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Kita Erindur

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Everything posted by Kita Erindur

  1. Two really good Romance: Fruits Basket - Manga: - Female focus It does focus on Tohru alot. But then it also builds up the stories of the people around her. And in the anime it does have chapters from Yuki or Kyo's view. So its not female-thoughts dominated. AND its funny, and some of the characters are so cute and lovable. Saikano: Focus: Kinda girl but it also shows alot of the guys feelings. (especially in the manga, some things about guys thoughts, I really didn't wanna know.) This anime/manga is amazing. But really deep, and sad, and ... and.. :animecry: It has hardly any humour at all in it: which in my opinion is good, comedy just wouldn't mix with the story. But if your a romance (tragedy) fan. Saikano is prefect. The thing about male focus romance is sometimes the girls become just annoying and stupid. Or the guy is to prevy or stupid - though that can be funny. But then I haven't seen as many as I have gilr focus. However, would you call Chobits a male focus romance anime/manga?? I suppose you would with the 'on' button scene. That is funny. AND in some parts its deep. So ... I dunno which I prefer. Hmmm.... Probably female focus. I am a girl, and can relate to it better, without getting annoied with pervy guys...
  2. Lol Kiba!!! :animesigh. Hes so cool. And damn his hair is cute. He also really seems to care about his group, and Akamaru (sorry if I spell it wrong). Mustang! Although his personality isn't as kind as Kiba's. Hes so strong... but been through so much. *sniff* Hes really kind in another way though. He sticks by his squad, even if he doesn't openly do it, or show it. Also Loki, from Ragnarok. He is really trustworthy and loyal. Even if he is an assasin. [CENTER]:animesmil he he he ..... just laughing at how silly I sound. [/CENTER]
  3. Yay!!! :D I think one of my favourite songs is N.G.S. Jihei Tansaku or World Apart are also really good.Kimitoiu Hana was the first un-anime related song I heard from them, and agian one of the main reasons I fell in love with them. I have most ofthere albums, except for the new one, and all the singles except Blue Train and the really old stuff they did with English in it.
  4. Yeah. That would work better. They wouldn't even have to do the whole thing. Like the story of Beren and Luthien, that could make a really good anime, like a short seris.
  5. Don't think so, I've never heard of them. This band: [url]http://www.sonymusic.co.jp/Music/Info/AKG/[/url] - Theres a translation button btw.
  6. [B]AKG!!!!![/B] After falling in love with the second opening of Naruto - Haruka Kanata, then Rewrite from Full Metel Alchemist - last ending. Then finding out they were made by the same group, I had to find out more about them. Asian KungFu Generation has become one of my favourite bands. :D Even some of my friends, who aren't into anime find there songs addictivly brilliant; there just so good. I know that Full Metal Alchemist and Naruto are two very popular animes, and just wandered if any one else had found them as amazing as I have! :animesmil
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