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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Boy, give Gavin and Crystia a contest and the want to rip each other's heads off. Sabrina you've unleashed hell you know that right? :p Doomsday. Horrible in their hands, The champion uncommon. She will prevail. Indifference Sorry Gav, but I think I have a clear view of the winner already.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Sign me up as well Sabrina, this seems really interesting. Hope more people sign up so I can [strike]whoop some ass[/strike] have some friendly competition :animesmil[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Welcome to the latest, and possibly the last story I'll write, 2572. [B]2572[/B] comes in two volumes, The Atreyune Chronicles being the first part of the two-part story. I warn you, this story will be filled with graphic violance, harsh language, and sexual themes. Ahead of you is the first 5 chapters of the story, so if you read and wish to continue later so be it.Feedback would be apreciated too please, even if you've only read a few Chapters. [CENTER][B][U]TABLE OF CONTENTS[/U][/B] [B]Chapter I:[/B] The Kingdom of Heleja [B]Chapter II: [/B]Patience is Crap [B]Chapter III: [/B]The Plan [B]Chapter IV:[/B] The Clincher [B]Chapter V:[/B] The Red Filters Through [B][U]CHAPTER 1: THE KINGDOM OF HELEJA[/U][/B][/CENTER] The western continent was usually warm, and the sun shone most of the year. The western continent was the second largest of the five. The largest being the central continent, and the smallest being the eastern. Fifty miles inland, the Kingdom of Heleja stands, a large, very quiet Kingdom. Cars zooming in the streets, people walking on the sidewalks. It was a warm, sunny Saturday afternoon, and the Kingdom was doing well. The Castle, stood a few miles away from the Kingdom, but was still within it?s two mile high walls, that protected the kingdom?s insides. The castle?s courtyard was the connecting point between the castle and the rest of the city. The castle was four stories tall, and was made from a very hard stone known as Viomite. The castle was probably most famous for Queen Andréa Heleja, who?s beauty touched many. Our tale begins with her son, Higar Helaja. A student at Leo Chevelle Academy, a school dedicated to martial arts and fighting. During the summer vacation, Higar spent three months with his personal tutor, Harold Fulton, who is also one of the best teachers at the academy, as well as a child prodigy. Now, the beginning of the new school year is coming, and Higar is ready for any new challenges he might face. [CENTER]___[/CENTER] The warm fall wind caressed the air, flowing ever so softly. The trees were becoming red, orange and brown, leaving only a few green leaves left to be seen. The sky was cloudy, yet the sun was out, faintly. It was warm, but not too hot out, making it the perfect day to be outside. The kingdom?s walls were a dark gray, yet they held a warm, loving feeling inside them. The castle itself, was a vibrant mix of gray stones, and red banners that hung down like beautiful curtains. A fountain was in the middle of the courtyard, spewing cool, clean water from statues of angels. The cobblestone walkway looked worn, and yet they still held beauty. Trees lined the path leading to the rest of the kingdom, and the gateway into the castle itself, was covered with flowers and vines. The inside of the castle was even greater looking than the rest of the kingdom itself. The walls were embroidered with a light red lace, and flags with the Helejian Family Crest, swayed in the light breeze that blew in from the windows. Further down the castle was the throne room, a gigantic room that was home to the Queen?s throne, the queen herself had beautiful long, red hair that lightly touched the floor, her robe a shining white. She held a scepter, an ancient scepter. It had a crescent shaped gem on the top. It was a royal tool that only the queen could hold, it showed that her blood was pure, and that she was indeed, a member of Helejian decent. Her son, Higar Heleja, was a talented young 15 year old boy. He had short blue hair, and his eyes were an odd red color, as the people in his family all had red eyes - except for his adoptive sister Johanna, who had blue eyes. Higar wasn?t very popular in school, despite being born into royalty, which might explain why he isn?t popular, due to jealousy. Higar was in his room, he had just returned from three months of training, and he was beat. But most of all, he was happy to be home. Higar?s room was actually, two rooms. The room where his bed and computer