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Everything posted by Cicatrice Du Adieu
I fear. I just can't. I don't know why and he won't try because he fears I might feel uncomfortable. He wants to but i'm not so sure if i want to.I imagined my first kiss differently with some one different. Not him. But the person I wanted was never there, he was non-existant. I fell in love with a dream and now i'm doudting the real thng....maybe. Or maybe not i'm just trying to trace it back to it's origin. Thank you!!! :animeswea
Ok. let me just say it right now;I HAVE INTIMACY ISSUES!!!!! My boyfriend is kind,witty and paitient,especially with me. I hug him, but I can't do anymore than that.I have a difficult time speaking to him, open heartedly and push him away whenever he tries getting close. We're becoming a laughing stock because he can't get close enough to kiss me and I feel he may be growing impatient and frustrated with this. It s frustrating me too! :animedepr I'm so ignorant! someone help?!?!
[QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1] Wow. Issues. My hardest breakup was with my gf/then-fiancee of a year and a half. In retrospect, it was unavoidable, but it still hurt like hell, not the least because we were engaged. Learned a lot though, so there you go.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] Yeah, well I am not the most proper girl in the world. I have other issues but my temper is my worst. I failed anger management! That's pathetic! Yet, my theripist didn't do anything but frustrate me more so....... I'm not so sure were i'm going with this. I'm more chilled know, though. The theripist said I might acually be getting better! Oh,well. Ive served my perpose I'll leave now. Sorry for this wasted post.
Yeah, I learned that when your friend starts a fight with you, con't beat the **** out of her! Don't beat the **** out of her!! And also don't go home and smash whine glasses against the wall. It solves nothing.
[quote name='Shirtless']Maybe in the B.C.'s . In Egypt, that would be cool.^^ Or in Meiji Period in Japan. Or the 1800's. PPL there were a lot more saphysticated. AND HAD BETTER SPELLING!![/quote] Dude, I's is a guoode spler! That comment was not very nice!(umm...to who ever it was directed to....i'm not sure. But in case it's me.....well you read it.)
It's ok. I act like a dude. Evenmy name is spelled the way a guys would;Aaron. Yeah but think of it this way, a new leadr will come into power. will that leader be corrupt, too? Most of them are. And if hes even more corrupt... I dare not think what would happen under his or her rule(but i will before i fall or when i am sleeping :animeswea :D :p ). Reminds me of these lyrics. especially the ones italisized. dip my tail in blood ink Write it down in red Scribe the words "Happy meal" Right across your head [I]Tired of getting walked on Treated like a sheep Don't blame me for all the years That you were asleep[/I] Relax God is in control Watch the dot Take your meds Obey my demands Trust my dog Time for surgery (Relax) God is in control Watch the dot Take your meds Obey my demands Trust my dog Shut your eyes your dead [I]Televised mass poison Spitting at the screen Keep the masses deluded With fabricated dreams[/I] Powdered God in a bag From the Vatican I want you to **** off As hard as you can Heaven has burst open Now it's raining bones The chaos will erode you Breeding little clones 100% by angelspit. Lyrics are incomplete though.Myspace her.
[quote name='Bláse][size=1][color=slategray]You need to face reality some day. ;)[/color'][/size][/quote] Yup' sure true. Hey Dead didn't you state in one of your past sigis you'd do anything for love? I'm assuming with woman. And women do have those dreadful issues. So if your gonna' do it with some chick keep in mind that life every1-2(because of pre menstraul syndome) weeks of the year, will be hell for you and her.
For the future; don't trust so easily. For the past; If she dumped you, she isn't worth your time. Just keep that in mind and your heart will mend in no time. (or it orks for me.) I don't have much of a love life but lots of my friends turn against me eventually.(don't ask.)
First we must destroy that Brainwashing Bush.( I'm a girl by the way). We cannot force the thoughts on them, though. They must open their eyes on their own. As much as it pains me to say it, the world will fall because of the blindness today . It will only get worse if the government and other large rulers like that feed us lies and since there is no other form of government than the lie-givers, the human race is sort of doomed . However 3% can rule them all so if 5% of the world's population was blessed with the "flaw" of sight than we could possibaly recruit, unite and rebel.
