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Everything posted by Nomurah!

  1. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"][B]Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow[/B]. 1930s idea of the future should stay back in it's own decade. [b]I Am Legend[/b]. I know there are people who will disagree with this, but really and truly it not only stole 100 minutes of my life with a sub-standard, suck-*** horror movie that seems to have been created to simply showcase that Will Smith can indeed do a one-person film, but the whole idea of the science behind the movie made anyone with any grasp of biology want to stand up and yell "WTF ?!". [b]Star Wars: The Clone Wars[/b]. I gave a rant in this movies thread on how bad it was. Seriously the Force was not with this one, at all, it's the Jar-Jar Binks of movies. I have to disagree with Darren about Will Ferrell movies though, he's had some misses sure, but [B]Anchorman[/B] and [B]Blades of Glory[/B] are just awesome.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]God. I'm so glad someone actually thinks the same way as me when it comes to film. But don't forget about the heavy ammount of Ford Mustang commercialism placed in I Am Legend. That made it even worse. Yes. That's right folks. What happens when you give everyone the measles to cure cancer? They turn into vampires with down syndrome. Simple biology folks.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Hmmmm. My style... Well. I do wear alot of light colours. Pink. Cyan. Lime green. And then some values, of course, but mostly light colours. Most of the shirts I wear are band shirts. I have two pairs of vans slip-ons. One pair, gray and black, and checkered. The other, cyan and black, and sporting a band called The Germs. I have other pairs of shoes as well, such as my Tigers (they come from a Japanese sport shoe brand that is hard for me to memorize. Though I believe it's called [I]Onitsuka[/I].) Other than shoes, and shirts, I wear a lot of gym shorts (yes, gym shorts), straight fit Bullhead jeans, and some tight jeans of course. I wear sun glasses some times too, but these sun glasses are the big kind that girls wear. Mine even have a butterfly on the side of them, haha. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Don't remember what grade I was in, but I know I was relatively young. The day went by like normal. Nothing. At all. The day ended. I got off the bus at the high school, walked into my mom's room. She told me what had happened, but I didn't really grasp it in my mind. I didn't understand, at all. I remember the next few weeks very clearly however. Seeing the news broadcasts. Seeing the planes hit over and over. Hearing that Spiderman the movie would hold production on the news (this at the time, was a big deal for me.). Still, I never understood why anyone would do stuff like this. I never will.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Simple: Best martial arts movie ever made in my opinion. Loved it. The trailer didn't make it out to be so awesome, but I saw it just on a spur, because I didn't want to go see a superhero movie (Iron Man) or a crappy comedy (Baby Mama). I was surprised, to say the least. Good buy on DVD as well. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Well, Lost Boys: The Tribe was pretty much a porn. And I used to, and still do, love Star Wars. But the other day, I saw Episode II for the first time in like... three years? Jesus Christ! The camera angles are horrible, the dialogue is cheesy, and similar to that of a soap-opera. :/ But I did get many inside jokes with friends from watching it. My favorite, possibly, the one in which Obi-Wan Kenobi pulls out his lightsaber, Java Fett (I believe that's his name) flies away. Obi-Wan just sits there looking dumb. And then puts his lightsaber away. It was so random. The old ones are way better.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [size="1"]edit: I just reminded myself of the Star Wars movies that didn't make it to the theaters. Now [I]those[/I] were [I]horrible[/I]. I'm talking of [I]you[/I], [I]Ewok Adventures[/I].[/size]
  6. [quote name='Vicky'][size=1]*refrains from making 'your mother' jokes* Anyway, ignoring two word posts, haha, I'm not a big fan of Panic but I do tend to listen to them occasionally. I also like them because they took their name from [i]Name Taken[/i], who're cool in their own right. I'd have to say I prefer the videos to the music though. Mostly 'I Write Sins...'; I always dreamed of having a wedding like that, even if my bride did turn out to be a whore, it'd still be cool to have all the circus freaks there. Also, the lead singer has something about him (he reminds me of Whiplash from the Deathstars) that's almost intoxicating. Or maybe that's just me. They're not too bad song wise, quite fun in fact, makes a difference from all the depressing or 'grr destroy' crap I listen to.[/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]How would anyone remind of you of someone from Deathstars?!! Haha. Deathstars is just creepy looking. It seems to me they try too hard to look scary, while Panic tries too hard to look old school. So uh. Has anyone here have anything to say about Panic! other than their video singles?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]My friend got their new album. It's like a bad pop band that wanted to be a bad pop and folk band. I didn't enjoy the songs on the album. Not a very excited album, for me, or my friend. I never heard their debut, but I'm assuming many fans will be or have been disappointed by their new sound. :/[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="hotPink"]Hmm. I wear girl shades, and dress in shirts with light colours, such as pink, cyan, lime, etc. My favorite shoes are a Japanese brand that are white, with lime green and cyan trim. I love shoes. I have many pairs. And, also. Some might call me "gay" but, I actually like girls very much. My living room turns into a stadium at night, and my iPod, a microphone. I straighten my hair religiously, because I'm too self-conscience to leave the house without my hair straightened. My showers usually last about.. say... an hour? I hardcore dance, regularly, at shows, even if I'm the only one. I don't text people. I barely ever use my cell phone. My dog Nubbs, is not a dog, but more of a little brother to me. I tell everyone I love them. Guys, girls, anyone. If I love them, I'm not afraid to say it. My friends call me "Hunter the Mann Mann". I have NASCAR pajamas. Not because I like NASCAR. But because they're comfortable. My friend Trey and I [I]always[/I] talk in some sort of accent around each other. Lately, our accent has been based off of Niko's Russian accent. (Grand Theft Auto 4). I'm in a band called the Bumbershoots and another called I Was The Red Wine of 1955. Many wonder about these names. I do too, sometimes. I'm afraid of ghosts. I live by a cemetary. Right by it. I bite my nails. Too much. I don't like too much light. I like dimmed rooms. Not dark. Not bright. Dim. Anything more will hurt my eyes, and anything less will scare me. I actually get sick when I wake up early in the morning. As in. Morning sickness. But I am a guy. I'm not pregnant. I just get sick. Almost every morning. Usually not in the evenings. I'm pretty normal, I suppose.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="hotPink"]MaskedRider, [I]never[/I] let a girl walk all over you like that. An occasional act of kindness is fine. But, after a while... it seems she's just taking advantage of you. Perhaps you should show her what they call "tough love". She needs to take control of her own life, without the support of a person she barely ever shows any kindness in return to. Show her that she took for granted a person that was there for her numerous times. Now. I'll tell you you guys what I'm feeling as far as love goes. I love this girl named Tiffani, who actually lives... say... 100 miles from my area? But, I actually think I'm falling for her. As in, [I]in love[/I]. We've already promised each other that if neither of us had lovers by the time I was out of the house, then we would get married just because. She makes me feel... Awesome. And of course, I'm way too shy to tell her that I'm falling for her a little bit. She actually cares about me. It's pretty crazy. One time, I told her that I didn't want to talk to her for a while, because she had broken up with her boyfriend Nathan without reason. Nathan, being a good friend of mine (who I don't want to hurt by sharing my feelings to Tiffani)...Anyway, Tiffani called him, and was actually sobbing because the thought of me not talking to her was overwhelming. I had no idea she cared [I]that much[/I]. Until then, I thought I was just some guy friend that lived kind of far away.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [COLOR="HotPink"][SIZE="1"]Not to be completely insensitive in this situation. But-[/SIZE][/color] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.teambath.com/wp-content/uploads/Football%205%20(Small).JPG[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]LOVE IS FOOTBALL![/SIZE][/CENTER] [color=hotpink] [SIZE="1"]Look at all that love.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="hotPink"]But... say we were speaking of love, in American Standard Football terms. Then love would look like[url=http://web.grcc.edu/Athletics/2006/mens/football/images/football.jpg] this.[/url] If you really think hard about what I'm saying here. I think you will truly get a good understanding of what love is. Indeed.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="hotPink"]You know... if [B]Group Sounds [/B]was still around, I could just copy and paste like 200 cat pictures from the Cat Pic Thread on there.. Damn.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. Nomurah!

