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Everything posted by Aberinkula
[SIZE="1"][FONT="Tahoma"]Lately, I've been listening to Circle Takes the Sqare. I've songs by them on my compuer and they take up most of my playing time. My favorite songs by them are Same Shade as Concrete, Kill the Switch and a Crator to Cough in. I'm going to try and get some other songs (like Comes With the Fall) sometime. Anyways, they've manged to secure the spot of my 2nd favorite band. That spot was once occupied by Coheed and Cambria. But I really don't listen to them anymore... hardly at all so... However, my third favorite band, Chevelle, remains in it's spot. My favorite by them now is Sleep Walking Elite. You can get it off the Best Buy version of Vena Sera only. Thank god my friend has the song. I really love it.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"]Besides the normal stuff I listen to, I have a new CD. It's Fear Before by Fear Before the March of Flames. It's a pretty good CD, it's smart hardcore. The vocalist doesn't use throat-tearing growls and screams all the time, but saves them for the right moment. Tree Man, Fear Before Doesn't Listen to People Who Don't Like Them and Jabborwocky are some pretty good songs on the album.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"]Id wish for the ability to persude anyone to do what I want. Then I'd force the genie to grant every wish I wanted. That would mean I'd have a life-time supply of genie wishes. Think people... think...[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I just finished listening to Lip Gloss & Black, one of Atreyu's enjoyable songs. I mean, sure, I like them, but to be honest their old stuff isn't very enjoyable. However, I love the stuff from Lead Sails Paper Anchor. The cover of Epic, originally by Faith no More, is a fun song to listen to. Slow Burn, is another fun song too. Becoming the Bull is a Pretty energetic song and Falling Down is a good party song too... love the video. Now I know what you're thinking "Prem, those are just the singles!" But still... Today I've been listening to Saosin quite a bit. Earlier I had no clue that Anthony Green [I]was [/I]a part of this band. In all honesty, I don't like his work with Avalon... unless that was just a song... but anyways. I'm interested in listening to The Sound of Animals Fighting as well. Anyways, Saosin is pretty good. Their song I Never Wanted to is pretty good, and I kind of liked Bury Your Head. Hopefully if I get chance to get on the school's computer, I'll listen to some more from them, as well a stuff from The Sound of Animals Fighting. Now that I remember, I might also check out Circa Survive, hopefully I'll like them as well. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I too live in New York. What's worse is I'm at least half an hour from a city. And the nearest city is infamous for having a ton of pedophiles in the area. Luckiy, I turn sixteen this August, so luck be with me. First, however, I'll need to get my papers. This summer I'll be helping my dad build a house for my cousin. It's a good chance for me to play guitar with my cousin too. That, and like every year, I mow the lawn for a quick 15 dollars.[/FONT]
[quote name='Whoa, Mann'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]I actually saw them live on the 7th with As I Lay Dying and The Human Abstract... You'd like The Human Abstract. :] I'm listening to Bloc Party... They've maintained a spot in my top three for sometime now. I've got almost all their stuff except for [I]Always New Depths[/I] (I can't find it yet... :/).. Just really amazing band. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [FONT="Tahoma"]I've heard at least a song or two by The Human Abtract, and what I heard was good. There are a fw bands out there I should really get into now that you mention it... By the way, I love PTH's lead singer, he has a good voice no matter what he's doing. But my current favorite singer would have to be Tommy Rogers Jr. from Between the Buried and Me and Giles (Giles isn't heavy at al if you've heard Slumber Party). He has a great range. In aspirations when he hits the high notes, it's amazing. If BTBAM were just progressive rock, his vocals would get them places, I'm sure of it. Still, Claudio Sanchez is a brilliant vocalist. Anyways, I'm listening to Sun of Nothing by BTBAM right now. And since prog is now in my mind, I'll be listening to Fair to Midland and Coheed soon.