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[quote name='Sandy'][/COLOR][/FONT] [B]Aberinkula:[/B] Although a perfect world peace can't ever be obtained because people will always believe in different things, it doesn't mean it's useless to promote peace and non-violence. One can do it on a local level, and see the results themselves. For example, I currently work in a project at an elementary school, where one of our jobs is to prevent and intervene to bullying. There's a big leap from bullying to killing or waging war, but the mentality is pretty much the same: "I can do whatever I want to people I don't agree with". [/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]I said 'world-peace' I never once mentioned local peace nor did I say that it was useless to promote local peace. It is useless to imagine mass, worldly peace, but locally is another story I don't feel like touching at the moment.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Writing Aaryanna vs. Aberinkula [Poetry Contest]
Aberinkula replied to Sabrina's topic in Creative Works
[center][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B][U]Stones Along the Mountain Path[/U][/B] I climb the stones along this mountain path. It's chilling up here as I run from the devil's wrath . While I traverse my way through the treacherous cold, I will be forever in light, and when I pass I will not be old. This mountain has become the place of which I will have my final rest. These hills still capture the mouintan's divine beauty despite my rigorous test. With strive I'll keep on walking forward, no matter how deep this endless white grows, And forever I will yearn for the mountain's peaceful wind and where it blows. Yet, one day I know the endless summer can rise. But even then, I'll still be climbing into the deep blue skies. And at the end of this path I will meet with the golden gates of heaven's ally. Yet, for now I will sleep with the sunset, at the mountain's endless, majestic valley.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/center] -
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]I come from a family of people who've been in the army. My father was in the air force and my grandfather was in Vietnam. I myslef respect anyone in the army, they're out there busting their ***** for our country. Now I myself am not really patriotic, I just haven't fallen in love with the USA as much as others. I wouldn't join the army, never. I don't have enough strive, strength nor do I have the ambition to join and defend our country, or whatever position I would be in. Be it coast guard, marines or whatnot. But I do respect everyone who is in the army because they love our country adn are willing to die to defend it. Now I said earlier that I'm not very patriotic, but I do appreciate this country very much, so don't think I'm some Anti-USA person, cause I'm not. As for a world of complete peace, it seems like a very great idea, but world-peace will never be reached imo. So it's useless to think that we will eventually obtain a world of dreams and love, never.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[size=1][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]You live in Upstate NY? OMG I live near the border of Canada, that's strange... and I mean I live near the border by like 20 miles. God... this is a small world. As for terrible weather, a few years ago we had a microburst that tore some trees down, knocekd trees down, and knocked power out for at least a day or two. Other than that it was pretty cool. We also had a blizzard about a month and a half ago. And of coarse I'm stuck with the chore of getting wood from the woodshed. I was knee-high is snow. ****ing christ sakes it sucked, the next day the snow was HUGE, and me and my father had to go out and plow too.[/COLOR][/size]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Korey, don't get me started on Seize the Day, lol. Let's just say I lost a lot of body fluid to that song. I'd always cry while I listened to it... and I said 'let's just say' a second ago didn't I? Eh, but yeah, I'm jealous cause I like BFMV too, but yeah A7X stealing the show, very likely. Lucky me today I got an Avenged Sevenfold T-shirt at Spencer's, oh yeah, me luvs it![/SIZE][/COLOR]
Otakupedia Entries/Suggestions/Discussion thread
