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  1. SyrusMatrix, you can say what you think of me but G-d is actually spelled G-d. Many Jewish people find that they should be humble towards G-d, and respect his name rather than blurting out his name like it were Joe or Mark. As long as you don't disrespect Him by saying that, I am fine with what you say. However, you are stating that disrespect comes in the form of not showing humblness; yes, many people refer Him as God, but in many different religions, they refuse to show that they are on a level of hiearchy and through stating His name as G-d, it shows their own type of respect. And try to stay on topic. I know I didn't, but yours is just crossing the line.
  2. I feel that lyrics of some song does not per say tell the story of my life. Words cannot merely describe it; actions and beliefs determines my life. I think that generalizing one's life to a song is not sufficient; it gives a measly glimpse into their life and a library full of songs will not satisfy such a expression of emotion and time.
  3. Self discovery is key in life, but self discovery involves trials of G-d. Let him into your world, please. You shall discover more than your self. You will discover nature and the tree of life.
  4. Cursing you to Hell may expand your mind. How does this song connect with you? I'll be open minded and listen, child, please tell me.
  5. Saying my posts are incomprehensible is like saying G-d is wrong. How dare you? You shall be sent to Hell you sinner. You will only know what I mean until you admit that that song is full of dirt.
  6. That is a biased opinion. Unless you convince me that every person in this world is not persuaded to go sleep with a complete stranger, then I shall believe. Although that may seem hypocritical because I am sure not everyone agrees with myself, I stand proud with what I believe. Our cases won't rest until He gives us a sign.
  7. How can i "pretend that the song is not about sex?" I cannot fake reality and believe that G-d's wishes have been fulfilled; I believe that He will make everything much more safe. This is not a "right" or "wrong" issue. You may not be as religious, but displaying such profanic and satanic words should not be outreached towards the youth and generation of today. Your choice of music is not exactly immoral, but is turning towards the wrong attitude of life. I would also like to hear the input of other people.
  8. It is not my responsibility to purify the world; that is G-d's role. I only filter His ideas to the world so that the sinners in life will learn that He can make the world peaceful, not full of sex like the song suggets. One can only receive pleasure through the satisfaction of feeling connected with Him.
  9. The problem is that you're expressing to the public situations that may negatively influence them. I think you should keep those thoughts to yourself because society will be poisoned and brainwashed by such profanity and dirt.
  10. This is incredibly inappropriate. Such sexual lyrics should not be acceptable. I find this highly offensive. This is complete nonsense. It has to be some joke.
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