (during development, meaning it probably would be the parents' call), do I think homosexuals should take it? No, because that'll be more frustration for me [B](social)[/B]. Should other straight male take it. Hell [B](religious)[/B] yeeeaaaah...[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]That almost made sense...untill it didn't. Was that a, "if I were gay..." comment? Because that's how I took it. Personaly, my whole view on it is this: I'm not gay, but if I were, how would I feel? So what if it's a personal choice to be gay? It's a personal choice to decide what woman I want to marry, so it's a personal choice to decide if I even [b]want[/b] to marry a woman. If a woman can choose what man to marry, why can't a [i]man[/i] choose what man to marry. Equal treatment, baby!!![/FONT]
Virgins! You're Either Really Smart or Really Dumb
Sojiro47 replied to AzureWolf's topic in General Discussion
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]oh....*greatly embarassed* Ah...well now you see why I was so hopeful for the "get laid, get smart" thing. :animeswea Oh, well, I think I'm going to go look and make sure gullible is still in the dictionary...[/FONT] -
[quote name='AzureWolf'][COLOR=maroon]If you're implying it's unfair that some people get to be gay and others get to be straight, then that's an interesting proposition that implies one is better than the other.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I don't think Retribution is implying that it's unfair that some are gay and some are straight, but rather that it's unfair that they aren't [B]treated[/B] equal. In my opinion, neither is better than the other. It's more of a personal preferance thing, like which tiers to put on your car, Goodwill or Firestar. Neither is better, don't make an argument that's not there.[/FONT]
Virgins! You're Either Really Smart or Really Dumb
Sojiro47 replied to AzureWolf's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Unless you're practically retarded, the answer is no. Apparently if you're of above average intelligence and start getting laid regularly, you're going to experience a drop in IQ.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Is the drop of I.Q. large enough to make a difference, or is it one of those, "big enough to be there, but not big enough to count" sort of things? I have a genius of a friend who took fifth or something like that in this year's national High School Science Fair, and I would hate to se what would happen to her after she gets married if it's a big drop of I.Q.[/FONT] -
Virgins! You're Either Really Smart or Really Dumb
Sojiro47 replied to AzureWolf's topic in General Discussion
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]Wait...does that mean if I get laid, I'm going to get smarter. God knows I need to. Get smarter, I mean.[/FONT] -
[quote name='AzureWolf'][COLOR=maroon]It's reciprocal: it hasn't been proven that through thousands of years, poorly-kept, handwritten, and [b]transcribed[/b] iterations have flawlessly survived through time 100% intact to bring us unadulterated Bible goodness. I know even when I write a page today I make errors, and I'm fervent those errors multiply with novel-sized books, nevermind with trouble writing those texts. So that's kind of a moot statement to make. Of course it's speculation, just like all [b]faith[/b]-based statements.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I don't disagree with the existance of stupidity in my previous statement. I do reconize the existance of the possibility of errors in the Bible when the Monks copied it down, and in fear of Catholic Hitmen, I won't even start on the probability of it. ^_~ It seem's to me that the ultimate point of this arguement is that one shouldn't assume or speculate anything. Christians shouldn't read into verses in the Bible, or take it's word's out of context. Neither should we assume the Bible is unaltered, or speculate at how far it's possible altercations go. That would solve anydifferences we have concerning the problem. But it would be [i]wrong[/i] for us to anything but spectulate at possiblities. How else are we to learn truth. If we never speculated anything, we would still believe the Earth as flat and the center of the universe. Returning to my first paragraph, keep in mind that monks are trained to try to perfect themselves and thier jobs. Can you imagine a monk proof-reading his peer's copying of a [b]"Holy[/b] Text", seeing an error, and just letting it slide. I can't...They wanted perfection, and got as close to it as possible. I reconize that there are most likely errors, but I think that their existance is few.[/FONT]
