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Everything posted by strwpoptart

  1. [SIZE=4]RIP![/SIZE] [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Green]6/21/07 My best friend in the entire world died today. Her name is Pebbles. I loved her to death. She was the best pet and the best friend I could have ever wanted growing up. She lived 18 long years though. My mother, little sister, and I just finished digging a grave for her about 20mins ago. No matter how much I try I just can't seem to stop crying. I know some people out there think 'get over it's just an animal', but Pebbles and Sparkles were more than that to me. I'm not trying to be Emo, but growing I really had many 2 friends the most. Basically I didn't have friends until 6th grade, so Pebbles really was my best friend and at times she was my whole world. *tears* God I'm really going to miss her. Anyway here's some pics of her. She's the tabby with the green eyes and my other cat Sparkles (who passed away 2yrs ago) is the black cat in the last picture.[/COLOR][/FONT] [url=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r249/strwpoptart/SamsNewDress004.jpg]picture[/url] [url=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r249/strwpoptart/SamanthaPebbles-inbed.jpg]picture[/url] [url=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r249/strwpoptart/P1010001.jpg]picture[/url] [url=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r249/strwpoptart/photos022.jpg]picture[/url][INDENT][COLOR=Red]I changed your pictures to links [B]strwpoptart[/B]. For future reference, please do not post pictures that stretch OB's layout. Simply use a link instead. Thanks. ~SunfallE[/COLOR][/INDENT]
  2. [COLOR=Green][FONT=Garamond]Well what a lot of people are saying here is basically true. Obviously you like her, you like her a lot. Only you can know if it's love though. From personal experience I can say that no matter how much you try yo force yourself to LOVE or actually BE IN LOVE with someone, it's impossible. You can still have strong feelings for someone, but not actually be in love with them and it also may be infatuation. The point is only you can tell of its love or not and the only way to really be able to know that is based upon your own past experiences. You'll know when its just like or the fact that shes hot or sweet, and then you'll really know when your in love because it feels different or maybe your heart rate picks up every time you see her. Basically stuff like that. Only you can know if your actually in love or not. If she just broke up with her ex 4 months ago then yes she is going to need space, but being a girl myself I can help you a little bit. If she really cared for the guy like you said and shes hurt because he used her, then shes going to want to talk to someone and vent her anger and fustration. Talk to her and let her talk...actually once she gets into the topic let her do most of the talking and you just listen. Now I know this part really sucks for you especially since you like her so much and you don't want to really hear about her idiot ex-bf, but she will recognize and appreciate that you were there to listen to her. This would be a step 1 into her door and life. The next thing to do is to casually (and I mean casually) request making a GROUP hang out day. Because she just got out of a bad relationship shes not going to feel safe or maybe even up to doing a solo with you 'cause she won't know if it really is a date or just hanging out or whatever and then she might back off and get scared. Request a group date and she'll be all for it. DO NOT go to the movies. Go some place that you guys can all talk and laugh...bowling, carnival, miniature golf, etc. This will make her comfortable 'cause she'll have her friends around and will make you comfortable at the same time. This would be a good oportunity to ask her questions about herself that you didn't know and would be interested in knowing. Basically getting to know each other better. After this she will also feel more confortable about just hanging with you alone in the future. The last thing is to finally ask her on a date (just the two of you). You can talk about whatever you like and let her know your true feelings (BUT if you are in love with her don't tell her here 'cause its too soon for her to know and she can't respond to you) Ask her somewhere within the date if she would be willing to give a relationship between the two of you a chance and give her an ultimatum. You want a yes or no answer directly (even if it hurts sorry). If she says she needs time to think about it GIVE her the time. Say "OK no problem". Then if she doesn't approach you and answer within 3 days you have the right to ask her again and she HAS TO give you an answer then. If she refuses to then like someone else had already said shes leading you on. By this point she may not even be worth your time and emotions anymore. *NOW REMEMBER this is not all in the space of 2-3days or even a few days for that matter. This is all takes time...trust me i know this sucks more than anything...but if you really care about her as much as you say and shes really worth it to you then you need to give her the time to be angry, heal, and then trust you which will eventually lead to hopefully giving a relationship with you a chance* I'm not sure exactly how you feel, but if she does happen to say no it will hurt and you will cry, but if you care about her as much as you say do and you really just loving be around her or with her then after she says no request to stay close friends and see what she says. If shes not in love with you but does like you or feel strongly for you she may want to stay friends with you too. Maybe you'll even learn or realize later that you were just infatuated with her and actually not in love. Who knows but I wish you all the luck and if you just give her some time and a shoulder to lean on for the moment I think you'll be ok.