Aberinkula replied to Charles's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]You think 21st Century Digital Boy is a problem, with him gone I rain torment over OB in the form of badly written, yet somewhat great-story-lined stories, and in the form of the dry comedy you've come to know and love. Muahahahahaha I mean, yay! But yeah Des is Uber Cool, if you disagree I will take care of you...[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][I]MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Right now I'm listening to The Bleeding by Five Finger Death Punch, they are good, but I don't listen often. It's form a CD I got out of an issue of Metal Edge, and it also has Dunwich by Electric Wizard, What a Horrible Night for a Curse by The Black Dahlia Murder, and FMLYHM by Seether. So it's a pretty good compilation of songs. Other than that I'm just listening to the songs on m MP3, right now it's on Bloodrocuted by Dethklok.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Right now I'm listening to 94 Days by As I Lay Dying, and it's a pretty sweet ****ing song. It has one of the fastest double-bass rolls I've seen in the genre. And a few days ago I bought 'Shadows are Security' by As I Lay Dying and it's a good CD.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Another plain old funny chapter. The hilarity ensues DW. Reggie was still funny as hell, can't get enough of that guy. "Now where my hot pockets at?" was funny as hell imo, it just sounds like me to be honest. I love my hot pockets. Anyways can't wait for chapter 4 and more of Naomi, Reggie and Kensley's antics.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]What a way to come back DW, I love this story. It's mix of comedy and action is superb and the results are awesome. It's sort of a Dragon Warrior version of Shoot em' Up what with the action and jokes. Reggie is hilarious, and somewhat like me >_>[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Right now I'm listening to The Bird & The Worm by The Used. It's an awesome song, and my favorite by the band. It just has something to it that makes it epic in my eyes. I think I'ts everything actually. But whatever, I still love it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Right now I'm listening to [B]Kill the Switch [/B]by [B]Circle Takes the Square[/B], they are a sweet Mathcore band, I think they're mathcore anyways, but yeah epoicness. The song is so fast and the screams are amazing. I love the song. I also have [B]94 Days [/B]by [B]As I Lay Dying[/B], which is almost as cool. Other songs I got off projectplaylist: [B]The Bird and the Worm [/B]by [B]The Used [/B]and [B]Cry for Eternity [/B]by [B]Dragonforce [/B]which are also really good songs.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Well, because of Norma Jean, I've decided that it's time to get into Harcore music again. By hardcore I mean stuff usually withthe suffix -core at the end, usually Metalcore, Grindcore, stuff like that. I already listen to some artists. Norma Jean, Cattle Decapatation (which I believe might actually be Deathgrind...) early Avenged Sevenfold (the era of Waking the Fallen) and stuff like Underoath. Anyways, anyone ahve any good suggestions for some good harcore bands? Bands I'm interested in: Circle Takes the Square, The Fall of Troy, The Number 12 Looks like You, All That Remains and The Acacia Strain.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Right now I'm listening to [B]Neurosonic's So Many People[/B], whichis a hilarious exploit of...lol... Ashlee Simpson. It's a bit hip-hopish in the way that it's beat, and the singer sort of raps. Anyways, it's about Ashlee Simpson and its easy to tell. lol the best lyrics [B]"Practce wasn't on the list. Clearly talent doens't exist, maybe Joe can buy you a set of bigger tits. Apologize to the world and admit that you were wrong who's dick did you have to suck to get the #1 song?"[/B] And the obvious finger-pointer to Ashley are the lyrics 'so what would you know about how your song goes?' That's making fun of her SNL performance, and hell it even mentions it in the beginning of the song. First time I saw those lyrics, I couldn't stop laughing. Anyways, Neurosonic is signed to bodog music, and they seem to have good bands under their belt.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Ace, I think you need to go to Ace Attorney Rehab >_> Just kidding. But seriously where in the frip do you get all these Ace Attorney game images?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
I'll Keep You My Dirty Little SECRET....
