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Cicatrice Du Adieu

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Everything posted by Cicatrice Du Adieu

  1. Her ears pricked. Foosteps! A door opened. Acouple walked in. Agirl with Shart, Red hair and Cat-green eyes and a man with brown hair and hazel eyes came into veiw. They walked. He looked at Burden Turned wispered to the girl and she snickered. They turned to her with a wry smile. "What's so funny, Agent "Molder? "Skully"? You finally catch them "Aliens"?" Their smiles faded, a sneer curled at the edges of her mouth. "That was a long time ago,Bitcgh!!" The red haired girl yelled at Burden's statement. "Ed, Go wait for me in the mess hall!!" The man nodded and left. When the footsteps died, the girl smled kindly. " 'Sup Skulls?" Burden smiled back. "Livin' life not lovin' it." "Ain't that the truth?" " Yeah," the girl frowned. "Livvi Died." "I'm sorry. I know you loved her." They shareda moment of mourning. "Ed killed her when He found out and ive been doing his "bidding" eversince to get back on the clan's good side." "Hows it goin'?" "disgusting. I remember why I gave up men." Yhry laughed. "I miss you." Burden said smiling slightly. "It's better for you to have someone on the inside." "I know." She walked out and the footsteps dispersed. Therty minutes later Burden Drifted into sleep again.
  2. Where's Bret! Burden thought panicing. Three or four angels caught sight of the near-raviness hybrid. They ran to her and tryed to hold her down.Their wings flailed as she struggled to break free of the grip. "LET GO, YOU WINGED RETARDS!!!" She yelled as the angels forced her to the ground and bound her in chains . She wore herself out with her thoughtless struggle and allowed herself to be pulled by the angels, who were later joined by a group of slayers. She was tossed in a car and and and drugged. She swifly, quietly fell asleep. She dreamt of the words they spoke. In her dream nothing was seen. It was all dark ,black, Abyss. When she awoke, she groggily looked around. She saw bars nd chains and books. "oh, crap. I'm back in this hell," she wispered aloud. "Again."
  3. When She came to she found herself, alone in a white walled room. She looked down and found she was still in the clothes she had been in at the Scuicide. She also saw wires and tubes hooked up to her. Her eyes widened, she began to panic. Memories flooded her mind, feeding images of the slayers who held her captive. She stood ripping tubes from her body as a nurse and a doctor walked in to check on her. Her frantic memories gave her post-tramatic stress and sent her into a hullucination. She screamed as the faces of the doctor apeared as those of the cruel slayers. They called for back-up and tried to restrain her but she proved to strong.She hurled them backwards against the wall and opened a widow, by force. She looked down to find there was a good three stories between her and the ground. She jumped. Just as she was about to land she straightend her posture . Her feet hit the ground and the force she had landed sent a shock through her body. Burden began to run, as she did several times from those that distressed her ,emotionally.
  4. She Leapt and transformed back to human. The transform was incomplete.One ear was black tipped in red. One eye was still red with the black "x" shaped pupil.She smiled, her incisors and canine teeth were larger than usual and Five tails swayed behind her. She clenched her fist. sharp claws grew from her knuckles. "You idiot! do you think you can stop me?" She laughed. the form was obviously ruling her. A split second later she her smile faded and she fell to her knees grabbing her head. Her eyes were wide and she gritted with pain. Brian looked at her, astonished. He wasn't doing this to her. A war fought in her blood. The to egos clashed. "Get back you vile beast!" "No! I love this power." "Get out!!!" "NO!!!!" The hell ego was unstable and faded, though. It had lost it's war.She screamed and blacked out. Her human form went back to normal but one ear remained black with the red tip, A scar of her awful formation.
  5. The twelth picture rocks. the rest are a bit dull or just out of proportion a bit. In my opinion, being a girl, the object to drawing girls is to make them look beautiful without making a whore or slut out of them. I dislike jumpsuits . You may like them but you asked for an opinion so this is mine. I like the thirteenth's out fit. Go back and fix the twelth's breasts,ones too small.Oh, and another thing, I'm average sized as far as height but curvacious, thin and kind of willowy. I base my characters on my own body shape. Sometimes I have a creative spur and base them on poeple I know. (Ex.my males tend to be tall and extremely thin like my best friend, Ian.) If I say something inaccurate to your veiw please note that your style is a lot different then mine.