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Green][FONT=Garamond]Well my favorite subject or the one I was most good at was always gym. I was always tomboyish and my father made me play baseball since I was 5yrs old so I was always a natural at any types of sports or athletics and even if I'm not too good at it I always try them or give it my all. As for my least favorite or the one I was the worst in was hands down anything having to do with math. I hated that subject like it were the plague. I always had horrible teachers and none of them could teach math very good. For some odd reason though when I had to take the basic math courses in college I did really well in them and got A's in the classes. I think it just proves that if you have the right teacher teaching that subject than everyone could probably get it.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Green][FONT=Garamond]Well I'm not very good looking or photogenic so obviously I don't have a lot of photos of me. I kind of hate cameras :D Anyway this is me. The first 2 are of me and BK recently at a party. [URL=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r249/strwpoptart/SAM1.jpg]Party pic #1[/URL] [URL=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r249/strwpoptart/SAM2.jpg]Party pic #2[/URL] This is me holding my neice almost a year ago come July. [URL=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r249/strwpoptart/SAM3.jpg]Me and my most awdorable cuttly snuggly neice[/URL] [/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Green][FONT=Garamond]1. Fruits Basket 2. Azumanga Daioh 3. Love Hina 4. Full Metal Panic Fumoffu 5. Ouran High School Host Club OMG! I can't believe how many people put Naruto. Naruto is more action based than comedy based so I highly doubt it would be in the top 5 lol. I'm not sure about my answers though 'cause I was also debating between 3 different animes to add to that list. Well I guess we'll see :catgirl: [/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Green][FONT=Garamond]I like action, comedy, and romantic animes. The ones that manage to have all 3 in one (with obviously good graphics and/or drawing) are the best and most awesome animes. For example, Fruits Basket didn't have so much in the way of action, but it had a bit of romance and mystery in it and of course it has comedy so all in all a great Anime. DN Angel had romance, a little comedy but not much, and of course action, so this was an awesomr anime too. Of course there are many other great ones out there that need mentioning, but we all know what they are. :animesmil[/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [font=garamond][color=green]Ok. I've seen episodes 1-5 and Its a little disturbing, but also intersting and thats why I want to watch more, but I'm having trouble. Can anyone tell me where or what site I can find the early episodes in english sub on? I can't find them on Youtube, Veoh, or Dailymotion. If anyone has any other sites I would greatly appreciate it. I really want to see the episodes from the beginning. I hate watching shows from the end or middle and then working your way back. It makes things so confusing lol. I hope I can watch more Death Note. :animecry: [/color][/font]
  8. [font=garamond][color=green]The japanese version, which is the original, Iron Chef si the best hands down. The American version they have now doesn't even come close to how great the original one was. The Iron Chefs themselves were ten times better and I watched a special on the Americanized one and 1hr before they film the show the chefs are actually told what the secret ingredient is so they can somewhat prepare in their minds the kind of dishes they want to make. I was so mad when I found this out because they did not do this in the original Iron Chef.[/color][/font]
  9. [color=green][font=garamond]Wow guilty pleasures....I have a lot so lets see: 1. I love the t.v. show 'The X-Files'. I can recite the whole movie and certain lines from certain episodes. I also really love little green aliens!-_- 2. I love reading romance novels and manga. I can't get enough of them! It's really sad how my room is almost literally top to bottom covered in books. I could read books all day and night long and never get bored. 3. This one is a little weird so no one laugh at me now :animeblus ....but in order for me to fall asleep at night (unless I'm completely exhausted and can fall right asleep) I have to imagine myself in some sort of fantasy (NOT always sexual my little perv friends :P). It could simply be putting myself into a role of a movie, book, or anime that I have seen or read. 4. Lets see...its not really a guilty pleasure, but I like to draw (though I'm not that good), I like to sing when I'm alone in my room, and I like to write my own fanfiction stories. I also like reading others fanfic online. 5. I feel really weird when I don't have socks on my feet lol! Just ask BKstyles! I hate not having socks on my feet. I'm sure there's more, but I won't bore u. :catgirl: [/font][/color]
