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Cicatrice Du Adieu

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Everything posted by Cicatrice Du Adieu

  1. That's fine. Anyway the RP is started !!!! Allow everyone to post once before continueing!!! Thankyou!!
  2. "The Innocent has been discovered mi'lord." The oracles spoke to Lord Simion. "She is a young Sirenian." "How shall we get her off the island?" "Trickery." They advised. " They do not know of your dictatorship." "They will send nights if they are askd to come, not the girl, not a simple girl." "She will come." They pophetted. "Minion!" He called to a demon boy. "Set an ambush for a Sirenian Ship on shore, after dispatching a message for their arrival...make sure they think that Shuari owns the Northern kingdom. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________________[/CENTER] Fade had never been out of Siren island's boundaries. Most on her island didn't. Only the knights of her island saw even the other half of her island. Something very speical has to occur for Sirenians to be sent over sea's. This was one of those occasions. Fade was persistant. She wanted off the island badly and a chance finally peaked. After fighting the Councel she was allowed to go to the Northern kingdom With her best Friends, Dove and Raven, on a special trip. They were to go to the Northern kingdom to discuss something that the councel wanted kept secret. The day of the trip finally came. Fade was excited and so was Dove. As usual Raven was strict business. They boarded the ship and left sometime before the sun showed itself. Fade Stayed close to her two companians, not wanting to be two much of a bother to the burly sailers and the knights who seemed as serious as Raven was. She was watching the sea at the bow along side Raven. He had always seen something strange in her. The uncanny green hair was one thing but the fact she had no wings was another. He thought of her often. Thinking deeply about her destiny and what she is to become. "Fade, Overseas can be deadly and it is very suspicious that Lord Shuari of the humans has invited us to his kingdom after 50 years of his rule." He paused. Due to the poor communication between their island and the Mainland they had no idea that Shuari's land was taken over by Simion over 40 years ago. "Take this." He handed her a black metal wrist guard with a rose carved in the middle." And this." He gave her an identicle one only in white. "If you have the destiny I think you have then it will help you if you are ever in trouble." Fade didn't understand but she took them any way and thanked Raven sincerley. She put them on her wrists and continued to look out into the ocean. By Evening the Northern shore was in sight. It would take little longer for them to reach the it but fear stuck everyone. They had half a mind to turn back seeing the ominous cloud that hung over the land. All on board knew it was a bad omen but continued. they had no choice. They came onto shore only to be ambushed by several manticore. They tore most f the sailors apart, but the knights killed alot of the menicing manticore. The knights were soon overwhelmed, though. Raven and Dove were the last knights standing and wanted desperatly to protect Fade. They managed to sever through 8 manticore but the number comeing after them was overwhelming. "DOVE! Get Fade out of here!!" Raven yelled in the middle of a fight. Dove wordlessly snatched her up and flew away from the bloody scene. "It was an ambush!!" He yelled in desperation."We were ambushed!!" "Good observation!!" a voice came from behind them and Dove's stomach was peirced with a blade. He released Fade letting her free fall to the ground. As she fell she screamed and soon fell silent. 100 feet away from the gound something caoght her. She looked to the side. White wings adorned her back. She was astonished and flapped once. The wind caught under her wings and she climbed the sky. But just as she gained speed ... "Well, You must be the Innocent!!" That voice...the one that killed Dove!!! She tryed to speed up but just as she thought she was gone, someone grabbed around her neck and she blacked out due to the lack of air circulation.
  3. Oh, Wow!!! This had a good turn out!!! I'm impressed!! 11 Players!!! I closeing up...but just in case there is anyone else who wants in I'll let them be the Demon lord or the Elven lord.
  4. Looks good so far! I'd like someone to fill in for the other two lords of the kingdoms though. The demon lord already has kindof an outline for his look...he must have red eyes and sharp nails. but that's about it.