was, and a room where his weights and other training equipment was. Higar had worn out half the machines he used, and they were worn out even more due to his friend Salo coming over all the time. This of coarse raised suspicion about the two being closeted lovers, which wasn?t true. Higar has however, a small love interest with his other friend, Konata. Her parents were always away, and during the summer vacation, she stayed at the castle with Higar?s sister, due to her parents having to leave. Higar was resting on his bed, in his hand he held a stone that he found during his training. The had a weird shape, like an animal was fossilized into it. But, this was just Higar imagining things. Ever since he found the stone, he?s held it close to him, in his pocket, in his book bag, and lately in his bed. For some reason, it felt special to him. Across the room was Salo, he was on Higar?s computer looking up random stuff. Konata was sitting on the bed with Higar, she was looking at his stone, wondering what it was that was imprinted on it. She was memorized by Higar throwing the stone in the air and catching it. [b]?Are we just going to sit here and watch that dumb rock go into the air??[/b] Konata asked. Her head was still raising and lowering as she gazed into the stone. [b]?If it?s dumb, how come you?re staring at it like a horny little girl??[/b] Salo asked. Higar chuckled under his breath. Konata gave him a glare. Higar just frowned and stopped laughing. [b]?So, you guys ready to go back to school tomorrow, or would you rather have this vacation last another month??[/b] Higar asked. Konata shrugged, and Salo just yawned. ?[b]You all seem so enthusiastic about it don?t you??[/b] Higar sat up at the edge of his bed and looked at the window on the ceiling. Light shone in from outside, and the sun was very hot. Salo got off the computer and walked over to the door. [b]?Well, we better get home before it gets too late, our parents want us to get ready for tomorrow.Well see you two later.?[/b] Salo waved goodbye and walked out the door. Konata got up and walked over to the door as well. [b]?See you at school Higar, I?ll try and call or something! Hugs, bye!?[/b] Konata blew a kiss and walked out of Higar?s room. Higar rolled over to his side and stared at the room. It had been a long time since Higar had seen his black walls, and red ceiling. The picture of his nice, comfortable bed scratched at his mind all summer like a cat clawing at the walls to find a mouse. Higar smiled and looked up at the ceiling window. He was lucky to have his room so close to the outside, even though he was getting sick of being in nature for three months without end. The tree that hovered over his room only had one leaf left, and before he closed his eyes to sleep, the last red leaf fluttered down and landed on the window.[b] ?Here?s to the last day of vacation??[/b] Higar said as he fell into slumber land. [CENTER][B][U]CHAPTER 2: PATIENCE IS CRAP[/U][/B][/CENTER] Higar awoke, he looked at his alarm clock. It was 6:30 Am, Higar had to be at the academy by 8, so he had an hour and a half to get ready. Higar?s body was still a bit sore from training, especially his right arm. He rose to his feet and turned his head, his neck cracked like a brittle slab of ice. His blue hair was messy. He changed real quick and walked into the throne room. His mother was there, she had fallen asleep in her robe. Obviously, she had been busy the whole night and fell asleep in her throne. Higar just nodded and decided to let her sleep. He went into the kitchen, made breakfast, than left. [CENTER]___[/CENTER] Higar arrived at Leo Chevelle?s Academy of Martial Arts, he noticed that the building was covered in vines and ivy, unlike last year when the academy was just brick and glass. Higar looked at the entrance to see Salo and Konata waiting at the door. They were both waving to Higar, and like a cat from a dog, he ran over to them. [b]?Well, it looks like the academy has been closed today? weird thing to happen on our first day back to school, eh?? [/b]Salo asked smiling. [b]?There?s a piece of paper on the door that says, ?one week delay.? Whatever the hell that means.?[/b] Konata looked inside the building and at the note again. ?It looks like a bit of construction, so they must be halting the beginning of the new school year for another week. Lucky us than boys!? Konata shrieked in joy. Higar arched forward and starting groaning.