  10. [font=garamond][color=green]Well personally I am a brunette, but my hair is really dark (damn my dads genetic genes). I also have very very very dark brown eyes that almost seen black. Personally I love my hair color, just not my hair lol, but l really hate my eye color. I like brown just not as dark as mine. As far as blond goes I never really liked that color, though I do have to admit Tamaki from Ouran High School Host Club is so freakin hot with his blond hair and blue eye look. For some reason though I find myself more attracted to guys with dark hair. Yeah I think its the whole dark haired guys are mysterious, but a guy with brown hair that I can run my fingers through and with light color eyes (blue, green, grey, hazel) gets me every time. I get weak all over for these types of guys, they're just tooooo cute :catgirl:. But then I have dark haired guys with glasses like Kyouya fron Ouran High School Host Club and he's so freakin hot too. And we didn't even get into red heads lol. I've never actually met a guy with red hair, but I know of girls with red hair were also really hot that made me so envious of them. Orange hair kind of falls under red doesn't it? Isn't a much lighter shade of red? I dunno but Kyo from Fruits Basket has orange hair and he kind of turns me on too. I think it just has to be the overall package. But for arguments sake here since I have brown hair I'm going to have to go with Brunette's rule!!!:catgirl: [/font][/color]
  11. [font=garamond][color=green][indent]HI. Just wanted to say that not every relationship actually offers you closure. I know from my own personal experience that sometimes when you want closure you aren't exactly able to attain it. It actually took me a long while, but I just learned to let it go and not care anymore.[/indent] [indent]I was with this guy in high school for a year and a half and towards the end I knew the relationship was getting bad and that it would be over soon. I was very devastated about it and I had a lot of questions that I wanted to ask him, but he ended up leaving (without saying goodbye) and I never was able to get the closure that I wanted from that relationship. People eventually started telling me things that he said behind my back, or that he never really loved me to begin with but was actually just using me, or just more things to that extent that I never knew. But because I knew that I would never see him again and never get to ask him all those questions of what was true and what wasn't that one day I finally said to myself "I don't care anymore. I'll never see him again, he's not part of my life anymore, so stop worrying about it." And that's exactly what I did. I let it go and just moved on.[/indent] [indent]You stated yourself that he keeps saying the same things over and over again, but his actions don't show it and he can't stand up or back up what he says, so personally I think your right in not letting him back in. Maybe as a friend that's a different story, but I wouldn't have an intimate relationship with him again. If he couldn't learn after the first couple of times what makes you think he's going to start changing now? Those are the types of questions I would ask myself. As far as love is concerned...yes some people get lucky and some people don't. I don't think we really have control over that. Loving someone and having the relationship end is always hard, but sometimes it's necessary in order to keep the friends part of the relationship going or just simply maybe it was meant to happen for a reason. So yes there will pain and hurt, but with time it will slowly go away or at least not hurt as much.[/indent][/color][/font]
  12. [COLOR=Green]Hey guys just curious as to why people aren't posting? I know everyone is probably busy, I know I have been too, but just wanted to know where the rp stands right now. Thanks :P[/COLOR]
  13. OOC: I am really so sorry guys! I've been unbelievably busy these past 2 weeks with school work and police academy stuff. I know I'm going to be a little late in posting stuff, but I do promise that I will post when I can. [CENTER][COLOR=Green]Persephone was sitting in the make-shift saddle she made with her barehands for when riding in battle on top of Ciela. The saddle was made out of a type of leather and a knitted quilt. The pattern she created on the quilt was the image of her with Ciela by the water. When they were fooling around and sometimes while they were practicing she wouldn't use the saddle because Ciela really hated having it on her, but during battle it made it easier for Persephone to stay astride her when she made sharp turns and spirals. The saddle also made it easier for Persephone to stand astride her and fire her arrows off with her accurate percision. The Sapiens were in the heat of battle with The Legion. Persephone wasn't really good with hand to hand combat or even close range combat for that matter so she usually stayed atop Ciela giving support from the sky. The first thing Persephone always did was look at all of her surroundings and where the enemy was located as well as her allies. One thing she was known for was her great sight. She always seemed to notice things before others did and saved many of her fellow Sapiens lifes due to that. This battle was taking place outside the city of [i]Beliarr[/i]. The city was located in a valley region. The wide open area had grass that was a beautiful green, but was currently being ruined by the soldiers stomping feet upon it and pools of blood. Unfornately there were also sparingly few trees around, meaning the battle was out in the open with very few to none places for the soldiers on the ground to hide. In certain situations that could be bad, but this made finding her enemies a whole lot easier. This made Persephone smile thinking, [COLOR=purple][i]"This is going to be too easy."[/i][/COLOR] [color=lime]"You know Sephy I would normally agree with you, but take a look at the back of the enemy lines."