[QUOTE=Lonley Fighter]Lostvoice...welcome to the club of the "off the wall thinkers" of our century our numbers are greatly increasing. But most definatly, thinking about crap like what is supposedly perfect and what is supposedly flawed will drive you absolutly crazy especially if we go further into what is truely flawed and what is truely perfect...I'm telling you we may never know.[/QUOTE] I've always over anilyzed things and thought deeper into meaning, i'm just now realizing it. Poeple are realy blind in the world today. I've never had problems seeing in fact that is my "Flaw" and my "perfection" . I see what others don't and they shun me for my differences in thoughts and philosophies. Perfection and flaw is just a new revelation.
that makes since. To be honest though, i hate perfect. To me I think there is more beauty in flaws. I think this because my dad lives the "perfect" life with a "perfect" wife, in a perfect house in a perfect neiborhood with perfect poeple and a perfect son. Every thing seems so fake so sereal. I feel like the glitch in stepford.What the **** is "perfect" anyway. If everyone has flaws dosen't that mke us perfect?But if perfect is having no flaws than it creates a parodox. But what are flaws? Supposedly imperfections,right? So perfect is a parodox... (I was reminded of those feelings when you said "Perfect" circle.Sorry)
Wow! Lots of objects, all with incredibally amazing explanations. I agree with all of them except the work out one. Yuck! I hate working out. I'm even failing PE. That's pathetic.
Hi, poeple. In this thread I'd like to discuss inanimateobjects and what they signify to you. I know it sounds strange but we all have a specific object we adore. For me this would have to be the carousel horse and the music box. I like them because of theier mystery and beauty. They remain dark yet strangley innocent.
AAron was in a bad mood as of now. She had no mind to deal with poeple or to even look at them. At this point she would kill anyone who dared look into her eyes. She threw her bag down and jumped on her bed.She snatched up the remote and turned on the tv. It was basic cable and the first thing to come on was the news. "[I]Three murders took place today. there is little known about the killer but it was said to have been done by two different poeple. The reason they were killed remains unknown. The police are doing all they can to find and hunt down the murderers[/I]." He spoke in a perfect tone and his graying hair was perfectly gelled back.Aaron hated his perfect look. She hated perfect poeple[I]."Back to you Tom." [/I] He concluded. The tv flipped back to the anchor poeple but she turned it off before anything more was said. She scensed she was being watched and looked at her door she stayed staring at it for some time.
I love Alice in Wonderland , too. Espeisially The cat. (You stole mine!!) And I defidently beleive it was a drug related story. Some fairy tales though could have been made up to explain the unknown like sea monsters, others could have just been created as stories like books today. If you like fairy tales might I recommend [I]Tithe[/I] and [I]Valiant[/I] by Holly Black.
I'd go back fartyher than egypt to both theoried beginnings of the world to find out witch is right.
Who has the coolest song on their Myspace profile?
Cicatrice Du Adieu replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE=Jakehammaren]Zeromancer isn't Metal, and Industrial isn't a form of Metal. But yeah, Celldweller is awesome. Check out Deadstar Assembly (I CANNOT STAND THEM, but theyre similar to that stuff I guess).[/QUOTE] I know what industrial is. And I know it's not metal but Zeromancer is. Zeromancer is a norweigian metal band.It said so on myspace. That's why I brought it up and like I said i'm always looking for recomendations so I put up all the types of music I like. Sorry if it seemed confusing. -
She found a dingy motel not far away and decided to settle there. "Hi, miss." The clerk said obbviously not lloking at her face. "I want a room." Aaron said coldly. She was beginning to grow angry with the death of her friend as it settled into her thoughts, digging deeper, making her think. "Here miss." He said handing her a key to the room next to the last person to check in. She decended the stairs. She approached her room and slid the key easily into the lock.She turned it to open it but had noi luck. Again. Stuck. Again, her rage began to bubble up inside her.Again. Still locked. [I]SLAM![/I] She had rammed her body full throttle at the door.It didn't budge.[I]SLAM![/I] Still nothing. [I]SLAM![/I] Access denied. She drew her hand gun and held it to the the lock. She fired and the hall way echoed with the sound. She looked around and fired three more shots. The lock opened. She kicked the door opened and shut it behind her . It slid open again. Curious heads poked out there doors. Even the Assiassin next door curiously looked outside.