  6. "Huh? "Burden stopped dead in her tracks. "I smell that wrech and her pussy-from hell somewhere around here." She turned ignoring Bret's inquisitive words and smiled. There standing before her was the Hellspawn from "The Scuicide" and his girl. "I'll ask you to die without a fight so I can get this over with." He said smiling back. "I prefer a fight and boy, do I have some anger stored up in me." She looked at him but didn't move. That was her flaw in the last fight. "Than attack." He said waiting for a full throttle assault from the Fox. "Why don't you take the lead in this dance." She said, Bowing as if excepting a dance."I acually wish you would have come later after I changed. It would have been loads easier to move." "The less you move the better." "So are we going to talk all even or will there be some fighting?" "Well, if you moved already, the battle would be over already, you weak, worthless, bitch." "No thankyou, hell-pussy. You should go. I already went last time. But before we begin our "spat", Emty yourselves of ALL Your arms. If I haven't a weopon, neither should you." Brian droped any weopons he hadand looked down at them. Burden was used to seeing many more weopons fall to the ground than what she saw before her rival. She closed her eyes remembering the image brian had transformed into. She breathed in and out calmly, focusing. A black fire formed around her feat and soon draped around her like a cover. Her body was unable to be seen. It was a new transformation and probably wouldn't last long but she wouldn't need it long. As she tryed to take on his form her body,mind and spirit began rejecting it. She pushed herself to transform and tryed harder when that failed. Soon she gave up. The fire resided and what stood there now was a clydesdale sized dog. The coloration in her fur split roughly down the center. One half black, the other gray. Five rigged, stone spikes arose from her shoulderblades like wings that couldn't fly. One eye was the slate gray of her fox form but the other was red with an "x" shaped pupil. Tribal designs marked it's body, black on gray fur, white on black fur. It had two pairs of ears and five tails. It's claws were massive and it's expression was filled so greatly with hate a hidious hybrid bystander ran in the direction it came just to get away. She stopped panting and looked up at the stunned Brian. She lept with such great speed it was near impossible to see her. She landed behind the hellspawn and grabbehis neck in her jaw. She flung him into a store display window and laughed. She loved this feeling of power. She loved this feeling of revenge and anger poured out of her as they fought. The fight continued for quite some time and more and more people began to come to see. Jesse and Bret soon became part of the large croud of bystanders that cheered them on. The only problem; They were too evenly matched. So the fight went on and on as both refused to give in.
  7. I like it but I have to agree with the style comment. It needs more oomf. I do also think that a full body picture would be nice and that the second is best. The out fit seems very bland. Personally, I prefer more of an eye-catching attire. (In my wardrobe, My characters wardrobe, and other characters wardrobes.) There's just nothing like a unique, detailed outfit to highlight a characters look.
  8. Thank you, much. When I was visiting polykarbon (the link listed some where above) I saw that 3 layers had names(red, green, blue) and the fourth was very diferent than the rest. I tried following the directions but I fear it didn't help and I exed out of a box, that I can't get back up. (I'm not old I just can't work with computetrs. I'm better with electronics than my mom,though. :catgirl: )
  9. I've already tried but nothing seems to happen when I move my mouse over the icon. It's strange. Well anyway, I've already discovered the hidden icons.The icons Ineed very little help with. It's all the technical stuff like the layers ang getting them right. (I tried polykarbon and it confused me further.)
  10. "I was going to tell you after tonight, but..." She ran out of an explaination."I'm sorry." She shifted uncomfortablyandthen bgan speaking again. "You should know now." She explained the whole ordeal with as much detail as she could remember. She spoke of their meeting and of the slayer's raid. She spoke of the capture and torture and vow. "So you vowed never to love another?" Bret repeated her words after she was done. "Yeah. It's not that hard since nothing but Tayu would love me. And now, i'm not even sure Tayu loves me. So in all I just get a broken heart and the truth that i'm unloveable. Great deal,huh?" She said in a sarcastic tone. she grew more and more depressed with every step back to the inn. "Don't say that!" Bret said, trying to help her feel better but at a loss of words."Your amazing. I'm sure lots of people would love you!" It didn't seem to help. "Yeah, well mr.Lycan, If your so sure than name one other person, besides Tayu, who loves me!" She stoped waiting for an answer.Bret paused and stared at her with intense eyes. She still couldn't see.
