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Everything posted by Sojiro47

  1. [quote name='lostvoice']I don't know...I can't tell.[/quote] Are you getting...bored with him? Do you find your self wanting other guys?
  2. [QUOTE=lostvoice] And why would anyone be trying to turn me into a lesbian. :animeblus[/QUOTE] They're not really trying to turn you lesbian, they're just saying it's posible that you are. But I think not. Anywho... It's good that you feel you know him. Now let me ask this; Do you feel that the relationship is going anywhere?
  3. [QUOTE=Lonley Fighter] And guys stop trying to turn her gay...[/QUOTE] Way to tell them Lonley Fighter. Makes me happy. Perhaps we should make a list of questions that could be used to tell whether a relationship is working or not. Kind of like a guild to relationships. Except for the fact, you know, that not all relationship are alike. Lostvoice, do you think that you know him. I mean, [i]really[/i] know him?
  4. Well, I suppose that's good. You should be your self. Just try to understand that right now, you're everywhere an the rictor-scale. So just try to be a little more patiant in matters. If you're going to dump the BF, don't worry about doing it softly. If you drop an egg off of a roof, there is no soft. So just do it, if you think you need to. Just wondering, but how lond have you known him?
  5. [QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1] [COLOR=DarkRed]Would you rather do a hit and run on somebody? Or.... Would you rather have somebody do a hit and run on you?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] As long as I don't get seriously injured, I'll take option two. It'd give me a good reason to go vigilante on somebody's butt. Would you rather stand outside in a hotdog costume screaming, "Ask me about my weiner"? Or... Would you rather be the one asking about his weiner?
  6. [QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Would you rather be killed by a homocidal killer? Or.... Would you rather kill someone for no apparent reason? [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Oooo. A dark one. Well, from the very depths of my heart, I want to live. So...Number two, I choose you!!! Besides, I cn out run the cops any day...I hope. Would you rather be a Super Hero in a city without a lot of crime? Or... Would you rather be a Super Villan in a city with a lot of Super Heros?
  7. [QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] Would you rather go to bed early and not be able to get on the computer for the night? Or.... Would you rather stay up late(on the computer), but feel like crap the next day? [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] I think that I'm going to take option two. I feel like crap in the morning anyway, might as well be on the computer. Would you rather swim in shark infested waters? Or... Would you rather live in a house full of bats?
  8. [quote name='Lava Lamp][COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Tahoma]p.s. Sojiro: Oh I bet you're one of the boys with cooties, hmm?[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] Nope, but I know boys with cooties. [quote name='lostvoice']She was everything I wanted to be.[/quote] Lostvoice, do you ever try to be like her. I mean, act like her, handle things like her? No right or wrong answer, just wondering.
  9. [QUOTE=Lava Lamp][COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Tahoma] Boys don't have cooties, you know.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Some boy's do. We call them STD's. But that's a different story... Anyway, (thought you were rid of me, huh?) Lava has a point. You should just let him kiss you. It doesn't need to be a five minute make-out session, but just let it happen. Is there a reason you don't want him to kiss you? Because if there is, just tell him. I'm sure he'll understand, and respect it. Otherwise, he isn't worth it. Besides, once it happens, you'll be less...afraid. As for the issues with talking, just kinda tell him about your past, secrets, family life, ect. And ask questions about him. Thing get a lot easier when you strat small and grow from there. But take your time, but let him in on why, otherwise he will get frustrated.
  10. Well, I think I'll throw my toughest break-up out there. If anyone has seen the Who's Most in Your Life thread I started, you'll know that my best-friend and I dated. This relationship was the thoughest because we didn't want to break-up, but had to for the sakes of our friends. Not cool. It was tough getting over her. In fact, I'm still not over her. But I realize now that I can't have her, and so I'm moving on. But I still love her. No doubt.
  11. [QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] Would you rather bungee-jump off a bridge and land on a chimpanzee? Or.... Would you rather bungee-jump off the Empire State Building and land on a gorilla?[/COLOR] [/SIZE][/QUOTE] I'll take the bungee off of the Empire State Building, because the gorilla won't be able to grab hold of me on my way back up. Besides, have you ever seen a Chimpanzee? Those things are vissious *My bad* Would you rather shovel snow for 5 hours, non stop? Or... Would you rather watch 15 screamimg kids for 3 hours?
  12. [QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1] [COLOR=DarkRed]Would you rather subscribe to Shonen Jump? Or... Would you rather share your friend's issue's? [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] I'm gonna take option numuro uno. I'd rather have my oun issue so I can re-read it whenever I want. Would you rather take Karate? Or... Would you rather take Kung Fu?
  13. Uh...right. I think. Anywho, just try to find out if it was you or her. This time, she dumped you, so what? Try again. But my advice would be to wait a little longer than a month before you ask her out. It's an old-school approch, but get to know her first. I mean [i]really[/i] get to know her. It's not wse to dive into a pool if you don't know how deep it is. Here's another approch. A wise man once said, "If you're never happy alnoe, then you'll never be happy with a woman at your side." So I would try taking a break from the dating scene for a while. Find comfort in solitude, then achieve happiness in company. [SIZE=1]Whoa! I just had a Buddha moment.[/SIZE]
  14. I'm with Lostvoice. If she dumped you, she wasn't worth it. But keep this in mind, you can't just give your heart out. Replay your last relationships and see what went wrong, then learn from it. The greatest knowledge comes from mistakes. It's just how we learn.
