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Everything posted by Nomurah!

  1. Instead of just being Naruto... I've made many other types of these Doujin Comedy mangas. So, to bring them to you, here's a....eh...magazine type deal to present them. And to start things off, here's a Fullmetal Alchemist comic. [IMG]http://i6.tinypic.com/141s6cp.jpg[/IMG] Sorry, I messed up on Alphonse... And..here's another Naruto one. I messed up on Sakura abunches on this one.... LOL. [IMG]http://i5.tinypic.com/141tobc.jpg[/IMG] The next one..was so....umm...stupid....LOL...It was a silly joke I made. :animesmil Here's a DBZ one. [IMG]http://i5.tinypic.com/141umwo.jpg[/IMG] Now...the next one...Is of Poke'mon. Heh. I call it "Pikachu's Anger Issues". I came up with the joke not too long ago, and yesh, its very stupid. :animesmil [IMG]http://i6.tinypic.com/1424e53.jpg[/IMG] And last...is my InuYasha one. [IMG]http://i5.tinypic.com/1424xg9.jpg[/IMG] Hope ya liked em, everybody!
  2. [B]Hmmm...I think it wiser to wait for the person giving the pic, to give out the answer to if the answer is right or not...No troubles so, far, though...Please, guys, let's not ruin this game like other games in the past, LOL. :animesmil ...umm...I'm clueless, I'll take a wild guess. Tenchi Muyo? :animeswea [/B]
  3. [B]So here's the rules. I post a picture, and you try to guess what anime it's from. If you get it right, then you get to post a new picture. So, here's the pic. [url]http://www.nautiljon.com/images/anime/fullmetal_alchemist/fullmetal_alchemist_02.jpg[/url] Good luck! :animesmil [/B]
  4. [B]"What will you tell your father?" Nomura asked Rikku. "He probably won't be home. Eh, besides, he wouldn't notice if I was gone or not." Nomura frowned. "I'm sure that's not true..." The two stopped at Rikku's home, so she could get her things packed. Nomura helped her pack up, and they headed for home, or "their" home. They were happy together. Kazuwa was happy. ------------------ "So who would come to the wedding?" Rikku asked. "Hmmm...Let me think...Kelac, Kya, ummm...." Kazuwa said. " Hey wait, where is Kya and Kelac?" Rikku asked. Nomura looked up in the sky thinking. "Don't know...Havn't spoken to them for a while..." Nomura walked into his room, with Rikku following. "So, how should we re-arrange the furniture to this place?" Nomura asked her. "Let's not worry about that for now...Let's think about us, Kazuwa." "I just can't wait till we get married...having a honeymoon...candles....maybe a nice car...." Kazuwa smiled. "Well...why wait for the honeymoon, Kazu?" Rikku said, smiling back. Kazuwa blushed. "Umm...well..." Rikku hugged Kazuwa and kissed him. They fell down on his bed, still kissing. Kazuwa's computer monitro started blaring. "Email!" Kazuwa stopped kissing Rikku and checked his e-mail. "It's Kya...We gotta meet her in a server. I wonder what she wants..."[/B]
  5. [B]Kazuwa looked up at the cherry-blossoms. A tear ran down his cheek, and unto his suit. Izuwa's funeral was long. Rikku hugged him tightly as he cried. She cried a little too, but, she wanted to be happy for the two of them. It was finally over. Kazuwa walked home with Rikku. They held hands, but didn't say a single word on the way. Finally, Kazuwa spoke. "You know...Izuwa left me his savings. Wrote a will...when we were little. He said 'Kazu, if I ever die, my money isn't gonna go to waste, and you better not waste it either, bro. Or else, I'd come back from the dead and beat the hell outta you!' " Rikku smiled. Nomura looked over to here face. "I like it when you smile." Nomura waited a few more minutres before speaking again. "You know...I...Well, it's gonna be lonely in the house by myself. College will be right around the corner, but until then...I'm stuck by myself." Rikku looked concerned to Nomura. "And?" "Will you...umm...marry me?"[/B] OOC: Sorry kiddies, thought I might give the spotlight to mister juno and miss Kya. LOL, plus, ....computer troubles.... Drama drama drama, LOL. :animeswea
  6. [B]Please! LOL, please find me some better pictures K.W!!! :animesmil But Keep it Hibiki, Shinji, and Renton, kay, don't go changing the people, kay? Keep the phrase, and well, ummm, I don't know, just do what you want with it. :animesmil [/B]
  7. [B]Can someone make me a a banner out of these three pictures put together? :animesmil [url]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:spJYmTNfDhvUTM:www.animeinfo.org/featured/vand/pics/hibiki.jpg[/url] [url]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:SUvLNB-F5Od6HM:bishounen.info/shinji/shinji01.jpg[/url] [url]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:Q0wiZQvBpQrM4M:bittorrent.frozen-layer.net/capturas/mmm9.jpg[/url] I'd love it if the banner could say: "What can I say? Boys love Giant Robots" So, thanks if you can do it, and good day. -Nom :animesmil [/B]
  8. I made another one... [B]"He's depressed cause he didn't like the outcome of the season finale of Desperate Housewives."[/B] :animeswea :animesmil
  9. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise] :animesmil Nomuras here....Sorry guys, I forgot my password...and...well....it never exactly came back to me over email, or my memory..... :animeswea [/COLOR] [B]Guy: Holy Crap! My inflatable play mate is out of air![/B]
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