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Everything posted by Nomurah!
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Well. Honestly, the upcoming games are going to be able to put a dent in GTA IV, in my opinion. But, I have hopes for some. The game I'm most excited about, definitely... is [B]Alone in the Dark[/B]. It uses movie aspects, like skipping scenes (levels), though you can't skip just to the end which is good, but with less skipping, you gain more rewards. Of course, it's a horror/action game, but I think the idea of it is quite original. I'm looking forward to it, definitely. Another one. that I thought looked AMAZING. I mean. Wow. The graphics were startling for such... a... strange game. [B]Little Big Planet[/B]. The characters themselves are so-so, though you can create them and tweak their looks... but... The background and layouts and objects. Wow. You have to see it on the screen to know what I mean. It's gooooood. The game itself looks like something I'd play alot. I mean. You're small. You're walking around trying to get around stuff, get to the end of the level. Basic platformer stuff. But you can create things, create your own levels, tweak premade levels. This is. YES. :] The online play is sure to be fun, since you can upload your own level and go play on other player's levels. To actually... be basically designing the game yourself, well. They definitely got creative while making the game. I mean. The game [I]itself[/I] is about creativity. Big FTW.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[quote name='haku877']Well most recently Ive been listening to some music from a show called "August Rush" Its a really good movie and it has one of the coolest last songs.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="hotPink"][SIZE="1"] Agreed. Very beautiful music. The cello in some of the songs is so... hmm. Relaxing? And then it has some exciting tunes as well, like the acoustic guitar with the weird delay. Good stuff. I'm listening to Radiohead. FTW! [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Wait... there's an art studio? I miss when the Who's Online would be filled with members, that I actually knew. I miss the old layout, though I'd rather not go back now, since I'm accustomed to this one. I miss the tons of weird fanfics, and stories we would get, and then have Lady Axphysia give us a good word of knowledge on how to improve. I miss Keyblade Wielder, Ezekiel and Tatsubei Yagyu, for giving us wonderful images to look upon in the Art part of the forums. I miss when all the oldies were actually around. I miss seeing posts from the other Gavin, so I could see that little mage gif. I miss r2vq. I miss RiflesAtRecess before he was Goodbye, Face. I miss being called Nomura (haha... go me.) I miss the ACTUAL mangas that people put up. I remember at one point, there was a member that had been posting these amazing coloured pages... I don't remember the name of the manga, but I remember later seeing the series as being a big hit, and having a sequel on the official site. I miss OB aim chats. Those are fun. I miss (while it doesn't really have to do with us...) THE OTAKU. It's just... not The O any more. It's so different, I can't stand to go to it at all. I miss... Otaku Pike, I believe. I forgot the link, but Shy made it. It had a lot of fun links on it. I miss actual Otakupedia entries.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Haha, I feel like a spoiled brat now... Because I actually didn't list all my guitars... Just the ones I play regularly. >_< I started out on a Fender Squire, which now resides under my bed. My bro DJ is playing a Squire American Tele, which actually doesn't sound too bad. But, it's not the best with distortion, but my Marshall can definitely make it sound sweet. Actually, most of my recorded work for TCKK was done on my old amp, which was a Roland Micro Cube. About the size of my head, but it actually sounded great. Though, a change in size would've done well. Lately, I've started playing my dad's Ovation Electric Acoustic Semi- Hollow body. Long, yeah? It sounds good and all, but I'd rather go one way or the other, and not have an electric neck with big bulky acoustic strings that are hard to bend. The Breedlove sounds much cleaner. Thank you D' Addario, as well. Claire, you really need to get a Breedlove. I'm just saying. Those guitars are scrumptious. And if I had the money, I'd get a Les Paul. So for that, I'm too envious. I've wanted one for a while, but my acoustic set me back... a lot. Also, I'd like to add that if I had the money, I'd buy an acoustic set of drums. With the same pdp pedals, of course, because they're very lightweight. With Splash, and China symbols... Roto toms, two high hats... Everything. But right now, that's just a dream. Another dream, is a Paul Reed Smith single cut. Sigh. That's a good one.[/COLOR][/SIZE].