[quote name='AzureWolf'][COLOR=maroon]Actually, there are quite a few people and religions that believe the texts are altered. 20% of the world's religious population, Muslims, believe that the Bible was originally a religious text, but has been altered to accommodate those who altered it. Also, there are a growing number of Christians themselves who believe that contradictions or any "problems" in the Bible stem from human alterations and not the modernization of times.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Yes, but there is no [i]proof[/i] of these alledged altercations, other than the altercations themselves, which haven't been proven as altered. [/confusion] History has yet to show that there was any form of altering Biblical texs, other than the translations. And for the record, I'm not speaking as a Christian, but as one who has stutied many religions and arts of the "ocult". [/FONT] [quote name='TehCryptKeeper'][color="lime"][b]I don't think I could properly pass on my thoughts in this thread, I'm fairly open about my sexuality I'm bisexual and my cousin's a lesbian, so all I'd end up saying is the usual "We have the right to be with who we love" argument.[/color][/b][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Well, use what works for you...[/FONT]
[FONT="Book Antiqua"][B]When people ask questions they already know the answer to.[/B] There are very few things that urk me off more than this. If you know the answer, then why in the name of Pete would you ask the question. The exeption to this is teachers, they get paid to do it. [B]People who pretent to care[/B] If something happens to you, no matter who you are, there will always be people who act like they care, just for the sake of acting. If you don't care, don't act like you do. Chances are I won't think less of you for it. [B]Back Stabbers[/B] Enough said? What kind of low-life, dirt-eating, garbage-sucking jeck do you have to be to betray the ones who trust you, respect you, and care for you? Grrr........[/FONT]
[quote name='Metalcore501']...now when they were re-writing it who's to say that the monks didn't put those passages in to make people in chrstendom believe that Homosexuality is wrong.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]The monks never re-wrote anything to do with the Bible. All they did was "transfer", if you will, the aready existing, [I]unedited[/I] books of the Bible into a physical book, much like the one that sits in the pue in front of you at church. Besides, in one of the last verses of Revelation, it was writen: (paraphrased)"No one shall add or remove anything from this Book, or they shall be eternally condemned." Now, I probably made that sound a tad bit darker than nessissary, but that pretty much what it says. And the monks were all to..frightened of that verse, I think, to dare change anything. But I paraphrased the verse because I don't have a Bible on hand. If you do, will you please post the actual verse for me. I think it's one of the last ones in Revelation.[/FONT]
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]Oh, boy...I'd say I'm about a 2, and let me tell you why... So my girlfriend and I broke-up this afternoon (or yesterday, as it's after midnight), but I still love the girl to death. The only reason that I'm a 2 and not 1 is beacause, at the moment, we are still friends. But it has been a very trying day, and I so close to depression, I can hear her breathing. God, I just want to go back to what her and I were, it felt so much better....Oh well, what can you do?[/FONT]
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]To anybody who knows me, this may shock you. I myself used to be a cutter. my target of choice was the thigh. It's easy to hide, hard to find unless you're stripping me, and fairly safe in the "chances of dying are low" sort of way. I'll try to explain how it helps some people, although if you've never done it, you will never fully understand. It gives you something strong (and hard to ignore) to think about in order to teporarily forget your own heart aches and emotional cuts. I no longer cut, due to a slip that came close enough to my femoral artory to scare the hell out of me, but due to recent heart breaking events, it has become tempting. I do not condone self harm, but I will not sit here a hypocrit and condemn it either. I have learned that there is no safe target for your blade, but if you do cut, I recommend the middle toe, where very little damage is done, but the pain comes freely. Plus it's easy to hide, unless you wear flip-flops and know people with feet fedishes. ^_~[/FONT]
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]I am 17 years of age, and been forced for years to act much older than I am. Whether by dreams in which I have a life time, or by parents who need someone older than I am, I have lost the ease and comfort of my teen years. So what I need to do may be different than what you intended for this thread, I'm need to act my age for the rest of this year, before I go stark mad from being an adult longer than I should be at this age.[/FONT]
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]True, but the authors of the constitution were, human and Christian, and thus the the constitution became based on the morals and beliefs of said Christians, and were not unbiased, where in lies the fault. But people who have reconized this are, for the most part, doing what they can to justify this obvious lack of rights. Yes, the President and his cabnet are for the most part Christian, and so the progress for homosexual rights will be slow untill the U.S. has been delivered a liberal President. Every rights movement in history has me harsh resistance, and this one has been, and will be no different. But yes, I agree that Christains have no right to judge others, by law and religion. But that rule is, unfortunatly, is one of those theoretical rules that has been, in genral, never followed.[/FONT]
