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About Kita Erindur
- Birthday 09/18/1990
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Anime Which series grabbed you from the start?
Kita Erindur replied to Nekova's topic in Otaku Central
I get into a lot of anime usually from the first few episodes, but one anime that really drew me in of the opening was [B]Kino No Tabi[/B], aka [B]Kino's Journey[/B]. From just watching the opening squence it gripped me. The talking motar cycle intrigued me too...The style of the first episode was just so dreamily sureal, a style continued through out, but that first episode in particular just hits me everytime. If I ever feel philosophical, I can just wacth Kino No Tabi. In fact after watching that first episode I pretty much bought the rest of the series and watched it all in one go. Kino No Tabi was an interesting one for me as well, as usually i pick up anime from reading forums or from friends, with Kino No Tabi I just picked it up by chance at a convention. Luckiest find so far. Alot of my favourite anime grabbed me from pretty much the start, Escaflowne, Full Metal Alchemist, Read or Die... but with Kino No Tabi it was different as it intriged me so much, it wasn't the story line that grabbed me but the style, well, pretty much everything. -
Beck is a really good choice for Guitar orientated anime. I watched it resonably recently and I really anjoyed it. I only found it because of the music; on of my friends favourite J-Rock bands the Beat Crusaders do the opening song and alot of the sound track. Although I think musicwise FLCL's soundtrack from The Pillows is better. The Beat Crusaders singing has to grow on you before you can really enjoy it, and I just love 'Advice' from The Pillows to much, a much more 'rocky', raw-ish sound compared to Beat Crusaders more indie sound. I just like guitar solos to much. It is a good anime though, good plot, if slightly predictable, and characters that are less so. My favourite charcter is Ray/Ryusuke the [spoiler] bands lead guitarist and the one who inspires Koyuki [/spoiler]. I don't know how realisticly the anime portrays Japans underground music scene, but it quite interesting to watch how they find fame. It also has an interesting use of English and Japanesse. - some characters are American/Japanesse, or just American. Anyway, its really good and you should cheak it out.
Anime Your "To Buy" list? (anime and manga edition)
Kita Erindur replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Otaku Central
I've always got a list of Manga to buy; generally when there's a new release from a series I'm reading I haven't got the money :animedepr so I have to wait - then when I do get money I blow it on all the books that have come out. I'm always behind on [B]Fruits Basket[/B], [B]Samurai Deeper Kyo[/B] and [B]Excel Saga[/B]. I bought the first two volumes of [B]Imadoki[/B] a few months ago; I really liked it. Its top of my list for next time I'm out book shopping. Although, I still haven't seen the Evangelion movie - [B]The End of Evangelion[/B]. So if HMV has it I'll most likely get that instead. I hate it when you have to decided.... :animesigh -
I had a dream after first reading Fruits Basket, but it didn't have any of the characters in it. I was at school, and everytime I went to speak to someone they'd transform into an animal from the zodiac. It was quite scary as in my dream I got really worried and whenever I went near someone they'd transform. I've had loads of dreams where I'm in a PS2 game though, but you can see your health bar, and background miuic is playing. But that probably just comes from playing Final Fantasy to much.
