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Everything posted by Nomurah!

  1. [quote name='Darren']Ever since my soul has been saved by "Under the Radar" magazine, I've been listening to a lot of extreme indies. (Not to mention that, since I bought tickets to Bonnaroo, I've been trying to listen to as many of the unknowns as possible in preparation for the concert) Some of them, I was already familiar with, but there are a lot of new ones that I'm equally pleased to add to my iPod... Just to name a few: Jenny Lewis Now Now Every Children Andrew Bird Zach Nichols Neko Case Every Good Boy Faded Paper Figures Bon Iver etc... These past couple of months have really been a musical awakening for me![/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]I love these kind of artists. Ahh. I envy you, since I would totally love to go to Bonnaroo.. /: I can't make it though. I'm listening to "Eleven, Eleven" by my very own band [b]I Was the Red Wine of 1955[/b]. I listen to our new songs very often, to see how I can improve them, before the release of our CD [I]Lions[/I]. Lately we've been getting a staggering amount of listens... Makes us feel nice and what not, haha. Our music isn't for everyone considering it's all one big experimentation with numerous genres of music, like electronic, to screamo, to prog and math, but at least Clurr likes our stuff, ha. :] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]It just won't be the same, I feel. The original FMA (the dubbed version actually) is just my favorite anime of all time, and for a good reason. I mean, maybe they can pull off just the same amount of emotion that was featured in the first series, I don't know. But I can't get over just how... less serious the characters look. I never really did much care for the artwork in the manga... The anime was just... better in my opinion. Still, I'll probably find and watch this new series as soon as it hits torrent sites. :] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [COLOR="HotPink"][SIZE="1"]This is from last night... It's me and my girlfriend, sitting on a bench in my hometown. :] We look like little kids in this picture, haha, but I think it's kind of cute, even though I'm doing a weird jolly face (the camera person said something funny right before she took it). I'm the guy. The guy being the one on the right, if you can't tell, hah. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2435/19/56/510087151/n510087151_2159211_6754.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="hotPink"]My best friend and I- [IMG]http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2327/19/56/510087151/n510087151_2112331_8959.jpg[/IMG] Me trying to roller skate- [IMG]http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2069/203/16/501674428/n501674428_1151731_6032.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="HotPink"][SIZE="1"]And finally, a number of my friends and I at a concert.. Some lady asked us to pose together for a website so we did... We don't know that one guy with his tongue out though... Haha. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [IMG]http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2327/19/56/510087151/n510087151_2086991_5622.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
  4. [quote name='Doc Holliday']Jesus Christ, lighten the hell up and get off your damn high horse. Sorry to be blunt and confrontational, but if you seriously can't see the sarcastic humor present throughout this thread, then what was the point of even posting here? So you could yell at me because I don't think that every piece of crap someone composes and calls a song should be respected, just because it's a song? Yes, some music does deserve to be put down this badly. Music that sucks deserves to be put down this badly. If everyone lived life by that "if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all" proverb, than the world would be populated by terrible music that was only created because no one had the heart to tell the artist that they just weren't that good. In short, I don't think you fully got the underlying sarcasm behind this thread. We all know Hollywood Undead sucks; the embellished truth (like the worst band in the world part, as you so aptly paraphrased) is just sarcasm. Enjoy having no sense of humor.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Since they suck, do better, Doc Holliday. I'm not the one on the high horse, going around, and spreading their ignorant "I don't like this band. They are the worst ever." attitude all over. That's a bunch of Myspace forum ********. Maybe you'd do better there. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="hotPink"]"Everytime we touch" by Cascada... [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [COLOR="HotPink"][SIZE="1"]You know what I hate? People that agree on hating music for the sake of agreeing. This is stupid, actually. I don't like Hollywood Undead myself, but it doesn't make me respect you by you stating your opinion of them being "the worst band ever". I believe the worst band ever wouldn't have one fan, now would they? Obviously, they're doing something alright for all these "16 year olds" to like them. Their music is what some would see as just fun music. Music is music, and no music deserves to be put down this bad, despite the opinion of several people on a forum- Maybe you'd understand if any of you were in bands yourself, you may be, for all I know. I don't really care. Buttt. This thread doesn't make you look cool. It just makes me mad. :] And no. I don't much care for HU either. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]There is no douche in the world like Bill O'Reilly... Has anyone here ever watched his talk show on Fox News? Mann, I'd like to punch that guy in the face for his one-sided views. The other douche, of course, might have to be Bin Laden. I think we all know why. