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Everything posted by Sojiro47
[FONT=Book Antiqua]Yeah, I remember seeing it, too. I didn't read it, then. But I just went to find it, but I don't see it anywhere. You know there's something wrong with you when you start to lose at a game of hide 'n' Seek with a sticky thread. I'm going to go cry in the corner now...[/Font]
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]Oh, I wasn't concerned, just confused. But Allamorph is right. If you just remove the number bit from the quote, the link leaves. Any guesses at how long it is untill all the kinks are worked out?[/FONT]
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]If you notice, there's a small "Reply" button located inside each individual post block. Click it, and you'll be set up to quote the entire post of whoever's box you clicked in. [/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I already new that. What I want to know is if there will be an Image to go with the "View Post" button next to Allamorph's name in my quote. The code looks like this: {QUOTE=Allamorph;781169} The 781169 bit is the Post number, and it's the cause of the link in the quote. But I want to know if we can/are going to put and image or button there instead of the box with the "x" in it?[/FONT]
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]Here's a question, and this might be the wrong place to ask it, but it seemed to fit to me. Is there going to be an image where the "View Post" box is when you quote people?Like the one above where Sara quoted DB? Or is there already one, and I'm just not seeing it?[/FONT]
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]Would you rather Live one day as Paris Hilton, you know after the whole jail thing. You go on Larry King, talk about stuff, and then you have to wear her clothes, walk that little rat she calls a dog hang out with Nicole Ricci and deal with her life [center]or[/center] Live one day as George W. Bush. You have Dick Cheney as your BMF and get to do a bunch of fun political stuff. Hey! Maybe you can even veto some bills![/color][/font][/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Wow, this is suprisingly easy. I'll go with anything that doesn't make me Paris Hilton. So, yeah...I'll go with option two, please. Would you rather... Betray your best friend to save millions of other people? Or... Betray millions of other people to save your best friend?[/FONT]
[font="Book Antiqua"]Well, God knows I hope you're right. I know that there are people who will see it for sole reason that the Church disagrees with it. But there are more who won't, for fear of angering God. Not that I give a damn. I God doesn't want me to see it, He'll kill me on my way in. That's how I see it.[/font]
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]Ok, So I'm a Christian, and I'm currently working on finishing the third book, [I]The Amber Spyglass[/I]. I love the series and am looking forward to the movie, but I'm afraid that [i]the Subtle Knife[/i] and [i]The Amber Spyglass[/i] will not make it to theaters because of how the church will react. I mean, remember how pissed they got when [I]The Devinci Code[/i] said that [spoiler]Christ had a child[/spoiler]? Well, imagine how they'll act when they find out that, in these books, [SPOILER]God is no more than an angle, and that angles can be killed.[/SPOiLER] I cant wait for this superstar cast and the movie holding them to come out. It's going to totaly trump every other movie this year.[/FONT]
[font=book antiqua]There's not much I do that can be reconized, so for anyone out there who knows me, this is obvious; I want to be reconized for my Martial Arts abilities. More than anything in the world, I want to be known as a Martial Artist. It has gotten to the point where I will do almost anything to be seen, reconized, hell...even admired for skills in Karate. I spend close to 30 hours a week training, inside and out of the Dojo. It's kind of a fault of mine, I push away alot of oppertunaties to make friends just to try and achieve my goal. Unfortunatly for me, there are amazing Martial Artists in my Dojo, so I never get reconized, but I keep trying.[/font]
[QUOTE=Premonition][COLOR=Navy][B]Would you rather.[/B] [B]Have a monkey throw dung at you while a lion claws your eyeballs out or... eat dung with a monkey while a lion lickes your fur and tries to mate with you?[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=book antiqua]That really depends on whether or not I die if I resist the lion's, umm....Sexual disire. No, really, I think I will go with option two, just because I'd rather see than not. Would you rather... Be one of Toocan Sam's nephews (Fruit Loops) and be forced to live on Fruit Loops for the rest of your life? Or... Be one of Ben and Jerry's assistants and have to test everyone of their icecream flavor ideas?[/font]
[QUOTE=Semjaza]Actually, I'd say the worst ones are the ones you actually get in the mail. As in your mailbox with a stamp on it. I got one not too long ago that was ten pages long and asked me to send it out to a dozen of my friends. Like I don't get enough junk mail already.[/QUOTE] [font=book antiqua]In the [b]mail[/b]?!?!?!? Thats never happened to me before...Weird. That must cost the people who start those things a fortune on stamps. Why would you do that? I'm so confussed!!![/font]