[/color] Ciela said. Persephone did look and for the first time noticed the commander of The Legion, Sabian Deimos, sitting in the back on top of his horse. [color=purple]"What the hell is he doing here? This isn't a huge important battle that he would be needed out here. I mean he barely shows himself at battles anymore anyways since he thinks of himself as so high and mighty. He usually just lets his military goons do all the work. Something weird is definetely going on."[/color] Ciela said, [color=lime]"I agree with you."[/color] Persephone looked around and found her fellow riders, Donovan Asclan and Eddy Reikenth. She took a moment away from battle to really look at them and to see of either of them also noticed Deimos. She concluded that they both did by the angry looks on their faces and the fact that they were being cautious just like her instead of justing going all out upon the enemy. [color=purple]"Lets be careful Ciela. Something definetely doesn't feel right. Can you send a message to Adriana for me?"[/color] [color=lime]"Sure thing Stephy."[/color] [color=purple]"Good. Tell her to ask Donovan if he has any idea whats going on and if he has a certain plan of attack that he wants us to carry out."[/color] Persephone wasn't about to let Deimos pull some kind of trick on them. [/COLOR][/CENTER]
  14. [center][COLOR=Green][FONT=Garamond][b]"I'll see you all later."[/b] That was the last of Tsunade-sama's speech. Midori stood in the crowd with this blank stare on her face due to shock. She knew that there was something going on when she saw and heard about a large number of sand ninja coming into the village, but she never imagined that their allies the Sunagakure were attacked and completely destroyed. I mean she has never met their Kazekage Gara, but she has heard through her studies and through rumors that he was onced used as an indestructible weapon and might even be considered at a times a monster. She thought that he must be a powerful person especially since he is their Kazekage, and knowing all of this about him they were still defeated. That troubled her very deeply and she even started to shake with chills for a moment. Midori snapped out of her shock and took a long look all around her. She saw the people and ninja from the sand village scattered around, some crying for their loses, some with knowing hardened looks upon their faces. She also saw the people and ninja from Konoha, her people, and everyone was shocked by the news. Some of them looked extremely worried though while others had that intense excited look of a much awaited battle ahead. Midori also looked over to her left and found that her fellow genin started to break away from each other one by one to go their separate ways to pack and say there goodbyes before heading to the stadium. She shrugged her shoulders and turned the other way walking at a steady pace toward her small apartment. [i]"Well I better get my things together too"[/i] ,she thought to herself. She walked with no hurry relishing in the feel of the slight breeze upon her face. She could hear the russle of leaves in the trees nearby and thought to herself, [i]"I hope I live through this if not just to save this village that my parent's loved, but so that I can walk through these streets and these wooded forests again and feel the breeze and hear the song of the birds and just relax in one of those quietly shaded areas under a tree somewhere."[/i] She took a deep gulp of breath in as if it were her very last breath she would ever have. Then she sighed deeply and walked into her very tiny apartment, which technically was one very small room and an even smaller bathroom attached to it. Midori packed her weapons and supplies into her bag making sure to carry as light as possible. A little orange fuzzball jumped onto the bed. [b]"Meow!"[/b] Midori pet the little kittens head. This cat has been her friend and solace ever since her parents died. [b]"Hey Kyo. I'm going to be gone for a little while buddy so your going to have to stay next door at Yuko-sama's house. She'll take good care of you."[/b] [b]"Meow!"[/b] Midori giggled and picked her up into her arms nuzzling her and then left the house to go next door to her neighbor. She left Kyo with her neighbor who was more than happy to watch her. She then headed over to the cemetary to see her parents' graves. [b]"Hi mom, dad. Well I guess it's inevitable to follow in your foot steps. You guys worked on protecting this village because you loved it and the people within it, though I can't imagine why. I mean there are some good people here and I love the quiet forests, but I still can't see what you guys saw in this place. I do live here though and vowed to protect it for you guys so that's what I'm doing and that's why I'm here today. I wanted to say goodbye to you guys. We were called into battle today against a very powerful enemy. I'll admit that I am nervous and I don't think I'm really ready for this...actually I know I'm not ready yet, but you always told me to try my hardest and Sakura-sensei says the same thing to me...You know mom she reminds me a lot of you actually..."[/b]She smiled to herself. [b]"...and I don't want to let the people who are important to me down. And I don't want to let the people of this village down either."[/b] She paused briefly to look at her watch. [b]"Crap, look at the time. Well I got to go to the stadium now and catch up with everyone else. I'll come by again when I get home. Love you both lots and I miss you every day. Bye."[/b] Midori walked over to the stadium and noticed some of her fellow ninja were already there. Mai, Kuro, Ichiro, and Kaoru were sitting together on one bench. Gin Batou and Mitsumi were sitting on the bench right to the left of them. Midori looked around to find a seat that was a bit farther from them or somewhere she could sit alone, but the stadium was pretty crowded already and she knew that everyone wasn't even here yet so she walked over to Mitsumi. [b]"Hey Mitsumi, Is anyone sitting here?"[/b] [/FONT][/COLOR][/center] OOC: Sorry guys I haven't been on my computer this whole week due to Midterms, papers, and work, but I'm back now :P Tag Redemption your turn :P