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Hm... you know. The place has changed. And what can I say? There's some things I miss. :[ Like... the jukebox that no one used. I miss that. And Gavin's opening phrase "Interesting. Most Interesting." and you know... Rat boy. I miss Rat boy. I know a lot of us miss Charles, too. I semi-miss Adam's contributions to the site. But its been so long, I almost forgot he's the one that made it. I miss 8- bit being called White. Why? I really don't know. But the phrase "Do it Right. Do White" is just better than "Do it Rit. Do 8- Bit"... Hmm. I miss the actual posting in the Manga forum. That used to be cool. I miss the Picture Caption Games. Someone of course had to lock those. Good job whoever did that. I miss blah.. blah... Etc. Anyone else miss abunch of stuff, and all of a sudden want to rant about it like me?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="hotPink"]Cough... Well. I didn't mature much. I'm still immature. No one takes me seriously. I'm still like... gah about everything. Few things that have changed... 1: Several different accounts, and this is my current, and hopefully will stay that way 2: My vocabulary has grown 3: My posts are all now... pink. I believe this might have something to do with the Final Quest for Glory 2 RPG, but I can't be for certain. 4: I'm always posting in the Amphitheatre, rather the Anime Lounge, Manga whatever... etc. And when I type lol now, I don't do it in all caps. Also, sometimes I use the much more honest lqtms. Also, now... I come off as kind of mean when I'm trying to correct some one. Later on, I usually look over my posts and go "...gah. I'm an *******." [/color][/SIZE]
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]He was also the same in [I]Constantine [/I]and [I]I, Robot[/I], and Spielburg cast him for [I]Crystal Skull[/I] immediately because he wanted that character?an arrogant youthful foil to Indiana's mature wise side. In all likelihood he's a good actor, but people will only see that side of him now, much like Patrick Stewart is permanently Jean-Luc Picard and William Shatner is permanently Stutter Kirk. At any rate, Jonas is just more Disney mediocrity. 'Nuff said.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Haha, Labeouf is lucky he got out of Disney's hands before the age of 17. His role in Constantine was very nice, and I don't watch all those Will Smith movies. Will Smith. Same guy in Men in Black, I Am Legend, I, Robot. Sigh. Will. Give it a rest. You're like fifty. And I don't care how many people like I Am Legend. It was a corny performance. Sorry, I always bag on Will. But the new age of Disney is just... Bad. I mean. No more Boy Meets World. Which may be the only show I like. And its all corrupted by cheaply made movies and crap like that now. Also, they reuse the same actors for every series and movies. Gah. At least Phil of the Future doesn't use that tired side-view camera angle. Good job film crew for Phil of the Future. Good job. But. I always get excited when Pixar movies actually show. I love Pixar. Good job Pixar. **** you Jonas Brothers.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="hotPink"]The Jonas Brothers and their sellout sister Hannah Montanna should both actually get the real feel.. of what not lip syncing at concerts is like. Sigh. How did the Jonas Bros get so famous with such... well. Not great music? Rich parents. Enough said. Same for Miley. There you have it folks. Rich kids. Though, I do watch ABC alot. So I might accidentally catch Camp Rock and stare blankly at the screen for like 30 minutes. p.s- Labeouf is a great actor! Come on man. He's not just a sidekick, he has main roles, but he does do the young sidekick role well, I might say. He's also been in indie films like The Battle of Shaker Heights. Great stuff. Haha. Now you all know that I'm a big Shia fan.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[quote name='boothten'][size=1]The only CD I like by At All Cost is "It's Time To Decide." The song "Human Now" on there is really good, by far my favorite on the CD. And I agree with you about Arsonists' new CD. I'm not a fan of it at all, "Hits From The Bow" is just way more appealing to me. And I've been here at OB since 2002, hahah. I just wasn't active for a while, then came back. Granted, when I first joined I was listening to Linkin Park and what-not, hahahah. Good times, ha. I'm much more satisfied with the music I listen to now, to say the least. The music I listen to now = secks. ;D! Did anyone listen to any of Elysia's new songs off their new CD "Lion Of Judas" yet? Haha, I sound pushy, I know. I just wanna hear other people's opinion of it.[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR="HotPink"][SIZE="1"]Haha, well I would, but I have dial up, and the nearest Best Buy is 100 miles away. So. Yeah. lol My band is coming out with a new song tonight, though I'd rather not advertise in a post. But if you don't mind, you could check it out... It's going to be a heavier song, broken up, with a build up and... omg. Gang vocals! Whooh. lol Should be a really fun one to play live, in August. We get alot of influence from bands like As Cities Burn, The Fall of Troy, Underoath, The Chariot... And others, of course. So on the subject, does anyone listen to As Cities Burn, The Fall of Troy or the Chariot? ACB and TFoT are favorites of mine, with the CDs [I]Son, I Loved You At Your Darkest[/I] and TFoT's [I]Manipulator[/I]. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="hotPink"]Since I only listen to like... 10 or so deathcore bands, that all are different, I think I could stand to add them to my collection, though they have a long ways before they get to where Bring Me the Horizon is, or even Emmure. Gosh. You guys really should check out Embrace the End. They are definitely one of my favorite deathcore bands, ever. If you don't check them out, I will beat you... With your own arm. Speaking of deathcore, has anyone listened to At All Cost or Arsonists Get All the Girls? AAC has alottttt of thrash and stuff in their stuff... And AGATG has like... well. Alottttt of grindcore... electro grind stuff that is. AGATG's new cd is kind of all over the place, which I thought when I bought it would appeal to me alot, but... this is a bad kind of all over the place. Not too great. But their debut CD was aweeesssome. "City of Angels Cakewalk" is one of my favorite songs off of it. Ah... this feels too good. Before boothten showed up, no one else listened to deathcore on here. :][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Try following it next time. 'Cause that was where I had discussed it already. [strike]And keep your sass to yourself.[/strike] (^_^)[/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="hotPink"] I did, fine sir. Surely you'd understand when I'm being serious, and when I'm not. No, no. I wouldn't seriously take on a mod. [strike]Love you too.[/strike] [strike] cough.[/strike] ...Did I mention my own songs mean alot to me? That's what I wrote them. Sigh. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]I listened to them for the sake of conversation, lol. They were good, enjoyable, etc. But to be honest, they need a little bit more of an originality factor, you know? But I'd definitely listen to them regularly if I owned a CD from them. Good stuff.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]I think it'd be easier to just [URL="http://www.theotaku.com/worlds/allamorph/view/11415/thoughts/"][COLOR="Blue"]link to it[/COLOR][/URL].[/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="hotPink"]Haha... You yourself, a mod, and you don't even know that the point of these threads is to actually [I]discuss[/I] the music. But I hear you mods have a way with linking. Interesting, indeed. [B]"The Light and The Glass"- Coheed and Cambria[/B] Easily one of my favorite songs ever. This song just... Argh. Strikes up so many emotions in me, and has such an epic feeling. The chant at the end of course, just makes me want to cry. This song means alot to me, definitely. [B]"If These Bullets Could Talk"- The Number Twelve Looks Like You[/B] You can tell these guys poured everything they had into this song. The emotion is just... unbearable. I love this song, absolutely. My favorite band, and this song just shows a few reasons why. I've seen a great show they did, and this song was amazing. They were in a small apartment with the guys from From A Second Story Window. [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fxQi2cN_Rc[/url] [B]"So This Is Our Home"- I Would Set Myself On Fire For You[/B] Argh. This song is just so sad. The whole song is comprised of a bass riff, and vocals... Yet, there's so much in it. Lyrics like "Together, We'll walk these roads, To Hell with your streets of gold." and "Take These Family Portraits off the wall... Because That's Not Who We Are." make me tear up a little bit. If you want to hear a sad, but gratifying song... Listen to this song. I have two albums, that without all of the songs on both of them, well... I'd feel pretty lonely. [I]Nuclear. Sad. Nuclear.[/I] by The Number Twelve Looks Like You and [I]A Retrospective[/I] by Saetia. A Retrospective is probably the CD that means the most to me out of any... It's a sad CD. And the band is amazing, and add so much emotion to their songs. [I]Nuclear. Sad. Nuclear.[/I] is just an amazing CD. What can I say? I have lots more, but I'll get to those later. :][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]I don't do push-ups so often, but I keep in... semi-shape but occasionally doing crunches/sit ups, and of course, I hardcore dance pretty much like three times a week, and that seems to help some. Also. I drink V8. Good job. Other than that, I play drums all the time, and I mean PLAY. I get down on those things in this hot room, and just sweat until I can't sweat any more. Yep yep yep. Well. There is one more thing. But. Nevermind. But oh how I envy you guys, and your amazing skills at DDR. Too bad... I can only play Guitar Hero... and it doesn't do much for me at all. oh yeah. p.s- on the subject of recreational games. Wii Fit is by far the dumbest game I can imagine. Why waste money on the game... when you