  5. Name: Fade Age: 18 Race: An island species known for having wings on their back, their exact species is unknown. This is the same with their orgins. Kingdom/outsider: Outsider. Fade lives on an island about 400 miles off the coast of the Northern shore. Appearance: [url]http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n88/MissMurder3/Anime/Anime%20Angel/angel8.jpg[/url] Weopondry: No visible weopondry. Abilities: She holds the key to the destiny of the world. She knows not of her true potential or terrible fate. Past: For all her life she has lived in the outsider island, Siren island, a small island 400 miles off the coast of the northern kingdom. The sirenian species have distinct features that seperates them from the main land species. Untill the age of thirteen they apear as any normal human being, however, At thirteen wings spread from their back. The siren island is cut off from any and all communication and news of the main land. They are advanced and peaceful. Fade was always different. She knew this and others knew it as yell, but know one truly knew why untill she came to the age to spread her wings. She had no wings. The starange fault in her made her question her past. She became distant from the others on her island. She spent much time thinking and trying to figure out what was wrong with her.After 2 years of searching for answers she regretfully gave up and started to accept who she was. Fade soon began to interact with the islanders again. Although she was friend's with many, and everyone treated her with kindness she always felt misplaced. This lead her to be a very quiet shy person. Her best friends were raven and dove, two brothers who later became knights of Siren. Raven had Big black branching wings and black hair with red eyes while Dove had White wings, hair and red eyes. They were inseperable. As they grew older they faced no problems on their friendly peaceful isand. But it was all about to change. Personality: Quiet and shy, fade prefers peace and serenity. She tends to have a very kind preposition and enjoys conversation. She is humble and thoughtful. Fade also has a great artistic talent. She loves to draw in her parchment pad and carries a pen and ink everywhere with her.
  6. The time has come, the Innocent is of age, mi'lord," The oracles spoke simultaneously,both at either end of the thrown that sat between them. "Good. Now my oracles, tell me who she is," long, sharp nails tapped the thrown's skull arm rests. The figure sitting a top the thrown was hidden in the shadow of the dark thrown room. "That information cannot be told, for it is even unknown to us. She can be anyone at any time,anything, anywhere," They spoke only the truth of what they saw and nothing more or less. "WHAT!?!? I Demand you tell me this instant!!!" Although the dark figure jerked forward in utter distaste for the oracle's words the shadow kept him well concealed allowing only red slitted eyes and white sharp theeth to show. The oracles spoke no word, they sat unemotional to the situation. He leaned back and slightly slumped in frustration. "Then tell me of the Lord of the western kingdom," He hissed. "He is forming an army against you, mi'lord," The oracles said. " But he does not see that the Southern kingdom is preparing their assault on his kingdom." "And the eastern kingdom? What of them?" Asked the shaded figure. "The poeple reject their Lord's wish to form an army. They have poor defense and are vulnaruble at this time." "Minion!!" He called to a strange black creature hidden in the shadows, guarding the entrance of the thrown room. "Gather my army, prepare them for battle!! They will destroy the eastern kingdom! Take no prisoners! Kill all!!" The beast grunted at the comand and departed the room. In the dim light the creature was reveiled as a manticore. A beast with the body of a lion, the tail of a scorpion, bat wings, and a beastly head like one of a spiny snake. It slumped and stalked off to form the army that the Norther lord asked for. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________________[/CENTER] Basically there are four kingdoms: The northern kingdom, Ruled by the Demon lord Simion. The Eastern kingdom, Ruled by the human lord, Kyrik. The southern kingdom, Ruled by the Elven lord, Lundrikan. The Western kingdom, Ruled by the celestial lady, Lunataria. Each kingdom holds a different species. All the kingdoms wish to conquer the other kingdoms. Some use trickery to fool their poeple into war, while others tell their people the truth, whether they like it or not. To rule the world they must first obtain a great power. The Innocent. A being that is neither good nor evel but can either destroy or save the world. But the kingdoms aren't the only ones after this being, there are other individual forces at work. The individuals are known as the outsiders, they are part of no kingdom. They are often times the shuned or unwanted, or travelers or just any nuetral being. Many neutral beings live off the main land of the Four kingdoms. The lords are up for grabs. I'd like to be the innocent though since I have a specific image of her. [CENTER]____________________________________________________________________[/CENTER] Signups Name: Age:(Species appropriate) Race:(race depands on kingdom unless your an outsider) Kingdom/outsider:Are you an outsider or do you belong to a kingdom) Appearance: Weopondry: Abilities: Past: Personality:
  7. No-omi woke up shortly after the door was opened. She watched him enter from the corner of her eyes. She watched as he hugged his knees and fell asleep. No-Omi soon stood and walked over to him, carrieng the blanket. She kneeled next to him and looked him over. She could smell blood. She didn't question it, even to herself, but just laid the blanket over him and leaned against him. She pulled the blanket over herself as well and fell asleep. That night she dreamt. As usual she was alone in a baron land. She always went there in her sleep. No-omi knew no one else was here so she walked along the gray,dead ground. Soon she came to a path . Along the path were thorny bushes. She walked down it. It lead to a shrine. The shrine was formed of Four, enormous slate grey angel statues, all of wich formed a circle. All of wich had their arms extended outward. What was particullarly strange however was that in the center of the four cracked worn statues was a dragon. The serpentie dragon was aged and white and blind. Chains ran through and around it, restraining it. They fastned around the statues and into the ground. "He will be the death of you..." It spoke in low growls. Morty shifted and she woke startled. She soon fell back into a dreamless sleep.