  15. [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Green]Sweat dripped in small droplets down Midori's face. She was trying so hard to bring the fish on the scroll in front of her back to life. [b]"Come on Midori! You can do this!"[/b] Frustrated and tired, Midori punched the table and grunted out her displeasure. [b]"Unhh! Why am I so darn dim-witted? It's insufferable! I can't even do a simple healing technique. What use am I to my teammates if I can't even do the simple techniques?"[/b] [b]"Midori, how many times must I tell you not to berate yourself so?"[/b] Sakura said while striding across the room towards Midori. Midori immediately lowered her eyes and tilted her head down towards the floor as a form of respect to her teacher and as a sign that she knew she was about to be scolded by her as well. [b]"I'm sorry Sakura sensei. I just get frustrated very easily because I really do try my hardest to do exactly what you say, but over and over again I constantly seem to fail you and my teammates."[/b] [b]"Midori you are doing nothing of the sort. If anything, every time you think negatively and berate yourself, like I just heard you doing, then first and foremost you are failing yourself. And yes this does ultimately effect your teammates as well, but the solution and the problem both first lie within you."[/b] Sakura curved her index finger on her right hand and slipped it under Midori's chin lifting her face up to her level so she could look directly into her beautiful violet eyes. Midori looked so depressed that Sakura thought the girl was going to start crying any minute. [b]"Look Midori there is a simple solution to this. Just think positively! If you have a problem or need help with something don't be afraid to ask someone. You can't always do everything on your own no matter how much you try or want to. I know you have social problems and that people generally steer clear of you and you of them, but thats just wrong! Not everyone is full of hatred or stupid enough to be so childish to continue to call you names. If you tried as hard to make a friend as you do to impress me and the other sensei's, I'm sure you will see big changes in your training."[/b] [b]"I know your right Sakura sensei. I promise I'll try harder." "...And"[/b] Sakura chimed in. Rolling her eyes Midori added,[b]"And I promise I'll try harder at everything, even with friends and socializing."[/b] Smiling Sakura said,[b]"Good. That's my girl. Ok, now let me show you this technique again."[/b] The door to the room burst open with a loud bang, frightening Midori and Sakura that they jumped back behind the table ready to attack at any moment. Standing in the doorway bent over at the waist huffing and puffing was Shizune. [b]"Sakura...I...I finally...found you."[/b] Sakura and Midori ran over to Shizune to help her. [b]"Shizune what is it?"[/b] Sakura said. [b]"Tsunade-sama has just called an emergency Jounin meeting right away in her office. Your needed there now." "OK, I'm on my way. I'm sorry Midori we'll have to continue this later." "No problem sensei. I think I'll go take a break anyway."[/b] Midori said. Sakura and Shizune left the room and headed for Tsunade's office two floors up. Midori grabed her towel from the chair and wiped the leftover remenants of sweat from her face. She walked out the door and turned to find three odd people she had never seen before walking down the hall towards Tsunade's office, but she did notice that all three had the village of the sand headbands. (The three people are Garaa, Temari, and Kankuro) [i]"Something weird is deffinetely going on. I wonder what it is."[/i] Midori thought to herself. She shrugged and started to walk toward the stairs while her mind was still occupied by the emergency meeting. All of a sudden Midori lost her balance, but briefly got a glimpse of bright yellow hair before she fell to the floor. [b]"I'm so sorry Midori. Are you alright?"[/b] Midori reached up to grab the hand that was held out to her and glanced up to see that it was Naruto who was holding out his hand. She immediately began to blush and turn bright red while she was pulled up onto her feet. [b]"Naruto sensei!"[/b] Naruto put on his big grin and scratched the back of his head, [b]"Yeah sorry about that Midori. I'm just really in a rush right now. I don't want to be the last one to Tsunade's office again or she's going to kill me for always being late, he he he. Well see you later."[/b] Before Midori even got to say anything Naruto took off down the hall. She let out the huge breath on a sigh that she didn't even realize she was holding in that whole time. She thought to herself, [i]"Naruto sensei is soooo cute! And he even likes me enough to spend time laughing and talking with me!"[/i] She sighed again. [b]"Well I can't stand around here dreaming all day can I?"[/b] Humming to herself she left the building. When she got outside she overheard a lot of people talking about all the commotion of sand ninja coming into the village at the front gate. Hearing this Midori remembered the three sand ninja she saw walking towards Tsunade's office. [b]"I better go to the gates of the village and find out for myself what's going on."[/b] Midori jumped on the rooftops from house to house because the streets were getting crowded with all the excitement going on and new that this was the fastest way to get to the front. Coming up on the front she saw Ichiro, Kuro, Kauro, and Oni standing on a rooftop watching the action. She thought to herself, [i]"Well Sakura sensei told me to start talking and making friends and I told her I would try, and I never break my promises, so here goes nothing."