[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]Right now I'm going to listen to some random stuff. Right now I'm listening to Protest the Hero's Bloodmeat, which is some song about slaughter and virgins... a lot of the time virgins. More random songs on my playlist... Eriatarka - The Mars Volta Zetseubo Billy - Maximum the Hormone Mordecai - Between the Buried and Me Sober - Tool Reptar King of the Ozone - The Devil Wears Prada Higinia - Blessthefall Since I listen to my music most of the day, these should be the 1,000th time I've heard these songs collectively. By the way, as long as CTTS is still amazing, I don't care if they went to soft rock. Well, I would care a bit... but you know. EDIT: It seems that Bloodmeat is a song about Khanate, Jin and Genghis Kahn... go figure. I have no clue who Khanate is though?[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]A new Fullmetal would be amazing. The original was already a masterpiece of great proportions. But the movie disappointed me, so a new plot should be a nice refresh. I never cared for the manga myself. Maybe it was because I saw the entire series first. However, I'm not entirely sure if this will turn out as great as the original. We'll just have to wait and see. I just hope they save the series the pain of having any more video games. The FMA video games were just plain awful. But of course, that's just my opinion.[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]Well, I decided to write something short and quick. It's like a poem, but built like a short story. In my opinion what I wrote is an interpratation of what a surprise death can be if you least expect it. [SIZE="1"][INDENT]It?s dark. As far as you can see. It surrounds you. Haunting you. Almost like a phantom. You panic and try to hide. But you?re too afraid. Too tense. Too reliant on your instincts to save you. You try and scream, but nothing comes out. Almost as if your vocal chords were taken. Suddenly it becomes clear. You remember that the dark can?t hurt you. You start to calm down. Your ability to think straight returns. Finally you smile, knowing fully well that the dark is nothing to be afraid of. As you turn the corner to return? Snap! Something breaks in the distance. You freeze. Thought ceases once again. You feel insecure. Afraid. Fearful. Regretful. You know you should have kept running, so why go back? It?s too late nevertheless. You could try to run again. But what is that? Your legs don?t work. You can?t even attempt to run away. You close your eyes so you don?t see it coming. You know it?s coming too. It?s silent, it always is. Suddenly a calm takes over and you feel light-headed. You wake up and expect an infinite light to engulf you. Yet, that expectation is soon shattered by a scream. You think of where it could come from. Freight takes over and your breath escapes. You heart skips a beat like a broken metronome. However, you become calm again. You feel at peace with the darkness, you embrace it as if it was the light. You open your eyes and realize it was you screaming. And you know it was you as you look down at something? something all too familiar? [CENTER]yourself.[/CENTER][/INDENT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]Right now I'm listening to When Broken is Easily Fixed by Silverstein. I got this song with a Victory Records sample CD that came with my Between the Buried and me CD. I'm in the mood for this kind of music. Next I'll probably listen to The Devil Wears Prada or A Hero A Fake. A Hero A Fake is some new band that came out with a CD a while ago. Most likely though, I'll listen to BTBAM. If only I could get my Circle Takes the Square CD to download so I could put it on my MP3. Sadly, the CD sucks and the only complete song I can listen to on it is A Crater to Cough In, which is one of my favorite CTTS songs. I'm just dying for them to release Ritual of Names, or whatever their next album is called. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I never thought for once in my life that South Park would help me get a joke like 'The Chewbacca Defense.' Haha, I saw that and laughed. You know I may be a little late to the party, but my faulty internet is to blame. Soon, I will finally be getting DSL and my own laptop. So that means I'm [strike]here for eternity[/strike] going to be back full throttle. So, I really enjoyed this chapter. Plus ten points for the Michezl Jackson refference. Anyways, it's too bad we'll have to wait for justice, but in the meantime, I'll be waiting for as long as it takes. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]Hrm, what's under my bed? Lets see. I have my Apples to Apples game beneath the bottom left corner. There's a box of Raisin Bran Crunch under the top of my bed. An old remote that might/might not work. A shirt and possibly a pair of boxers. ...There's probably some other stuff, what exactly I don't know. If I think of some other stuff, I'll let you all know.[/FONT]
Hollywood Undead - Can it even be considered music?