    old songs

    [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]"All I ever wanted, all I ever needed, was you here in my arms"... "Enjoy the Silence" indeed. Good one, Claire. :] Anyway. My favorite old songs... Hm. Well. This will be hard. Not to name. But to explain. :/. I might as well clear up the major ones. Any song by [B]The Germs[/B]. Any song by [B]SSD[/B]. Any song off of the self-titled [B]Die Kreuzen[/B] album. Any song by [B]Saetia[/B], [B]pg.99[/B], and [B]At the Drive- In[/B] as well. Almost all the songs by [B]Iron Maiden[/B]. Now, I'll name the individuals. "The Promise"- [B]When In Rome[/b] Beautiful song. Has that great 80's beat as well, that was passed from song to song. The lyrics are some of my favorites, and who could forget that opening riff? Great song. "Love, Reign O'er Me"- [B]The Who[/B] (also adore the [B]Pearl Jam[/B] cover) This really gave me a taste of the singer's powerful voice. Wow. He really was one of the best singers of his time. Great lyrics as well. From a musical stand point, the song was kind of epic in a way, and was well written. The Who were pretty original for their time, I think. "Paint it Black"- [B]The Rolling Stones[/B] Haha. "I see a red door and I want it painted black. No colours anymore, I want them to turn black." YES. Good job Rolling Stones for expressing their angst, and setting a guideline for the rest of the rock music world. lol. Very dark song, but a great one to sing along to. Fun to sing to, too, if you ever had a friend that owned [I]Singstar Rocks![/I]. Like twenty bands have done a cover of this song as well, from [B]The Agony Scene[/B] to [B]The Unseen[/B]. I also enjoy pretty much any [B]Police[/B], or [B]Nirvana[/B] song. And last but heck no, not least. "Edge of Seventeen"- [B]Stevie Nicks[/B] Good lord, I've never heard such an epic pop diva song, haha. This song is just... Weeee. Epic. Strangely, but yes. I don't know if any pop diva of that time could have pulled off a song like this other than Stevie. Sexii lady, you are. Great song to sing along to when you're with a big group of friends riding around in a vehicle. Indeed.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [quote name='Cat14']The first video was pretty creepy. I actually said holy *beep* the same time as the guy in the video. The second video I didn't find very impressive. The third video I didn't find very impressive either. I don't know what to think with these videos. I already have a believe that there are demons and other creatures out there. The way I was brought up my mom always believed in ghost, demons, angels, and so on. That first video though, I don't know what that was but neither me or my father could figure it out. The first video also reminded me kind of this thing that happened when I went to private catholic school. my friends and I were helpers for mass. On one of the days we were practicing we found this large white feathers. We don't know where they had come from at all. If it had been the priest or someone that put out the feathers, which I doubt cause we knew where everyone was in the church at that time.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="hotPink"]The only explanation I can think of is the term Fallen Angel... I suppose that fallen angels have fallen for a reason. In this case, evil. :/ Now... Catholic school does sound pretty creepy...If I had ever seen feathers, I wouldn't have really thought much about it until I saw that video. The guy that keeps releasing the videos involving the little girl in the second video has since moved out of his home, but also made a few videos involving the girl, and his pantry door. The pantry door ones are kind of creepy. But cannot top the fallen angel video. Whew.. Has anyone here heard of the London Ghost Walk? [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Hmm. Of course I would have to post something after hearing news of the [url=http://gawker.com/5030531/dead-monster-washes-ashore-in-montauk][I]Montauk Monster[/I][/url]. Wow. What do you say after seeing that? Raccoon? Sure, the tufts of fur are similar to the [I]colour[/I] of a raccoons. But the rest of the monster just does not add up. It's definitely not a turtle out of it's shell, considering the teeth. It's too big to be a cat in my opinion. Weird. Maybe a decomposing dog. Maybe the alleged others that were also seen were just a lie. But, my real concern is (please don't make fun of me, haha.) ghosts and demons. I'm afraid of these things, and I very much believe in them, though I can tell when something is just [I]fake[/I]. Recently, a friend and I watched quite a load of Ghost/demon videos, and good lord. They were scary. I'd like to note a few of the videos that gave us chills. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCqqRUHeSFw] Fallen Angel (demon) found in woods of Catalonia [/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B8PZYyxUog] Ghost crying in bathroom (also really scary) [/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6WZ67_gAy4] Ghost (or some strange presence) in mirror [/url] These can't very well be explained... Perhaps they are fake, but I believe they're true. The last one is especially creepy, considering what a [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTUvADF5K1I]faked version[/url] looks like. How could they do that? :/ The demon one may be the scariest I've ever seen however. Creepy. What say you of these things? Also, don't forget other cryptids, such as the Jersey Devil, Bigfoot, Goatman... etc. Haha. I'm not sure I believe them so much as I do ghosts... [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  15. Nomurah!

