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Everything posted by Wolf2gto

  1. lol, thank you :) any suggestions for improvment?
  2. hi guys its been a while since i've been on lol. i made these in photoshop the other day, was just wundering your guys's opinions on them were. i'd love some feed back and suggestions :) [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j193/wolf2gto/angelwarrior.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j193/wolf2gto/angelwarrior1.jpg[/IMG]
  3. Hmm I think i'm gona have to go with cloths, because it would be prety scary if everyone whent around naked all day O.o And it would be extreamly cold in the winter lol. P.S. LOVE your banner/avi set SunfallE ^_^ one of my favorite games ever.
  4. "I lost my best mate"-bob irwin Even though I found him to be really annoying, I do feel bad because he has 2 little kids, a wife, and a father that was one of his best friends, "Steve and I weren't like father and son, we never were. We were good mates. I'll remember Steve as my best mate ever" -bob irwin Well at least he died doing what he loved, and though I didn?t like him I do respect what he did and he will be missed dearly by many (Quotes are from the CNN interview.)
  5. Personally I prefer the dub, mainly because I don?t want to have to try and read what they?re saying and pay attention to what?s going on. My brain cant handle that much multi-tasking :animeswea I suppose I would rather watch it in the original Japanese with english subs if I knew how to speak Japanese, but I cant seem to find any place I can learn :animecry: so I?ll have to stick to the dubs
  6. Hmm, I think I would have to go with Daisuke and [spoiler] Riku [/spoiler] form DN Angle. I don?t really know why, but I just think they are a good couple. [spoiler]I guess the main reason is that Daisuke was in love with Risa in the beginning, but he ended up pairing up with her sister,[/spoiler] Which I find kind of Ironic. And because there sort of [spoiler]opposite of each other, Daisuke is kinda and gentle and Riku is a Tomboy.[/spoiler] Sorry about all the spoiler tags O.o I didn't know how many people have seen the hole show all the way through.
  7. [quote name='Tical] - (and a couple scenes which give me nightmares, like when [spoiler]01 rips 03 to shreds[/spoiler']) [/quote] That was one of my favorite episodes lol [spoiler] I didn't like the fact that Toji was in unit 3 though. O.o [/spoiler] Anywase, I'd have to to say that my favorite anime would be Inuyasha. It's got comedy, action,romance, and suspence all in one. I think another reason I like it is because it was the first anime that I just couldn't stop watching.
  8. My favorite badass character whould for sure have to Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7, He's strong,fast,smart, and insane all in one ^_^, And I love his sword lol
  9. [quote name='Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Question: Did they ever say Scar's name? I'm watching the episode where [spoiler]he turns Alphonse into the Philsopher's Stone, and died,[/spoiler] but I don't ever recall hearing his name... :( [/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] If I remember right in one episode they hinted at it but never really said it, but from how I took it I think his [spoiler] original name was Al O.o [/spoiler] now I could be wrong considering they never ACTUALLY said it. It was one of the episodes near the end, Scar was in a flashback with his brother I think, Hmm I think it might be when he was explaining how he got his scar O.o Someone correct me if I?m wrong though .
  10. Id have to say that I don?t really have a favorite power or personality trait, but rather favorite item. I love when a character has a sword and is good with it. Of course i've never much cared for modern wepontry, so i have a thing for swords. Of course the ability to blow things up or other such things are also fun, kind of like how Inuyasha has a sword but he has the windscar and backlash wave :).
  11. [QUOTE=Prons] Of course, I always seem to suspect that women on forums have a lot of male friends just because the "omg a female that likez anime" fanboy syndrome.[/QUOTE] I don?t really agree with this. around here its actually about 10 time harder to find guys that like anime then girls. I think it matters more of were your at. Anywase as for the topic, I personally find it really hard to determine certain peoples genders on forums. Mainly because a lot of people's avatar/sig/name don?t always go along with there gender. Kinda like how Silver_blade said, the name sounds more like a guys. And boo's is more like a girls, when I first joined I was convinced he was a girl O.o As its been said many times before it dose seam that there?s a stereotype that if you have a game based sig/avatar people think your a guy, but I don?t think that?s always true, I?ve seen a lot of girls have Cloud or Sephiroth from Final fantasy 7 in there sig.
  12. I think that yea it would help to get people to slow down but, I don?t like the idea of cities video taping your every move in the streets.. I suppose it wouldn't be so bad as long as they don?t get carried away only put them in popular intersections and things like that
  13. I'd have to say that my fav would be elves. There "the people of the forest" if you think about it. There always described as beautiful and majestic beings and alwase said to live in the forest. I dont know they just sound cool to me ^_^
  14. Hmm personally I don?t think so because, I personally like people for there personality and so much there looks. So I guess it depends on the person.
  15. I tend to read most signatures if they catch my eye, even if they don?t as long as there not just big blocks of text or smiles I tend to read them. Though I have never actually commented or been commented on a signature. As for the most interesting one? I cant decide there are just so many.