Okay... I'm female, 15, though I'll be 16 in september. I live in England, London. But I'm half French, from my mom's side. I have a brother, who is 19. I think I'd classify myself as Nerd... or Geek... Especally as I'm quite quiet, most of the time,, and I like to do well at school. And I like 'nerdy' or 'geeky' stuff... I like to lots of things in my spare time: I go to a Ballet class twice a week(since I was five), I go horse riding on Saturdays. I do Drama, and am a part of a youth theatre. I do Kung-Fu on Fridays, and I want to start fencing. At school I am in the origami club (he he he. Sad sad me) and I'm in the Video Editing club, that consists of about 5 people, all my friends, where we just muck around with plasticine and Movie Maker, and make movies... :animesmil I used to go Dance Roller Skating, but it clashed with Drama. I also study Classics as an extra thing after school, which is so good!! I like myths and legends. I love reading and writing. I read LOTS of fantasy mainly and Sci-Fi but also lots of classics, and other random books I pick up. I read tons of manga now, and of corse watch anime :catgirl: . Lots of anime. I write alot, useually fantasy stories, or sci-fi. I RP with my friends on our RPG message boards 'The QA'. I love drawing, manga style as well as real life. I'm trying to start a web comic but its taking me a while to get a story line in my head and design characters I'm happy with. I play lots of PS2, my favourite games are Final Fantasy and Dynasty Worriers and GTA. I play Diabolo II on the com, and I had the Sims bug. I also play Warcraft and Civillisation II. I like Magic:The Gathering, which I play with my brother sometimes, or we play chess, which I generally lose. More Stuff: Favourite Authors: Terry Pratchett, Tamora Pierce, Tolkein, J.K.Rowling, Tom Holt, Garth Nix, Neil Gaiman, Phillip Puallman, Robert Jorden, Ursula Le Guin, Daivid Eddings, Mercedes Lackey, Holy Black, Ann Macaffery. Narnia! Favourite Music: Rocky/Alternative and JRock and anime or game soundtrack. Favouite bands: Asian Kung-Fu Generation, UVERworld and L'Arc en Ciel. Linkin Park, Kaiser Cheifs, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Green Day, System of a Down, HIM. Favourite Anime: Escaflowne, Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto and Hunter X Hunter. Though I find it hard to have a favourite anime, these are way up the front. I also really liked; R.O.D, Genshiken, Haibane Renmei, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Inu Yaaha and Excel Saga. Favourite Manga: Samurai Deeper Kyo, Fruits Basket, Black Cat, Immortal Rain and Kill Me, Kiss Me. Other TV: Doctor Who, Hustle, Star Trek Voyager and Deep Space Nine, Simpsons, Futermama, Buffy, Angel, Friends. Friends and Buffy ended!! I was so sad.... :animecry: Black Adder, Red Dwarf, Monty Python, Thin Blue Line. Favourite Films: The Fifth Element, The Craft, Practical Magic, LOTR, Kill Bill, Fight Club and Pirates of the Carribian, Studio Ghibli, Akira, Mulan, Leon, The Italian Job, Pride and Prejudice. When I'm older I want to work in the Film Industry script writing or directing. If I could I would just write, but I dout that... :animesigh Wow, that was long! Sorry to anyone bothering to read this. Yeah... I do and like a lot of stuff... I'm amazed I still have the time to write LONG posts like this... :animesmil
I've cried in loads of anime, and generally in the normal places. But I think the wierdest time was in Naruto when [SPOILER] he was with Jiraiya, and he was training. All he wanted was some one to be there with him while he trained. He was so lonely. Then there was the scene when he was walking through the town and he saw a farther and child, and the dad was giving his child an ice lolly.[/SPOILER] I really don't know why it was so heart wenching, there so many other places that are more so. But I just couldn't stop crying. :animecry:
[quote name='Sojiro47']There's always the japanese vesion!![/quote] If only I could read japanese! ... Unfortunetly I can't. :animesigh (Though I can understand quite a bit!) Sven is a good character, I would like to know more about his past. Its a shame hes used so much as a comic relief in the anime. But he is funny. [SPOILER] Sven in a dress! That episode was halarious. [/SPOILER]
I seriously suggect reading the first 3, and then the rest. I think up to book 6 has been published, it may stop here. The story lines really interesting, especally in book three, where you get to find out a lot more of Rain's background story.
Do mean at the end of book four only, or after that as well, because I don't know yet! Ah!! I'm in almost exactly the same posisition as you, my friend bought Immortal Rain, and she recently bought book 5, but its going round our friends and I haven't read it yet. You should really read the first 3 books as well if your into it. Its probably one of my favourite manga, though I don't think many people have heard of it. [SPOILER]Machika and Rains realtionship is so cute! Another reason why I have to read book 5, I have to see for myself the Rain isn't dead, because he can't be. [/SPOILER] And I have to agree [SPOILER]Yuca's rebirth was strange[/SPOILER], I was reading it under the desk in english and the teacher looked a bit confused, luckily it was a supply teacher. If you wanted the synopsis of book 4, you can read it on amazon, they also have the synopsis' of the other books, but I don't want to cheat - [url]http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1591829909/202-8056545-2906214?v=glance&n=266239[/url]
Black Cat is so good! So far I've watched 12 episodes of the anime, and read 3 volumes of the book. I love the art, and its style. I picked it up kind of randomly at a books shop where they had a 3 for 2 offer, and there wasn't anything else I wanted. I saw the words 'sweepers' and bounty hunters, and decided to give it a go imediatly. It turned out to be so much more!! I think Eve is a really interesting character, I'd like to see more bcome of her. I need more, but I have to wait till september, for viz to release the forth volume.