    Halo Wars

    [size=1][COLOR="HotPink"]Shouldn't this belong in the Arcade? Halo Wars is the new RTS. But yes. I [I]was[/I] excited to see Master Chief on the big screen. Of course, I've also been excited to see the big DBZ movie as well. Go figure. [/COLOR][/size]
  16. [quote name='Darren'][SIZE="1"]You're welcome... :p Actually, my current interest is [B]Anthony Green[/B] I can't explain why I like him, but I've been hooked ever since the early days of Circa Survive when they released The Inuit Sessions. After that, I attempted to find as much from him as possible. (And there is a lot of it) He was the original singer for Saosin, (even though I still hate them, they were a lot better back then) then he played for Sound of Animals Fighting, and a lot more. (As well as doing to the back-up vocals for a lot of other bands like The Spill Canvas and Say Anything) I've pretty much been listening to his [I]entire[/I] musical career (or as much of it as I can find on the internet) for the past few days in order to prep for his first full-length solo album, [B]Avalon[/B]! I'm pumped for it, and I can already tell it's going to be good, just from the [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoIFAdQ9dZI"]single[/URL] that was released. :)[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR="hotPink"][SIZE="1"]He also did guest vocals for the band [B]Zolof and the Rock and Roll Destoyer[/B]. Definitely an amazing vocalist... CS and The Sounds of Animals Fighting are my favorite bands that he's in.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. Nomurah!