can [I]actually[/I] work out? [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[quote name='Aberinkula'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Panache, they aren't forcing opinions down your throat, they're just saying that this thread isn't about Metal, pop or weird music. It's about the hardcore/screamo genre. And 'talking about something else' is off topic in this thread, that's what we're trying tot ell you, in no way are we 'forcing opinions down your throat. I'm just going to be civil and say, if you don't like it leave. Jake wasn't the greatest member around. He just tought almost everybody who listened to metalcore/ other core genre's was part of the 'hot-topic' generation, and to put it simple, he was just too ignorant and 'pretentious.' Anyways, on topic. I think Claudio Sanchez from Coheed would make a great vocalist for hardcore. Why? Listen to some of their songs from The Second Stage Turbine Blade where you can here his screams, and he is pretty good. Also the bassist 'Michael Todd' did backing vocals for the song 'In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth,' he was the one who screamed during the chorus, also in concert he does it too, and he has a good scream/growl on him too. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Oh I was so listening to them the other day... I love Michael's screams. I have no idea how he (or Claudio.. whichever) can do that banshee scream... Its bloodcurdling. But Michael's growl/rasps add alot to it, without over doing it. Like in "TCV II: Backend of Forever", he adds a nice growl near the end. :] Though, CoC isn't extremely extreme, either, ha. Right now, however, I am listening to the metalcore act [SIZE="4"]Poison the Well[/SIZE]. These guys pretty much set the standard for metalcore, and were what made it so great, before everything turned to crap and all sounded the same. They used so much from hardcore... Its nice. My favorite song by them is "Torn" off of [I]Distance Only Makes the Heart Grow Fonder[/I]. Other favorites of mine are "12/23/93", "Nerdy" and "My Mirror No Longer". You can definitely hear what made this band so different from these songs... I recommend them to any fan of any kind of metalcore, hardcore, post-hardcore, deathcore, whatever. This band is amazing, listen. Their new album [I]Versions[/I] isn't as great... Because they tried a new style of music to stray away from normal metalcore... So, I have only the millions of copier bands that are out there to blame. So, yeah. Go listen to Poison the Well... those songs I recommended are definite listens. And mind you, Panache, we're talking about different bands everyday. I believe it's your own fault.. I mean. You're the one in the extreme thread, whining because your pop bands don't fit in. Make a new thread, or something. Keep it out of here. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[quote name='Panache']And every other genre of music without a core at the end...[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Metal is the only extreme genre... I'm sorry, dude. But that's it, besides emo/screamo. But... you know. You don't listen to it. Pop, strange or not... is not extreme. I hate to fry anyone's fish, (haha, I did just type that.) but we need to get back on the topic at hand, and stop arguing about what is or what isn't extreme. Right now, we're talking about heavy stuff. Core, metal, screamo. Those are pretty much the only types we have to discuss here. Why does it bother you so much? Just because they have a core at the end of the name of their genre doesn't mean they all sound alike. Listen to other core bands. That might help you. Or try and adapt to the discussion at hand. Back to the actual music. Iwrestledabearonce is touring the world! Under Century, too. Century seems to get all the deathcore musicians... [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[quote name='Zen'][color=royalblue][size=1] Because Hardcore punk and hardcore techno don't fall under metal.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Haha, he doesn't want to talk about the core music. So that leaves metal, yes?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Then talk about metal. As long as its extreme, why does it matter? I'm very appreciative of the jazz and synth bridge with ghost vox during the middle of Ulrich Firelord... I hope to see more of that from deathcore musicians. The Inspector Gadget breakdown is sweet, though they missed like one note and it gets me every time I hear the song. lol The music is good. Enjoyable. The synth add in, so far, is the best I've heard in a deathcore band. The vocals are amazing. Over all, the band is just another deathcore band, but its the little things that make them so original. The ghost vox, for instance. The synth and breakbeats. The singer is a girl. Etc. Great stuff. Another thing is, these guys are from Shreveport... Which means I could drive and go see them if I wanted. Though, I try to hold back these desires.