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  8. [COLOR="HotPink"][SIZE="1"][B]Indie rock, and Indie pop. Post-punk and Post-punk revival. Garage rock and garage rock revival. Math rock. Noise rock. Emo/Screamo. Mathcore. Post rock. Techno, Dance-punk, Electronica, Electropop, Digital hardcore Ambient. Punk. Hardcore Punk. Post-hardcore. New Wave. Alternative. Piano rock. Jazz, Jazz rock and Freeform Jazz Progressive. Avant- Garde, Art, and Experimental Rap, Hip- Hop, R & B, and Trip Hop. Pop and Pop Rock. Blues, and Blues Rock. Deathcore. Metalcore. Grindcore. Baroque. Classical. Death Metal, Prog Metal, Metal. Classic Rock. Synthpop and Synthrock. Soul. Psychedelic. Horror Punk. Powerpop. Surf rock. Anti-folk, folk, folk rock[/B] I like music in general, so I listen to many different genres of music. My top five favorite bands however, are: [B]Strike the Choir[/B], [B]The Number Twelve Looks Like You[/B], [B]Bloc Party[/B], [B]Death Cab for Cutie[/B], and the [B]Pixies[/B]. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]To be as nice as possible about this subject... I think that anybody that calls themselves emo, first off, is just ****ing stupid. This is my opinion of course. Why? Because most of these kids don't even know what emo is. Emo (Emotive Hardcore, Screamo, Emocore, etc.) started out as a genre of punk music that came from hardcore. This was in the 80s. This style of music was chaotic. This style of music had nothing to do with the fashion. Nothing to do with cutting yourself (Unless a band had for some reason actually wrote a song about it), but the name Emo is just short for emotional hardcore. ...Sigh. No one would ever listen to somebody like me, of course. But my question to you is, how can you all of a sudden start calling yourself a genre of music? How is that even possible? And two, the fashion is actually called scene. I'm completely okay with the fashion, since I do take some aspects of it, and put them into my own personal fashion statements, ha. Scene kids not only wear the clothes, but have to act a certain way (like glamour robots, that is) to be classified as scene kids. Understood? Still not emo. Anyway, if you really have nothing better in your life to do than to cut yourself, or even just call yourself emo.... Maybe you should stop conforming to that weird view of "being different", and start acting like a mature teenager that doesn't need labels. And also, get a girlfriend or something... losers... [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]I've noticed shortcomings in our relationship, definitely. But they don't bother me. She drinks, she's been on drugs, her brother's a drug dealer (these actually would be the only things I don't love about her), but it just... doesn't bother me. Because, being with her is just good enough for me. I can assure you, however, I'm not in lust. I'm not merely infatuated with this girl either. I'm falling in love with her so heavily.. ah. It's very exciting too, to meet someone that would I get me worked up enough, just over getting to know them on a personal level. And when I told her I was falling for her, she happily told me she wanted to be with me. Everything is going great for me right now. Right now, I guess we're a cutesy state of a relationship, but I don't doubt that our relationship will get serious in time. So uh. Yeah. Looking forward to spending much much much time with this girl. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Eep. Usually, I don't post threads like these. But I felt like I had to tell the whole world. I've fallen for one of the most amazing girls I've ever met. And and and... Ah. She loves Star Wars, art, hardcore music, and [SIZE="4"]THE MISADVENTURES OF FLAPJACK![/SIZE]. Other than our common interests, we're so deeply connected... it's crazy. I've been infactuated with one too many girls. So, going into this, I didn't expect anything different. But I knew she was different after only a little bit of knowing her. I'm in love. And I believe she's fallen for me too. It's amazing. =] So with that statement, I have to ask you guys... I'm always seeing the usual "I need help with this relationship" threads, but I don't see many like this. Have you ever been in love? Are you in love? And you know. Tell me of this love. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. [quote name='Katakidoushi']Your entire lost post was filled with generalizations about government and is riddled with misinterpretations of.. once again "spreading the wealth". And who are these people that "don't know what to do with money"? Maybe you should read James entire last post again because he nicely sums up my point. You seem to have the point of view of the entire conservative culture: talk loud enough and use enough big words and maybe people will believe me. And Barack Obama was NEVER a Muslim. I don't know how many times people need to hear that before they believe it.[/QUOTE] You, my friend... are my new favorite person.
  13. [COLOR="HotPink"][SIZE="1"]I've been listening to a load of [B]The Honorary Title[/B] and [B]One Republic[/B] lately. Both are on my list of favorites, and both are extremely out of character for me, but their music is just good. Last night I listened to [B]Tegan and Sara[/B] a lot. I love them. (Thank you [B]Clurr[/B], for getting me into them like two months ago. :D) Also can't get over [B]So Many Dynamos[/B]. Amazing music, and kind of addicting. I keep listening to their album [I]Flashlights[/I] over and over and over again. Other stuff that nobody here would particularly enjoy: [B]Toru Okada, Gauge Means Nothing, 1905, Hot Cross, and Fashion Show[/B].[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. Nomurah!