Aberinkula replied to Doc Holliday's topic in Noosphere
[FONT="Tahoma"]While I agree that Hollywood Undead is a horrible band, I still, however, know some of the words to #5. So yeah, horrible band, but the lyrics get stuck in my head. But they're not the worst. Far from it. Just another band that will fly by... people will listen, but they'll stop when the next big thing come out.[/FONT] -
[FONT="Tahoma"]Seeing as how I live in a place where there aren't many colored people (there's only a few colored kids at school. I want to say four, but I'm not sure) I don't think I choose friends based on race. Anyhow, I kind of find it odd that someone appointed America's Attourney General is complaining about the country he's serving.[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I just got done with Hanger 18 by Megadeth and Disarm by the Smashing Pumpkins. I've always liked this song, but had no idea about what CD it was on. But when I hooked my MP3 into my friend's computer, her Smashing Pumpkins CD (along with an Alice in Chains and Stone Temple Pilots CD) were synched onto my MP3. I've passed by Coheed & Cambria phase and moved onto Between the Buried and Me Now all I need is their cover album 'The Anatomy of...' and I'll be all set. I mean, they have a killer version of Bicycle Race by Queen, and that's just cool. About a month or two ago, I bought Colors Live. The live DVD and CD were excellent, in fact I enjoyed the live versions even more than the album version. (Except for Mordecai which I like either way.) Now I think I'm going to listen to Blood Meat by Protest the Hero...[/FONT]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Resently I'm getting into Faith no More. Not just because of Epic, even though it is as it is titled! I just can't get over how much these guys helped to influence music today. Nu-metal, for example, owes itself a lot to FNM. In fact, I even like the cover of Epic by Atreyu! Other than that, I'm getting into them (Atreyu) a lot more too, I especially love Slow Burn. Plus, Eriatarka by The Mars Volta, which probably my new favorite by these guys.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Sins don't mean jack squat to me. Having sex with another man is sin? Oh well, done that. Swearing is a sin? Oh well done that. Stealing is a sin? Oh well, done that too! People sin every day, it's part of who we are. So gay/bi/lesbian people making one extra sin a day shouldn't have any less of a chance of getting to heaven or hell. All sins are equal in the eyes of the lord, are they not? Now for me, I could care less whether people think it's wrong or it's right. If I want to have sex with a man, I?ll have sex with a man. I don't really feel the need to express anymore of my opinion on the matter. I feel that the best way for someone's sexuality to get excepted is to ignore the argument and live on with my life.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[B][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]"Yes, as his interns have told me, despite being good in bed, he's smaller than my ego." [/COLOR][/B]
Kicking the Bucket: My Most Gruesome Thread Yet
Aberinkula replied to Lunar's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='DeLarge'][SIZE=1]I think I'd like to know when I'm going to die, but only a couple of days beforehand. That way, there's no agonising wait for my own demise, but I know so I can live my last day as though it were my last day, have a last meal, settle my affairs, punch a major celebrity (possibly Jennifer Love Hewitt), the usuals. As for how, I may have mentioned this in another thread (the Gravestones one, maybe?) that I want to go out in a drug-fuelled sex heart attack. It's a noble way to die. Or, to be shot during a bank raid, naked except for a balaclava, sexually molesting a goat, tearing up the Bible and reading a copy of the Satanic Verses. This is all for one simple reason: the obituary would be hilarious for other people to read. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]DeLarge, you are officially my hero... As for me, I choose the same option. I'd do everything I've wanted to do before croaking, see a famous person, beat a famous person, have sex with a famous person... yeah along those lines.[/COLOR][/SIZE] -
