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Cicatrice Du Adieu

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Everything posted by Cicatrice Du Adieu

  1. Harma .....................NO MORE PEOPLE!!!!!!! this is getting to crouded!!! (ah ha DarkisMINE has 7 knives! Vendetta right? (that movie rocks(paranthasis in parenthasis(More parenthasis... Shutting up...)))
  2. "Riverrs," she replied, turning on her heel and begining to walk away. She seemed preoccupied with something. "Hmmmm..." Burden thought aloud. Her ears pricked and she closed her eyes smelling the air. "Something ain't right," she spoke to herself . A scream filled the air and from the dark street corner a little girl ran. The girl was small and human. She had dark hair and husky-blue eyes She was no older than 4 or 5. She stoped and stared at the eared woman and ran to her, hugging her legs. She was soon followed by Three vampire ladies. One dark skinned vampire looked at the girl and spoke in a soft tone. "Come play little human." the girl did not budge. One with eyes of silver snapped' "Release the child . We must feast." "No,"Burden spoke firmly looking up. The vampires backed away in fear of the street- fighter. "Shes back," one hissed to the other. "We will go. There are plenty more mortals than a sickly, biter-blooded child." They fled. "TRAITOR!" was shouted back at her as they ran.
  3. Hey bodhidharma? Isnt Burden gonna have a hard time hugging you? That would kinda hurt.
  4. She came to a run down playground and stopped for breath. Her stomach still hurt and she was growing tired. Burden found a swing that wasn't broken and sat. She looked around at the jungle gym and the monkry bars. "what a poor excuse for a park," She thought out loud. As she sat ,swinging slightly, on the rusted swing she saw two girls, one with knee length white hair and one with a white hair cut to chin length. Both looked emotionless and slightly robotic as they walked. they were twins and looked no older than 13. Burden knew better than that. They were both celestials and very powerful ones at that. Their appearance deceived others as their real age was 501years old. She looked away. and reached down for her bag. Nothing. She looked down and saw nothing. Her eyes widend and she stood and started back for the bar. She paid no attention to the people around her. Burden ran into several people all of wich ignored her except for the fifth person she ran into. He grabbed her by the back of the forearms and she looked up starled. It was the Lycan.
  5. Keep fighting. it's amusing. *stares at the two quarreling, with no visible emotion. loaded black eyeliner seems to have run slightly from laughing.*
  6. She looked at him with a wry smile. " Spend time in the harlums of NY and you'll be brutal in no time." She said. She looked down at her book and thenback up at bret."I enjoy reading. it's like a dream at a distance and i'm not the one suffering the nightmare. " She paused thinking for a second. He's kinda cute she thought. She caught the words racing through her mind and her smile faded. Her cheeks turned a pale redish color. "I have to go," She said standing and running from the bar. She was wraped in her thoughts. A wageing war threatened her with a migrane. How could you think that? don't you remember him? Who? The angel! How could you forget? But the lycan was cute. No! You swore never to love another! I wasn't falling in love, I just thought he was cute... You say that now, but how about when your making out with him in a month? I'd never do that!! that's sluty!! You made out with the angel... I loved the angel... You'll love the That mutt too! I'm not falling in love! Yes you are! No...No...NO!!! Denile, but fine break your vow... As she fought her war , sprinting away from the bar, she did't think twice about the messanger bag she left by her seat.
  7. The book she read was a latin document written during the Revolution by a wealthy Vampire Aristocrat, when alternative races were still alowed to be Aristicrats. Nowadays blue-bloods are rare. The book was her father's. He left it behind when they left her. Her siblings were gone too. They died off, one by one. The book was a book of alchemy and chemistry and incantations. It telled how every thing worked and how it was done. She closed the book well aware of the lycans eagerness to speak with her. Burden grabbed her bag and stood. She walked to the seat beside the werewolf and sat. She thought of perhaps a kind way to say things. A way to go into conversations that would sound natural between strangers. "screw that," she thought to herself. "hey listen, I ain't polite and hate when people don't get to the point."She began in her normal cold, crude tone. "So listen if ya' gonna speak then speak and get to the ******* point already." She said this with her eyes on the cover of her closed book.