Well, I can't say much on Bush, as I'm English, and I only hear stuff about him on the news, and I don't think I know enough about him to make judgments. However you can't call something 'jumping on the bandwagon' just like that, maybe its just obvious and everyone agrees, and people have the right to think what they like. Which brings me to my opinion on homosexuality. Let people think what they want, and they'll let you have your opinions. How can you ban somthing like a gay marriage. Wheres the sense, is it really hurting anyone. People should worry about moe important things than whether gay love is wrong or right. To me love is love whoever it is between. I have friends who are bi and gay, and I know from the way they speak that they [I]love [/I] their girlfriends or boyfriends just as much as two people of the same sex might. To them it doesn't matter if they can get married in the future or not, what ever happens their love is there, and no one can take that from them. I had a friend once she was extremly homophobic, and she was very religous, in here words she 'didn't beleive in gay people'. She literally refused that they exsisted. She was disgusted by them. She was also someone who said they beleived strongly in love, and love at first sight. (Which always used as an argument against her homophobia) One day I was with her when me met this guy, and she really liked him, like [I]really[/I] beleived she loved him. He had a similer prejudice to her but the other way round, when he found out she was christian he was totally off her. She, of corse was dumnfounded. 'How could he hate her for her religion?' 'Her religion said nothing about her personality' (she said) . I then asked her why homosexuality had anything to do with personality, and her judgment on people. She couldn't anser me. Sorry to a LONG story like that. I just think its a good example. Many religious people have they beleif accepted easily by other people who don't share it. However they can't accept someones elses beleifs or sexual oriantation. I think we should learn to accept others beleif, and thus have our own accepted. If people are against homsexuality, fine. Though I'd like to know why? But they cannot, cannot push their beleifs on anyone else.
Lol. This has been a long debate between my friends, over which is better. In my opinion, though Pirates are cool, Ninjas are just so much better. A pirates life is just so much more limited, wherever you go you'll be a pirate. A ninja can disguise himself, and be secretive and hiden. A pirates just loud. Ninjas have more skill. Though Pirates do have sailing and sword skills... But I would proably be bad at sailing. I also find the Pirate voice annoying. I hate rum, tried it once, !ick!. Sake! Much better, though I've only tasted a little of that too. he he he.Talking of food and drink, what dd Pirates eat?? Fish? Ninjas can eat ramen! Or Rice! Ninjas have katanas, or nunchucks, and martial art skills and actually a much wider range of weapons. Puffy shirts? Yeah, well a ninja could wear a puffy shirt if they wanted too. :p
I just finished Genshiken today. I enjoyed watching it so much! I am kinda sad its over... I'll probably buy the manga, and end up watching it again in a couple of months. I loved the way Saki's character changed over the series, she seems to become more and more open to reading manga, and talking about it. Shes also more open to the others in Genshiken. I also think shes more calm. At the beggining, when she sees Kohsaka, shes kind of giggerly girly, nearer the end shes much more down to earth. Most of the time. The Chairman freaked me out too.[spoiler] I really want to know what it was he used to black mail Saki, if that was what he was doing. He seemed to know something she wished he didn't.[/spoiler] Has anyone seen the OVA of Kujibiki Unbalance? And can anyone can that opening song out of their head?
I have to say Mustang and Riza. All through Full Metal Alchemist I was saying 'get together at the end, get together at the end...' though it was only till the end that [spoiler]you got hints that they did[/spoiler]. Though they don't act in the most obvious to-be-couples way I still think their really cute. She cares so much for him, even in her formal, quite way. I love the scene when [SPOILER] Riza has to trip Mustang over so he doesn't try to use his Flame Gloves on Scar in the rain[/SPOILER] and when she says [SPOILER]'Theres someone I need to protect' in ep 36, as her reason for being in the army[/SPOILER].
I love Miyazaki! Spirited Away was one of the first anime I ever watched, and it really made me want to see more. All his work is so colourful, and the scenes are always so vibrant, and beautiful. Then I saw Princess Mononoke which actually amazed me more than anything. Before I started watching alot of anime, and reading manga I was a solid fantasy reader (still am), and I loved myths and legends. So Princess Mononoke was just too perfect... epic battles and demons. Because of this I'd proably say Princess Mononoke is my favourite, it has that amazed effect everytime I watch it. I have also seen Kiki's Delivery Service and Howl's Moving Castle. I could watch these films over and over, there so heartwarming. I watch Kiki Delivery service when I feel sad :animesmil, its my cheer-up film.