    Piano Playing

    [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]I've been since... Let's see. May? May, indeed. I'm teaching myself the notes and chords as I go along, but playing stuff isn't too hard for me, considering I can read most of the music. Lately, I've been playing "Existentialism on Prom Night" by Straylight Run. Beautiful song, and not hard to play. :] I'm okay at guitar, bass, and drums. Nowhere near as good as Clurr, but I'm just okay.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Well, in a strange M. Night Shyamalan style twist, [I][B]Nerdsy[/B][/I] is actually my father. [I][B]Clurr[/B][/I] might be like my sister, considering I make music with her. [I][B]Aberinkula[/B][/I], Prem, Whatever his current name is, is kind of like brother, I guess you could say. Of course, I'm the only child by Nerdsy. Clurr and Aberinkula are only half and half. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [COLOR="hotPink"][SIZE="1"]What have I been listening to lately? Hmmm. [I]Let's see. [/I] Sunny Day Real Estate, Bear vs. Shark, So Many Dynamos, and Foxy Shazam. All are amazing. That's [/SIZE]it.[/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='Calypso'][COLOR="Sienna"]To [B]Retribution[/B] and [B]Whoa, Mann: [/B]I'm not ignoring the fact that there are [I]many [/I] other sins out there. I'm just replying to the main point of this thread. It's about sexuality. If there was one about being disrespectful to my parents, I would be debating in that one, too.If there was one about any of the others sins, I would debating there, too. I can focus on something else if you want, but I wanna stay on topic.:catgirl: [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Ah yes, I can see it now. [/COLOR][/SIZE] "[COLOR="Sienna"]America was based off Christianity, so not honoring your father or mother is a sin, an all sins must be accounted for, because this is America.[/COLOR]"
  18. [quote name='Calypso'][COLOR="Sienna"]What's in Japanese Sushi bars? I thought sushi was made of raw fish........whether you're relegious or not, you're going to have to pay the price for either sin you do. Pigs eat well-anything. If you think about where the pork comes from [I]while[/I] you're eating it, it'd be easier for you to dislike it. same thing with homosexuality. To Retribution: I thought the saying "not to compel him to serve" meant not to make him serve. Since compel means to drive or urge forcefully or irresistibly. He can leave whenever he want with what he earned. So with foreigners, it's wrong because you made them do it. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Babies are born sinners. How will they pay the price? People that are homosexual are sinning too, apparentally. And so is the rest of the world, so why is this any different? In fact, we're all sinners, according to the logic you've displayed. So technically, I'm in the same boat as gays, even killers. But so are you. We are no different from homosexual people. We all have our "sins", therefore we have no right to call out something so personal, such as homosexuality. Homosexuality itself is not killing anyone. It's not raping people. It's not robbing banks. It's just sexuality. [I]You[/I] have no right to call out homosexuality. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Ah yes, and wasn't it the phrase "All men are created equal", that came from the Declaration. I suppose that means that gays are just the same as any straight man or woman. After all, it does say in Romans 2:3, that people have no right to judge people, for it would not clear them for condemnation (this being relevant considering Romans 1 was about homosexuality). So I guess, it's not for us to say if being gay is right or wrong. I for one, I'm completely okay with it. In fact, I find it very much so ignorant not to be okay with it, of course, it's all a matter of opinion.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Today... Let's see. Well, this has been constantly running through my iPod earbuds- [url=www.myspace.com/thesiblingproject]The Sibling Project [/url]. Beautiful music, and catchy. Great acoustic guitar, with synth beats, keys, and amazing vocals over it. Very mellow music. For fans of any kind of indie rock, pop, and acoustic music. Tegan and Sara fans, probably. :] Other than that. [B]The Strokes, The Panthers, Envy, Hot Cross, Raein, I Wrote Haikus About Cannibalism In Your Yearbook[/B], etc. have also occupied my iPod.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Jesus. Get off it. Religion and Aliens don't have anything to do with each other, and even so, if God does exist, then therefore, he would've had a hand in making the other galaxies, planets, and beings among them. There is nothing in the Christian religion that states anything against Aliens, or that we're the only beings God has created. If the Christian God does exist, that is. I believe Aliens have their own way of mating. That's all I'll say on the subject of sex. And I also think that most of the species would probably be all male, or all female. Perhaps most aliens, however, are like that of bacteria, and amoeba. Ones we can't see because they're so small. However, these wouldn't have much of chance getting to Earth, now would they? I feel that most Aliens have a much higher body temperature than us, and therefore, might die of heat stroke if they attempted to get closer to Earth. This would explain if aliens could be possibly living in the ice moons near the outer planets, and the water contained inside of them. Other than that. This all sounds like crazy talk to me, ha.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]You guys havn't considered the possibility that there could many aliens on our planet as we know it. Whether they are in the form of our own, or if they're invisible, etc. The world may never truly know, however, we know that UFOs are real, whether or not they belong to actual aliens. Of course, our sun is not the only one. So of course, many aliens are out there, and even versions of ourselves, with their own histories, and their own doubts and wonders of worlds beyond their own. That's what keeps me up at night. Thinking of what other galaxies are like. We will never know. [/COLOR][/SIZE] [size=1]edit: I forgot the dramatic music to end the post on. [I]...duhn duhnnn.[/I][/size]
  23. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]One of those fast acting Energy shots... You know... in the little bottles. My God. Most bitter thing I've ever tasted, with an after taste of cough syrup that they tried to cover up with grape bubblegum. Truly an experience. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Could be worse, could be Shia LeBeouf, that kid is in everything lately.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR="HotPink"][SIZE="1"]Touche'. But I do bet he'll play adult Gohan.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Hasn't the DBZ movie been due for the past five years? Like every year the due date would change? I think so. I just hope Hugh Jackman isn't Goku.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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