[/i] Midori landed on the rooftop behind them. [b]"Hey guys. So does anybody know what the deal is with all these sand ninja and do you think it has anything to do with the emergency Jounin meeting Tsunade called?"[/b][/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [COLOR=Green][FONT=Garamond][u]Character Information[/u]: [b]Name:[/b] Persephone Floros [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Appearance:[/b][URL=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r249/strwpoptart/persephone.jpg]persephone[/URL] Pretty much the same. Dirty blond hair, sea foam green eyes, her outfit is exactly the same and purple. Instead of her hair being in that up-do though its just tied back into a braid that ends at the back of her knees. [b]Resistance:[/b] Sapiens [b]Weapon:[/b][URL=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r249/strwpoptart/Bow.jpg]bow and arrow[/URL] She has a bow and arrow that she carries on her back. She is quick and very accurate with it. Sometimes she poisons the tips of her arrows. [URL=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r249/strwpoptart/cleopatra-dagger.jpg]dagger[/URL] The daggar is tied around her right thigh for quick access. The pouch around her hip contains some medical herbs, powders, and lotions as well as some very powerful poisons. She learned as a child how to harvest and grow the right plants as well as how to mix the remedies and potions together from an herbalist who was a friend of her family. [b]Spells:[/b] [indent][list][b]Contego Undo [Defensive/Offensive][/b]-Depending on what Persephone wants it can either create a large tidal wave or tsuname,that takes shape like a figure of a draon, that drenches and devours everything in its path (this is good for taking out large armies on land) or this spell can act as a defense and create a wall of water around her and her dragon that has the maic effect to block all other magic spells, but is weak against normal man-made weapons that can slip right through water.[/list] [list][b]Water Claustrum [Offensive][/b]-This spell creates a giant water ball that trapts the enemy inside of it like a prison. There is no air inside of this ball, only water, so the person or dragon inside it can't breathe. This can be very lethal and may even lead to death if Persephone does not release the spell in time.[/list] [list][b]Crispo Nuntius [Supportive][/b]-This speall creates an endless amount of water fairies that spread out and drop a water droplet onto every enemy, giving Persephone and Ciela the ability to see(Ciela)/feel(Persephone) where each and every enemy is and how close they are.[/list][/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] Persephone is a very cute lovable person. She has a giddy almost child-like personality and appeal to her. She loves trying to mimick other personalities, as an example she can be a vixen when she wants, she can have a dry sarcastic cutting manner, or also be very aloof and arrogant when the mood strikes her. She can be very serious and thorough in battle and when she is needed. She is very noble and loyal to her friends and her dragon. Persephone and Ciela have such a good chemsitry together and have such similar personalities that people sometimes wonder and joke that they were born from the same parents. Her and Ciela also like to play around from time to time and do neat tricks to show off or make people laugh. She also has this innate ability to sense any type of water. [U]Dragon Information[/U]: [b]Name:[/b] Ciela [b]Color:[/b] Green [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r249/strwpoptart/grdragon2.jpg]calm[/URL], [URL=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r249/strwpoptart/grdragon1.jpg]fired up[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] She also has this carefree loving playful attitude. She is very loyal to her rider and would protect her with her life. She can be very fierce and do major damage when you piss her off. One of her favorite things to do with her rider is a combination excercise where Persephone shoots arrows at targets she has set up all across the valley, while riding her, and at the same time they work on combo attacks against fake enemies. After they're workout they both love to fly freely with the wind blowing in their faces towards the clear cool water of the ocean and then they plunge together into it's depths to cool off, coming up for air laughing at the same time. They both have a deep abiding love for the ocean since they grew up right near it and swam in it almost everyday. While most dragons have a taste for meat, Ciela is odd and also has a taste for sweets. [b]Bio/Snippet:[/b] [indent][color=lime][b]"Are you ready yet Sephy?"[/b][/color]Ciela asked tapping her foot impatiently. [color=darkorchid][b]"Relax Ciela. I just finished putting up the last one."[/b][/color] Persephone climbed up onto Ciela's back, straddling the neck. [color=darkorchid][b]"Alright Ciela. Let's get started."[/b][/color] [color=lime][b]"OK. Here I go."[/b][/color] Ciela jumped up and opened her great mass of wings flying herself and Persephone up into the open air. It was a gorgeously beautiful day today. The sky was a clear blue with a few fluffy white clouds floating dreamily by. There was a light breeze, but it felt simply wonderful on warm days like today. Ciela glided easily in the air. [color=lime][b]"Alright ready when you are."[/b][/color] [color=darkorchid][b]"Ok."[/b][/color] Persephone closed her eyes and placed her hands together. [color=darkorchid][b]"Crispo Nuntius!"