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Cicatrice Du Adieu

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Everything posted by Cicatrice Du Adieu

  1. Evorr walked the lonely New York sidewalk, head facing down at her black combat boots. Her crimson eyes focused on nothing and her nee-length hair, tipped with black flowed loosley in the night air. She was abviously deep in thought. Probably thinking about the haunting torment that is the memory of her parents death.She was very skinny and her black baggy pants hung off her hips loosely.Her plain black shirt was skin-tight and showed her thin figure.Two hand guns shifted in there holders as Evorr, the assasin, walked. A passing man gawked at her mouth open in an uncomfortable stare. Another woman passed her and held up her fingers in the shape of an X with eyes wide.Her eyes and hair were not the only uncanny thing about Evorr but also her ears. For, you, See where human hearsshould have been there were white, pointed dog ears. The left ear was torn horizantaly across leaving half of it.Black feathered wings adorned her back. One wing was torn completely in half leaving the bone loosely held together by remaining tenents. The wing was uselessly covered in bandages, an attemt to hide the hidious mess inflicted by a bad encounter with slayers.
  2. RP back-story___Fangs Humans and other beings, such as vampires, werewolve,angels and hybrids, live together in one world. Humans though do not exept these other rases that live beside them.In an attempt to protect themselves all races have turned againts each other.Some humans, in this strugle for protection, have become slayers. These slayers have forced these other beings to the pits of society, and destroyd them for centries. Most hybrids have been forced to become assasins or theifs due to the inability to hide there inhuman features. Vampires and werewolves have much more human traits allowing them more leeway in the human world. Angels are normally left alone by humans as they are seen as allies in human eyes. The nights in New Yourk city. The perfect time the other beings to walk the streets. Slayers, though, also know to come out at this time. If one is not careful the streets of New Yourk can become a bloody, murderous nightmare. RP plot In my rp's, the plots are very loose and relaxed.In this Rp I would like to see what diverse and amazing charecters and players I get and play it by ear.for assasins, slayers theifs and every one else any weopons are allowed. RP SIGN-UP Name: Evorr Hair color: White tipped with black eye color: Crimson clothes or style: somewhat Punk looks: Very thin, about 5'6 age: apears 19 Breed:dog hybrid Occupation: assasin Brief history: Evorrs parents died at a young age. The memory of there death still haunts her. When she was around 12 slayers hurt her and perminantly damaged her wings and left ear. Misc. information: Evorr is very violent and hot tempered. She also appears very cold and distant. She holds a grudge against humans and angels and has never incountered a vampire or werewolf in her travels. She has dog like hearing and sense of smell. and a stronger immune system and longer life span than a human. she is also stronger than humans by 2 fold.appears weak and lanky but is strong and fit. Wepons: two hand guns and claws on her hand. Anyone feel free to join. I will probably let only ten people on cause large amounts confuse me. :animestun :animeswea Somebody, anybody please join.
  3. OOC:Ummm.....not sure whats goin on. Anyone willing to explain to me how this adventure inn works? And is anyone up for a vampire/ werewolf/ hybrid/angel/human rp?
  4. OOC:Alright, im abandoning this thing. So moerator, you can let the guilitein go and declare this thing locked.
  5. OOC: I don't bite, i'm pretty literate so will someone join ? PLEASE!!
  6. Evorr walked along the lonley New York side walk, her head looking down at the ground. Her outfit consisted of large ,black, baggy pants with many chains hanging from them that hung at her waste, a black, skin tight t-shirt, and combat boots. She wore only enough eye liner to see but no other makeup. A man passed her and gawked, mouth open in an uncomfortable stare. Another woman held her finger up to Evorr in an X shape as the woman saw her come.What made this girl so strange and uncanny was not only her white hair , tipped with black and her crimson eyes, but also her ears. Her ears were not like any humans but insted those of a dog placed at either side of her head where human ears should have been. They were white and the left ear was torn across horizontaly. She gave the passing woman a smile that showed canine teeth much sharper and slightly larger than any man's but they fit perfectly into her mouth.Two black wings adorned her back. Her wings, though they were there were useless for the half of one was torn off leaving nothing but the bone , weakly held together,of the wing. Around the bare bone was bandages that helped very little in covering them up. Evorr was around 5'6 and was very thin although she had a healthy diet. She apeared around 19 years of age.
  7. (I'm not so sure what to do. Can anyone explain what this rp thing is all about?) :animedepr :animestun :animeshy: :animeswea :(
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