Aberinkula replied to pooperson's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]I completely agree with Rach. They're called secrets for a reason, you shouldn't share them with strangers especially. People tell you secrets because they trust you and they know well enough that you'll love them so much that you won't tell a soul. I told my ex a secret of mine and I regret it, she won't tell at all, but I feel a little bit, impure for telling her the secret. Now the person it's about is someone I trust with my secrets as well, and to do this is a betrayal to the person.l. But in all honesty this type of thing is sort of low imo, I don't like the idea at all. And to be quite blunt, it's completely pathetic to tell secrets about people you know.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Oh god Korey, I can't argue with that logic about Chapter IV, I adore that song. It's in my top five list of best A7X songs. I got some Norma Jean today, they're alright, but nothing amazing.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Oh, I am very interested in becoming a writer, that much is true. But I don't know if I have enough motivation or strive, which this may sound like mindless-ignorant-self-pity, but due to my lack of these things above, I fail as a writer of all sorts. So maybe what I need to do is go back to the basics of writing before attempting another 'novel.' For me another problem might be the fact that I flood myself with story-lines and plots that only exist as a means of to say "Hey dude, if you make up the story's future, but not it's present, you're on your way!" I never fully focus on one thing, I always drive other plots into my head, using them and failing, or throwing them away and that is another reason why I quit because my mind tells me 'stop this story, it's not worth it' without me knowing. And yeah, 'preserving a fantasy' is quite correct. I have three stories in my head at the moment, one that I'm not writing nor talking about which I use as a way to actually complete a story despite me not really writing anything and I'm using myself and other real-life people in the story. Plus, I'm prolonging the finality of the story so I can continue the fantasy which imo is kind of stupid. The second one is the story above of which I am failing completely, you may not think so, but I sure as hell do. And then there is the third story which is the future second story that will not be written cause I just won't use the ideas I've created. Plus there will soon be a story I haven't even created yet that's lurking in the shadows to, hey surprise surprise, make me fail at another attempt to create my story which I find personally, epic. So yes, I need to mature, so I think maybe I should resort back to the basics and keep writing poetry and short stories, before I continue to make long ones. I have progressed from pathetic, very unfufilling written fanfiction to semi-sort-of- good stories.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I'm not trying to 'break anyone's hearts' by telling them it might be my last story. And that's the key word you guys seem to have missed, [I]might.[/I] There is a chacne that this is my last story, and there's a chance that it isn't. I'll never give up poetry btw, but I've decided due to me never finishing or showing the will to finish a complete story. Also, to me Chapters do not have a certain minimun or maximum. Of coarse, I can merge any one of those chapters together, but I just don't want to. As for books such as Eragon, why complain about how long a chapter is? The book is pretty thick, so why complain about too much, or too little pages in a chapter? I like small chapters because it allows me to not read only half of a chapter, which I hate doing. I always like to finish a chapter, so a short one just helps me keep interest. I'm just wondering why you waited until now to talk to me about how long my chapters were Allamorph. :p[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I was planning on telling one of my frends that I liked another friend. I know seems weak but I was going to tell her I had a crush on a guy to freak her out, but one of my other friends blew my ****** cover because she was offended cause I was supposidly mocking gay people. Yeah, shes a hypocrite cause over the fphone she was calling me gay and telling me I like it up the *** being the one mocking them. I was like "What are you talking about? You dated me!" I'm going to get another friend with it though see how she reacts cause she's uber gullable. BTW, I'm straight so don't even ask![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[size=1][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Here's an odd request for you. I want it set in Otacku City. The story, Raiha becomes possessed by the demon of a woman who treats the world well by spreading flowers and joy throughout the City. But in the end the newer Raiha drives people insane with her creepy 'niceness.' So Des bans Raiha from Otaku City, than he nukes the city because of too much happiness taking over. Idk if you want to do it, but it just seems different.