RP back-story___Fangs
Humans and other beings, such as vampires, werewolve,angels and hybrids, live together in one world. Humans though do not exept these other rases that live beside them.In an attempt to protect themselves all races have turned againts each other.Some humans, in this strugle for protection, have become slayers.
These slayers have forced these other beings to the pits of society, and destroyd them for centries. Most hybrids have been forced to become assasins or theifs due to the inability to hide there inhuman features. Vampires and werewolves have much more human traits allowing them more leeway in the human world. Angels are normally left alone by humans as they are seen as allies in human eyes.
The nights in New Yourk city. The perfect time the other beings to walk the streets. Slayers, though, also know to come out at this time. If one is not careful the streets of New Yourk can become a bloody, murderous nightmare.
RP plot
In my rp's, the plots are very loose and relaxed.In this Rp I would like to see what diverse and amazing charecters and players I get and play it by ear.for assasins, slayers theifs and every one else any weopons are allowed.
Name: Evorr
Hair color: White tipped with black
eye color: Crimson
clothes or style: somewhat Punk
looks: Very thin, about 5'6
age: apears 19
Breed:dog hybrid
Occupation: assasin
Brief history: Evorrs parents died at a young age. The memory of there death still haunts her. When she was around 12 slayers hurt her and perminantly damaged her wings and left ear.
Misc. information: Evorr is very violent and hot tempered. She also appears very cold and distant. She holds a grudge against humans and angels and has never incountered a vampire or werewolf in her travels. She has dog like hearing and sense of smell. and a stronger immune system and longer life span than a human. she is also stronger than humans by 2 fold.appears weak and lanky but is strong and fit.
Wepons: two hand guns and claws on her hand.
Anyone feel free to join. I will probably let only ten people on cause large amounts confuse me. :animestun :animeswea
Somebody, anybody please join.