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Everything posted by Sojiro47
[FONT=Impact][COLOR=DarkGreen]Jeeze Maul. You're way behind on the game! GAAAA!!!!!!!!! I LOST!!![/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Impact][color=darkgreen]If there are any Kendoka_Wannabes out there, please look away. The hero in my life is my Beloved Sensei, Sensei Pete. He has been the closest thing to a father that I've ever had. I can talk to him about anything and everything. He's the only adult cool enough to be called one. In my opinion, anyway.[/color][/FONT]
[color=darkgreen]I live in Washington State, here in the U.S, and Smoking in restaraunts is illegal, and the distance from any building when smoking it suposed to be 25 feet (7 some meters). But it doesn't stop them, at least with the latter. People do what they want, regardless of what the government says.[/color]
[color=darkgreen]I'm with Raiyuu. This isn't even nessisary. If they ae going to start rating movies differently because of the number on cigarettes there are in the movie, why don't they rate TV shows differently as well. And while we're here, lets add drinking to the list of things to decide how to rate a movie/show. Most people can distinguish the difference between real life and movies. Do they think that if its cut down in the movies, we won't see it on the street? I [COLOR=Black][B]don't[/B][/COLOR] think that people are going to smoke because it's in the movies, but rather because when they come home from the movies, their parents are doing it. After watching the [I]Breakfast Club[/I], how many of us went and got high,put a flare gun in our lockers,taped some guy's butt together, and (or) just showed up to detention because we could? I doubt anyone did. It just seems like a waste of time to the directors and the raters to me.[/color]
[COLOR=DarkGreen]Why am I here? It's actually a question of why I come back to this place. And that answer is so very simple. I'm addicted to the OB. It my not be elegant or sophisticated, but at least it's honest. I'm addiced to this place, and addicted to you, it's dear members. *sob* I... I love you guys *sob*....[/COLOR]
[quote name='Aceburner']Surprisingly enough, the former dub apparently got pretty good ratings in the 9-to-14 demographic, but yeah, the big big news is mostly the unedited DVD release.[/quote] [color=darkgreen]Ace, you and I both know why the old dub got good ratings, so admit it. Old dub was alright, execpt for it wasn't as clear cut in it's language and style the way the original Japanese was. But I agree that it wasn't that great. (I hated the Sanji dub! GAAAAA!!!!!) But yeah, I can't wait for release of the unedited DVD.[/color]
[color=darkgreen]What really ticks me off [i]is[/i] [COLOR=Black][B]MYSPACE[/B][/COLOR]. I hate it with a passion, mainly because it's "freedom of speach" ability has led to several anti-Louie Healy myspace groups. Yeah, my name's Louie, so what? Ok, so it's not really myspace, but the people on it that tick me off. We humans have an amazing ability to judge people we know nothing about, and then get with other people who think the same. Thus the (main) reason there are gangs in the world. And that's what grinds me.[/color]
[QUOTE=Nerdsy][color=deeppink]Hm. Besides, it is [i]highly[/i] possible that the only reason is that they [i]like[/i] it. That it makes them feel good. And remember, they don't "have" to take drugs to have a good time, and often times they will go off and do other things that interest them. It is one way to have fun among many.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkGreen]They don't [i]have[/i] to have a good time, but it might just be a better time than going without them. I have a friend who still does drugs every now and then. The only reason he does them is because he has more fun with them than without. To him, it's one of those "swim with or without clothes" dessisions[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen]Ok, so here is a question that has been burning my mind for the last three weeks: What [i]is[/i] divorce's affects on the children/teens of these families? I know that we are an opionated group of people, we otako-kun, so I expect to see mixed results, but what have you observed. Are there any apperent affects in your students, children, siblings, ect... I, myself, am I child of a divorced family, but I haven't actually looked for any affects on myself or friends, but others have commented. I may contact you about using you as a quote in a research paper for my class, FYI[/COLOR]
[quote name='Mythologicly']If i fought someone with martial arts skill I wouldn't try to wrestle them I would stick to boxing but it doesn't matter what there able to do or what I'm able to it would depend on skill alone. ;)[/quote] Unless you're in Judo (or something similar) the idea would be to stay off the ground. Most Martial Arts are made for fighting on, or with (tai kwon do), your feet. So you do almost anything to stay off the ground. Myself, I'm in Karate-Do, and have been for seven years now. I've been in my fair share of "fights", but most were just sparring matches. Actually, I'm not very fond of fighting, but the only reason I spar is to keep my skills sharp. [quote name='Gavin']Belts don't necessarily mean you're any good at fighting, or hell even katas if you've got a lazy enough master.[/quote] Isn't that the truth. I've been if actuall fights where any training I had was proven useless by a [b]street-fighter[/b]. Rank means nothing unless you know how to use it in a fight.