  8. Burden made it to the pits of Atlanta around midnight. She woke up from her sleep a few hours back in pain. All that was left of the wound was an angry red scar But the healing seemed to take forever. Healing takes large amounts of her energy and requires lots of sleep. But because of the pain the process brought her staying asleep was half the battle. It felt like a bad case of monthly cramps except to an extreme level. she went to a small and dingy pub nearby. it smelled of smoke and liquor. She came in and the bar went silent. She was well known in these parts and ignored the eyes of the staring creatures . She sat down andplace her black messanger bag on the grond next to her. on the front was the band symbol for HIM. the bartender, a crow hybrid, bent his head in a subtle bow. "What may I get you, miss Riverrs?" He spoke with a curling smile. "water and some pain releiver," She replied softly,coldly. "Right away," He left to the kitchen. She looked around and murmers began to interupt. She tuned them out, already knowing their conversing whispers. I saw her in a fighht! She was incredible. Took down a monster 5 times her size. Did you hear about her recent battle!! These where only a few of the coments she tuned out.Her eyes flickered over to a man leaning over his drink two seats beside her. She could smell him, His disguise. 'A lycan,"she thought. "A mastered lycan." "Here you are," The Crow hybrid broke her thoughts. He handed her advil and set a glass of water before her. She drank down the advil and tried to tip the bartender. "oh, no" the crow refused her tip."It's on the house." Burden nodded her thanks and tooka sip of the water. she grabbed her black messanger bag from the ground and pulled out a book written in latin . Latin was the only other language she knew. Her father had tought her when she was younger. he often stayed away from his family and practiced reverse incantations, incantations that hybrids could use without getting hurt themselves and still inflect damage on an opponent. Her parents left her before he finished his research. She was strong enough, though. She had no use for them.
  9. Ahhhh!!!! DUNNNN!!!!!*says in a fake lil' girl voice* Shut up!!! *burden punches lostvoice in face. * *LOst voice pulls an oversized mallet out of no where and hit burden* I'm hyper at the moment!! Bodidharma has my permission to join. he is in comand when im not here. he helped me with my last rp. and is kinda my partner in hosting this rp.
  10. ((ok. thankyou all but this signup will allow 1 more person. the post ing order will depend on who is on at what time. please wait for me as my home computer is down and i use others computers when i get the chance. ty. ~lostvoice))
  11. It was half way through a street fight, the odds against her. Burden was taking a beating from the large minotaur like hybrid. She lye on the ground sruggling for breath and energy as the bull hybrid turned and faced the jeering and cheering crowd. He posed with feirce, masculane poses. He growled and snorted with his bovid head, showing off massive black horns and giant human bicepts and tricepts and legs and abs, powerful and strong. his wildabeast mane suited his tough reputation. A sudden chill rushed over her and adrenaline rushed through her, rage overtook her. The gore in her side no longer hurt and her energy renewed with an instinctive vigor. The fox form Burden rose and ran, gleaming black teeth bared, towards her three- ton opponent. She leaped, grabbing his left bicept and pulling a chunk from his arm. She tossed it aside and growled at him, viciously. The 9 ft. giant raised his massive hands and prepared to smash them down on the comparitively small fox. His fists came down but did not harm her. Although Burden did not move when his fists came down a barrier seemed to stand between them. he continued to try the barrier with no prevail. Burden sought to put him into a faitique with his endless desire to break the barrier that stood between them. She knew that he would try and grow weakened by this tiresome task. But it was also risky for the longer she held up her aura sheild the weaker she grew. The weaker she grew the weaker the barrier grew. Luckily she had enough strength and the bull-headed terror weakend. She reverted back to her more human form , leaped up and punched. Her spiked fist hit his jaw so hard he stumbled back ward. She tried for the stomach this time but the blow was blocked and she was thrown backward. he got down on all fours about to run and gore her again. He ran. Burden grabbed his horns at the base in a grip tight enough to crack them. He gave a bulls roar and fought the grip. She broke the horns completely off and raised the above her head point down. She aimed and brought them down on the bull hybrids head as if weilding swords. With one low, bone-chilling cry the battle was one. The victor and new posesser of the bulls ten grand was Burden Riverrs, the gray fox. She claimed her rightful prize and left after the crowd of hybrids, lycans, vampires, rebel angels, and traitor human spectators dispersed. She then hit the forest path of gaorgia. She found a secluded clearing and lyed down to rest and heal. "I'll head to Atlanta tomarrow." She said drifting off into a well deserved sleep.