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[quote name='Aberinkula'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Hunter... she's older than me... T_T And I'll be 15 in 2 months and 8 days... T_T Anyways, I'm done with her anyways, I'm sick of being pushed around whenever she's mad at me, and I'm sick of crap... so as long as we don't talk I'm fine... there's just the matter of the rest of the drama that follows, in other words, I think she's more trouble than I need right now. And it's because of a misunderstanding (of coarse) that I'm lossing another friendship.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]I know how you feel... I said the same thing with my last girlfriend. I was done with her pushing me around... But then... looking back.. I could've put more effort into our relationship... And now, I miss her more than ever. She too, was like... a year older than me. But, I know what it means to be truly mature. And her new boyfriend is... uh.. let's see. Two years older than me. But I couldn't be happier for them... He really is a great guy. I'm miserable being so lonely, but you know... there's more girls... I guess.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[quote name='Aberinkula'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]well, just a few hours ago the craziest stuff happened. What's worse is that one force is driving the problems, secrets. It seems every secret me and my friend have are connected. My friend has a secret about my best friend that she can't tell me, and she has a secret of mine she can't tell him! Anyways, as you all know, I had this girlfriend, we were still friends. But suddenly she tells my friend (the girl with the secrets) that she is being used by him (the guy who can't know my secret) and that everyone jumps to him and stuff like that. And then my ex stopped talking to my friend, deleted her off of myspace than told me she never wants to talk to me again. Anyways, that inspired me to ask, what was it like for you in 8th grade? How much drama was going on, what happened (if you want to tell >_
[quote name='Panache']Well they are outside the norm of general pop music which is what I thought we were going for.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Hmm, you do have something there. But extreme music in my mind... is stuff that's just freaking insane. Hardcore punk, mathcore, screamo, deathcore, death metal... all the heavy stuff. Haha.. Neutral Milk Hotel aren't exactly my number one mosh-to band. ledzeppelinrules... I wasn't trying to say I didn't like the bands. It's just... Chilled out stuff. Now, the new list. Well, that's good music. Converge, HORSE the Band. The Chariot, Norma Jean and Minor Threat are very notable bands for going to the extremes. All very good bands. Though I don't listen to the other bands, and I despise Cradle of Filth... well. You know. I can't say much for them. Though it seemed Slayer was the most extreme band of its time. Spewing blood on the innocent pregnant mothers of the US of A. Good times. [I]R. Borlax[/I] by HORSE the Band is one of my favorite albums in fact. Great stuff. Just yesterday I was listening to it. A Natural Death had been purchased by me recently... But I just can't seem to get into it... It's not [I]R. Borlax[/I]. Props to Minor Threat for the capturing of a new punk style. Hardcore, that is. p.s- on the subject of extremely strange music that isn't extreme, but is strange... and enjoyable. Well. [B]Math the Band[/B]. look them up... all their stuff is up for download... The links are on their myspace page. you might like them Panache... if you like strange Acoustic/ Techno/ dual vocaled... stuff.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[quote name='Panache']Man I thought you said Man Bear Pig. Extreme Southpark related band=win. Oh yea[B] Neutral Milk Hotel[/B]. These guys have some weird indie alternative folk vibe to em. Very odd stuff to say the least. It was one hell off a pain in the *** to find them. Now that I have I can enjoy their strange strange music. A must hear if you into indie.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Haha... Extremely un- extreme.. My ex-girlfriend loved them... along with This Providence... Rocket to the Moon... Honorary Title.. Brand New and other un-extreme bands. She did like some extremely extreme bands though. Fizzy Dino Pop, for instance. Those... kids.. guys.. girls... whatever they are... were Extreme. But Neutral Milk Hotel are strange. I'll give you that. Haha... At the Drive in, Slipknot and mewithoutYou are three bands I wouldn't call extreme. At the Drive in were pretty chilled out most of the time... They started alot of the post-hardcore scene that is today, along side Fugazi. Slipknot wish they were extreme. mewithoutYou [I]was[/I] extreme at one point.