Dude, I never thought of those times . Wow i must have been tired. those sound like grand times two. In fact, the fifties inspiered some of our gothic aparrel too, like the pants and make-up and the eighties acually brought alot of punk and rock to the scene.Along with that techno and dance originated from there I beleive. 1900-1950? Hummm.... the plays would be nice but I wouldn't want to be in the time of the holocoast. (thats the era,right?) I couldn't deel with that.
I call everyone a dude.There is no difference to me.
I'd like to live in the victorian times. Such beautiful dresses at that time. Major damage to your inerds with the corsets though. The future(deep future) would be nice. I however am only curious as to what it holds. I suspect dismal times for man kind and its surrounding species. Oh and i'm 14! not as young as the other dude but still pretty young. I have an older body and mind for my Age though( I'm more developed in brains and body than most poeple my age.)
Name: Oko Species: Coyote Colouring: [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c289/zigman3/23273CoyoteHowlingV.jpg[/IMG] (Hope image shows.) Disposition: Somewhat mysterious and harsh tempered, a pessimist with rights to be. Anything else: Half her ear is missing due to human conntact (Leaving)
Who has the coolest song on their Myspace profile?
Cicatrice Du Adieu replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
100% and Infect by Angelspit . lincoln park and Switchback by Celldweller. That's on my myspace . Im into industrial and all the other technoish and rock/Metal music(like Zeromancer).That's pretty kick *** music if you ask me, though. Always looking for recommendations, I am!! :catgirl: -
The clicking of computer keys filled the empty library. Hacker Alien was typing 60 words per minute. She was concentrating, trying to get someones, anyones pin number. Words flashed on the screen, names , profiles, numbers, all racing across the screen. Her eyes scanning every word every letter and number. "Damn." She failed. "Damn." She fails again. "Fuck yeah!!" Mission completed. A pin number rested on the screen. She grabbed a note book from her "HIM" messenger bag. She tore out a paper, grabbed her pencil and wrote the pin on it. She deleted everything she did and left the library. Aaron walked to an AM machine and withdraw $150.00 from Silvia Cortens account using her pin number. she saw a restraunt close by. She walked to the restraunt and managed to get a table next to a couple, the male was japanese. they were talking but their conversation had no concern to her. she ordered water and the water left. She glanced over he looked familiar.She turned and stared anylizing him. She knew him. Hackers and theifs and assasins often spoke of him on an underground private hacker site. It was Hiro a very popular and skilled assasin. She continued to stare. She kept watching as The famous assasin(oxymoron :D ) drew his gun and shot the chic. He called for a doggy bag and left. She followed soon after. but lost him when he jumped in his care. Withthat she retreated back to her library. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Later that Day [I]I saw Hiro... Yeah? Was he hot? He was alright. Hey i'm in Newyork. wanna visit? Sure. I could use a vacation. go to the Waldorf Astoria Hotel What do you mean vacation? You don't work! Well gt your ass down here soon. Later..[/I] The im conversation didn't last long but she was now officially on her way to the "Big Apple", To a fancy hotel. She used the subway and acheived her goal. She went From the subway to her directed location. When she arrived she crawled up the stairs to her friends room. A man dead. On the ground.Her friend, dead. She toughened up and left to try to find another place to stay.She got Money from an am using the pin she got earlier and shes gone.
((Ooc-Not too late, is it?)) Name: Aaron (female, although her name is spelled the male way.) Alias: Alien Age: 18 Description: Short, About 5'4 and curvasious, not ecxactly athletic but not obese either. Her hair has three layers. The top is platinum blonde.The middle layer is black and the bottom is hot pink. Her hair comes down to the middle of her back. She has Two different colored eyes; One blue and one brown.( At start) She wears a white, skin-tight t-shirt with an "X" stretching from the shoulder seam to the bottom of the T-shirt. white baggy pants with Black ribbon crossed over in the back and Marked with several plain black pathes and one with a white "X". A simular patch with a cute white skull. (sorry if it's too elaborate.) Weapon: Her brains, monster hacking abilities and two hand guns. Location: New jersey Bio: A high school drop out and run-away, is curently wanted in seven states(Florida, Goargia, New York, Wisconsin, Illinois, California, and Washington D.C.) For several computer crimes. She was labeled genius and ADD by Psyciatsists and also went through several failed trials of anger managment. She iscurrently traveling throughNew jersey.