[/b][/color] Persephone released her hands to her sides and dozens of beautifully perfected water faieries flew out flying in a million different directions across the valley. These fairies dispensed a droplet of water onto each one of Persephone's targets that she set up all across the valley with the help of Ciela. After a moment Persephone was able to sense all of her targets and released the spell. [color=darkorchid][b]"I got them!"[/b][/color] [color=lime][b]"So do I."[/b][/color]Ciela said. Persephone grabbed her handcrafted wooden bow from over her shoulder, then grabbed a hand crafted arrrow, and fired without even taking a moment to aim. She hit the bullseye. Riding Ciela, swaying back and forth, Persephone kept on firing at her targets and she always hit the dead center with precise acurate percision. The last target she set up she hid behind a tree. She fired her arrow dead center of the tree and in mid-flight Ciela flamed the arrow with her breath and it went through the tree hitting the target dead center. [color=darkorchid][b]"Nicely done Ciela! That was awesome!"[/b][/color] [color=lime][b]"Thank you. That was pretty cool wasn't it and of course as usual you hit every target perfectly. You know, we're really lucky that we work so well together. Not every rider is in sync with their dragon as much as we are."[/b][/color] [color=darkorchid][b]"I know. And you know what I'm thinking right now?"[/b][/color] [color=lime][b]"As a matter of fact I do."[/b][/color] Both Ciela and Persephone laughed. Ciela flew straight and fast towards the destination while Persephone sat on her dragon, her hands spread out in mid air, eyes closed, breathing in the fresh air and enjoying every minute of it. She opened her eyes just in time to see the view of the ocean approaching and fast. [color=lime][b]"Here we go!"[/b][/color] [color=darkorchid][b]WoooooHooooooo![/b][/color] Ciela dove down toward the depths of the ocean and a few feet before they hit the water together, Persephone jumped off and dove into the water head first. Both dragon and rider surfaced a few moments later laughing widely and enjoying the refreshing feeling of the cool sea water. Persephone swam over to Ciela and gently stroked her head like you would to any pet. [color=darkorchid][b]"This was great. We should do this again tomorrow."[/b][/color] [color=lime][b]"Awww come on Sephy. Don't you believe in a day off?"[/b][/color] They both laughed and giggled like school children while relaxing in the ocean water.[/indent] [/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Green]Yey I made it in. Go Team 1! BTW, who is our jounin or team leader though?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Green] Name: Kobayashi, Midori Age: 14 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r249/strwpoptart/somegirl.jpg]Here[/URL] Pretty much the same, but the hair color is a dark sea green and her eyes are a light shade of lavender. She wears a one piece (like sakura's original one) that's red with random blue spirals on the outfit , but the bottom half on the right is slit open all the way up to her thigh leaving her legs in the front exposed. The top half is sleeveless and has a v-neck exposing some cleavage. She also has a black sash that she ties around her waist so she can hook her ninja pouch on. She ties her Konoha ninja headband over the sash around her waist. Black ninja shoes and black fingerless gloves that end right above the wrists. She also has a black choker around her neck and attacked to it is a unicorn pendant that her mother gave to her when she was little. Rank: Genin Personality: Everyone is always scared of her and calls her an outcast. The children always made fun of her because of her green hair and purple eyes and called her names like "the sea monster" and "seaweed hair". Midori didn't care much about the kids though because she had two loving parents who cared for her and gave her all the love and attention she ever needed. At the age of 6 she came home crying one day because the kids made fun of her hair color again, so her mother gave her a unicorn pendant and said, [i]"Here Midori. Every time you feel lonely I want you to look at this unicorn. You see this unicorn is also a horse, but he's special because he has a horn and wings. The other horses always used to laugh and make fun of him too because he was different, but he didn't care because inside he knew that they were all just jealous of him becuase he had strong magical abilities and was prettier too. So my dear Midori, every time they make fun of you remember this unicorn because he's just like you...beautiful and amazingly magical."[/i] A few days after her mother gave her the pendant there was a great tragedy. In the middle of the night Midori thought she heard some noises so she went to look for her parents, but as she turned down the hall toward her parents bedroom she fell to the floor slowly going unconscious. When she woke she was in the hospital and was told that her parents were killed by unknown circumstances. After that everyone stayed clear of her and were frightened, but she heard the rumors as she walked by people on the streets. They accused her of being a bad omen and that she had killed her own parents. She knew it wasn't true, but couldn't prove otherwise. Midori decided to become a ninja to find some way to find out what really happened to her parents that night and to show people that she was strong and that she was not a monster...she was just special. She's very indrawn and quiet. She likes her privacy and keeps to herself. She only speaks when spoken to and answers questions only if shes sure she knows the answer. Midori is actually a very nice kind hearted