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]* = Most Recommend Tracks [CENTER][IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/ea/Blackparadecover.jpg[/IMG] "The End." 1:52 "Dead!" 3:15 "This Is How I Disappear" 3:59 "The Sharpest Lives" 3:20 *"Welcome to the Black Parade" 5:11 "I Don't Love You" 3:58 "House of Wolves" 3:04 "Cancer" 2:22 *"Mama" 4:39 *"Sleep" 4:43 "Teenagers" 2:41 *"Disenchanted" 4:55 *"Famous Last Words" 4:59 "Blood" (hidden track) 2:53 [/CENTER] My Chemical Romance, some people love them, some people hate them, while I enjoy them a lot, The Black Parade is the only really memorable MCR CD. Besides the songs Helena and Ghost of You which are plain awesome in my opinion. This CD offers the happy, the sad... and the weird in between songs. For example, Mama is awesome. My friend pointed out it sounds like those songs where people smack cups in bars. The whole swingy beat thing makes the song fun, and the chorus proves MCR may not be the best, but they sure as hell can bring something good to the table. 2:40 seconds into the song, it gets heavier, and the swingy beat gets more noticeable. Plus the choir-like chant toward the end of the song adds to the odd fun this song delivers. Disenchanted is another great song, it brings forth feelings of nostalgia. MCR has a thing for these kind of songs and love songs, I Don't Love You (track 6) is another example of MCR's attention to emotions. While stuff like that is what brings forth the whole 'these guys are emo' from the mouthes of idiots, who cares? Welcome to the Black Parade is a song that may take a while to get used to, I know I used to hate having to sit through the beginning, but love it even more now. The repeat of the first verse is epic too, the guitar, the vocals, it all adds up as it enters the rest of the song. But Famous Last Words, the conclusion to the album is possibly the best song on the album, it mixes two emotions, fury and sorrow. 3:08 seconds into the song, it stops the heavy and begins the low, the lyrics here are filled with mourn and longing. Sleep is also a good song, energetic and well written. At the end of the CD you may be left feeling like something is missing, I assure I do. But it makes you look forward to the next MCR CD, unless it isn't memorable as this one. Than we'll be sorely disappointed. [B][U]FINAL RATING:[/U] A[/B] It delivers it's fun and sorrow, but the feeling that something isn't there begs. [CENTER][B][U][size=3]MASTODON - BLOOD MOUNTAIN[/size][/U][/B] "The Wolf Is Loose" – 3:34 "Crystal Skull" (featuring Scott Kelly) – 3:27 "Sleeping Giant"
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]I live in America... whoo! It's boring, WHOO! My heritage comes from Europe though, mostly thourgh Hungary and Ireland and I have a tad of Dutch. The Irish was obvious in me when I was a baby.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]I listen to music when I'm stressed... than again I listen to music almost every minute of the day. Usually, I bring out my bass and play (it helps to play along with a song, for me it's Welcome Home >_
Writing "A Solid State" My First Collection of Finished Poems
Aberinkula posted a topic in Creative Works
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I wrote these poems all day today, out of boredom, and out of a creativity flood. This is my first collection of work, in it's completion. Also, for me this is the conclusion of my creative draught. Lately all of the poems saved on my computer get deleted, this being the first complilation in a while to survive. Personally, I don't think I did that bad with these. The last two poems may look long, but they aren't. Really, there is no big theme, poem 1 and 9 are connected, but not directely. The last poem is rittled wtih song titles from both this compilation, and from my favorite bands (Co&Ca, Chevelle, etc.) And the title is a bit of a shout out to Mudvayne's album "The End of All Things to Come." And a few poems were inspired by my life, (i.e. Not Endearing in the Least and An Apology Note to One's Self). Enjoy, feedback is greately apreciated. [INDENT][B]-Prem[/B][/INDENT] [CENTER][B][U][CENTER]TABLE OF CONTENTS[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B] I. The Prequel: One Soul Under an Oath of Truth II: Solid State III. Not Endearing in the Least IV. An Apology Note to One's Self V. To Take Away (The Divide) VI. Reverse/Rebirth VII. The Invigorating Silence of Solitude VIII. A Collapse of Heart and Lung X. The Feeding Hand IX. Suffering from a Lack of Clarity XI.The Coming of All Things (Must End)[/B] [B][U]The Prequel: One Soul Under an Oath of Truth[/U][/B] It's always cold here, in a story we all shape. Under an oath of silence, to tell the truth without words. To live without silence, is to love without a heart. You're senses fail, your heart shatters. Under the eyes of you, one soul under oath. Are you surprised by what you find? Do you know what we've discovered? One final task to diminish, one final thing before our escape. One nation inside hell. Once together we fall separately. It's always cold here... in the beginning. [B][U]Solid State[/U][/B] I've tried to drown this all away, but made no progress in the process. I will succeed in never again being seen