    Extreme Music

    [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Actually, I didn't want to say anything... but Whitechapel isn't exactly my favorite either. But I havn't heard a full album by them. And that is usually what gets me into a band, is an entire project in its complete form. How did my musical taste start? I've been screaming since... 2004? Around the time that I liked bands like Staind, Breaking Benjamin, Linkin Park, Hawthorne Heights, Slipknot... Etc. So yeah. Bands I no longer like to listen to. But without those bands, I wouldn't have the voice I have today, considering I started my growls at an early age. But my original scream was a drythroat squeal, similar to pg.99 or Drop Dead, Gorgeous. Anyway. I started playing drums. I got into bands like From First to Last, that were giving something fresh, and different. In 2006, I got into Underoath.[I] Define The Great Line[/I] was a major point in my life, where I said... "wow.". The guitar riffs and drumming were not at all traditional, compared to what I had listened to before. With this, I went out to seek more technical music. This is where The Number 12 Looks Like You comes in. This was the band, that I took all my inspiration from. Without The Number 12 Looks Like You, I definitely wouldn't be the same, considering they were the band that gave me the idea to train my voice for high pitched vocals. So, with this new found love for high-pitched vocals, dual vox, mathy time sigs, tempo changes, and incorporation of Jazz... Next, I found the different genres that Number 12 incorporated into their mix. Emo/Screamo, Deathcore, Mathrock, Hardcore Punk. I listened to each individually. Which I still do, and this is me right now. In fact, The Number 12 is still my favorite band. But, after that, I went to see Strike the Choir live. That show was my favorite, absolutely ever. And it was their CD release show. I bought their EP [I]It's Worth It [/I], and over time, listened to each song more than 200 times. (iTunes count). STC's ep is to this day, my favorite CD. I supported those guys, and I still do, and with that support, I developed a bond to the guys. Their frontman recently invited my friend and I into his home to record our debut EP. The EP is still in the mixing process. (We just finished it...monday?) But. That's basically all that shaped me into this point in my life. Also, my band is playing tonight. I'm doing something I love. :] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [quote name='Aberinkula'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]My Chemical Romance is labeled emo, Coheed and Cambria is labeled emo. The thing is both bands have emotion in them, but nothing about them is emo. People that say that, don't know what they're talking about. But yeah, listen to Whoa Mann, he knows what he's talking about.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Haha I noticed that CoC made it on an "emo musician" list. The only real emo band listed in fact was Rites of Spring. It just doesn't make sense. Sigh. I guess next bands like Nickelback and Avenged Sevenfold will be labeled "emo" too. Ha.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="hotPink"]This is of course just my short (serious) list. My musical taste sometimes change, but you know. I really am not sure what order these bands are in, though I do know that STC and The Number 12 are by far my top two. So, yeah. Don't forget, this is the current and short version of my long list of favorites. [B]I Was the Red Wine of 1955[/B] I actually just put this here because I'm in the band. But I suppose we're one of my favorites. [B]Strike the Choir[/B] [url]www.myspace.com/strikethechoir1[/url] [B]The Number 12 Looks Like You[/B] What is there not to like about this band? When I first heard them, I just.. Wow. Flipped out. Maybe because the dual vocals were so emotional, and all over the place, along side the chaotic tempo changes and mathy time signatures. Not to mention that every song here and there had progressive elements, like Jazz bridges. I enjoy every song by this band. [B]Saetia[/B] I took this band in when I heard their song "One Dying Wish". I didn't know just how amazing their entire work had been, until I got [I]A Retrospective[/I]. The most emotional music I've ever listened to. Enough to make you cry, enough to make you feel like the happiest guy on earth. This band's work is