  12. Dark World (M-VLS) Back story In this modern world there are beings other than humans. Each being has different qualities that define it. Each has special abilities. The first is the hybrid, able to convert from an animal form to a partial-human form. Sadly some of its animal features show on its human form and its odd animal form gives it away as a hybrid. The second is the angel who is divided into two groups; The Alliance and the Fallen. The alliance abides by the angel?s laws while the Fallen are traitors to their kind. The third, Werewolves, are humans cursed with the unwilled ability to transform into a monstrous wolf. Though, with enough training can tap into this ability and control it to their will. Fourth, the vampire can only walk in the night and must drink the blood of living mortals to survive. They have extraordinary strength and power far greater than any human. The angel Alliance has convinced most humans that all other beings and the fallen are a threat to human life. Some Humans, in fear of losing the power they have, have become slayers. The hybrids, vampires, werewolves, and fallen angels have been forced to the lowest pits of the modern world. They rely on various, cruel jobs such as thievery, assassination and street fighting to stay alive. Many beings have been forced to kill each other and over generations have gained strife and hold grudges against each other. All sides have traitors and all sides have a story. A Slayers job is to destroy enemy beings. An assassin is paid to kill anything or anyone. A thief steels things for its own survival or for money. A Street-fighter fights so it will get money from the fights they win and the others they beat. If one is to lose this battle the penalty is death. An alliance angel allies humans. But is the alliance all that true? Is it all that good? Or are they just manipulating weak beings into doing what they want? Plot Ok here I will discuss various regulations for my rp. 1) No killing other players w/o permission. 2) No controlling other?s characters w/o permission. 3) All replies must be at least 2 paragraphs. 4) Please try and make things contemporary. 5) Please be patient my internet at home is down. 6) Stay away from the silent but strong characters. They bother me. This story takes place in Georgia. Thanks! Sign up Name and pronunciation: Burden Riverrs (Ber-Den Rivers) Breed: fox hybrid age: 18 sex: female occupation: street-fighter Weapons: Burden wears a pair of finger-less gloves with spikes on each knuckle. She also carries two hidden daggers with her. Special abilities: She can disguise herself temporarily and can use a power called fire fist which can both burn and strike the foe. Last she can create a shield like aura in front of her. Burden loses energy each time her techniques are used. Her strength and running speed are slightly enhanced, along with her hearing and sense of smell. Appearance: Burden is about 5?6 with a slim figure. She has gray eyes and shoulder-length dirty blonde hair with gray fox ears tipped with black on either side of her head. Burden has a gray fox tail also tipped in black adorning her lower back. She wears a skin-tight navy blue and dark red, broad striped collared tee shirt with black Tripp® jeans from Hot Topic. She also wears a pair of finger-less gloves with spikes above each knuckle and a black spiked choker necklace. Her fox form is a German shepherd sized gray fox with feet and ears tipped with black and 2 tails also tipped with black. A spiked choker around its neck and black thorn-like spikes protruding from the knuckles of its front paws. Pets (optional): none history: she was abandoned as a pup when she was ten and became a wondering street fighter. She fell in love with a fallen angel at the age of 14. Her love died for her when she was 16. She vowed never to love again and to destroy the angel alliance for killing her love. Was held prisoner by slayers until she was 18 and escaped to resume her life as a wandering fighter. Personality: Burden is emotionless and cold. She has a hot temper and tends to be very cynical. She prefers to live alone and travel alone. Burden loves to fight and will do anything to get into a fight with a strong opponent.
