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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [SIZE="1"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Not much respect for the rules either. Anyways, just decided to say that we've already had a thread like this before, it's not that old either. I'll link it soon, but just a heads up for next time. [URL="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=56992"]Click here.[/URL] I honestly think it should have been stick-ified, but anyways, that's the old thread.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  2. [quote name='AzureWolf']I have [B]huffed [/B]and [B]puffed [/B]Google to find a way to transfer txt messages. [/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]You can get high off Google? And since when did search engines gain make sex organs? Anyways, it might be a longshot but you could always open a Word document, or use Notepad and type the messages onto a document and save it. It might take a while, but hey, at least you don't have to download anything or buytoput them on the comp.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]I haven't heard much Beethoven guys, but I can stand him, it's mostly due to a movie that I saw in Music in like, 1st or 2nd grade. Anyways, he's just my kind of person. Deaf, and can be a prick sometimes. From what the movie showed me anyways XP [I]Arnold Scwartzinegger was practicing his lines for a film. In the film he was going to play a classic, and great musician. So his director asks, [B]"Can you tell me one of the lines from your script Arnold?"[/B] Arnold replies saying [B]"I'lll be Bach."[/B][/I] [spoiler]Sorry couldn't resist![/spoiler] Ahem... anyways, I'm still listening to Vitamin R by Chevelle, and for some reason, I can't sway myself away from the damn song! I've been circulating it over and over, from my stereo to my MP3... someone help me! >_
  4. [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Ugh classical music besides [B]Beethoven[/B] makes me cringe... bleck! XP I can't stop listening to [U]Vitamin R (Leading us Along)[/U] by [B]Chevelle[/B]. the song is just so hautning I can't escape it. The vocals going from soft and beautifully mesmerizing to aggressive and amazingly mind-destructive screams. Plus the lyrics are amazing. [B][I]"Suffer now of suffer then. It's bad enough I want the fear. Need the fear." [/I][/B]These lyrics just get to me. The song itself is about addiction to Ritelin, hence the song title, Vitamin R. But god the song is a prime example of a haurting tune you can't turn. I'm a sucker for the alt-metal/post-grunge scene.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Sometimes, we buy an album, or hear a song and go meh. But sometimes a good song drives us further and halts us within the town of Obsession. So, I ask you, what is your latest musical obsession. It can be 1 song, it can be 1 album, or it could be a whole band. For me, it's [B]Chevelle[/B]. In under a week I've bought two of their CD's, [I]Vena Sera[/I] and [B]This Type of Thinking (Could do us in). [/B]which is different for me, because I never in my life have bought two albums from the same band in the same week. But god, Chevelle is awesome. They could be compared a bit to Tool, but mostly due to lead singer [B]Pete Loeffler[/B], who can go from soft and melodic to harsh and aggressive. And also, they have some similarity between their voices that I just love. Also, Pete has an [I]AMAZING [/I]writing talent, using metaphors at almost every turn. ([B]"Time holds us for a minute, it dries the wrists like penicillin" [/B]- [U]Brainiac[/U] from [U]Vena Sera[/U].) Plus, the lyrics, while sometimes very serious sounding, can be very foolish. Like the song Get Some, which is really based on drinking whiskey and passing out on the yard. To really show how much I love Chevelle, I've hardly had any time to listen to Coheed and Cambria.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [SIZE="1"][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I almost baught The Bedlam in Goliath, but my obsesion with Chevelle forced me to buy This Type of Thinking (Could do us in). So far, I've only listened to track 3, Vitamin R (Leading us Along) and it is a good example of the difference between Chevelle and Tool. Pete Loeffler of Chevelle can go from a soft voice, to an aggresive and brutal voice, which is something Maynard James Keenan is good at. Plus the vocals sound like Maynard went back in time when he a teenager. They sound a lot a like. But yeah, can't wait to get this CD on my MP3![/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  7. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]I agree about the 'forced voices' Gavin, Shikimaru imo, ahs the most f. I mean, sometimes I admit, I'll turn on the Japanese vocies on video games or DVD's, cause really it's not that big of a deal, but with anime it's different, casue a) I don't own any anime DVD's and b) I don't want to read subtitles for an episode I'll probably never see again.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Yeah, sorry about thr spelling Raiha, I sort of forgot the 'h', but it was from the second time I named the thread, I thought I improved the title, guess not. :animeswea Anyways, I do think that they should at least have a warning that there is smoking in a movie, they warn us about alcohol use in video games and movies, so they should warn us about smoking too. But if one measly cigarette ups a movie's rating to 'R,' than that is sort of stupid.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]On the bus ride to school, there's always this ad pn the radio for an ant-smoking group in St. Lawerence County, NY. Some people want cigarettes and all forms of smoking to only be in R rated movies, because it might influence people to smoke. For example: kids. Honeslty I don't think this should be supported. WTF is doing this going to change? Kids still see it in their everyday life. And hoenslty it's like saying no one smokes period. Plus, if it's isolated to movies, the same should be done to TV. This also causes a problem, imo. If you've ever watched [B]That's 70's Show[/B], you'll know that they smoke pot. But really, saying that if a movie has smoking it sould be rated R? I think it's a stupid thing and it's hardly going to make a difference in the long run. So do you agree with this? Or do you disagree?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I honestly didn't think A_M being the subject of a story is completely out of the question, imo. Nothing macabre, violant, or grutesque, but going out peacefully shouldn't be wrong. And technically, in my last request I wished for all of the members of OB to be zombeis, 'cept me and Allamorph. So really, A_M has died/ been dead in a story. I'm in no way trying to justify DB's request, it went too far. I'm just laying out my opinion. And honeslty so what if Raiha said no? Rules and laws are always subject to change.