beautiful. [B]I Would Set Myself on Fire For You[/B] Well. I like emotion, if you can't tell. Their S/T is packed pull of it, with a little bit of jazz guitar, and a lot of distorted post- punk guitar riffs. It also has songs (and parts of songs) you could listen to while walking on a sunny day, and of course the rest is kind of sad, but in a good way. "Clayton" and "A Small World" are two of my favorites, just because they're so easy to listen to and love. It's a lot lighter, compared to their CD [I]Believes In Patterns[/I], which is a complete twist. [I]Believes In Patterns[/I] is nothing short of epic, and their final work. Tons of jazz. In fact, their guitarist Stephen is one of my favorite guitarists, because of his amazing Jazz style. Not to mention that every other member in this band is amazing at what they do. Justin, for instance is a great bassist. Lindsey plays the viola, for God's sake. Come on, man. Listen to them. [B]The Fall of Troy[/B] Everything I wanted. Others that I'm too lazy to write much about: [B]Me and Him Call It Us[/B]- lots of cool stuff. Noisey, grindy, screaming... Love it alot. [B]Circle Takes the Square[/B]- Epic. [B]HeavyHeavyLowLow[/B]- Different compared to the rest of their genre. [B]Fear Before the March of Flames[/B]- Love them very much. [B]pg.99[/B]- One of the best screamo bands there ever was. [B]HORSE the Band[/B]- [I]R. Borlax[/I] is AMAZING. [B]At the Drive-In[/B]- I listened to them and got addicted. [B]Underoath[/B]- I'm a big fan of their old stuff, and definitely their new stuff. [B]As Cities Burn[/B]- I havn't heard their new album, but [I]Son, I Loved You At Your Darkest[/I] took me and mostly everyone else in my area by storm. Amazing. [B]No Age[/B]- So easy to listen to for me. Great noise elements. [B]I See Stars[/B]- They're pretty cool. All techno-poppy with alot of crappy screaming and metalcore elements. So of course I would like them alot. [B]Iwrestledabearonce[/B]- Hell yeah. [B]Bring Me The Horizon[/B]- Favorite deathcore artist. [B]Gospel[/B]- Very good. They were great song writers, and I'm sorry to see them RIP. [B]Emarosa[/B]- Something about them just gets me. Great band. [B]Here I Come Fallin[/B]g- Great, but less great than Emarosa. [B]The Jonbenét-[/B] [I]The Plot Thickens[/I] is a great EP. [B]Mindless Self Indulgence[/B]- It took me a few listens, but I love this perverted techno, with the weird british sounding vocals. [B]This Is Your Captain Speaking[/B]- I'm proud to be friends with the guys, because the music they made was just so good. Emotional, full of clean breaks. Loved them, sorry they had to break up. [B]Drop Dead, Gorgeous[/B]- [I]In Vogue[/I] and [I]Be Mine, Valentine[/I] were two great CDs. [B]My Chemical Romance[/B]-[I]I Brought You My Bullets You Brought Me Your Love[/I] [B]Amon Amarth[/B]- death meets vikings. [B]This Love These Hands[/B]- Met them. One of the guys begged me to buy a CD. Before I left the festival, I swung by. Bought one. Popped it in when I got home. Loved it. I'll never forget those guys. [B]The New Season[/B]-Really good friends of mine. [B]Silent Masquerade[/B]- Local band, with an amazing vocalist, and good pop punk song writing skills. [B]Aiden[/B]- [I]Our Gang's Dark Oath[/I] is a winner. [B]From First to Last[/B]- Love. Not their newer stuff, though. [I]Heroine[/I] and [I]Dear Diary [/I]were two amazing CDs though. Their EP was okay. [B]Heart for a Hand[/B]- Haha. The singer and I are supposed to go on a date. His name is Caleb. [B]Short Arms, Deep Pockets[/B]- Some band from New York that hasn't made it big yet. I found them on facebook. Love them. MCR meets... No clue. Great stuff though. [B]The Devil Wears Prada[/B]- Amazing metalcore. [B]mewithoutYou[/B]- Eep! With their EP[I] I Never Said I Was Brave[/I], they were this crazy screamo band that had close relations to hardcore punk bands. I loved that CD. Then BAM. They got experimental, and were still great! They're way more mellow now, but the emotion, and sometimes fury is still there. [I][A-->B] Life[/I] is a good example of their screamo side meeting their newer side. [I]Catch For Us The Foxes[/I] is also a favorite CD of mine. [B]Coheed and Cambria[/B]- epic. [B]The Sounds of Animals Fighting[/B]-epic? [B]Chiodos[/B]- good. [B]Math the Band[/B]- haha. [B]Everytime I Die[/B]- crazy. [B]Don the Reader[/B]- cliche', but good. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. Nomurah!