  8. Hi!! I was wondering if anyone out there could wip me up an Asian dragon Avitar and banner with something to do with yin- yang signs too. I would like it to match. I would also appreciate it if the dragon is more traditional. Thankyou!!
  9. No-omi took the food from him and hesitantley ate it. She slowly reached for more, scared of being denied more of the food but Morty pushed more into hr hands and encouraged her to eat. She scarrfed it down quickly. He had one himself, eating at a slower pace. By the time morty was done with his one, no-omi had finished three more. He looked up at the half dragon girl. "What, may i ask, is your name?" He questioned her politley. "No-Omi" She spoke softly. "That is a very nice name" He complimented. She didn't respond. After some time she looked up at him and starred at him in amazment. Morty looked at her softly. "I have never seen one likr yourself before." She said looking into his eyes. "I see," He said still looking at her. She went speechless and continued to stare.
  10. As the elven man setthe fire No-omi limped into the corner, leaning against the wall and slumping down into a feetle position. She hugged her legs and rested her head on her knees, her wings folded behind her and her tail curled around her feet. The elf finished with the fire and walked to her. He kneeled in front of her and looked at her for a while. she looked up at him after a bit. He looked into her eyes. He smiled seeing her eyes were different colors. They were both slitted like a cat's but one was amber while the other was a striking silvery-blue color. He reached over to take the mask off her face and she flinched backward. He paused and she removed the mask herself. He shifted and sat next to her quietly. "We should fix some of those wounds, shouldn't we?" the elven man said smileing.
  11. A stone was thrown, hitting the already bruised and beaten No-omi in the ankle. She had never been around this many poeple before. She was uncertain of their reaction to her so she just figured that they would be fine with her their, espeisially since their were many breeds here that were much more grusome than herself. She was wrong. She heard their shouts calling her a blastphemy, an abomnination, A demon. She heard every threat and felt every stone hit her body. She had never dealt with this before. all she could do was run. She winded around the corner, two men after her, one burly and big the other thin and nimble. A stone hit the back of her neck sending her to the ground. They walked to her body. She lay still. They left after assuming she was dead. When their footsteps faded she curled up into a feetle position and cryed softly to herself, cuts and bruises and scrapes and words all drowning her. She wanted to die, she wanted death here, now, right outside the window of the inn room 42.
  12. Name:No-omi Age: age unkown. Race: She is a half dragon. See?: [url]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j227/la_di_da_wtf/girl/wings-vampiress-dragon.jpg[/url] Weapons: The staff to the right is hers. [url]http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b221/Akumegami/8c1705cc.jpg[/url] Magic talents: Transmutation: [url]http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n191/pearce006/faa41d2d.jpg[/url] The symbol on her back gives her less than minimul transmutation skills. Each time her ability is used, it recoils on her and hurts her as well. Personality: Very outcasted, Relaxed and unemotional. She seems to show no emotion, at all. It tends to scare alot of poeple around her. It scares most poeple so much that they don't even bother to get to know her. She has very poor social skills. Bio: Little is known of her past. Nothing is known of her parents. Many doubt she had any. They beleive she was a creation of her very gift, that she was transmuted into exsistance. She lived far from poeple and never seemed to develop social skills. She spends most of her time around a dragon who's name is only known to her. She obtained a mask to hide her face so poeple wouldn't see the abomination that was herself. [url]www.theurbanfox.com/images/foxmask1.jpg[/url] The raven told the sparrow who told her of the tournoment. She sighned up late at night and was exepted.