  11. Brian shot her and she flew back. Being that close to the gun when it was fired gave her an unintentional new nose peircing. The tranquilizer did not affect her. The blast merely knocked her off balance and the drug in the dart cooled her temper and distorted her vision. She ran out of the club and saw the car Brian was pushing andy into. Burden walked to leo who closed the girl on her girl friend and faced the Fox. He looked at her eyes and saw a humiliated visage overcome her face.She shook it off and looked up at him. He readied his hand guns and prepared for an assalt. "I'm acually temted to leave this dart in,But I don't beleive a nose peircing suits me." She said, trieing to make the best of the situation. "It hurts and i'm in no mood to deal with one of satan's servents right now. I'm pissed and want it out take it out,and let the angel go. I'm sure That back- stabbing bastard will be looking for that whore. I'll leave you alone if you do that for me." Seeing her temper cooled Brian grabbed the dart and yanked it from her nose. "What happened in there anyway?" Brian asked, curious. "I don't wanna' talk about it. Ii's pretty personal," She said looking away with sad eyes. "I'm sorry," He apoligized."I'ts my job to stop animals like you when you go ravinous." "An animal?" She thought out loud. "I'm an animal?" This time it was directed toward Brian in a harsh tone. "Yeah, a dog. Just another ferall, ot-of-control beast. A monster."Her tone softend with these words. Bret walked out later after everything between them seemed to cool off. He looked at Burden slightly frightend at her uncontrolled rage.
  12. thank you. I'll defidently try that. Perhaps somthing to tell me what the tools are now?
  13. Considering I haven't gotten that far and theres nothing to tell me what they are, i'm at a loss. My ps v7.0 was burned and given to me so i have no manual. I'm sorry. The style you showed me would be a good place to start, though.
  14. Hello, I'm lostvoice. I'm into pencil drawn art and would like to digitally color it. I, so far, have gotten absolutly no where using photoshop version 7.0. I have read through tutorial after tutorial unsuccessfully. I can't make heads or tails of what to do and I fail to grasp anything I read of photoshop correctly. I would like some suggestions from you if you have any. Perhaps you could give me some sites that you think would be helpful to my cause. P.S. I am unsure that this is the right section to be posting in. If it isn't I will take care of it asap. Thankyou.
  15. Bret stood holding Burden close. He was shocked at her behavior but he was glad he was the one she kissed. He looked at Tayu who walked away and shot someones brains out and left. Then to Burden, Who stood, in Bret's arms. The look on her face was frustrated and dismal. A tear ran down her cheek. Bret looked at her and bent his head. "We should leave. People are staring. " Burden nodded in agreement with Bret's idea and the left, Bret behind Burden. A Bar tender with a name tag that read Jessie stepped in Burdens path. "Excuse me, But you need to help repair this!!" She Said sternly."Listen, Bitch," Burden began to speak in an annoyed tone. "I'm stronger, faster and certainly a better fighter than you. Icould kill you in a heartbeat if I wanted. Yet you stand in my way, telling me what to do! Mortals are so full of them self. Now get out of my ....WAY!!!" With that Burden pushed her aside slamming the bartender into a table. Glasses fell and shattered as the girl cried out." BRIAN!!!!" She yelled. She turned and a man ran to her ready to fight.
  16. She saw the gun pulled from tayu's jacket and screamed as he shot the lycan. She morphed into her fox formand ran to bite Tayu's arm but as she leapt tayu pushed her backwards, throwing her across the table section. She transformed in mid-air, landing and breaking a table in human form. She yiped and people at near by table stood to watch at a distance.Andy sat laughing at her tremendious pain. She stood enraged and remembered the kiss he gave that other angel. That made her even more furious. She was naturaly violent and very irashinal but in her fury she became even more so. She looked at Tayu who was giving Bret some time to stand and before he could fully stand she leapt towards Bret pushing him against the wall. What she was about to do would hurt Tayu but in her rage that's what she wanted. She wanted him hurt,maimed, cut, And scared. She leaned in quick and kissed Bret hard with all her fury. He closed his eyes and put his arms around her waist, holding her close, kissing her back.Tayu watched in horror as the two kissed. He droped his gun. "H-How could you?" Tayu asked as he took a step back. Burden looked up at Tayu when she finished. "What do you mean how could [I]I[/I] ?" She retaliated angrily, without thinking. "You did it ,too! He's not the only one who was hurting us." She yelled at him. Several confused people left the feeling their fun was ruined.
