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    smart and love all anime
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    who knows?

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  1. i'm not sure what you mean do you want us to tell you about other anime????
  2. [quote name='AnimeHeroX']Truly a great mind. thanks for the reply anime should be for everyone who loves it and really doesn't matter what anyone say's hope you succeed in you endeavors as well. and i hope to hear from more people like you[/quote] Well thank you very much I hope I succeed as well. :animesmil Dreams were made to be followed. Its something my dad tought me.
  3. :animesmil good for you. It shouldn't matter what other people say about an anime only being made in japan. if you want to make anime go right ahead. Anime is universal. :cool: its cool to do what you want and dont care what others think of you.
  4. :animeangr there is one anime i don't think has been said and i'm angry about it because it's my favorite. Hunter_X_Hunter, it has the biggest cliff hanger of them all even after all the ova's. IT was just bad how it ended but such a good series. :catgirl:
  5. The coolest people are the ones that just make you want to be friends with them. No matter how they act you always like them (gon freeks from hunter x hunter). They use their own strength and never give up. :cool: The best power is all of them i love every power as long as i understand them. :animeknow :triforce:
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