  13. Hi people! listen, I have writers block and wanna' start an rp. All i know is that it involves vampires, were wolves, hybrids, angels, and humans. i just need an idea starter for the backstory and plot.Thank you! -lostvoice
  14. Evorr and Kybrax aproached the house of the slayer. At this point Evorr could Smell the blood of several slayers, Including the one in particular. Kybrax smashed down the door knowing that stealth would do no use if there prey was waiting for there arrival . There in the house were many slayers in hiding but only one standing in the middle of the living room they entered ."Evorr. What a pleasent suprise."The slayer said." shut and die!" Evorr yelled pulling out a pistol. "I'll will never forgive you for my parents death," She said, holding back tears."I will never forgive your kind for every thing they did to me!" she yelled. "So kill me." the slayer said, calmly." Kill me and get you revenge ." The grungy slayer spread his arms. Everything was quiet. Slayers watched the strange conversation. Gunfire broke the silence.Evorr looked dow at the ground a tear ran down her cheek. Her head filled with terrible thoughts. The Slayer fell to the ground, a bullet in his head. His eyes wide. Evorrs gun still at hand. slayers swarmed her. Kybrax camoflaged into the senery and pulled out a sub-machine gun killing most of them before they got to Evorr. About seven servivers remained and grabbed Evorr by the arms . A young slayer who looked a little like the lead singer from A.F.I aproached from behind and grabbed her shoulders. "Ian, Son of the leader, Your father has requested that you kill This hybrid with the sword that killed her Parents. A 13 year old boy walked into the room with an unsheathed sword. He had brown hair and very average clothes. He held the sword to Evorr's throat, about to kill her.
  15. "Ok." She said, giving up and giving him instructions to the targets house. Kybrax followed them and they got there quickly. They stoped about a block away from the house. As Kybrax was getting out of the car Evorr stopped him."Wait!" Evorr chimed. "What?" Kybrax replied."The guy we're after expects us. He will be waiting in his house with the rest of the slayers on the hitlist and most likely one of the two angels." Evorr stated."I wanna kill the leader slayer. He did something to me that i'll never forgive. " Evorr finished. " Ok." kybrax agreed. They got out of the car and gathered there guns and weapondry. They then began walking to the targets house, carful not to be seen.
  16. they fell fast asleep on eachother. The night past slowly.Evorr fell into a nightmare as she slept. She was twelve. Her and a human boy were walking into his house. He was the only human she ever liked , even loved. They had heard a cry of a woman from upstairs.A man with silver hair stood over a woman. "MOM!" the boy cried. The man saw the two children and left out the window. Evor,Shocked , ran down the stairs and out of the house crying. "I must not look back. I must never go back." She thought. The dream skiped ahead two years. A young boy had her throught on evorrs neck. "Do you know now?Do you remember?" the boy cried to her. "your....no...you can't be..." Evorr replied. " I am. And you will pay for what you did to me!You will pay for leaving me. You will pay for what your breed has done to me. I'm going to kill you!!! You will die,Evorr!!!" He raised his hand . a dagger in his hand. "I'm sorry.." evorr said as her hand went directly through his heart. She awoke with a gasp. Evorr looked around And realized that the tips of her nails were digging into Kybrax's wrist. She releasedher grip.
  17. She looked around at everyone and then ran out after Kybrax. She ran to the car and got in seating herself right next to Kybrax." That was unexpected," She stated looking at the regret in his eyes.She didn't say much after that just looked down at her lap."I see why you didn't wanna' come in now." She said. She looked back up at him. " Poor guy.I wish I could do something to help him," She thought. "I know my friends are weird, Kybrax, But you just gotta keep in mind not everyones against you.Sometimes it's hard to except. I know, I've been there." She didn't know what else to say. Evorr knew that it wouldn't help any.Her hand shifted. She grabbed Kybrax's hand in her own. Evorr went back into silence.
  18. As they entered the building a woman with black hair and a curvacious body Walked out from behind the counter. She looked about in her 40's and was wearing a black dress. "Evorr, Evorr, It's so good to see you again." She hugged Evorr. " So, what can I get for you?" She asked. "a Bud light will do." Evorr replied. " coming right up" The woman said walking back behind the counter. Evorr and Kybrax wentand took a seat on the other side of the counter. "that's Cheryl." Evorr told Kybrax. "She looks nice ," Kybrax said. "yeah but you havent broken a dish." Evorr said with a small smile."Cheryl! Cheryl , Gama smells ...." She stopped mid- sentence.Her brown Bangs made it impossible to see the cat hybrid, gama's, eyes. She smiled widley and her Huge brown cat ears perked up.She had Brown cat feet and a long Brown lion like tail.She was dressed in jeans and a white tee-shirt. She leaped and tackled evorr to the ground in a huge hug. "I missed you too, Gama." Evorr said after being forced off her seat by Gama."Gama What are you going on abou---" a gray haired Wolf Hybrid came out of the kichen.She was wearing jeans and a blue T. Her gray ears twitched. Her tail wagged. She ran up to the no standing Evorr and embraced her.No words were exchanged."Hey where's kiro and Coone?" Evorr asked. Gama was staring at kybrax."Their out" the wolf said." Who's that?" Gama blurted out pointing at Kybrax.