  17. When Burden finished her story, She sighed with the memory. With that deep breathe she took in a scent; the scent of her love, Tayu. "I need to go to the ... ummm...the ummm... restroom! Yeah! the restroom!" She lied. Burden didnt wait for an answer before she fled She scanned the scents for the one most familiar to her. He looked at the girl suspiciously noticing that the bathroom was the other way.He Decided to spy on Burden. He hoped he wouldn't be caught but there was somthing up and he had to find out what it was. Burden foundf his scent and walked closer to the scent. She stopped not far away from the Angel and realized he wasn't a Tayu look-a-like kissing the angel outside "The Scuicide". He was the real Tayu, The only one who ever loved her, And he was with another girl. Not being the Most graceful and rashinal type of person she stormed up to him and pushed him off his seat. Her expression softened and she looked at Andy. "Who is "She"?" She asked, her eyes starting to water. "I tjhought you loved me! Why did you abandon me?" She began to cry And turned to run. Burden was about to leave when a Bret ran up in front of her from his hiding place, realizing Burden was crying. He slid his arms around her trying to confort her. "What's wrong ? What did he do ?" He asked hoping he could calm her down long enough for her to answer. "It's Tayu. "She wispered. Bret looked at tayu feircly. "What Did you do to her?!?! Why? Why would you hurt her?" He yelled at the Angel. He yelled loud and the people around them started to stare. The drunk andy laughedat the scenario.
  18. She smiled. "A family. Somthing I never had. A home.Somthing unatainable. Wealth. Something impossible for me to reach. "She snorted a laugh and looked at her polite friend who didn't ask of her strange laughter. "You see," she continued ,closing her eyes trying to remember the past events of her childhood. "I lived such a different life from you. When I was younger, a mere pup, I lived with my mother and six other siblings. My father was never there, he was always busy with research and illegal business. My mother hated him for being like every human man she ever knew; A worthless, pile of nothing that does nothing but neglect her. She hated us, too, all of us. She hated me more than any of them. I was the second to last pup born, yet I was top dog. The other pups hated me because I was nothing but uncontrollable rage. I bit off my eldest brothers ear for trying to controdict me. I was visious. They all eventually died off due to slayers." She sighed at the memory. "Then when I was ten my parents up and left me. My dad left me that book I was reading when we met." "That ends my story, " It wasn't all. It was only a mere portion of her life but she would later tell him of her first and last love.
  19. (OCC: Use past tense. "She was dressed in ...",Like that. Thank you fallen angel. Oh and use 2 paragraphs and please make your speech exciting, you use He too many times .LITERACY,Please people!! ) "Water," Burden said to the waitress who nodded and left to fix there drinks.Burden sat across from Bret. There was an awkward silence between the two and their drinks still hadn't come. "So, "Bret said, trying to start a conversation. " You seemed pretty upset back there. Who is this "Tayu"? Is he a problem to you? I'll do anything I can to help." "No. You can't help,It's entirely my problem." She looked down, than a moment later looked back up at Bret who had his head bowed as well. "But, Since you know his name, I'll tell you what happened." She paused and the dj anounced a slow song from popular artist. "Later, though, after we dance," She said walking to him and holding her hand out so he could grab it. He gripped her hand and stood, walking with Burden to the Dance floor. When they got on the packed dance floor Bret cleared his throat and looked at Burden. She looked at him, as well, and Put both her hands on his shoulder. He hesitated but soon after placed his hands on her hips.Burden Let Bret lead her,Careful not to step on his feet. When she felt Comftorable with her movements ahe looked up at Bret and smiled, He smiled back gazing into her stone grey eyes. "So what's your history?" Burden asked, focusing out the blaring music to listen to Bret's answer.
  20. She hesitated to answer in fear of her own tongue. Burden turned to him and braved an answer. Her mind said "don't go. No". Her heart,however , betrayed her. "That sounds good, let me get ready." Bret's smile grew wider with her reply. She turned, grabbing some clothes and some accesories from her bag and leaving to the rest room. Bret heard the door lock and he waited there for her . Ten or fifteen minutes later she emerged from the bathroom.Her hair was pulled back into a bun where the extra hair was gelled to spike out all around. Her chin-length bangs slanted and fell over one of her grey eyes and a lock of hair fell infront of each of her foxish ears. she wore brick red lipstick and a spiked choker necklace. She wore a hollter middriff reveiling a belly peircing and a pair of semi-tight , worn blue jeans held up by a studded belt. As she stepped, high heeled boots made the floor creak. Her hands were no longer covered by the fingerless spiked gloves reveiling rough hands made for fighting. The gloves were replaced with studded cuff braclets to accent the whole look. "Mommy, you look pretty," the young girl said. " Are you going out with daddy? " Burden blushed with the childs words looking up at Bret who was staring at her with a besotted look. She blushed more. "We-we should find somewhere for her to go." Burden said. "I wanna play with uncle Tom." the girl said witha smile. "I guess that takes care of that," Bret said looking at Burden .