[b] ?Something wrong Higar?? [/b]Konata asked. [b]?I don?t think it was a good idea to run? ouch!? [/b]Higar groaned. He fell to the ground and started rubbing his back when suddenly a deep, and ear-shattering chuckle erupted from behind. [b]?Always on the ground, like a worm, aren?t you Higar?? [/b]The voice than said, it was the voice of Darroh Lieghtos. [b]?Poor you, while I was training, I was smart enough to at least, take a break. What did you do, get your boyfriend Salo to stone your back while he bent you to please??[/b] Darroh started laughing. His two cronies, John and Raela started laughing too. They were often silent around Darroh, as they weren?t very strong-willed around him. They were strong though, despite this. Darroh himself was one of the strongest students at the academy, so was Higar. The two were friends at one point, until they got into a fight and decided to become enemies. Since than Higar lost his reputation, and he became a target for Darroh?s pathetic bullying. [b]?Look, if it isn?t the prick.?[/b] Salo said giving Darroh a death-stare. [b]?Why don?t you go lay down in a hole somewhere??[/b] Salo raised his fist and clenched it tightly. Konata stood still and strong. [b]?Eh, I?m not you, nor am I Higar. And, by the way, I?m not afraid of you Salo. The only person you could suplex is your boy-toy, Higar, so save your energy for bedtime.? Darroh [/b]shrugged. His long black hair hid his deep blue eyes, yet his demented, crooked smile was still visible. [b]?You seem to crack a lot of those jokes Darroh, got a secret to hide?? [/b]Higar said as he started to rise. When he stood he cracked his back and looked behind him at Darroh.[b] ?They say that someone who mocks someone else, has a secret to hide themselves.? [/b] [b]?Boy Higar, can?t you say anything less retarded? Wow that sure as hell was a great comeback. Well, us three better get going, you three have to catch up on your loser time.? [/b]Darroh chuckled, turned around and started walking. The wind was picking up and it blew leaves all over the place. In a flash of green, Higar ended up in front of Darroh. [b]?Treating us like shit Darroh? pathetic. One day it will come back to bite you on the ass.?[/b] Higar said with his face within a few inches of Darroh?s. Darroh just stared into Higar?s eyes. Darroh grabbed Higar?s shirt and lifted him off the ground. [b]?You?d like to bite me on the ass Higar, but that day will never come!? [/b]Darroh hollered as he threw Higar over his shoulder and onto a stone that was sitting in one of the academy?s bushes. Higar?s back cracked and he let out a shriek of pain. [b]?Maybe that will teach you Higar, that you?re just a leech on this academy?s leg. See you next week? fool.?[/b] Darroh and his cronies laughed and walked back into the streets. Konata rushed to Higar?s aid. He was holding onto his back, he looked hurt. The stone that he kept with him fell out of his pocket and onto the ground. Neither him nor Konata noticed that it fell. She picked Higar up and started walking toward the road. [b]?Salo, we need to take him to his mother, I think he?s hurt.?[/b] [b]?Don?t worry Konata?? [/b]Higar said breathing heavily. [b]?I?m okay, but Darroh? he?s bugging me, when we get back to school, I?m ending this.?[/b] Salo laughed and smile. [b]?God can?t wait for what Darroh?s going to get, too bad it?s in a week though.?[/b] Salo said while he grabbed Higar?s leg to help him stay in Konata?s arms. She smiled at Higar. [b]?Yeah, I know what Salo means, patience is crap.?[/b] [CENTER][B][U]CHAPTER 3: THE PLAN[/U][/B][/CENTER] Konata lowered Higar onto his bed. Salo walked into Higar?s room with Higar?s mother, the queen. She walked over to Higar and checked his back. She rubbed Higar?s back than held her hands over him. A few seconds after, a faint light shone from her hands. She was using magic to heal Higar?s back. [b]?Higar, you should of told me you ad a sore back.? [/b]Higar?s mother said. [b]?Thankfully, you only hit the side of your back. By the looks of it, that Lieghtos boy threw you on the ground very hard. If he had hit the middle of your back, you would have returned even worse. Don?t worry just rest for about twenty minutes, and you should be able to get up.?[/b][b]?Sorry we couldn?t help him your majesty, it happened so fast!? [/b]Salo said scratching his head. The queen turned to Salo and shook her head. [b]?It?s quite alright Salo, he?s okay, so don?t go blaming yourself.? [/b]The queen bowed and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. Salo, who was standing near the door, walked over to Higar an sat on his bed. Konata was sitting in Higar?s computer chair. Higar rolled over onto his left side. A sudden shock of pain flew through his body like a raging hawk flying in the sky. [b]?Damn that hurts!? [/b]Higar said grinding his teeth to mask the torture. [b]?Boy, this is going to be a shitty twenty minutes.?