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  11. [quote name='Solo Tremaine'] [COLOR=#503f86]I did wonder for a while if I'd set in motion a dramatic chain of events that would lead to OtakuBoards' eventual downfall, but I'm glad that's not the case.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Yeah, [I]we [/I]were the ones trying to bring OB down really, not seriously, but that's what our side of the RPG was trying to do. The Hentai thread ealeir this year that caused controversy, was a product of the OB Terrorists. It was a fun RPG while it lasted too. BTW, When I first saw this thread title on the Forum Home page, I knew it was about this.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [size=1][COLOR="Navy"]Right now I'm listening to 10,000 Days by Tool... on my new kick-*** MP3! I got it at the new Super-Wal*Mart near my home. Anyways, it's a distradction from my obsesion with Chevelle, who's lead singer looks like that Cook dude form this season's American Idol. Plus, his voice is sometiems compared to Maynard James Keenan, and Chevelle and Tool sort of have similarities IMO. In a few minutes I'll be listening to Chevelle again.... *sigh...*[/COLOR][/size]
  13. [COLOR="Navy"]Well, me and my ex are having a fight as to whether it's Shippuuden or Shippuden, and if sasuke and naruto, are supposed lovers. God she's annoying.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="Navy"]Thank you Raiha, that was beautiful. I really liked the story. I loved how you described how our bodies were boring tore apart. Plus, the kitten added a sort of last peace in a way. Bravo. You should publish something, you are an excellant and very talented writer.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR="Navy"]Gavin the thing is, I absolutely HATE subs. Unless an anime is godly and it must be seen, I won't watch subs. Subs suck period, imo. I don't want to spend my time reading subtitles and having my head drilled with annoying and repetitive Japanese voices. Sorry but a lot of the Japanese sound the same to me. I mean, usually subs go unedtited and untouched, but I don't really find that a problem. Plus on the net, they're a ***** to find and my computer won't load ****. BTW, at my ex-gf's I watched a few mintues of Naruto: Shippuden, and I couldn't stand the voices. Plus, I love the voices for the character sin Naruto. Zabuza, Gaara, Orochimaru, Itachi, Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura and a whole bunch of others have great voices. The only ones I can't stand are Ino, Temari, and Tenten, but the voice actors voice just bugs me period. Also, thanks for comment on my username Gavin. It's a type of drum, and it also means 'Non-believer.' Thus, my custom title.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="navy"]Sorry Ace, but my hand isn't a valuable source of protein or iron. And hey, I'm not that bad once you get to know me.[/COLOR]
  17. [B][COLOR="Navy"]"I came, I saw, I blacked out." "Sadly, I had just saved 15% on my car insurance by switching to Geico." "Does anyone have any lotion for cracked skin? "This isn't goodbye, I'll be in your garden tomorrow!" "I guess where the sidewalk ends is a cliff..." "Don't piss him off, seven days can become less." "In case of Necrophelia, break bones."[/COLOR][/B]
  18. [COLOR="Navy"]Heh, I played the original Metroids on my brother's computer, I felt like I wanted to die, despite the great game. Final Fantasy did the same thing, good story, and game play, well worth it, but I wanted to blow a fuse and strangle a kitten. @ Aceburner: A neck hug? Sounds loveable.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="Navy"]Yeah, I may seem weird, but I'm a good kid... as long as Allamorph is around to scorn me when I'm in trouble... or Crystia does that well :animeswea Just be lucky 2008DigitalBoy isn't on, me and him are trouble![/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="Navy"]God Allamorph. PULL IT OUT! Get it? lol, that isn't hard to understand. Duuh :p[/COLOR]
  21. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]The only problem with that is that he was only found to have a particularly wide stance in a men's restroom. Nobody ever found him with his pants around his ankles and a page bent over the table in front of him. Cough. There's the fact that he's homosexual, or at least roundly accused of being gay anyway, but he's not running for re-election this year so why the long face? At least he wasn't actually indicted as a co conspirator in a prostitution ring. Look at the bigger picture here. And no. You will never find an honest politician ever. But before you freak out about the new governor, remember that while he cheated on his wife, she cheated on him. Two way street there. She wasn't staying home and weeping over her knitting, as far as I can see, she was out getting revenge sex of her own. Which is definitely what you should do if given half a chance. Oh yes. What does he being legally blind have to do with anything?[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]The big deal about being legally blind is he can't see a prostitute, lowering his chance of becomeing the Black-Spitzer. I'm sorry but this whole thing is filled with Spitz and giggles.[/COLOR]
  22. [quote name='Sabrina'][FONT="Tahoma"] I suppose if I were to pull it out and play it again I might hit that hundred hour mark... [/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]Sorry to do this, but that my friend is a funny post. Sorry, I'm 14 I need to point this out! I"ve played Guitar Hero now for over 100 Hours, YAY![/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="Navy"]Cartoon Network showed another Miazaki movie, Howl's Moving Castle last Sunday, I hope they show it again. Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away and Castle in the Sky were amazing movies, and Cartoon Network made a good move showing them, so missing Howl's Moving Castle is a big mistake[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="Navy"]I'm still stuck on Naruto, don't read the manga, or watch Shipuuden, but if it ever becomes dubbed, I'll watch for sure. Too bad it's not, eh, have to wait I guess.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="Navy"]I read on Wikipedia that he uses a level of Chakra equivilant to the 4-Tailed Fox Naruto, or something like that, so I was wondering.[/COLOR]
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