  21. "Let's get checked in first," She said when the angels were out of direct sight. She was still deep in thought, mostly about Tayu but also about Bret. "I'm not acting normal," She thought. "Why am I acting this way? The normal me would simply tell him to fuck off!" Soon she stopped and turned looking into bret's eyes. Her eyes widened slightly for the eyes she was looking into were not that of Bret but of Tayu, the same kind eyes she had gazed into when she was fourteen, The same acceptance that lingered within his eyes . Her thoughts quickly Changed and she turned and She walked through the door of the inn . Her cheeks were rosy from blushing at what she just did. She was looking at her feet and waqlked up to the counter. "A room please," she said. Ayoung man with a mohawk looked up and smiled reveiling ivory fangs. He jumped the counter and hugged her tight."burden," He spoke kindly. "I missed you!" She didn't hug back nor reply. "A room? They're with me," Burden spoke in a distracted tone. "Someone in a bad mood? Well anyway here's the last room key, you'll have to share." Tom said. "Fine." Burden replied. Burden and Bret walked toward the stairs when Burden heard tTom from behind. " How's Tayu doing?" He shouted. Burden Froze dead in her tracks. Tears began to crowd her eyes thretaening to over power her. She ignored him and started up the stairs at a faster pace.
  22. [QUOTE=Guardian Angel][COLOR=Lime]OOC: I now I'm super late in joining this and I did post in the Adventure Inn but for some reason I've never got around to post here. So here I am. Sorry if I'm late. If you guys think that joining now is late then I'll delete this post and go on in life. IC: Maya walked into a dance club and looked around. [I]Seems there's a lot of poeple[/I] she thought to herself.She walked over to the bar and got herslf a magarita. She sat in the chair and turned to look at everyone who was there. She was on a mission to find her target and kill them. She couldn't see anything now but she knew soon that she'll find her target. *Sip* She drinks her magarita and then sets it down on the table and goes on the dance floor to do some dancing and to find her tartget.[/COLOR] OOC:using the word target a lot must be irratating.[/QUOTE] OOC:You're fine ,GA, but please be literate and take care in how you right. That meens no stars. Just try to blend it with every one elses writing ok. and when speaking use quotation marks(") ok. I found errors and some things that seemed slightly iliterate. Please only use stars when you're PM'ing.
  23. The girl looked at Bret and shied away to the front of Burden. "Scary doggy," she wispered, Tugging at burden's chains. "can you scare him away to?" " She's a sight child." Burden wispered looking back at Bret. Bret cocked his head then nodded in understanding. She ignored his question since she realy wasn't inthe mood to answer. "So why Did they call you a traitor?" Bret asked again. " I don't want to explain right now. I'll tell you later," It relly wasn't a big deal. Many street fighters are called traitors since they kill creatures on their own side. " Hey, Bret, I know you don't like vampires but I know some one who owns an Inn. His name is Tom and he's not like those vampires," She said nodding in the direction the vampires fled. "He's realy quite nice and only takes the amount of blood he needs to live." Bret looked at her and decided to trust her."Fine. Let's go there," He replied with a kind smile. "Where is it?" He questioned."It's right next to The Scuicide,that's a dance club about a block away," She answered begining to walk in the opposite direction of the bar. Bret and the little girl followed not to far behind.As they aproached they saw two angels kiss. One was pinned to the wall of The Scuicide. A strange feeling rushed over Burden as they passed.The kind you get when you have dayjavoo. She ignored their conversation; Somthing about a dinner. Somerthing still didn't feel right. Then it hit her, The male angel seemed all to familiar, From his voice to his look. She stoped and watched them thinking. Tayu?.....She thought. No. He's gone..... She felt somthing on her shoulder and turned to find Bret." Somthing the matter,Burden?" he asked, looking at her with a strange visage. "Their just such a ... good... couple..." She said with an obvious fake smile. Bret shrugged but secretly thought about what might be in Burden's mind at this very moment. She continued to walk with the child and Bret in close pursuit. She watched the couple out of the corner of her eye.
  24. Ok. Well now we know we have to watch our step. Thankyou . We will be sure to change this. Thankyou, once more. Bodidharma lets PM eachother if we have to speak to each other. Thanks. PEOPLE, If you decide to quit please delete your charactor. thankyou
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