[/COLOR][/size]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Well as for why I named the girl konata, I really like the name, I think it's really cute. And as for why it might be my last story, I've just simply started to lose interst. In fact, I can't finish any story, so this being my last will make me want to finish it. It may sound foolish, but I think that it may help me in the future. Anyways, thanks for the feedback Sabrina, I appreciate it. And yeah after looking at the stuff, I say their names a lot, but it's becuase I fear that I'm saying their names too little. And btw, if you did continue to read it, the next chapter would not be for you, it's a little violant. But the end results that I'm dreaming of for the whole story are ones of good intentions.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]There I sat, my hands folded together, and my hat over my face while I slept. I was only 14, yet I was a prodigy. I was very skilled with a gun, and even better with a blade in my hands. Oh, my name you ask? My name was Richard, but I decided to give myself an even better moniker. My other name: Premonition. Or as my close friends called me, Prem. I always had a knack for telling when bad stuff was about to go down., and that is how I obtained my name. Indeed, I could foretell the bad, well I wasn?t very good at it, but it?s saved my ass a few times. But I never gave my friends advice, I did once and got someone killed, so I stopped giving friends advice. But it?s because of my strange ability that I?m here now taking a nap in a simple restaurant. Cause about oh, two hours or so ago, I was standing in an ally with my hands behind my back. I should of guessed what my girlfriend was up to, she was working for my arch-enemy, Greco. Believe it or not, I?m not the only 14 year old in the assassination business. What, did you think I played with toy guns and plastic swords? Bah! Those days are done and over with, now I?m playing with the big kids who don?t whine when you beat them at ?Cops and Robbers.? Alas, I?m getting off track with my stories. We know, I?m 14, I?m talented. But where?s the proof? I?ll tell you where the proof is, behind the ally in the dumpster. How it happened? that?s hard to remember, but I can manage. [CENTER]---[/CENTER] [B]?Well Prem, you going on a date with that blonde chick you met during vacation?? [/B]Conrad asked me. Conrad was my best pal, despite our many arguments. [B]?Yeah, I?m meeting her at Ronald?s Music Shop this afternoon, she?s a fucking hottie dude!?[/B] I cheered as I clenched a note from my new girlfriend. [B]?And I think her name is, Daisy? yeah, I?m pretty sure.? [/B] Conrad was sitting in a chair that sat in the corner of my apartment. Thanks to my ?connections? I was able to obtain an apartment, lucky me! I was sitting on my couch with my hands folded, and my hat over my face. Yeah, I do that a lot, it?s a habit. Conrad shook his head. [B]?It?s funny you forgot your name, you two are going to go places!? [/B]Conrad joked. [B]?Hardy har har Conrad. My memory has been fuzzy lately, my last mission didn?t go so well, remember?? [/B]I asked Conrad rolling my eyes. [B]?Oh yeah, I forgot about that bang to the head you got!?[/B] He said to me smiling. I just wanted to go behind him and tug his hair until his head came off. But I was lazy and I didn?t want to get up, so I just took my hat off, smiled and gave him the finger. [B]?Suck on this for a bit.?[/B] I said. [B]?Well, I better get going, I only have a few hours before my date with Daisy! I just hope she isn?t a wilted flower.? [/B]I put my hat on and walked toward the door, [B]?Watch the place while I?m gone, I might pay you.?[/B] Conrad nodded and sat back in his chair. [B]?If you have any money left that is.?