[QUOTE=Tetra of sound]WOULD YOU RATHER 1. Be a slave for your rival for eternity. OR 2. Be turned into a fly.[/QUOTE] [Font=book antiqua][SIZE=1][COLOR=red]Hey Tetra. Try explaining a little more when posting your choice next time, just so we can keep the thread open.[/COLOR][/SIZE] I would choose option one just because there's still the chance that my rival would actually start liking me, thus setting me free. Besides...Don't flies only live for, like, one day? Would you rather... Live with a relitive you don't like for the rest of your life, but have plenty of friends? Or... Live with a relitive you do like for the rest of your life, but have no friends?[/font]
[QUOTE=Myspace.com][SIZE=1]Since you opened this. You..ll get kissed by the love of your life on Friday. Unless you break this chain, then you won..t get kissed on Friday. Read this first... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dude: I love her more than the air I breath chick: well im always here for you. dude: I know. chick: What's wrong??? dude: I like her so much. chick: Talk to her. dude: I don't know. She won't ever like me. chick: Don't say that. You're amazing. dude: I just want her to know how I feel. chick: Then tell her. dude: She won't like me. chick: How do you know that? dude: I can just tell. chick: Well just tell her. dude: What should I say? chick: Tell her how much you like her. dude: I tell her that daily. chick: what do you mean? dude: I'm always with her. I love her. chick: I know how you feel. I have the same problem. But he'll never like me. dude: Wait. Who do you like? chick: Oh some boy. dude: Oh... she won't like me either. chick: She does. dude: How do you know? chick: Because, who wouldn't like you? dude: You. chick: You're wrong, I love you. dude: I love you too. chick: So are you going to talk to her? dude: I just did. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Ignore this, and you..ll be cursed with 20 years of bad relationships. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ chicks- If you think this is sweet, repost it dudes- If you are man enough to say this to a chick, repost it[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [font=book Antiqua]This Bullitin was brought to you by 80% of Myspace users. Absolute nonsence. They say 20 years of bad relationships, but my GF and I are still going strong. Am I the only one who feels like shooting every lifeless jerk who posts these?[/font]
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]Would you rather Listen to country music (the old stuff, the new stuff and the in between stuff) for hours on end unable to make it stop on a car trip from Caribou Maine to Killowna British Columbia? (Assuming you don't like country music) [center]or[/center] Listen to various pop music (Bubblegum, J-pop, Brittany Spears Ect ect) hours on end unable to make it stop on a car trip from Anchorage Alaska to Mobile Alabama? (assuming that pop music isn't your thing) [/color][/font][/QUOTE] [font=book antiqua]How's this any happier? Pick between country or pop music. God, am I turning into a game junky? Ok, I pick the second option, just because anything is better than country music, to me anyway. Would you rather... Live happily in a haunted house? Or... Unhappily haunt several houses, but do so forever?[/font]
[QUOTE=Todesengel][B]Would you rather[/B] .... Search for a missing loved one for a decade, only to discover them to have been killed in the most brutal, slow, and painful way possible. [CENTER]or[/CENTER] Be the bottom/submissive in a voilent BDSM relationship with some crazy socipath for the rest of your life (Assuming you arent into voilent BDSM, of course)[/QUOTE] [FONT=Book Antiqua]Umm....Wow. This is kind of hard....I'm going to go with the second option, just because finding out that the person you loved is dead would be like losing them again. That's just too much for me to handle. Would you rather... Be raped for hours on end? Or... Be tortured to death after watching your family go through the same thing?[/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua]People have been like this for as long as I can remember, so what if I'm only 17. It's the way our society has raised us. In order to successful, we have to sit back and exert as little as possible energy while we let others do all the hard work. Then, when the work is done, we take [i]all[/i] the credit because we know that the person who [i]really[/i] did the work won't say anything because they want to avoid conflict. So, to answer your question Vegeta: yes, I know what you're going through. Just...In a round about way.[/FONT]
