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Everything posted by Wolf2gto
[quote name='Stafal-chan]^_^ no i think there is one more movie...but i never seem to remeber the names ^_^ i liked the 2nd better ^_^ it was more interesting than the first one..that and the one moth in the 1st movie looked like kagura. personally i don't like the graphics as much for the movies my fav character is Sessho-maru ^_^ he's the best ^_^ umm fav book is book 2 ^_^ errrr. episode...hmmm.... OH Farewell my Beloved Kikyo cuz[spoiler] KIKYO DIES ^_^ YAAAAAAAAAAAY she gets disintergrated in miasma YESSSSSSSSS!!![/spoiler'] hee hee yup that episode made my day ^_^ okies so most hated character anyone? i hate kikyo with a passion, i hate koga second b/c he thinks he so great and strong but he's not...and he always runs away..coward...[/quote] yea i think that there is a 4th movie. but i dont know if it's been released in the U.S. and Stafal-chan i LOVE your opinion on kikyo! i hate her for several reasons. [spoiler]1 being she tried to kill kagome. 2 she catn just accept inuyasha as a half demon 3 the dead are supose to STAY DEAD.[/spoiler] As for the show itself, i LOVE IT! it has a great combination of charecters,battle seanse,love seanse, and of course comedy. but one thing i like is its not a typical the hero alwase wins thing. if i go to much more into that part i might give away to much so ill just leave it at that. As for a favorite character i would have to say kagome OR full-demon inuyasha(to find out more u have to watch the show ^_^ )
[QUOTE=densuke]Are you talking about Galaxy Angel I? GA is a decent comedy. Within the confines of its tiny episodes, it manages to be cute and funny and avoids being super-sleazy or "wacky." Broccoli only had (the amazing!!) [b]Di Gi Charat[/b] going for it at the time and this made for a solid second string featurette. GA isn't really the same as Sailor Moon; it takes itself far less seriously and is also pitched at an older crowd. I think it's kind of wide of the mark to compare the two series. I guess Mint is my favorite character because she is less self-indulgent than most of the cast. She is also cute without being too flashy.[/QUOTE] there are actually alot of difrent galexy angel's so its hard to be sure which one were talking about. like the original galexy angel or galexy angel A or galexy angel Z. To be honest im suprised to find people that have seen atleast one of them. anywase to answer the question asked i'd say my favorite char is hmm.. probebly Forte because altho she is kinda a bad *** with all the guns and whatnot and yet she's afriad of mice! i just find it kinda funny lol. i also like how mint loves cosplay and yet she tries to hide it. ^_^
Personally im a big fan, i own almost all of the show on dvd. i think that vic mignogna did a good job on darks voice but dark dosnt have many lines. Unfortunaly i have never read the manga so i cant really coment on it. as for the anime risa tends to get alittle annoying at times. i think that my favorite char is riku for sure ^_^
[QUOTE=Mad~Hatter]:animeangr I'm sorry but its pathetic anime shows like these that get me angry! I have watched the show and find it to be stupid and pointless! Nothing but a seeming to be gay dude with a blond afro, fighting the "evils" of baldness... :animesigh Ugh...I hate tasteless anime! Sorry if I offended any Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo fans out there, I dont mean to be mean but the show isnt as good as any other anime. I MEAN HE FIGHTS BALDNESS!!!WHAT THE @#$%@#! Anyways, dont waste all your time watching this when there is a lot better anime out there! :animestun thats alot to say lol! Then again it is sort of funny to watch... :animeswea[/QUOTE] Im gona have to agree here. I find the hole show to pointless and stupid. Fighting against baldness and beating people up using nose hairs... sounds like somethin writen by a 4 yearold. I dont mean to afend any big fans of this show but shows like this in my opinion are an instult. but then again im a fan of the really deep anime's with a good story line and awsome plot twists. I supose for younger people bobo is a good show, but for the big time anime fans i've found most dont like it but rather watch maybe one episode or so and say its really stupid. I've probly seen 4 or 5 and i still have to agree with them. its very random and the styles of fighting and the main story of people shaving peoples heads..... kinda gay. :animeangr
This time i only have one thing to say. I think the ENTIRE pokemon show is CORNY. There lines almost never change and the hole I CHOOSE YOU thing is just plain annoying. That and all the nerses and cop people look EXACTLY the same! :animestun
Personally, i prefer anime because it's more detailed, it gives me the illusion that ive left reality and have become part of another. Also i like the vibrant color and voices of the anime, were in the manga's you read everything and most are in black and white. I think that it varies from person to person if they like one or the other more for there own reasons. Like i have friends that are die hard manga fan's, like in school while the teachers are talking there sitting there reading manga, lol. But on the other hand i also have friends that hardly ever read manga's but watch anime EVERY day. But when it come's down to it from what i've seen more people tend to like anime more then manga.
I personally love the series and it's one of adult swims most popular anime's. I think that the series ends bad just because i love it so much and it leaves with a cliff hanger :animecry: I cant wait for the movie, but i dont think it will sum up the series considering how many things are unanswerd. Im sorry if anything i've said upsets anyone that hasent seen the entire series for saying things about the end :twitch:
Personally when it comes to anime i love adventure/fantasy with a love interest thrown in. Like for instance Inuyasha or DNangel. But it also has to have some comedy. It seams that when you look at what people say are there favorite's most of them fall into those catigories. The random ones like FLCL are also a personal favorite :animesmil I also thing that another big reason i love anime so much is it lets me imagine im in another reality seeing as i dont really like the one we live in.
Now that the movie is out and i own it i found out that its not really what i expected. its a good story line and all but its to short! they almost need to extend it into 2 movies or somthin. overall i did like it tho and it has great graphics. :animeswea
I think that of all the anime's that i've seen, i would say that FMA needs to have a second season, because it leaves off at such a big cliff hanger :animestun