[I] I Never Said I Was Brave[/I] was a completely new coming of hardcore punk, and I think it deserved to be called screamo in every form of the word. After that, mwY's style got chilled out.. But you know.. I still love their music. Now... this is just now coming to mind for me. [I]In Vogue[/I] by Drop Dead, Gorgeous. Mmm. What a luscious debut album. Their ep before that got me pretty hyped, and In Vogue was just what I was hoping for. A tight fretted, odd time sigged, extreme vocaled, keyboard burning, debut indeed. [I]Worst Than A Fairy Tale [/I]cannot beat [I]In Vogue[/I]. DDG had it all going for them on that CD. They took everything that post-hardcore bands had already done, and made it their own mixture of music. And for that, I have nothing but respect. I agree as well. [I]City of Evil[/I] captured me with the classico jazz dual guitar, the ear splitting solos, the extremely fast double bass drumming, and the extremely annoying vocals. Their new CD is nothing but disappointing for me. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[quote name='Aberinkula'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Hmmm, Underoath is pretty cool. Is't the new CD Survivce, Kaleidoscope already out? Or is there a different new CD, cause I saw it in Wal Mart just a few days ago... eh. But for some reason Norma Jean bugs me, I think they're good, it's just I can't get into them and I think they're awesome... I wanted to buy Oh God the Aftermath, but it's not at wal Mart any more >_> You know, for some reason I find hardcore songs with small sections of very melodic singing make the song amazing... for some reason I just love the transition from heavy to low to heavy again :confused: Yeah Kevin was awesome, even though he hated me, but I think now he wouldn't so much. As for the new CTTS album, they better hurry... oh god. On FYE's site it said they sold As the Roots Undo, and I hope they do now cause I waaaaaaaaant that album soooo bad... it's just ugh... the wait. [B][U][SIZE="4"]THE WAIT[/SIZE][/U][/B] [/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Yeah, there's a new CD coming out. Survive. Kaleidoscope is just a live CD/DVD. What are you waiting for? lol Go buy As the Roots Undo. That one has been out for three years now, and it may be one of the greatest 100 cds ever, in my opinion. O' God the Aftermath is the highlight of Norma Jean's career in my opinion. I didn't like "Bless the Martyr..." so much, and I havn't even listened to Redeemer, because I know it probably won't add up to be amazing, like O' God the Aftermath. It's a definite buy. Especially the Special Edition CD/DVD. But beware, there is no poppy clean vocals or typical breakdowns. It's more of an epic approach. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]While yes, we can agree that clean vocals are everywhere in metalcore, it is not needed to make metalcore. Metalcore mostly relies on the chug of the guitars, and double bass drumming, mixed with a few soft moments/clean moments, though they are bands that use no soft spots in the music. This is what I'd call Metalcore in its purest form. xDEATHSTARx, Figure Four, etc. If you want dual vocals, and pure metalcore, with a very large ammount of hardcore punk influence... I deeply recommend Figure Four. Amazing. One of the vocalists, I believe is now in Norma Jean. If you want three... yes. THREE VOCALISTS (amazing.) and alot of hardcore and thrash influence, listen to xDEATHSTARx. The best metalcore for me, as far as spinoff genres go... is Southern metalcore. I'm talking about Skynnyrd guitar riffs coming full force into the hardcore and metal influence that makes up metalcore itself. Maylene and the Sons of Disaster is a notable band. Another band I guess you could categorize into the genre, though they are less southern, is Everytime I Die. Both bands are, well, what I'd like to call extreme. Everytime I Die, definitely, is extreme... Especially their old stuff. "Shades" isn't already out? You can buy it and a t-shirt for a special bundle at MerchNow.com... that's why I thought it was already out, I suppose. It could be a pre-order though. I'm waiting for CTTS' next album. If ever comes out. BMTH's new album. Underoath's new album, definitely. At this point, that's all, I think. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[quote name='Panache']They are one of the first metal core bands I tuned into. I never liked them that much their vocals were just too bad and their instrumentals did not make up for it at all. However I do like All that Remains which is a pretty"trendy" metalcore band. But wait...why are we talking about trendy music in this thread?[/QUOTE] [COLOR="hotPink"][SIZE="1"]Well, they're talking about Metalcore... Honestly, its all a trend, except for maybe Between the Buried and Me and my personal favorite, HeavyHeavyLowLow. I forgot to mention HHLL I think. But... wow. ...Uh.. AILD had instrumentals? Jk. I understand what you meant. But, I enjoy it all, oddly enough. Much more than the other trend holders Killswitch Engage, and All that Remains. TDWP is another one, but not one of those run by guys in their thirties... These guys are appealing to all the girls and young kids with flippy hair, lol. TDWP, I will say, is my second favorite metalcore band. HHLL is just too great.[/SIZE][/COLOR]