  19. Evorr gave kybrax directions to get to Cheryls bar. " We need to stop at cheryls and pick up rimion, my pet and best friend. I can intoduce you to all my friends. Beware kiro. he's still in love with me and can get jealous." she looked at him. "If coone starts refering to a little anger management issue, he's talking about me. thats the nickname he gave me. Gama refers to her self in third person. Vacade is lazy.She's a pithybrid.She fights for money. Cheryl owns the inn and the bar but if you destroy any of her property she will have your head. All are hybrids.except Rimion who's a gryphon."She stoped. "Oh, and by the way the hit list consists of 15 slayers and 2 angels." She stoped and waited for his reply. He looked like he was thinking and remained quiet. Evorr turned her head to look out the window. Ther she could see trees. "Turn here." She said seeing the road exit.
  20. "I don't work with anyone. I don't think I ever will." her pace grew quicker as she made her way to the park.She looked back to find that Kybrax was still following her. She then started at a graceful and fast sprint, her wings spread uselessly out of a bizzare habbit."now, let's see if he follows..." She thought to her self.She looked back and he was gone. About ten minutes later she was at the local park not too far away.She found her Harley.It was a black sportser with compartments on either side. She tried starting the motercycle. 1 try. nothing happens. 2 tries. no use. 3 tries and she gets pissed. Evorr violently twisted the key in the ignission."THERE WAS APPARENTLY A REASON FOR YOU BEING SO CHEAP,YOU **** ****,NOW START YOU ******* BIKE!!!" She yelled. the bike started but before she could get out of the park's parkinglot a bullet was fired at her bike tire. The tire went flat. She turned in the direction of the shot and saw Kybrax. "he followed.." She thought.
  21. "My name is Evorr," she began answering the questions. " I'm a hired assasin so i can kill. Sometimes if people catch me in a bad mood and start pissing me off I don't need money to kill them. Last week , if you saw the news, That huge masecre was my doing.Yes. I beleive I can kill. Speciel powers..."She paused and thought. "oh,ummm....just some fancy claw work. You know the average stuff. ....And a hot temper no theripist could ever fix with anger managemant therepy. not much." She ended. "The wings. Now, the wings I have no clue what's up with them. their just there.Their usless,now. Can't fly.To be honest I don't know my parents that well but i'm pretty sure my mother was a Stray mutt. A mix breed between so many different hybrids and even ..." She stoped and seemed to space out. My mother had wings, ok? I'm a dog. That's all that matters,ok?" she said sounding defensive and sort of pissed. She calmed down and sighed. She didn't apologize. She didn't want to. She turned and looked at him. "I have to get back to the park. All my stuff is there and so is my Harley. I have to get leaving soon. I've got .... places to go and people to kill. And the guy i'm workin' for is an aristocrat. I'm getting paid big for this assignment but i've only got 3 weeks and 2 days to get these bastards on their death bed. " she got up and went for the door. Evorr turned and looked at Kybrax. She gave him a slight smile. "bye." She said sweetly. She left the room went down the stairs. She went past the store clerk Who smiled, slyly. "did you and that lizard man have "fun" last night?" He said. She turned and walked up to him and held a pistol to his head .His eyes grew wide with terror as the cold steel touched his forehead. She Leaned in to him and wispered. " I hardly know him. I'm no whore. We didn't do anything." she paused." You got that?" He nodded fearfuly. "Good ." she said taking the gun and putting it back in it's holster. She turned and left the hotel, making her way to the park. //OOC:It's ok.I don't mind.\\
  22. "No. No ones following me" she said witha slight grin. She frowned and turned away from him." It's just..." She began, Running her finger against the edge of her left ear. "you know, I don't realy want to talk about it," She looked back at him. "Now a question for you," She said getting up and sitting down beside him. "Were you the one who killed that man?" She looked at him , than where his hand was positioned.She turned her head back up to him." what's your name? " She began to finish the last peice of pizza while awaiting an answer. "wow, i havn't eaten anything in a week." She thought while scarfing the pizza.She was touched by his kindness even though she knew she could only gain little more weight.As she finished the last bite and swallowed her wings slightly unfolded and then folded again."Thanks for the pizza by the way" She said.