[/b] Higar grunted and rubbed his eyes, [b]?So, what are you going to do about Darroh?? [/b]Salo asked out of curiosity. Higar just rolled his eyes and continued his painful grunts. [b]?I don?t know? maybe I should settle this tonight.? ?Huh?? Konata asked. ?Why not wait for school??[/b] [b]?Well? that would just get me into trouble, and during the first day of school no less? It?s just smarter to end our rivalry now.?[/b] A moment of silence spread throughout the room. Higar was deep in thorught as to what he could do. Konata however, was a bit worried as to what could happen if Higar and Darroh ended up fighting. Darroh was a strong person, even stronger than Higar. Konata was often worried about Higar and Darroh?s situation for the past few years, even though nothing really happened. But the fear that something could happen haunted her like her shadow. But Higar was still strong, in fact he is one of the strongest students at the academy. In truth, the difference between Higar and Darroh?s power is small, and doesn?t mean a thing. After about three minutes of silence, Salo finally spoke up. [b]?You should do it tonight Higar, take Darroh on and demolish him. And me and Konata will beat up his dumbass friends! Whadya say guys??[/b] Salo waved his arm in the air like he had just been decided the victor. [b]?It?s an idea, but where would I find Darroh??[/b] [b]?No need to ask, he?s always training at in the park near the school with his idiots, just go there and challenge him.? [/b]Konata said. One minute she was worried, and the next minute she?s raring to go. Konata is really a violent girl at heart, she truly loves fighting. She never worries about herself as much as she worries about others. Now Darroh was quite the opposite, he never worried about anyone, not even his family. Konata hated Darroh because of this, so despite her worries, she does want Higar to beat Darroh up. [b]?Well than I guess it?s decided, we all want to take Darroh down, so today is the day we?ll do it.?[/b] [B][U][CENTER]CHAPTER 4: THE CLINCHER[/CENTER][/U][/B] The clock struck seven, the sun was starting to settle, and stars were starting to twinkle, yet only faintly. The wind was cool and the trees were swaying back and forth in an eerie fashion. Higar, Konata and Salo were ready to take on Darroh and his lackeys. Konata, had her worries of coarse, but they were all confident that this would be the end of their differences, and the end of their rivalry. Higar sifted through his pockets, looking for the stone. Higar stopped on the sidewalk him and the others were walking on. [b]?Guys, did you see my stone anywhere?? [/b]He asked hoping to receive an answer, yet Konata and Salo just shrugged. [b]?Damn, I think I lost it at the academy when I was thrown by Darroh. We better go there and get it.? [/b]Higar turned around and started running off without second thought or word. ?[b]Higar!? [/b]Salo yelled trying to get Higar?s attention, alas, it was no use, Higar didn?t notice. [b]?Salo, I think we should just go ahead.? [/b]Konata suggested. Salo nodded and they both walked off toward the park. [CENTER]___[/CENTER] Higar arrived at the Academy, it was finally pitch black outside, and an eerie sensation enveloped Higar. He had never been at the academy at this time before, and it was creepy, almost like a scene from a horror movie he had seen. Higar shook his feeling off and ran over to the bushes where he fell. After two minutes of searching and looking behind his back, Higar found the stone. But now, in the shine of the moon, it looked different. This time, the stone had a gem-like thing in the center. It was red and the moon?s light made it shine. While looking at the stone, Higar heard a noise form behind him. He jerked back a bit from fear and looked behind him to see a man in a black cloak. Higar, who was shocked, stood up and looked at the person. The moonlight was not revealing even the faintest detail of the person?s face. [b]?What are you holding boy?? [/b]the person asked. The voice was that of a man. His voice was soft, almost welcoming. Higar was still alarmed, however. He stood, ready to attack if the cloaked man went after him. [b]?Why does it matter to you?? [/b]Higar asked. [b]?It?s just a rock, nothing else.? [/b]Higar put the stone in his pocket, but after doing so, the man appeared behind Higar, the man moved in an instant. Higar jumped back and glared at the man. The light from the academy revealed a man with red hair that draped over his face, and he had an odd tattoo on his right cheek. The man was sporting a crooked, almost corrupt smile. [b]?Well, it looks like it?s chosen you child.?