like this. This is how I am in my solid state. Held accountable for everyone's sins, like a dream catcher. Oh baby am I in denial! Hide my face and my body I'm leaving this solid state for a more, liquefying life. I wrote the story for you, my love. For you and only you. I wrote this story for you, my love, my dearly beloved. I've tried, to cease the pain. It comes in pulses, my love. This solid state, a story of myself for you and them. My love, you're pushing it My love you're pushing it., Let's try to drown this all away, and make no progress. We will never succeed. We will make no progress, in this solid state. I wrote this story for you, in my solid state. I wrote this story for you, in our solid state. [B][U]Not Endearing in the Least[/U][/B] Nothing you say makes sense, nothing you do is cute anymore. Everything you do bores the shit out of me, you're lack of sense, you're lack of life, I'm not the only one who feels this way. Everything you try to do is not endearing in the least. You constantly want, and constantly get without thanking anyone. Where's your sense of compassion? You lie to us to get you're way. Handing the attention to people, only to want something in return. Everything you do pisses the fuck out of me, you're lack of compassion, you're lack of truth. I'm not the only one. Lies, lies... it's all on you. Attention attention, must be on you. Grow up, or give up. Nothing you do is cute, everything you attempt fails. You're not endearing in the least. I'm not the only one. I'm never the only one... [B][U]An Apology Note to One's Self[/U][/B] Awaken now from this false reality. You're naked eye wanders looking for truth. Persuaded to find him by false dreams. Feelings you don't really feel. Brought to life by the need. A feeling of wanting refused by you're feeling to fight. Tempted to take control into you?re hands, you'll fail again. Never take me, just leave this alone. Sorry to myself, for the pain you're about to feel, in the end it will help ease the doubt. Behind the mask lies the true feelings you hide. Awaken now from this doubt, it will be much easier now. Don't get angry... don't get mad... It will only piss them off inside. It's looking like bleeding. Release the pain. It feels like horror, but it's not even there. You keep letting you're feelings control you from the inside out. Cry for lies... lay in shame... take away for you're crimes. Sorry to myself, for the things you thought you felt. Beating myself up was all my fault. Underneath it all lays the oath to learn the truth. Sorry to myself... for the things that were lies. Sorry to myself, for letting this grow bigger. Sorry to myself, sorry to myself... it will soon become alright. [B][U]To Take Away (The Divide)[/U][/B] Stronger now; the divide. Let it grow, throw it aside. Tear it up it was never there. Or the pieces will fall everywhere. Like lightning it takes over, so flee for definite cover. Souls will take the hate away, and give it back some other day. There goes the happiness. Go with the flow, it follows through to the attack. Reach for the glow, or it will fade to a darker black. Take it home and let it feed, on the back of your head. Filled with lies and greed, putting your sanity to bed. Weaker now; these things inside. Reach out to those who've lied. Bring it back like it was never gone, surely this way you can't go wrong. There goes the purity you've known. And sit in silence all alone. Souls will take the pain away, and give the weak a place to stay. There goes the malice below. Someday you will make things right, but for you don't lose the will to fight. And one day when we've gone away, the things you felt will always stay. [B][U]Reverse/Rebirth[/U][/B] Go back to the beginning, read this over again. A book of words that go back. As you read, we've passed on. Now you're just dreaming of that better place. Now revert back, to the simpler form you?ve been known for. And never wake up. Reverse/rebirth. Go back/come forth. Like you never could before. [B][U]The Invigorating Silence of Solitude[/U][/B] Slowly the scars incinerate, the ashes left, blow in the wake. Left is the heart you've lied to. Almost immediately the pain sets in. Saturating into nothing more than a germ. Fermenting in the oils of fire, we are alone. Forever, alone... forever, alone. Are you afraid of being left in the middle. Trapped in nowhereville. We are alone. No one to hold on to no one to guide us through. Left here alone, with nothing to shape. Wake in the middle of the night. You're sheets are cold and damp, from the sweat of a dream. Almost immediately the nightmare begins. Unrelenting selfishness, staining the glass gray like a cloud. The solitary cloud, alone. Forever drifting, forever... No one to see, alone... pain