[QUOTE=Keyblade Wielder][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma] [B] Would you rather...[/B] Study a week night and day before your major math final that'll make or break you graduating, but then the exam day comes and you realize you studied all the wrong things. (True story, really. >.>) [CENTER]or[/CENTER] Scrubbing public toilets in a busy, well-populated city where everyone apparently misses the toilet and crap is all over the place. Oh, and you have to make it sparkle and you have no air-mask or luxury at all.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=impact]Oh god. Number one please. I'm already close to germaphobia withot having to read the second option, let alone carrying it out. Would you rather... Spend 20 years of sollitude in the Artic North on a floating chunk of ice? Or... Have to document in extreme detail your parents sex life? [size=1]Sorry they're so lame, but it's early for me.[/size][/font]
[FONT=Impact]Dear god....All these delicious foods. Unfortunatly, my food addictions are much simpler than some of the foods mentioned. I'm hopelessly addicted to Pizza and Soda. It doesn't really matter what kind of either it is; if its there, it'll be in my mouth shortly. And they're good, too. I won't even pretend they're not, and neither can you.[/FONT]
[quote name='Fasteriskhead][SIZE=1]Pain, I think, has nothing to do with growth. Think of a situation where I, say, break up with a significant other. I don't learn anything (or "grow") at all from the [i]pain[/i] of the breakup; if I learn something or become less naive it's from the breakup [i]itself[/i], from thinking about why it happened, where it started, etc.. I don't become stronger or "less resistant" to pain, either - things like breakups never get easier, at best I can only learn how to handle them better. The idea that pain makes us grow seems to me like an after-the-fact justification for really awful feelings that need to be explained and given reason [i]somehow[/i'], even if those reasons have nothing to do with the actual, concrete experience of hurt.[/SIZE][/quote] [font=impact]Well, if you were the one doing the breaking up, I'd say that you are right, you won't learn anything. But if you were the one who was [i]dumped[/i], there's quite abit to learn. I believe that pain's existance is like school. People don't want to go through it, but they begin to realize that they need it and won't become anything more than a big kid with out it. Losing people is also nessissary sometimes. Whether it is to death or love, we [b]all[/b] will lose people, there's nothing yo can do about it. But it will make use stronger. The trick, though, is to learn how to channel and understand the pain in order to learn from it. once you've got that ability, the pain will still hurt, but it will help it hurt less in the future.[/font]
[quote name='Aceburner']or pick a member and follow them around flaming them. The upside is you get noticed. The downside is you get IP banned and most of your posts are deleted.[/quote] [font=impact]Hey!!! Who does that remind you of Ace? Method 73: Be absolutly cool, all knowing, philosophical, and do so in a nice way so that everyone looooves. When I try, people tell me to change my font color. (I know, I'm a conformist) Mentors: Charles[/font]
[quote name='Wolfen91']Cartoon Network should differently get some credit. Its made alot of people anime fans, which is good ^^ I personly, like alot of the new shows, but i do miss Yu Yu Hakusho, and Rurouni Kenshin (probbaly spelt wrong)[/quote] [color=darkgreen]No, you spelled it correctly. Yes, CN may have made a lot of people anime fans, but they (CN) haven't had any big hits since they dropped RuroKen. Yes, they still play InuYasha, but that's on pretty late. I think that if they really thought about playing hard-core, loved anime like FMA or DeathNote, the will be able to actually be like for their anime.[/color]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Impact]Sorry about this, Mods. And here's the link to [URL=http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/OVRC?vrsn=230&slb=SU&locID=westvhsl&srchtp=basic&c=1&ste=3&tbst=ts_basic&txb=%2522Stem+Cells%2522]Opposing Viewpoints[/URL][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Impact]Ok, I know that what I said was overly simplistic, but I've made my point, no? Just because there is smoking in a movie does [COLOR=Black][b]not[/b][/COLOR] mean that the childern watching ar going to smoke. And neither does the fact that there isn't smoking mean that they won't. People are going to smoke if A)They have not been told it's bad. B)They grew up around it. and C)They just want to. But that is neither anything Hollywood cares about or can effect. We all, I think, decided to smoke (or not) because we wanted to, not because of the movies. Am I right?[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Impact]What about all those other kickass guys who [i]don't[/i] smoke in the movies? Are you trying to tell me, Boo, that even though the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles don't smoke, when a kid sees Indiana Jones light up, it becomes ok to smoke? Thats a 4:1 ratio against smoking, brought to you by the movies. That's got to be one [COLOR=black]BADASS [/COLOR] "1".[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Impact]Thank you Clonesy. I know that with your help, I might be able to overcome this crazy addiction tho the OB. Thank you so much. *Sob*. . . I told myself I wouldn't cry. . .*sob*. . . . . .*sob*[/FONT][/COLOR]