  23. She awoke quikly and harshly, roughly twenty minutes later. "SLAYER!!!" she shouted panting, eyes wide. "Slayer," she wispered closing her eyes and falling down on the pillow. Her eyes snaped open again. "This isn't where I fell asleep," She wispered. She turned her head relizing the chemillion hybrid there on the table. "You didn't...." She began uneasily " You know, do anything to me while i was asleep, Did you?" She said looking at him awkwardly. She got out of the bed and looked herself up and down to make sure she was ok.She finished and looked up at him and the her eyes fell on the pizza . "Can I have the remaining peices?"She asked starving.
  24. Evorr heard the shot behind her and turned around fast. "Oh,my lord," she said under her breath, surprised very little. She walked to him and examined the wound , where the bullet entered and the angle it entered . " came from east building, no doubt," she mumbled to her self . she made her way to the building where the chameleon hybrid lay. She walked through the door and entered the lobby. The store clerk was wimpering and mumbling. Evorr ignored him not willing to deal with the pathetic human's misery. She used the stairs to get to her destination.She gently seemed to glide up the stairs, quickly and stealthly. All doors were locked for the night but she had no need to bother trying them for now she could smell his scent. She found the room he was in and grabbed the handle of the door. She grinned, happy to find that the door was open. Evorr quietly opened the door. She kept a hand on her gun as she neared the sleeping hybrid. She sat on a table located next to the bed and waited. She hadn't slept for three days straight and while waiting drifted into sleep herself. She lay Sleeping on the table dreaming. The dream was of the bloody and hellish murder of her parents.She rolled to her side seeing the sword of the man peirce her fathers back. In the dream she was placed in the corner of her home in feetle position. the man aproached her. Her helpless eyes grew wide. Her mother. Dead. Her father. Dead. And now her. That was her wish. to die with her parents. "how old is she?" another man said. "three. In human years." the man in front of her said. "leave her. She won't survive," The other man said. The man in front of her nodded and left. The dream ended and she blacked out, still sleeping.
  25. [QUOTE=bodhidharma][B]Name:[/B] Kybrax [B]Hair Color:[/B] silver,spiked [B]Clothes or style:[/B] Odd, He wears a long white trench coat,And black pants.He has a pair of black cargo boots and a large sniper rifle across his back. He also wears a strange pair of gloves from time-to-time. [B]Eye Color:[/B] He has sullen black eyes,with white, cross(+) shaped pupils. [B]Looks:[/B] He has scale-like, looking skin,and a small frill going down the back of his neck.He stands about 6'4". And has small claws on his hands. [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Breed:[/B] Chameleon hybrid [B]Occupation:[/B] Tactical Assassin [B]Brief History:[/B] He grew up being hated for what he was (a hybrid) he quickly became an assassin,and with his special eyes and camuflauge powers he specialized in night assassinations.Focusing on killing all slayers.He is currently looking for som companians to rebel against the human racist authority problem. [B]Misc. Information:[/B] Kybrax, can change his skin to a curtain color,or constantly keep it changing making him nearly invisible.He can also regenarate lost limbs and body parts,as well as having an extremely heightend healing rate. His final ability allows him to change the statiegic setup of the lenses and frames in his eyes,wich means basicly he can change his eyes to see normally (like a human) or change too see in infra-red(thermal vision), ultra-violet(night vision) or high/low-spectrum. [B]Weapons:[/B] He has a pair of sub-machine guns,in holsters under his coat.And a Dragonov. 7.62mm (really good sniper rifle).He also has a pair of gloves with razor wire attached too the fingers (think hellsing,Walters gloves) that he uses for close range combat. OCC: if there's anything you want me to cjange pm me and I'll change it a.s.a.p.[/QUOTE] alright now join me in adventure square please!
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