[/b] The man said. [b]?What?s chosen me?? [/b]Higar questioned. The man just nodded, and without another word he disappeared into the shadows. Higar walked slowly toward the gate. He took the stone out of his pocket and looked at it, the red gem was still there, but it looked even darker than before. It was probably just the light. [CENTER]___[/CENTER] Salo and Konata arrived at the park. They didn?t expect to see Darroh, John and Raela, yet all three of them were there sitting on a park bench talking. They seemed to not notice Salo or Konata?s presence. [b]?So what are you going to do about that Higar?? [/b]John asked Darroh. Darroh just laughed. [b]?Oh, one of these days that faggot will get his just deserts.? [/b]Darroh sighed and sat back on the bench. [b]?What happened between you and him anyways Darroh?? [/b]Raela asked. Darroh shrugged. [b]?Even though I detest that flea, we promised to never tell anyone. But that doesn?t matter. What does matter is that one day when me and him will end it.? [/b]Darroh got off the bench and smiled. [b]?I can sense your energy Konata? Salo.. I?m not retarded.?[/b] Darroh turned around and stood as if he was about to fight. [b]?You look like you?re getting ready to fight us Darroh, you afraid we can take you down?? [/b]Salo jested. Darroh laughed. [b]?So does that mean you?re willing to fight me? HA! That?s funny, without your boyfriend you don?t stand a chance! Well, if you want to be humiliated, so be it.? [/b]Darroh stepped back and patted John and Raela on the back. [b]?You can take care of these losers guys.?[/b] Darroh laughed and sat on the bench. John and Raela stepped forward and started chuckling as if they were going to take Salo and Konata, and rip them to shreds. Suddenly the sound of a tree branch moving caught everyone?s attention. Everyone, Salo, Konata, Darroh, John and Raela, looked at the tree to see Higar perched on the branch like a phoenix. [b]?Sorry it took me so long to get here guys, I had a little run in with someone before I could get here.?[/b] Darroh jumped to action and glared at Higar. [b]?Heh, seems like I get some action as well! So Higar, I take it you want to fight??[/b] Darroh asked as he drew out a sword. Higar?s eyes grew large in shock. Darroh drew a weapon out to fight Higar. Higar himself, had nothing except his hands and legs. He swallowed the lump in his throat and stood on the branch. Higar threw away his fear of being sliced, and he became fearless. The rivalry was about to end. [B][U][CENTER]CHAPTER 5: THE RED FILTERS THROUGH[/CENTER][/U][/B] The moon was eclipsed by the dark clouds of the night. Higar and Darroh looked into each other?s eyes with both hate, and a burning passion to defeat one another. Higar, who only had his fists to fight, was ready and willing to take Darroh on despite the fact that Darroh was carrying a blade. It seemed like an eternity at that moment in time; where Darroh and Higar stared into each other?s eyes and saw the hate they had for each other. Salo and Konata were also standing off with john and Raela, they too were ready to fight, without their fears rearing they?re ugly heads. Salo, was an expert at hand-to-hand combat, and Konata utilized her legs and grace as a weapon. John and Raela were mirror images of Salo and Konata only in the fact that they utilized the same fighting styles. It was like everyone was fighting themselves. Higar jumped off the branch and onto the ground, yet he kept starring at Darroh and his blade. Without word or warning, Darroh charged after Higar at high-speed. He jumped in the air and held his blade in front of him ready to smash Higar?s face with the side of the blade. Higar sidestepped just as Darroh?s blade entered his spade. Higar flipped backwards just as Darroh turned to punch him. Before Darroh could attack, Higar grabbed the arm that held Darroh?s sword and twisted. Darroh kicked Higar?s hand and pushed him off. Higar fell to the ground. [b]?Humph, it seems as if, as usual, you are down on the floor Higar.?[/b] Darroh chuckled as he rose his arm in the air. [b]?Time to show you not to mess with me, I?m going to stab you?re leg and impale you, I will do it in a way that will paralyze you for life. THAT, my friend is how I will end this.? [/b]With that last word, Higar lost all courage, just as Darroh started lowering his arm. In under a second, Darroh lowered his arm onto Higar?s leg. But something wasn?t right.