person, but no one ever gives her the chance. Every aniversary of her parents deaths she goes to their graves, places lilly's on them (they were her mom's favorite), and sits for 2hrs telling them how things are in her life. Equipment: Standard ninja pouch with kunai knives, exploding tags, smoke bombs, shurikens, etc. Main Weapon/Technique: Midori is trainig to be a medical ninja. She knows minor healing abilities such as healing cuts, small wounds, and small sprains or fractures. She wants to become a medical ninja hoping that if people see her as a healer instead of a monster that they'll be nicer to her and maybe one day come to value her as an individual. Midori is also a genjutsu user who is also trained in some water elemental jutsu such as: [B]Kirigakure no jutsu [/B](hidden mist)~This jutsu creates a mist or fog between 25-75ft wide to help decrease your opponents vision and help your team with sneak attacks. This jutsu can only be used on water not on land. [B]Mizu Bushin no jutsu [/B](water clone)~This jutsu is similar to Kage Bushin where it will copy Midori or another, but this jutsu does so with the ablilty of water. [B]Suiton, Torimomo no jutsu[/B](water capture)~This jutsu uses water tendrils (up to 5) to tie around and hold the enemies body in a locked position. Biography/Writing Sample: [center][i]beep, beep, beep, beep![/i] Midori turned over and hit the off switch on her alarm clock. She turned back over in bed the other way and looked at the calendar on the wall. Today's date was circled with a bright red marker. She made a slow sigh. [i][b]"It's today already."[/b][/i] She got out of bed and went into the bathroom to take care of business. After that she got dressed and fixed her hair up in the mirror. She took a deep breath and then walked out of her apartment, locking the door behind her. Midori walked the couple of blocks to the Yamanaka flower shop. She walked in and went straight up to the counter. [i][b]"Good morning Ino."[/i][/b] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][i][b]"Good morning Midori. Is it really that time of year again?"[/b][/i][/COLOR] [i][b]"Unfortunately yes."[/b][/i] [color=darkorchid][i][b]"You know I'm really sorry about everything thats happened to you. If you just wait a minute I have your flowers in the back, I'll go get them."[/b][/i][/color] Ino walked into the back and dialed the phone. [color=darkorchid][i][b]"Hi. Yes, she's here now. Ok see you later. Bye."[/b][/i][/color] Ino grabbed the bouquet of white lillies and brought them out to the front. She passed them over to Midori. [color=darkorchid][i][b]"Here you go. Hey try to have some fun today ok?" [/b][/i][/color] [i][b]"Thanks, I'll try."[/b][/i] Midori turned and walked out of the shop. She made her way over to the cemetery. Then she walked over to two graves that lay side by side and sat down on the soft ground right between them. She split the bouquet in half and layed one group of lillies on one grave and the other group on the other grave. [i][b]"Hi mom and dad. How's everything down below?"[/b][/i] She smirked while a single tear slid from the corner of her right eye down her smooth cheek. [i][b]"I love you guys so much and I desperately miss you. Life here sucks. I mean I'm trying my very best dad like you always told me too. And when people make fun of me mom I hold the unicorn close to my heart, but you know...you know it's just never enough. After all these years I still haven't made many friends."[/b][/i] [color=pink][i][b]"Now you know that's not true Midori!"[/b][/i][/color] Standing behind Midori was Sakura. [i][b]"Sakura-sensei! What are you doing here?"[/b][/i] [color=pink][i][b]"I know what today is Midori and I came to pay my respects too. I knew your parents and I know that they would just want the very best for you, but with that kind of attitude I think that might not be possible."[/b][/i][/color] There was a pause of silence. [color=pink][i][b]"You know that I am your friend Midori even though I am your sensei too. And so are the other sensei's that I know you look up too."[/b][/i][/color] [i][b]"Yes I know. But...but...It sounds completely selfish, but I want friends my own age. I want friends from my class. I want friends that respect me and don't see me as a monster that could have possibly killed her parents."[/b][/i] Tears now started pouring down her face. Sakura walked over and sat down next to Midori. She hugged her and layed her head down on her shoulder. [color=pink][i][b]"Listen to me Midori if you really consider me a friend and not just your sensei. Give it some more time. Keep working as hard as you do and I know the other's will start to respect you and maybe even look up to you for advice. Your parents would be so proud of you if they could see you right now. They loved you so much and so do I." [/b][/i][/color] Midori sniffled, [i][b]"Thank you Sakura."[/b][/i] And they stayed that way in each others arms for a little while longer consoling one another on one of the sadest days of the year.[/center] Extra Notes: -Her favorite foods are onigiris (riceballs) and taiyaki (fish-shaped pastry with sweet bean filling inside). -Midori also likes to read many different types of books on her free time. -Secretly wishes to be friends with Ichiro(BKstyles) and Mitsumi(Redemption). -Has great respect and looks up to Sakura, Naruto, Shikamaru, and Sasuke. -Secretly has a crush on Naruto, Sauske, and Ichiro, but can't decide which one she really has feelings for and which one she just admires. Of course she would never act upon any of these feelings so she just ends up brooding about it to herself.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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