  16. [QUOTE=Athena][size=1]'nough said. I'm in total agreement with him and Doukeshi. I'm not racist, I'm not prejudice, but how can anyone expect to be given rights when they are [b]not[/b] a legal citizen? It's irritating to go to an [b]American[/b] restaurant and not [b]one[/b] worker can speak English. If you want American freedom, if you want that "American Dream", by all means have it. But don't take advantage, don't f**king abuse the system. There are ways to get American citizenship. It takes time, but that's how it works--and it'd be legal.[/size][/QUOTE] This I for sure have to agree with, people not being able to speak English. The way I view it is, if you don?t speak our language and you cant legally be here then leave, and to answer the question. I don?t think the strike will do anything, it will probably just make the bill's pass. I don?t mind immigrants in fact I have friends that are Mexicans as long as there [COLOR=Red]LEGAL[/COLOR] I don?t care, our entire country was made of immigrants from England. Also illegal immigrants I believe are a big cause of unemployment, legal citizens have a harder time finding work because illegal immigrants are willing to work for lower wages as long as they get to stay here.
  17. A quote i live by.. "The only thing standing between me and total happiness, is reality." It means that no matter what your life will never be perfect, there will always be something that makes lose happiness. Another one is ?When life gives you lemons, make grape juice, then sit back and let the world wonder how you did it.? Meaning to be different and to be proud of it. Well that?s the way I take it anywase.
  18. [QUOTE=Dagger]I read Eragon fairly recently, and it was less than impressive. After all the hype, I was expecting some amazing work of literature, one that would revolutionize the world of fantasy. What did I find? Yet ANOTHER cliched Tolkien/Star Wars rip-off. The writing was decent, but I honestly think that the only reason this book got so much attention was because of its author's age. I thought that the characters were fairly one-dimensional, and although I liked its plot well enough, it simply didn't strike me as being very credible. Eragon is supposed to be fifteen, for heaven's sake. All of his incredible swordsmanship and various glorious feats would have been far more believeable if he were at least nineteen or twenty. Can't any fantasy writers talk about something other than evil empires, beautiful elves, and axe-wielding dwarves? Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but that doesn't make it particularly exciting or enjoyable to read. Okay, I'm being rather harsh. Eragon is a decent book, and Christopher Paolini is certainly a promising writer, but I expected it to be a whole lot more than just decent. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Not to contradict you or anything but later in the series, in Eldest, at the end you find out information about Eragon's past which makes his accomplishments and swordsmanship a little more believable. But i will agree that on average most fantasy writers do talk about evil empires beautiful elves and warrior dwarfs but he did do something that i had never seen before. He made a new viewing on magic, AND created new languages for a book series. Though Eragon dose make more sense after reading Eldest, and despite the typical things of a fantasy book, because of the other things that he did and others didn?t I found it to be an excellent book and series. But then again this is just my opinion.
  19. Personally if your a fantasy book fan i would recomend [COLOR=Red]Eragon and Eldest[/COLOR] the first 2 books of a 3 book series. There about a boy named Eragon that is raised as a farm boy but when he finds a sertain somthing in the forest it changes his life forever, along with the life of the entire village he lives in. its kidna hard to descripe them withought giving away spoilers. but it is about Dragons and Dragon rider's When i first started to read it i found i couldnt put it down, i had read both books in roughly 2weeks, which for me is rare considering i never fully read a book all the way through before these. Tho these are fairily big books there a great read ^_^[SIZE=1](eragon 497 pages of actuall reading not including extra pages, Eldest 668 pages of the actual story not including the reminisents of eragon)[/SIZE]
  20. Hmm seeing as i dont really have any friends on otaku yet(im new) i couldnt say for sure but judging from alot of posts it think it would be great to meet up with people from otaku BUT its been pointed out many times, location and costs prevent it :( meeting at conventions and other such things would probebly be the only way to make it work
  21. [quote name='hentai#1']When I first watched Evangelion the ending completly blew me by :animeswea . Though I understand more of it now since watching it again, but some things are still confusing. :animestun[/quote] ill have to agree here the end when right over my head. Even watching it again i still didnt get it lol.
  22. Hmmm thats a good wuestion. i think that if i could choose to be any anime character i would choose to be Roy mustang from full metal alchemist, for several reasons. 1 being he's smart and fast 2 I LOVE FIRE!! :flaming: and 3 being he has a cool and calm aditude, but when he gets mad watch out :D [spoiler]and he has an AWSOME fight with pride in the end of the series[/spoiler]
  23. I would for sure add DNangel, its about a boy name Daisuke Niwa, any male born in his family turns into the fantom thief Dark Mousy on his 14th birthday. Well not all the time, when ever Daisuke see's a picture of the girl he loves he transforms into dark, im sorry im not beter at summerizing things but im sure after this post someone will explain alittle beter then me in there own post This would be a good anime to chose because its exciting funny and popular amoung anime fans. Also there are 7 volume's so that would help you kill some shelf space ^_^
  24. Wolf2gto


    I LOVE the show its definatly one of my favories of all time. i do think that its way to short! It has a perfect balance of comedy,drama,and sillyness. Also a great balence of characters. like how meryl contrasts with vash one strick one goffy and wolfwood contrast milly as ones really smart and one's somewhat of a dits. I do love the ending but i think they should have explained how the gungho guns were formed and alittle more into vashes history, i really wana know were some of the more seriuse scar's on vashes body came from
  25. I love the show. And i think that my favorite char would have to be ryoko, because she has such a strait forword aditude. one flaw with the series in my opinion is i think they took the series to far. after the original [COLOR=Red]Tenchi Muyo![/COLOR] they created like 4 other sub series.
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