[b] ?What!? [/b]Darroh yelled in surprise. Higar stared at his pocket and saw his pants shine with a blood red light. Darroh had it, and damaged the stone in Higar?s pocket. Darroh stepped back and held his eyes. [b]?Damn it!? [/b]He yelled as the light pierced his hands and blinded him. Darroh stepped back some more as Higar grabbed the stone out of his pocket. Btu Higar dropped it as soon as it left his pocket, the stone was hot, unbearably hot.[b] ?Son of a bitch!? [/b]Higar cursed. Darroh sat down on the ground and started blinking, his sight was returning. Yet before he could stand up, another light shone. This time it didn?t blind, yet it made everything white for a second or two. After the light faded, the stone that the light came from, disappeared. And it?s place a sword lay. It had a red and orange blade, and it looked to be about five feet long from each end to the other. Darroh looked at it and threw his blade to his side, than he crawled as fast as he could toward it. Before Higar could grab it, Darroh held onto it with his very existant. But before Darroh could even blink, the sword burned is hands. [b]?Fuck!?[/b] He screamed as he grabbed his hand in pain. Higar took this chance to grab the sowrd, and he did. But it didn?t burn him like it did Darroh, instead it allowed Higar to hold it. He extended the blade toward Darroh. [b]?Now who?s lying on the floor Darroh??[/b] Salo and Konata watched Higar and Darroh in amazement. None of them were raising a fist, they were all mesmerized from what was going on. John and Raela finally snapped out of it and ran to Darroh?s side. Salo and Konata followed suit. [b]?You okay Darroh?!? [/b]Raela asked holding Darroh?s shoulder. John looked at Darroh?s arm to see it chared and burnt. Yet Darroh was still moving it and he grabbed his blade again. [b]?JOHN, RAELA GET HIM!? [/b]Darroh yelled in agony as his hand trembled in pain. He rose to his feet and charged at Higar holding his sword out. All three of them, Darroh, Raela and John, charged at Higar. [b]?Fuck!?[/b] Konata yelled as she jumped in front of him. Darroh, who wasn?t paying attention, had no time to stop and lower his sword. And so, his blade impaled Konata right in the chest. Blood flew everywhere. Higar, who was standing behind Konata, was splattered with her blood. Everyone?s eyes were glowing with the realization that Konata had been killed. Higar dropped his sword and fell to his knees. He starred into the sky and clenched the ground, digging into the mixture of blood and dirt. Higa whispered her name, and it resonated thorughout her last breath. [b]?Konata??[/b][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="1"]I've been listening to a song with the town of 'Farmersville,' so I decided to make a poem out of it. Farmersville, a sinful little town of weeds. Shame is planted like clockwork. Dementing and unrelentless. Hell[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [SIZE="1"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Right now I'm listening to My December by Linkin Park. The song isn't on any CD's so don't expect to find it easy, I got it off ProjectPlaylist. Anyways, it's not a common LP song, but it's different than a lot of them too. It's sad and Chester and what's his name are singing very softly in this song. It's depressing and there's a bunch of weird sounds in the backround. But if you love LP, do yourself a favor and find My December on the net and listen to it[/COLOR]![/FONT][/SIZE]
  6. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Three words. Scream, Aim, Fire. I bummed it off of Projectplaylist, and I also obtained, Until I Die and So Many People by Neurosonic, as well as Becoming the Bull by Atreyu and Interiatic ESP by The Mars Volta. Good songs![/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Sorry to have offended you but really, I sort of find some parts of your last post offending as well. Anyways, I'm listening to 10,000 Days by Tool. It's helping me get inspiration for my upcoming story 2572. I'm on chapter 10 an dI should ahve it up on OB soon, it's my alst story, so I've decided to actually finish it. But I need all the inspiration I can get, and my music is what's helping me.[/COLOR]
