[color="#4169E1"][font="Century Gothic"][size="2"]Current Display Name: Mrs. Maul
Username: taperson
Previous Usernames: taperson, DisrespectWomenEarnALiving
Join Date: June 5th, 2006.
Usual Name IRL: Marta.
Age: 19.
Gender: Female.
Member Picture/Description: [url="http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs017.ash2/34211_1264508210447_1161990688_31131303_1405117_n.jpg"]This is my face.[/url]
Desktop screenshot: [IMG]http://i37.tinypic.com/34rytrs.png[/IMG]
Do you play any sports?: No.
What do you study?: Music business.
Job: Waitress!
What languages do you speak/write?: English. Teeny tiny bits of Japanese.
Location: Indiana.
Religion: Lutheran.
Opinion on Religions: Organized religion is necessary for society but not necessary to the individual.
Sexuality: Straight, but I like to kiss girls.
Opinion on homosexuality: It exists. It's unavoidable. I don't want homosexual marriage in a church of God. However, there is nothing legally against gay marriage within the court.
Political opinion: Moderate.
Opinion on Political Opinions: Learn.
Operating System: Mac!
Opinion on Operating Systems: Mac!
Do you text/call while driving?: Call, yes. Text, sometimes.
Opinion on Texting/Calling while driving: Be safe.
Opinion on Evolution Theory: Evolution is hardly a theory. It exists, quite obviously. However, I believe in the grand scheme of things, there is a Creator.
Opinion on Tasing: Don't tase children ever.
Opinion on Health Care: One pap smear every two years really pisses me off.
Opinion on Abortions: I really just don't know.
Opinion on Euthanasia: It makes me sad.
What does your user name/display name mean?: Har har har.
What members would you like to meet?: I already met him!
OB Family: Uhhhhh... Mr. Maul.
Ninjas or Pirates?: Disagree.
Chicken or the Egg?: I like eggs a lot.
XL Basic or Wet Paint?: Wet Paint. But the lack of color overall also pisses me off.
Why did the chicken cross the street?: It did not.
How wrong was Kanye for disrupting Taylor's MTV Awards moment?: That wasn't too nice.
Are you from 2001-ish?: Nope!
The Nerdiest Thing You've Ever Done: Joined OB. Or took Japanese class.
Your celebrity crush: [img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs231.snc4/38893_1272985822382_1161990688_31162612_2740724_n.jpg[/img]
I could make love to this man all day.
Do you like cooking?: Yes, but I suck at it.
Do you procastinate much?: I try not to anymore.
If you could go back in time five years, what's one thing would you tell yourself?: I would just give myself a hug & cry.
Your worst crime ever: Drugs.
What book are you currently reading?: I'm not, sadly.
Best April fools Moment: None.
Valentine's Day ideas: I have them ;)
What did you get for Christmas?: A record player!
Best birthday gifts you ever received: My dad took me to see Ian Anderson.
Favourite Sandwich: Ham, pickles, mustard, lettuce, spinach, bacon, jalapenos, oregano, oil & vinegar (or Italian!).
Favourite Recipe: Probably that sandwich. Hahahaha.
Favourite Class In School: All of them. I love music.
Favourite Sock: My thigh highs.
Least Favourite Sock: You should never have a sock you don't like.
Favourite Band/Musician: Gaga.
Favourite Song: I can't possibly decide.
Your Theme Song: Haha.
Favourite love songs: Such Great Heights, Chicago, Oh, It is Love, Iris, et cetera.
Favourite Anime: No, thank you.
Favourite Manga: No, thank you.
Favourite Film: Mean Girls.
Favourite TV Show: LOST. The Office. E!
Favourite Actor/Actress: JOSEPH GORDON LEVITT.
Favourite Director: Michel Gondry.
Favourite Video Game: No, thank you.
Favourite Board Game: Monopoly!
Favourite Game Console: Sega Genesis!
Favourite OB Thread: TPRP.
Favourite OB RPG: No, thank you.
Favourite OB Member: Mr. Maul.
Favourite OB Staff Member: Uhh.
Favourite OB Memory: Oh gosh. That one thread where everyone got to break rules for a day.
Favourite OB Version: Not this one.
Favourite All-time OB Forum: The Lounge.
Favourite OB Inside Joke: UHHHHH.
Favourite LolCat: No, thank you.
Favourite Youtube video: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8xJtH6UcQY[/media]
Shameless Plug: http://www.youtube.com/user/martasoup
Other: Yes!