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]I'd rather that nobody here got damned to Hell, even if it's for making an atheist read a Bible. But I agree, Christians have no place in the condemnation of anything. Christians are told in the Bible that the only humans permited to pass judgement on others are those given the duty by the law of the land. They (Christians) may not tell people that they are going to Hell, because they do not have the authority to decide who goes where. What they [I]may[/I] do, however, is tell homosexuals that they don't condole their actions and sexual preferances, abd then explain why. But they shouldn't condemn or discriminate against [B]anybody[/B], including homosexuals.[/FONT]
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]The worst day of my life started today at about 3 o'clock this afternoon. My girlfriend, whom I have been with for eight months, and I broke up this afternoon. And I won't lie, eventho I didn't disagree, I cried like a baby. Although we're still friends, I still love her, but I keep her if I tried, she's not my property. But I still love her, and I'm still crying like a blobbering fool. And for the record, if any of you have any coping advice, I desperatly need some.[/FONT]
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]I, myself, am not superstitious. But several of my friends are, so I get flack for doing this or that. I make some of my money by finding lost stuff, and last year I started tracking a lost Black Cat. After four weeks of being told that bad stuff would happen to me if I kept searching for the cat, I finally cuaght the thing, and nothing happend. I also make a habit of walking under latters that are tall enough for me to walk under to prove my friends wrong. But I do throw salt over my shoulder to keep them happy every now and then. As for the whole "bad luck" thing.... [quote name='Obi-Wan Kenobi']In my expiriances, there's no such thing as luck[/quote] Luck, to me, depends a lot on if the glass is half empty or half full. It just depends on how you look at it.[/font]
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]I can understand why you don't want to let your ex tske your daughter to Texas, but Copycat is oh so unfortunatky right, there isn't really anything that you can do legally. I've only been to court once, and it wasn't my trial, but the only thing you can do [i]that[/i] way iis be honest about why, while making it sound semi-worse than it is... Emotionally, surround yourself with friends who will be beside you all through the trial. Outside of that, I'm useless. I'm sorry I couldn't help any more. Good luck.[/FONT]
Another evil thought (on a more personal scale)
Sojiro47 replied to Malkav's topic in General Discussion
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]Wow...Some one agreed with me. Oh, Karma is going to get your friend like nothing else. Good call, Chibi. Also along the lines of the girl. Do you really want to be with someone who doesn't really seem to like you, [b]and[/b] will seemingly jump into bed with any guy? Let alone a guy who will seemingly sleep with any girl...[/FONT] [Quote=Sojiro47][QUOTE=Lava Lamp][COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Tahoma] Boys don't have cooties, you know.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Some boy's do. We call them STD's. But that's a different story...[/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Imagine what kind of "cuties" the two of them have together. Dear God man, use your head!!! You really don't want to even [b]think[/b] about touching that!!! Ewww.....[/FONT] -
[font=book antiqua]Quick, what is it on a lap-top without a number pad???[/font]
Another evil thought (on a more personal scale)
Sojiro47 replied to Malkav's topic in General Discussion
[Font="book antiqua"]Here's how I see it: 1) Women are going to hate you because you call them "chicks". Have fun with that. 2) You trusted your friend, who has been known to have sex with someone else, not to further persue another woman. 3) You didn't tell him off for trying to have two women at a time. That makes you guilty 4) Your friend has quite possibly made his other girlfriend pregnant. (Fun for him) 5) You want to ruin his life over a [b]GIRL[/b] you may or [b]MAY NOT[/b] fall in love with. Is this all close to correct? I have to say that if you do this to your friend, you'll be dropping the axe on his head too soon. Think about it. He's going to blow a lot of money [b]if[/b] his other girfriend wants an abourtion, and he'll have a hell of a time explaining that to the other woman. And with or with out you, the two girls will meet each other, and both will probably decide that he's a dueche. Oh, and by the way....[/font] [quote name='Malkav']Why should he be allowed to get something I covet when he has a pregnant ***** scared out of her mind that she may be pregnant?[/quote] [font=book antiqua]If this is the only way you can see women, I.E. bitches and things to covet, than I think neither one of you deserve either one of them. P.S. Covet=Lust. And Lust, my friend, is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and one of the 108 Sins of Buddism. Might want to work on that.[/font]