  8. [SIZE="1"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Ugh... DB. I myself would love a girl who listens and loves a lot of the bands I do. To me music is a big connection, it's one of teh biggest ways I get out my feelings, and I like a girl who won't judge me if I seem too 'emotional' for a guy. I also like a girl who isn't' afraid to cry to or with me, I'm not good at helping someone who's crying, but i try my best cause when someone cries I also get sad. Also, I admit, I can be perverted, and I like a girl who doesn't judge me on that, or a girl who is perverted herself. I say, not do most of the time, so need to worry there. I also like girls who don't hate my friends, and who can get along with them, it makes me feel comfortable. And I don't' care about the parents really. As for looks, I like a girl who dresses in dark clothes, I don't really care about size, I really like a girl who's around my height. For me, 'opposites attract' doesn't cut it for me. I have to be with someone who I can relate to. Bra size adn stuff like that doesn't matter. I do like big boobs, but I don't need to have someone with them, love is about, well her, not [I]her[/I] if you follow what I mean. And yeah, I can be very effeminate with some of my lady friends.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="1"]I'm sorry if this seems rude Sabrina, but I feel a bit offended. I'm sorry if I should feel guilty instead. :animedepr Right now I'm listening to Orphan Anthem '86 by Fair to Midland. It's a beautiful, and very compelling piece of music. The piano, guitars, drums and the vocals are quite amazing, as well as haunting. It's my favorite song by FTM because FTM's normal mixture of hard and soft is at it's prime. The guitars are distorted, yet the piano in the backround seems elegant and adds the beauty to the song. Toward the end of the song, the lead singer Darroh Sudderth (who has an awesome name, btw) screams in the backround, which makes the song fill with a bit of rage. [I]Anyways, the lyrics are also very good and they seem to have some meaning behind them. I.E. "Tell them all to chalk me out with oval arms and hopscotch eyelids. On marble covered mountains you're my cargo. We're gone, but not better. It's not long, but it matters. Your suit and tie are much to tight in farmersville[/I]" Which I think, are well written. But what makes the song haunting, is how all of the elements combine. And at the very end the vocals start to fade and we are left with a very odd piano outro. The last two lines of lyrics. "You're the brimstone" and "You're my cargo" echo at the end, with some other string instrument in the backround (I am forced to say violin, or cello) end it with a soft and very odd last few seconds. Yeah, I love this song a lot, ad it really means a lot to me for some reason. And I admit it sort of makes me want to cry. :animeswea so yeah, this song is very strong imo, I dont' know what others would think though.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="1"]Y...you're back?! Sweet, I've wondered where you've been! Welcome back.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]I don't blame you Aaryanna, you have a really cute dog! My aunt has Bichon's and they're just fricken adorable, I used to play with their oldest one all the time when I was there.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [size=1][font=book antiquia][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Nothing you can say will stop me going home! Enough MCR, even though I'm lsitening to them... but anyways earlier I practiced my metal scream to Chapter IV by Avenged Sevenfold. It was when they were metalcore, which in my oponion, they should go back to. Chapter IV is the second bes song on the album, after I Won't See you Tonight Part 1. And it's why i like metalcore more now, cause I've listened to it so long.[/COLOR][/font][/size]
  13. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="1"]Crystia, he's just kidding around you know? It was just brotherly love. By a talking to on AIM, I was referring to me and him just laughing about it. So he was just pulling my chain, no need to worry. Besides if he wanted to tell me my music sucks, he'd do it on AIM, not like he hasn't already. BTW Whoa, Mann, The NUmber 12 Looks Like You= the sweetness. Anyways right now I'm listening to Famous Last words by My Chemical Romance, it's from when I bummed some music off of Projctplyalist. Anyways, I like MCR, nothing big but Famous Last Words is an excellent song. Plus, Metatron... freaking psychodelic![/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="1"]Ace dude, the guy in your avatar that is hitting his head on that computer matches the beat of The Clincher by Chevelle, sweetness. And if you're wondering why i'm not saying anything to DB, I already gave him a talking to on AIM.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="1"]Not good at these kinds of poems. But it's worth a shot. Pain, dark and torturous. Deeply cuts the skin. Gives me something to kill about. Suffering. Water, blue like the eyes of truth. Touches the world with peace. Allows love to line the glass. Liquid. Metatron, a messenger of the holy land. He guids us all into heaven. Shines love and grace upon the land. Serraphim. Barry the Chopper. a murderous slayer. Cuts the innocent to shreds. Terrorizes our worst fears. Homicidal maniac. Hope you don't me making four.