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Everything posted by Sojiro47

  1. [COLOR=Green]The best time of my life was when me and my groups of friends skipped school and rented a few hotel rooms for a week. It was me and my best friend, and then the other three in our group. We went and rented a couple hotel rooms for the week and basicly did nothing but go to the fair that was in town. The funny thing is, we hardly went to the fair. We spent most of the time in the hotel room and messed around. But I went out of there with some of my fondest memories of Samantha...Great times.[/COLOR]
  2. My Title is "Number VII; The Pete Clone". Number VII is my Number in Numbers, even tho I'm the head. Pete Clone is the title given to me by my Karate-ka peers because I act just like My beloved Sensei, Sensei Pete. My avi, eventho it changes periodicly, is always a pic of the same guy, Keitaro of Love Hina. I kinda just picked him after reading Love Hina, mainly because he's live's through the same girl problems I used to.
  3. Oh My Sensei! This is still around? I leave for a month, and it's still here?!? I think I'm beaten.
  4. Oh yeah! I'm all over this one! My favorite subject in school is My Math class. I don't know what you would call it, but to us it's Math 301. Math has always been my favorite, mainly because I good at it. My teacher doesn't teach, but he expects you to learn by asking questions, which I enjoy because that's how I learn. If you think to your class, you might remember that one person who does nothing during class, but still passes all the tests. That's me. I'm just naturally goos with numbers.
  5. I work at a local Arby's for my regular job. But outside of that, I'm a moonlighting sweeper, meaning I Search for lost animals, stuff, ect. But that's just a side job. I do all this after school.
  6. Well, I didn't raelly come up with mine, honestly. It's alwayse been a borrowed gift. The "Sojiro" part was my best friend's idea. And the "47" Was a gift from my predicesor. So...I inherited part of it, and the other was given to me by a dear friend. There it is.
  7. My bet is that this thread is closed before 5 PM tomorrow. But we forgive you, but if you do it again.....^_^
  8. I won't call myself an expert as I'm still alive, but I have lost more friend than most, and I'm only 16. It's something funny, death. You talk to somebody every now and then, or you see someone everyday. But then they die, and you suddenly feel this chasim, this unfillible abiss, and it almost hurts. I've lost many friends and aquantances to death, but I still can't explain this feeling of darkness, and why I feel it. All that can be done to ease it is moarn. And sometimes that doesn't ease it either. It's at times like this that you turn to your dearest friends to help you.
  9. Well....This is a hard situation. In this instance, the only feeling you need for this problem is that of a friend. Sometimes, leaving a friend to his own devices could mean leaving him to his own distruction, and if he is lacking energy, as you said, you should have stepped in a while ago. The second option, trusting him to himself, could be much more destructive than the third choice. But call and telling your friends's parents could seem...like betrayal. If I were in your palce, I'd sit him down and set him strait. You need to let him know that he's falling fast, and he needs to suck up his pride, and get some help. If he doesn't go with it, I would get his back and help him out when he needs it, not when he askes for it.
  10. Sex......Hmm....Well, I saw my first Sex-ed video in the fifth grade, witch then led to a lot of pissed off parents... :animeswea On top of that, as Tical-san pointed out, hentai is stimulating, but you don't learn much. Me? I learned about most of what I know from friends and books. It's amazing how...[I]visual[/I] books can be. ;) I know more now than the very friends that taught me do. Irony at it's finest. I do plan to stay abstinate untill marrige, and I'm a Junor in High School, so I've got a little bit of a wiat ahead of me. But as fore-play goes, well....hehe....No holds barred. I leave what I meant by that up to your imagination. ;)
  11. BAND NERDS UNITE!!!!! Yeah, I'm a band nerd (I don't like the trem "geek), and I'm ready to play any instarment at any time. If proud to say that I've been playing since the fifth grade. TAKE IT, LOSERS!!! As a brass player, my arsinale is a litte weird. I play Trombone as my main, percussion ans my second, flute as my third, and a little Tenor Sax. I also play a little trumpet. I started out as a trombonist, but quickly learned more instraments. I perfer percussion over any other instament, but trombone is naturally me favorite wind instrament. I also play guitar, but that doesn't really apply to anything outside of Jazz Band. I was in a Jazz band, once. But it didn't suit me, so I don't do it any more. I perfer just strait up Concert Band. And now..... [SIZE=4]BAND NERDS TO ARMS!!!!!!!![/SIZE]
  12. I have the answer!! Just let them roll. I mean, I may have just killed myself, but I think that they're fine where they are. There are Mods that think that the games are spammy, then there are Mods who are participating in those very games. I think you need to decide if you're going to allow them at all, or just ignore them. No exceptions. Games like [I]The Person Below Me Game[/I] were closed, but then others like [I]Random Scrammble[/I] are still open. You can't have it both ways. As for the Forum idea, there really aren't enough games to keep the forum alive. Sorry, but it's the truth.