In this instance, I don't care how big the idiot is. Peope have messed with me enough that even if they weren't my best friends, I'd still beat the everloving crap out of him. No joke. Jerks like that deserve to feel their own wrath. That's why I'ma vigilante, but unfortunatly, it's illigal. Too bad, because that jerk would wake up in the hospital in the ICU. Untill the real law steps in, just theaten him, and if he does it again...USe your judgement.
At one point in time, I would have said "hell yes" to this. But now...My answer is no clone. No offence to any clones out there. Here's one of my reasons. If we go around cloning people, we have a chance of insest. I mean let's say I die, but my clone's still around, and my sister has a clone. Well, assuming that neither myself or my sister tell the clone that they, we, us, are related, and they decide to have sex, those kid's will be messed up. That's just me. You also have to see where your religion stands on this. If you're Christian, you have to be against it, because Man doesn't have the right to play God by creating life. Before you take a side, consult your local religion expert and see where you should stand. [SIZE=1]How do you curcumsize a Redneck?[/SIZE]
[QUOTE=Chiyo Chan Fan]Would you rather Have everyone around you speak a language that you don't know? or Eat ten tarantulas whole and alive? [/QUOTE] This one's easy. I'm going with option one. I'm a quick study, so I'll just learn the languages. Would you rather admit that anything posted in this thread has happened to you (true or not)? Or... Would you rather be attacked by several thugs on your way home?
Mine's kinda like Dead's. I'm trying to rid my town of all the crap-jerks who mistreat, use, and/or hurt people. No joke. And my antagonists are any who stand in my way.
I'm not good at everything but Soda and Karate. I suppose I'm bad at making people happy, keeping myself uninjured, and making AMVs. I'm even bad at band, the one thing I [i]should[/i] be good at. I'm also bad at finding things I'm good at...Ironic.
I'm good at a few things. Drinking way too much cabonated drinks and Karate. I'm also good at cooking and fighting. I wish I had more, but alas! I'm lame.
Exactly. When my rib was broken, the Dr. put me on Vicaden, and I accadently took three doses, instead of one. Yeah, I was gone, plus I was at school. Yeah...Just yeah. But if you do do that, try the whole "underware on fire thing", then send pictures.
[quote name='Lava Lamp][COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Tahoma]Imagine all the people in their underwear. And on [I]fire[/I].[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] I tried that once Lava. But I just started laughing uncontrolably. No my friend, I would just practce in front of people. That's the best way to do it. There really is no over-night way to do it. But if you [i]really[/i] need it, I suggest a few doses of Viacaden. ^_~
Trying to decide if your first kiss is important is like trying to decide if your first time at sex is important. 'Tho it's true that the first kiss is normaly sloppy, it still is planted in one's mind. It's one of those "coming of age" things. I'm sure you remember your first kiss, don't you 13? I know I do. It [i]is[/i] important, but we do have a habit of holding it too high.
I'm kinda old-school, so I've always ask the girl. But my most recent relationship was brought about by the girl. This was kind of weird, but I was cool with it. I think that if the boy is too afraid to make his move, but the girl wants the relationship to grow, then she should ask. But this opinion is a very recent opinion that I have formed. I didn't always think it should work this way.
[quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]You're such a SNAG. No one's fooled! We all know you just want a piece of the lostvoice action for yourself, but - as thousands of sitcoms have taught us - the nice guy never gets the girl. I'm sorry kid, better luck next time.[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] I don't know...I'm a fairly nice guy, and I got the girl. I think your theory is flawed Dead.
[quote name='Charles']If she finds that females aren't for her, then I was wrong but hopefully we get pics anyway.[/quote] Man, good ol' Tical would have loved to have been here. Alright, I'm not going to say any more about the gay subject. I think that you have a Valid point Charles. So I'm going to leave it here. Tho, I still think that your licking joke was funny.
[QUOTE=Charles] I don't know how many licks it takes to get to the center, but I'm ready to help her start using her tongue. [/QUOTE] Nice! Anyway, you have a point there. She can't get intimate with her boyfriend, and she she has a crush on a girl. But does that make her gay? Once upon a time, I had a crush on a boy, but I'm still very strait. Is it possible to have a crush on the same sex but still be strait?
Any bets on how much longer this thread stays open? Anyone? Charles, chould her name possibly mean that she doesn't get understood by her peers or her parents don't listen to her? Lostvoice, I'm srry we're doing this to you, but it sooo much fun to try to find out if women ar lesbian. We're guy's, sorry.
[QUOTE=Charles]We don't just discriminate against gay men; we also discriminate against unattractive women. So, please post a pic so we can decide if you're hot enough to be gay or not. We have to take this one step at a time. Let's face it. Your screen name itself is of Freudian significance. You may have your own supposed inspiration for choosing "lostvoice" but in reality, the name represents your surpressed gay urges--your true voice that has been "lost" in a moral tug-of-war between your religion and the hot chicks you know you crave. Maybe it's time that you listened to this voice that has been lost for so long.[/QUOTE] Charles, I think you might just posiibly be reading too far into her name. Let's just assume that you're right tho. Do you really think she'd say it here? Me? If she says she's strait, then she's strait.