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Panache if I were you I'd go looking for the songs Brainiac, I Get It, Well Enough Alone, The Clincher and Vitamin R (Leading us Along) They are really good tracks. Most of those songs are the singles, but they're pretty good. For a complete CD, I'd suggest buying [B]Vena Sera[/B], it has Anti-Saint on it as well as a bunch of other great songs like Humanoid. Anyways, I'm recording songs onto my MP3's line-in-recorder. That makes it so I can download songs off of the computer without it being a hassle. Which means, All That Remains by 3, Orphan ANthem '86 by Fair to Midland and Metatron by TMV are now on my MP3. I'm happy and content beyond comprehendable human understanding! :animesmil[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [SIZE="1"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I just had EPIC lulz! It's not that bad Panahce. My friend in obsessed with Mudvayne, and we he heard/saw that I listened to them, he didn't start talking about them. And tell me, what do you like about Chevelle? What songs did you listen to?[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE="1"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Ahhh Panache, always good to see your sense of humor. Anyways now I have to share a mexican song with you. [QUOTE][spoiler]My name is Paco, I live in a taco, I make 5 dollars a day. I met this girl Lucy, I sucked on her ***** and she took my 5 dollars away. [/spoiler][/QUOTE] Ik it's a bit dirty but blame Panache for posting stuff about Mexico :p Oh wait this thread has a topic... forgot. Ummm, I'm listening to random **** on m MP3, right now I'm listening to The Light and the Glass by Coheed and Cambria. Beautiful song.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE="1"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]OMG RACH! You love to listen to Rachmaninoff? I would have never guessed? :p[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  20. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]They do, and one of these days I'm going to flip on them like a McDonald's manager![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="1"]I think I'm overdosing with all this [B]Vitamin R (Leading us Along) [/B]by [B]Chevelle[/B]. It's kind of funny how a song about addiction to Ritelin can be addicting itself. But really, once I start hearing I have to listen to it 10 times more. I suggest this song to anyone who's a fan of any grundge/post-grunge, Alice in Chains, Breaking Benjamin, whatever, LISTEN TO THIS SONG![/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [font="book antiquia"][size=1][COLOR="darkslategray"]I know what you mean about those dumb Soulja Boy songs. All of my friends sing it, and none of us listen to hip-hop or rap. It sickens me really. Still lsitening to Linkin Park, a while ago I was listening to 10,000 Days by Tool, which is an amazing song.[/COLOR][/size][/font]
  23. [COLOR=darkslategray][SIZE=1][FONT=Book Antiqua]I'm finally starting to listen to other songs off of the latest [B]Chevelle[/B] album I bought. Get [B]Some [/B]is a pretty good song. But right now I'm listening to [B]Breach Birth[/B], which is an excellent tune. BTW Allamorph, love the cat in your avatar, cute.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [quote name='Felix Freeman'][SIZE=1][CENTER][B] Now:[/B] Afterlife [B]Artist:[/B] Avenged Sevenfold[/CENTER] I like the song... everything but the vocals, it sounds like the lead singer is trying too hard, reminds me of a dying cat. great instrumentation though.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]I really don't about the vocals, that's just M. Shadows to me, lol. The violin (or whatever it is) in the beginning adds a nice touch. Plus the soul cackling at the end are a perfect end, it's a good song, with a great message. A Little Piece of Heaven off of that album, is better though. Honestly listen to it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I do mean as a whole, sadly. Right now I'm listening [B]The Little Things give you Away [/B]off of Linkin Park's [B]Minutes to Midnight[/B]. A surprise to me, it's an excellant son, and the CD, while sucking balls, isn't that bad anymore. Given up, What I've Done and No More Sorrow are good songs. The rest however, is crap.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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