  13. [quote name='Gavin']Jesus lost again looking at the Lounge, I didn't even see the thread and I thought about it. There needs to be an help group for this thing, I just can't beat it on my own. Of course the likelihood is that if we found a group someone will say "I lost" making everyone lose again.[/quote] GAA- Game Addicts Anonimaious(SP?); because we need help. Meetings will help you cope with losing this damn game over and over. :animeangr
  14. Hehe....My sixth grade was hell. On top of going in to it as the most unpopular and unsocial boy in school and keeping above profile, even the VP hated me. I had two friends, but I was considered a "loosely placed friend", so I wasn't ever really accepted. I wasn't out-going, but I was well know as the local outcast. Being often picked on, I very quickly became impatiant with everyone. I got into four or five big fights during lunch on one day alone, one after another. The confrontaion was started by the bully, but I throw the first and last kick. And no, I didn't take the cheap shot, it was a head kick. That stopped the bullying for a while. Half way through the year, my trombone broke and I had to get stiches because I grabbed the wrong side of a pair of open scizzors. On top of the that, the day after, I was at the soda machine when an aquantince dial 9-1-1 on the ay-phone, right beside the soda machine. The, when the cops came, he told them [I]I[/I] did it. Betrayal. Ouch. Yeah, so life sucked in the sixth grade.
  15. I have another one that I don't live by, but it's fuunier than anything else. Of cours, you had to be there. "It FREAKING applies!!!"- by our very own, Aceburner.
  16. [B]Kindergarten[/B]- If you hit the teacher, they will hate you. [B]First Grade[/B]- Writing in cursive is a good way to get yourself picked on. [B]Second Grade[/B]- If you don't have a dad, others think you're a psyco. [B]Third Grade[/B]- Picking a fight with the school bully gets you alot of respect, even for a third grader! [B]Fourth Grade[/B]- Trying to kill your teacher get you a one way ticket to the school counselor's office for the rest of the day; no homework! ^_^ [B]Fifth Grade[/B]- Learning to hack from your teacher is usefull later in life. [B]Sixth Grade[/B]- Girls like you better when you [I]don't[/I] look at their new assets. ^_^' [B]Seventh Grade[/B]- The girls begin to notice that you're not completely an idiot. ^_~ [B]Eighth Grade[/B]- Hitting on your best friend's sister get's you in more trouble than the law cn put you in. ^_^' [B]Nineth Grade[/B]- Trying to get the girl you want makes you miss the girl you could've had. V_V *sigh* [B]Tenth Grade[/B]- you realize how lucky you really are not to have a drugy for a mom.
  17. Tical, a junkatarian.........? I like the sound of that. Now I have a name for my eating habits. Sweat! But like DeadSeraphim said, those of us with fast metabolisms will be way fat one day. But untill then, live it up folks. We've got the world of food at our finger tips, just eat it before our metabolisms give out on us. ^_^
  18. I'll try again. How can you not think about a subject you're posting about? Better? Maybe not. Here's another; How can you talk about it without thinking about it?
  19. [QUOTE=Split Keyblader]Were you reffering to me???? Well thank you if so. But why is this even a game. Why not call it "Psychological punishment". Technacly I have still not lost. I have still not thought about this game.[/QUOTE] How does one post about something you don't think about?
  20. [B]Love Hina[/B]- Yeah, I'll admit, I watched it on a dare at first, than became hooked, and not for the girls. I actually manageed to get past the images and focus on the plot. Keitaro has become my favorite character ever. Long live Love Hina!!! [B]One Piece; American Version[/B]- Ace, don't kill me. I started watching it because of the Manga. But after my friends dropped it because of 4Kids' cencoring tactics, I continued to watch it because the story line hasn't changed much. I'll run back to the shadows of the Path of Life before Ace kills me for talking about the 4kids One Piece.
  21. I lose again! Umm...did Des lose? I mean, he did start the game. So he loses, righ? Maybe not. Des! Get back here and Post your loss!
  22. Ok, I know I'm a guy, so it might seem odd that I'm posting here. But my mom is a cosmitologist (SP?), so I grew up around hair. And no, I'm not gay. 1 ~ My natural hair color is sand-blonde, but it is changing to brown slowly. 2 ~ Yeah, I dyed my hair once. I went pitch Black. I went so black, you couldn't see my hair at night. ^_^ 3 ~ I almost regreted dying my hair, as it wasn't as soft while it was dyed than it was before. But my hair is back to normal, and as soft as ever. 4 ~ Hmm.....Yeah, I guess I am satisfied with my hair color. Blonde looks good on me, if I may say so myself. ^_~ 5 ~ Well, right now my hair is at eye level, and it is layered. It looks like the hair style in my avatar, but blonde and not drawn. Plus it's a little longer. 6 ~ I don't care how the oppisite sex does their hair, just as long as it looks good on them. I also don't care how they wear it. Up, down, I don't care, but certain hair styles look sexier when worn up than down. But I don't really care.
  23. Stuff like this grosses me out. I remember reading an article in the Newspaper about a nanny that taught the kids she was attending how to have sex. And these kids were 10 and 12 years old. The incident that ChibiHorsewoman spoke of makes me sick. If my mom let her Boyfriend hve sex with my sister, I'd just about kill them both (mom and boyfriend). But what I want to know is, how sick do you have to be to not feel bad about letting this happen. That woman should be put in an asylum (sp?). And the creep Boyfriend is only getting four years tops in prison. I would have seriously killed that crap-pervert. How can a mom let this happen, let alone give permision for it to happen? I just want to throw up.
  24. Maybe the true point of the Game was hidden behind the obvious one. Maybe the Game was intended to make us talk about our ways of losing the game.....It made more sence before I typed it.
  25. I don't know about Sakura, (I bought a costume off of Amazon for a Friend once) but I know that in my town there is a collectible shop that sells sword gear, such as hakama and i'aido. If there's a place like that in your town-city-thing, than I would check there. The Hakama is what you want. Their also called Kimono.
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