[/B] He said. I smiled and opened the door. The smell of Spring came in and I coughed. Love was in the air, or maybe it was the scent of pain at the time, I couldn?t tell. But the sun was shining. Before I left, I remembered to get my gun, just incase something happened. Glad I remembered or I?d be telling this to St. Peter? or Satan. [CENTER]---[/CENTER] Ronald?s music shop was my local Otaku City hang out, they had a good collection of music, and a good collection of femme fatale?s, too bad that was more truth than fiction. I was looking around at the ?Agalloch? section hoping to find Pale Folklore, but I was fucked as usual. They always had the tab there that had the artist?s name on it, but damn it they didn?t have a single Agalloch CD in stock, and the tab has been there for about six months. I rolled my eyes and looked at the door. Than I took a look at my watch, it was half past three, Daisy was going to be here in a bit. I licked my lips in hunger we were going to eat dinner at the breakfast house. I remember that day, it was the day I became Priscilla due to a freak accident, me and Conrad went there often. But it?s not breakfast! You?re probably saying right now. I know, but they have killer sausage? and so don?t I. I looked at the door a second time and there, low and behind, there she was. Daisy, the vixen I?ve known for a week. She was tall, about five foot five and she was wearing a small shirt and short shorts. Who likes short shorts? I love short shorts! I walked over to her and held out my hand. [B]?You must be daisy??[/B] I asked the obvious, but meh, at least I didn?t say ?let?s cut to the chase, kiss me!? [B]?Of coarse I am!?[/B] She said cheerfully as she hugged me close to her double-ds. I tried my best to not think of them bare, but I was 14, I couldn?t help myself. [B]?You look awfully young for a twenty-five year old?!? [/B]She said surprisingly. I sut blushed and chuckled. [B]?Eh, I?m just a late bloomer I guess!?[/B] I said holding her hand. Thank god she didn?t know I was a minor. Or so I thought at the time. [B]?Hey, I dropped something in the ally behind this place, do you think we could go check it out?? [/B]Daisy asked me as she flipped her long, elegant blonde air. I was too amazed to talk so I just nodded. She smiled and out we went. A minute later we were both in the ally. But that was the last thing I remembered before blacking out. [CENTER]---[/CENTER] [B]?I hear you?re working for Black Hand??[/B] I awoke to hear Daisy asking me an odd question. Igave her a queer look, she was starring at me with anger. [B]?What's it to you? Hell who sent you?? [/B]I asked frantically as I noticed the gun Daisy was pointing at my head. [B]?Greco Jackson, my boss.?[/B] Daisy said. I just smiled. Daisy had tied my hands up, so I wasn?t able to get out. So I did what any other assassin would do? SMACK! I banged my head against hers. I hit her gun with the side of my head knocking it our of her hands. She fell backwards into a puddle of what I assumed was beer. [B]?Greco?? [/B]I asked as I started laughing uncontrollably and I almost pissed myself. I had taken out a knife that I hid in my sleeve, I always had it with me. So I cut off what tied me and I pulled out my gun, I carefully aimed it at Daisy?s head. [B]?You wouldn?t shoot a woman would you??[/B] She asked me as if I was going to give her mercy. [B]?why not? You just tried shooting a 14 year old!? [/B]I stuck out my tongue, cocked my gun and applied a bit of pressure to the trigger. [B]?Hosta lavista baby.? [/B]I joked as the gun shot. The sound of my gun shot resonated throughout the ally. I took Daisy?s body and put it in the dumpster. I looked on the ground to see her ID. She was an agent of Greco, the heir to the Jackson Assassin Association group. Greco was 14 like me and after his father died, he became the leader of the ill-named group of thugs. JAA was my nemesis, but luckily the organization I was a part of didn?t say no to me wanting to destroy their leader. I took the money from her wallet and walked to the Breakfast House. --- [B]"Conrad, I?m back, is the place clean?!?[/B] I yelled, I looked around the house and I didn?t get an answer from Conrad. I walked into my bedroom to get on my computer, cause maybe he went home. But when I walked in, there was his body covered in blood. He suffered a blow to his head that smacked the living shit out of him. There was blood everywhere and his body was covered in cuts. On his chest there was a note from my employer. I read the note and I was shocked. [B][CENTER]?Good news Richard? you?re fired! -Black Hand?[/CENTER][/B] I looked at the window of my room, it was open and there was blood on the window sill. I grinded my teeth and fell to the floor. Someone in Black Hand killed my friend? now they too were my nemesis. Now all I want is revenge. And one name in my head rung throughout my mind??The Boss.? [CENTER]-------------------------[/CENTER] I hope you don't mind me incorperating you and Black hand into my story. Thanks for reading it! [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Bah, I can't believe I didn't read the first one. I need to start reading this series. Pretty good so far Mike, can't wait for this story to get heated up.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Did I say Indiff was going to win? Bah! Gav all the way biatches! Gavin Irish man of OB A falcon punch away from victory! Drink to our champion. Christ incarnate.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]