  15. [QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] Would you rather lay in a hospital bed for 3 month's? Or.... Would you rather watch nothing but Teletutbies for a week? [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] I'd rather lay in the hospital. At least it'll be quiet so I can sleep, right? Please? Would you rather never have a girl-friend/boy-friend for the rest of your life? Or... Would you rather have every one of your secrets known throghout the world?
  16. [QUOTE=takoyuki]would you rather go through hell for a year or read moby dick over and over again nonstop for a year? :animedepr tough choice..[/QUOTE] I'VE BEEM SKIPPED!!! I'll try again...Oh, and I'll take Moby Dick, for 500, please. Would you rather live the rest of your life drinking nothing but ginger ale? Or... Would you rather work in a liquor store forever, but not be able to have any?
  17. One of the little known facts about me is that one of my closest friends in the world die last year in a car accident. His death hit me hard, as he was like a brother to me. Since then, I've been depressed off and on, never really recovering. I don't want to be a lost soul just because I can't stop grieving, but...
  18. [QUOTE=The13thMan][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Would you rather sell your soul to the devil for a plate of cookies or sell your soul to god for a plate of death? [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] That depends...Do I get soul insurance? Actually, I thing I'll go with the soul soled to the devil, only 'cause I like cookies. Would you rather live the rest of your life drinking nothing but ginger ale? Or... Would you rather work in a liquor store forever, but not be able to have any?
  19. [quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]That's what Otakupedia is for!![/font][/color'][/size][/quote] Cha-ching. Nothin' like a free plug.
  20. [quote name='Lava Lamp][COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Tahoma]And yes Sojiro, I am cool. You should feel lucky that I joined the OB.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] Oh, I feel very lucky. And here I thought that the youngest member of the Boards was Tical Blue. Back to the topic: I would also like to be back in the begining of the OB. I hear things about those days, but I konw nothing.
  21. WHAT?!?!?!?! That's pertty cool, having a 12-year-old on the boards. As for the topic, I'd like to live in the Age of the Samurai of Japan. More spicificly, towards the end of it, during the Bakumatsu and revelutionary war of Japan. Why? Simple, it's a good place to go to learn about what real chaos is. Think about it, men covered in blood running around with swords, killing in the name of their ideals. The amount of blood shead in that war would have been enough to run the Red Cross for at least a year. It was an amazing time, the death of the Samurai.
  22. [QUOTE=Allamorph][FONT=Arial]It's corny choice time again. Would you rather... ...ride through the desert on a horse with no name? or ...check into the Hotel California? Incidentally, would anyone else happen to know where the word 'nightmare' comes from?[/FONT][/QUOTE] Well...I'm not fond of random voices saying "Welcome to the Hotel California", so...I'll go with the horse with no name. Besides, you can't kill anything in the Hotel California, so if they double-cross you, you're screwed. ^_^ Would you rather be an amazing chef who everybody hated? Or... Would you rather be a quadrapledic (SP?) who anly has a care-taker for company? To Allamorph: I have no idea where the word nightmare comes from, but I get bad ones often now-an-days, too.
  23. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]Would you rather have to stand in a line for an hour just to find out that the person at the window couldn't help you and you have to go fill out some paperwork, mail it in and wait for someone to call you? [center]or[/center] Would you rather have to be on the phone for an hour just to find out that the person who gets on the other line can't help you and you have to go in to a place get paperwork to fill out then mail it in and wait for someone to call you? [/color][/font][/QUOTE] Me? I'd take the second on this one. I mean, at least I cand something productive while on the phone, right? ^_^ Would you rather be a city manager that's in charge of shutting peoples water off, who also recieves hate mail and old ladies that come into your office and call you the devil? Or... Would you rather be a Karate instructor who teaches kids and gets yelled at by parents because you're "mean" to their kids?
  24. Love...??? Where did this come from? Love is very interesting. First, you think your in love, but that falls thru. Then you meet someone else and you [I]hope[/I] it's love, but of course, that falls thru. Finally you meet her and you just know that it won't fall thru. I'm in love, and proud to say so. I've made some [b]bad[/b] mistakes in the past, but this time, that's not happenng. [quote name='Eureka'] You just fall in love with the person's soul.[/quote] No doubt that this is true. But what happens if you can honestly say you love someone's soul, but they don't want to go anywhere. I mean, I've been in this position before (actually, several times), but I have never found out how to get around this. Just a question to think about.
  25. [COLOR=Green]For those of you who remeber my rantings, this won't be a surprise, but my place in the world is my Dojo. It's really the only place that I feel at home. I even have an "adopted" family there. It's just a place where I can train and clear my head, and even chill with some friends.[/COLOR]
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