fades into scars. No one to heal these wounds. Silence surrounds us in a forest of solitude. Wrapping your fingers around the trunk. Breaking branches every time your silence is disturbed. Now without a tree to cover you, you wake up alone. So invigorating, it's beckoning. No one to hold, no one to guide us home. Left here alone, with no one to hold. [B][U]A Collapse of Heart and Lung[/U][/B] Am I still breathing? Can I still walk among you? The end is closer, than ever before. And I can feel you, reaching into my skin, for what makes me whole. Let go for a minute, so I can say sorry. Let go so I can feel my soul. The end is strung with chaos. A collapse of heart and lung; such a small sacrifice, for such a larger purpose. Am I still chocking? Can I still walk and bleed? The end; i can taste it, like never before. I can see you, running away into their embrace. I can never be whole. Let go for a minute, so I can rip out his heart. A collapse of soul and mind, a terror that cripples the body. Such a small sacrifice, for a collapse of heart and lung. [B][U]The Feeding Hand[/U][/B] Bitten once, and you bleed for eternity, bitten twice and it ends. If it's happiness you lack, than bleed to find it. Grab the rose by the stem, and let the blood fade inside. Nurturing the petals with pain. The feeding hand, it's eating away at your face. Exposing the insecurities as they form, deep within the skin. Bitten once, and you feel hate forever. Bitten twice, and the pieces fit into place. It's only once do you feel this way If it's love you need, this is no place for you. Take my hand and burn, take my hand and burn. The feeding hand, by which as cities burn. [B][U]Suffering from a Lack of Clarity[/U][/B] Withdrawal sets in, taking away my sanity. I'm suffering from a lack of clarity. My vision is fogged. Driving in red rain, underneath black skies. Colors seem to twist around, blocking my vision. Like I wasn't blind enough. My soul is writhing, without my body. I'm suffering from a lack of emotions. I need something... anything... to make this real. The words from our fathers, makes us cold and heartless. The darkness in our hearts, creating a shadow beneath our feet. Suffering tied to loneliness, loneliness tied to a lack of sleep. All I want is to breath. Pain settles in, taking away my pride... I?m suffering from a lack of clarity. I'm growing weary of this pain, so used to it it's weakening. Come to me... clarity. The lack is killing me. This is who I am... don't deny the bleeding. Don't deny my pleas for life. Don't deny my calls for help. This lack of clarity, is making me feel solid again, almost like I never became this in the first place... [B][U]The Coming of All Things (Must End)[/U][/B] Closure came and took my home. Death knocked on my door and dragged me out. My beginning has stopped turning, and now I'm on the brink of dying. But yet, you say nothing as usual. Do you really want me gone? Come on, this must be a game, don't tug on my sleeve. This is the coming of all things, and this is where it ends. For soon everything, must end. I'm looking for an excuse to die, I'm looking for you to carry me home Each memory taken from me, relapses at the thought of rapture. Like a collapse of heart and lung, I'm swung into a solid state, suffering from a lack of clarity I can't stop. Like the invigorating silence of solitude, I can't talk when I'm alone. It's time to take away the sorrow. The coming of all things, must come to an end. All around me, they chanted, 'welcome home.' As I swung through the doorway screaming, 'There could be nothing after this!' Take it away, take it away, white walls turn black, beneath silence. Eternal rest is imminent, the end of all things to come, the coming of all things must end. After this, a moment suspended in time. I'm such a comfortable liar, it's not even funny, So I hold on; panic prone. The coming of all things, must end. This is my silence and goodbyes, my sun of nothing is blocked by you're emotional draught. To return to this tug-o-war, in meaningless. The coming of all things must end. The coming of all things will end... with this final cut.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] -
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Oh it'll be okay ma'am, I assure you it won't hurt a bit. I should know, I take balls to the face all the time![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Yeah, I do get raped a lot in my dreams, but that's what happens when in the real world [strike]you're a nerd[/strike] too sexy to touch. One of the wierdest dreams I've ever had involved everyone in school hating me. During recess they all tried to kill me, but I fed them pastries with sleeping powder inside them, if that isn't weird I don't know what it >_