  13. So far I don't like [B]The Mars Volta[/B]. I'm still unsure about [B]Dream Theatre [/B] and [B]Opeth[/B]. I think i liked a song or two from [B]Isis[/B] and [B]Agolloch[/B]. I love [B]coheed and cambria.[/B]
  14. "Another drink, miss?" the bartender said in a gruff tone. Rapture nodded and the bartender fetched another drink for her. She was adornded in a black cloak. The hood covered half her face to hide her broken eyes. "Here you go!"The bartender put the drink in front of her. she put her hand around it about ready to pick it up."So what are you doing around these parts?" He said trying to start a conversation. "It is none of your concern. I seek not your companionship. Leave me to myself, please." She said softly, coldly. "Yes, m'am." He left to tend to other costomers. She sat sipping her drink.
  15. Name: Rapture Revel/ Darth Apocylips Age: 19 Type of lightsaber: Double bladed and green. Appearence: [url]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n304/Tobari_Demon_Babe/9095784f.jpg[/url] Personality: Calm and sometimes defensive, Rapture Revel is a force to be reconned with. She's bright, swift, agile and likes to make quick work of opponents. She's usually quiet and is a very hard person to read or befriend. The cover she wears over her eyes hides alot of her emotion as well as silvery, clouded eyes. Rap dosen't like to talk unless She absolutley has to. She has very little friends due to this and could care less. Many poeple underestimate her because she is blind. She has learned not to take this personally. Bio: Rapture is a lady sith with a past that is unknown. It seems that whoever has even an idea of her past is dead. She tries hard not to speak or even be seen. No one knows of her blindness because of her strength in battle. If she were to speak of this certain condition she would probably say it gives her an edge in battle because her other senses are trained to be sharp. Her senses have become so intense she can here heartbeats at about 300 feet away. She can also sense force and use her force to "see" her surroundings.
  16. Tool is good. Avenged seven fold, Jack off jill, and dream theater I really haven't heard them enough to form an opinion. New order I am currently not to impressed with. Oh and I haven't checked out these bands yet. I will today. Alot i've heard of I just haven't listened to yet. Like Trivium, my friend told me about them but I forgot who they were and never made a mental (or physical) reminder to listen to them. Oh by the way the band list will probably extend. O.O It will be very long...unless I write another list of the recommended bands I like every once in a while. Now that's an idea.
  17. Ok here's my playlist (or the bands anyway) Evinescence Adam and andrew After forever angelspit Anti-flag Atreyu Aurale vampire Breaking benjamin Bullet for my valentine Cascada Celldweller Flogging molly Hanoi rocks Hellogoodbye Hollywood undead Hot Hot heat Incubus Informationsociety Kill hannah Lacuna coil Ladytron Lostprophets MCR Nightwish Panic! At the disco Paramore Pennywise (I forgot to add punk) Retard-o-bot Scarling Senses fail Silverstein Slipknot Smile empty soul Story of the year Stutterfly Tatu The birthday massacre The medic droid The red Jumpsuit apparatus Thrree days grace Zeromancer Porcelain and the tramps Nickelback Korn Meg and dia Jack's Mannequin Collide and alot more that i can't think of right now.(I reduced the spaces).
  18. Hello! I was talking to my friend some time ago and was thinking about what we were talking about just now. Our conversation settled around music. We are both music junkies and enjoy the same type of music. She is always entraduceing new bands to me. I love getting band recommendations from poeple and learning about new bands. The point here is really that I want some band recomendations from poeple here. I'm not average when it comes to music, though. So i'll list all the genres and see what you all can come up with. I am into the following genres: Rock Gothic Techno Expiremental Industrial Electro Electronica Some Indie Some Crunk Some emo Some screamo some metal And anything related to those.
  19. Garret walked back to the group still hiding the pendent. He wanted to get Oko alone before giving it to her. He walked over to chase, after seeing that Oko was preoccupied, and talked to him quietly. Chase nodded, smileing, and wispered back. "Oko!" Garret called. She walked over to him curiously. "What is it?" "I know this place just out of town ." He smiled kindly at her."A friend told me about it and I was wondering if you'd check it out with me." He put his hand behind his head, nervously. "Sure!" Oko said gleefully, unaware that he was acually be asked out on a date. "Ok, we'll go now." He said. They walked out of town and came to a small wood. Dusk was here and half the sky was dotted with stars, waiting for the sun to rest so they could shine to their full beauty. Garret held her hand, leading Oko down a path. Oko walked closely along side him.