    Fallout Boy

    [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Has no one heard Evening Out With Your Girlfriend? Before they were sell outs? Best work by far. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Emo isn't cutting yourself. And you're right. MCR will never hope of being emo. I mean. To be an emo/screamo band, you at least have to scream, without having a pile of pop choruses around every turn... It's in the name of the genre, and most of the bands tend to have a large influence from hardcore punk also. MCR had a good mix, with a few traits taken from early screamo bands on their debut, but now. It's all gone. Emo itself shouldn't be used as a stereotype anyway. People should learn it's a genre, and a fine taste in music. The stereotype is appropriately called "scene". Which is not a style of music. It's just scene, and won't offend people that actually like emo music. Myself, for one. Also, here is one for you. MCR doesn't want you to cut yourselves. They could probably care less if you do or not. So anyone does so, in my mind is just immature. This also offends me very much. Once again. This is not emo. And never will be, unless it some how turns into chaotic music driven with emotion spurred from the original hardcore punk movement. I think it won't, however.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Today's marathon really helped me alot, since I have only seen the new episodes of Book Three. So finally, I had an understanding of what was going on. Tonight's new episode was good, but I don't think it was very good to come right before the big finale, [I]Sozin's Comet[/I]. I believe one of my favorite episodes so far from Book Three, has got to be the one in which Zuko and Aang find out about the history of their fore-fathers, Sozin, and Roku, [spoiler]which were not only best friends, but rivals. [/spoiler] Sozin's Comet is sure to please me. I've been waiting for this for like two years. The final showdown between Aang and Firelord Ozai. Avatar has been one of my favorite shows for a very long time... It's very mature, for an anime-style American production airing on Nickelodeon. I can't wait to get the Book Three box set, if they release one. The show has just gotten darker and darker. Also, I've seen at least ten make out scenes now, with the help of Zuko and Mae (mostly). Go you guys. Too bad Mae had to die that horrible death. Ha. Just playing. [spoiler]Too bad Zuko dumped you though. [/spoiler] And now you know. Whoa, Mann is a big fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Only time will tell, as to how long it'll be before I'm on the edge of my seat, waiting to see how much Ashley Tisdale is on the scale of hotness[/COLOR]. [/SIZE]
  24. Nomurah!

    Extreme Music

    [quote name='weedeater']Icky. False metal. False hardcore. Icky. I respect those few bands mentioned here that respect their roots. But bands like With Blood Comes Cleansing and Bring Me the Horizon...icky. Me? I've hit a recent phase with doom and stoner metal that I can't seem to shake. Hence my username--weedeater. You should check them out, they're awesome. Is With Blood Comes Cleansing really getting that big? That's strange to me. I've known them for years. Remove the Veil, anyone? What about Chasing Victory or I Am Terrified? A Plea For Purging? They're all from around my area and I've either known them all personally or at least worked with them. WBCC is personally very disapointing to me, because Jeremy Sims writes most of their music and he has much better musical taste/ability than he shows.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="hotPink"][SIZE="1"]I can tell right now, you're from the southern part of the US, because all the bands you just named are really big in Arkansas. I don't listen to [I]any[/I] of them, though. False metal and false hardcore. You mean. Metalcore? lol. It's the latest thing. If you want to have a conversation with anyone about any kind of music, down here, it has to be about metalcore, or deathcore. Or of course. Chiodos, Blessthefall, or Alesana. Sigh. Good old southern part of the US. Weee. Strike the Choir just recorded with Tyler Orr and Cody Bonnette from As Cities Burn. I'm very proud of the guys, and I'd like all of you to check out the new stuff they recorded soon. Whenever they put it up, that is. My bandmate (from I Was The Red Wine of 1955) D.J (STC's lights guy) also went over to Tennessee with them, to meet the dudes. I'm a little envious. As Cities Burn is one of my favorites. Definitely. Everyone. Go out and buy [I]Here At The End of All Things[/I] by The Number 12 Looks Like You. Best Live CD/DVD you're gonna get all year. I'm very pleased with my purchase of it. The sound is amazing. The lights are amazing. The band.. however... Is more than amazing.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. Nomurah!

    Extreme Music

    [quote name='Aberinkula'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]My god, American Hardcore gets sooo annoying after a while, well not really. But Maximum the Hormone, a Japanese Hardcore band, is still awesome. I can't understand the lyrics, but I don't care they're a pretty talented group. Billy in Despair is a very noticable song because it's the end song in Death Note, awesome tunage too.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]They're pretty cool. They've done like... three? Three songs for Death Note, I believe. All on the soundtrack, fosho. Anywho. I'd like to bring up... [B]Norma Jean[/B] and [B]Zao[/B] of course. The past few nights I've been listening to [I]The Fear Is What Keeps Us Here[/I] and [I]O' God The Aftermath[/I]. Good job. Norma Jean, and Zao of course sound different, but they both have some of the same qualities. For one thing, they knew they wanted to make different metalcore albums, that didn't sound the same as the last chug chug fest. Respect, definitely. Both bands have a raw sound, and you can tell they didn't load their songs up with a bunch of computer mutilation. Very nice. Also, they released DVDs for the making of the CDs. Won my heart over. lol. If you want to hear something different, listen to Zao's stuff off of The Fear Is What Keeps Us Here. But I believe O' God The Aftermath can't be beaten. Except by [B]Heavy Heavy Low Low's[/B] [I]Everything's Watched, Everyone's Watching[/I]. HHLL ftw. Other similar acts would be Everytime I Die, HORSE the Band, Underoath, Poison the Well, Fear Before the March of Flames, and my personal favorite... can anyone guess?[/SIZE]
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