  20. Name: Whyvern Traverston Age: 18 Gender: female Nationality:European Race: human Powers: Whyvern has the power of black fire which travels underground , only striking the target. She is also quite smart with electronics and has extensive knowledge of weopendry and how they are used. Apperance:[url]http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k307/Kikyo092794/purplepunk.jpg[/url] Occupation: Waitress Medical Defects: Add and anger management issues also suffers from Amsamnia and slight migranes Weapons:[url]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j114/cloud722/thepair.jpg[/url] Background: As a child Whyvern was badly abused by her father who later left the house. Her mother, unfit to care for her due to her addiction with heroine, Let the state take her away. She went from Foster home to foster home but always ended up back in the state's custody because of her temper. Whyvern is prone to fights and doesn't hold her tongue. She's a trouble-making anarchist who has a very cynical and pessimistic out look on life. Whyvern is a sarchastic Smart-***. When she got older she dropped out of highschool with straight A's. She became a waitress at a nice restraunt. Whyvern managed to keep her job long enough to meet Brian, A man who went there every so often. He grew to like her and asked her out. She said yes and they went steady.
  21. Oko and Riiko ran to Mark and healed him too. He sat up and saw Oko who hugged him. She slid away and looked at Amelia. Who ran over and hugged Mark as well. "Oh, Mark , Your Okay!!I'm so glad!!" She exclaimed hugging him tightly. Mark hugged her back. Oko retreated to Garret who drew her close and kissed her, Softly. She leaned in and closed her eyes kissing him back. She broke the kiss only to breathe. "Garret!" She said falling into him. Her weight pushed him to the ground. She rested her hands on his chest and her head on her arms. Garret hugged her smileing. Mark looked over and gripped Amelia a bit tighter. "Ok, guys we should probably get going now!" Chase said . Everyone stood and followed him closley.
  22. Oko looked at Garret. "I know what this is about." She smiled."Your scared. you can't fully control your powers." Garret looked at her breathlessly."Here," She said," Read this it's a book ontai chi. It will help you balence you strength. But keep this other book and get to know your reincarnation a little more." "Tahnkyou!!" He hugged her tightly, putting his head over her shoulder. Oko was a little startled but relaxed smileing in his grip and put a hand on his back. Garret pulled away blushing a bit. "Garret, Just remember that we are us not them and they are different then us. We are only here, not because we are them but because we have their powers. We are compltely different poeple." She kissed him softly and Garret kissed back. The kiss lasted for at least 10 seconds before garret broke it. "I know." Garret said. " Thank you...for everything!!" He said running off to read. Oko walked back to the stream and sat back down by Mark. He looked a little gun shy. This upset her. "What is wrong, Mark?" She said , placeing a hand on his shoulder. A spark ran up her arm. "The girl who loves me isn't the girl I desire..." He replied grimly, miserably. "Oh." She said her cheeks turning red. "I don't know what to say." She looked up to him he looked at her. Mark reached his arm around her and placed it on her back. She was so distracted by his hand she didn't realise him leaning forward. Before Oko could withdraw and run away, his lips were pressed against hers. a spark surged through her and her eyes widened in shock. "YOU WHORE!!!" A scream. Oko looked up to see amelia standing just i sight of them two. She had returned to apalogize but now just ran away crying. Oko Looked at Mark after she stood up, hopelessness in her eyes. She looked in the direction of And watched .
  23. HAZZAH!!!My conversation can once again be carried!!! Cheers for Desbreko!!! :bdance: We should all give Desbreko a Happy cance!!! I'm a grateful person.
  24. Oko looked around. And then turned to Chase for instructions. He was thinking. Soon he sat on a rock and looked up. "You guys have a break." He said going back to his thoughts. Oko took full advantage of the opportunity and trotted off into a meadow that promised a small flowing stream. Garret was chatting with Chase and didn't see her. Mark Saw and ran after her. He ran up beside her and gretted her. "Hello!" He said, startleing her a bit. "Oh, Hi!" Oko replied. She stopped at a small stream and sat, dipping her bare feet into the water. Mark sat beside her cross legged. [COLOR=Red]((Ooc: Hey, Anyone who wants to contact me can now use the E-mail link in my profile! It's open and accessable to whom ever wishes to speak to me!))[/COLOR]
  25. Quite a few read But none replied. I went ahead and put a read Ooc in the rp i'm in that my pals who message me most are also in saying that I can't get to my Pm's. I trust things will be back to normal soon, though.
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