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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR="1234"]Allamorph I'm sorry for the hanging text. Really I am. I just tend to forget to contin- Well, we decided to let bygones be bygones. Plus, I told her that I called myself unfaithful cause some fat kid at school said I called [B]her [/B]unfaithful and I also said that she cheated on me. This same kid lied earlier when I was going out with her too, so I'm suspicious. Anyways, problem solved.. for now. I've already got a crush on someone else and if I go out with her my ex will go 'I thought you said you weren't ready for a relationship?' Which is what I told her a while ago. But you know things change rather quickly for me. @ Allamorph: I may only be fourteen, but I understand things better than most of the 14 year olds in my grade. I will be fifteen in August after all, so I'm not some immature little bugger with an happy-go-lucky mind. I've grown up a bit more due to my closet-confusion-catastrophe, that's when I had to deal with the whole 'ur gay, ur such a *** LOLZ!!!!!!!!111!!1!!!' Dealing with such immature remarks as that has helped me now. Even though as DB put it, I am a bit malleable, but that doesn't mean I'm an easy obstacle, strength wise I am, but mentally I'm not. But I do tend block things out, just ask Metalcore501. Today he pushed my bookbag off the bus seat and I just kept on listening to my music. I donn't know if that's good or bad though really >_
  2. [QUOTE='[Sound_Nin];806603'][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua] Now. [U][B]*At the risk of sounding like a complete *******.* [/B][/U]Can we please stop with the advice threads? They're getting way too excessive. Really, why don't you call Sue Johanson, or Dr Phil? At least invest in a psychiatrist, because I know there are quite a few of us that don't like seeing every single effing one of these threads being about 'oh my boyfriend/girlfriend/ex broke up with me/wants me back, what should I do?' Seriously, folks. This is getting to be a bit much. [/FONT][/COLOR][/LEFT][/QUOTE] [COLOR="1234"]Sorry to bring this argument back, but I'm 14, I DONT KNOW how to handle these things like you guys. Don't like these advice threads? Oh well, you'll get over it. On Gaiaonline there's a while subforum for advice. Plus OB is a pretty excepting, helpful, and friendly site. So asking for advice ehre is a pretty good idea. Anyways, this problem is resolved... finally![/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="1234"]These girlfriend problems just never ceace to exist. Anyways, she broke up with me, and the next day she sent my friend a text message and told her to tell me it was a 'test.' Well, usually these tests are told about beforehand, but this time it was a sudden 'we're done but let's be friends thing.' Anyways, later that day a period or two before lunch, I sent her a text on my friends phone telling her no. Well, later that day she bugged me so I said, one more chance just to shut her up a bit. But later we brokoe up again and ever since she won't stop with the 'you don't know what you've forgotten' and the 'I need you,' and the whole 'you lied to me.' I want to stay friends wiht her, but not with her doing this and not with her begging over and over. What's worse is, she knows some secrets that would damage my freindship, I todl her than becuase I trusted her, but I don't want to do somehting dangerous and end up losing my friend over the secret. So what should I do now OB?[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="1234"]Or maybe, we should restart this whole thing all over again, that might just help us find the direciton we need. Does that sound like a plan? Discuss.[/COLOR]
  5. [CENTER][COLOR="1234"][FONT="Copperplate gothic bold"][SIZE="20"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]2572[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [LIST][*][FONT="Arial Narrow"]PROLOGUE: Tall Tales Taste Like Sour Grapes[/FONT] [/LIST] -/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- [FONT="Arial Black"]PROLOGUE[/FONT][/CENTER] 700,000,000,000 years ago, a planet called earth died. The year was 2572 and all existence was destroyed by an unfamiliar other-worldly force that collided with the planet?s North Pole. The force was so great that the shockwaves scattered across the world and to the other pole. This energy caused a massive volcano to emerge from the center of Antarctica. The volcano melted the ice and covered the land. And from the north pole, a deadly virus spread to the world, it didn?t kill anyone for the explosion itself caused Mass Extinction. The world was over? or so it seemed. A new life-force emerged from the crater left by the impact. This life-force wasn?t human nor animal, yet it engulfed the planet in a new land. The rest of the earth?s crust evaporated into nothingness from the poison. But the new life-force created a new crust, new water, and new land mass. The earth had to rebuild itself from scratch, everything repeated, and the rest of space watched. But now, after so long, the earth is back to the state it was in during 2572, however the world is in use of the Kingdom System. But, the story of how the earth ended so long ago is nothing but a tall tale long forgotten. [CENTER]-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ Chapter 1 will be up later, I'm still finisheing it up. But as I've said, this might be tha last story I'll ever write, so if it is, I'm sticking roughly to poetry. So I'd apreciate any feedback I can get, thanks[/CENTER][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="1234"]No... he's like 8, 9 or 10. BUT CAN YOU PROSECUTE?![/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="1234"]There's a chinese kid who can hit almost every single note on through the Fire and Flames... ON EXPERT! He even did it on The Ellen Degenerase Show.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="1234"]Well, yesterday I saw one of the best, and most disapointing Bleach episodes... [spoiler]RENJI DIED! GOD ****ING DAMN IT HE'S DEAD! WHAAA![/spoiler] Anyways I'm waiting for Ichigo to get his ****ing [spoiler]Bankai.[/spoiler] Blood+ will be coming to a clsoe soon. [spoiler]Soloman tried to kill Diva, but he got killed instead, which pissed me off cause he's one of my favorite Chevaliers. And if Saya kills Diva, Haji has to kill Saya. YIPEE! One of my favorite characters gets to get killed by another favorite character.[/spoiler] Saya's dead body would be sooo hot! :^D- And, and... Death Note... [spoiler]LIGHT SLUGGED L![/spoiler] And Eureka Seven, I reunited with one of teh last episodes where Renton, Eureka and the kids are in that [spoiler]alternate universe with Renton's father and sister. Then they learn the limit of questions is about to be reacehd... and I saw some pics on the net of Eureka and Enomine.... YAY![/spoiler] The show is the only favorite me and DB share, for characters and story. E7 is even better than NGE, *gasp.*[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR="1234"]I"ll stick anything salty in my mouth... wait. I mean, cookies, yummmmmm![/color]
  10. [quote name='The Black Order']4.If all else fails, I would be glad to come to your school and help you deal with this crap...though we may live in different areas and I'm not sure that I could go...[/quote] [COLOR="darkred"]O_o? Is that good or bad? Anyways, this problem is resolved as of now, but keep the help comming, it's well apreciated.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="1234"]I don't like that song Panache, so I'm in luck than. @ Face - It's good that you brought evidence, now I see your point. Sorry for the misunderstanding.[/COLOR]
  12. [quote name='Mr. Maul'][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]The real crime is namedropping such mediocre items as MD and C&C in a futile attempt to sound cool. I like waffles. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR="1234"]That's funny considereing how I didn't abbreviate them C&C or MD.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="1234"]I hardly ever go to OB for help anyone :/ But now I need it, DESPERATELY! Anyways, to the point. One of my friends is a nice girl, she treats me well, and she is like a sister to me... but. She has a friend, another girl btw, and she is a.. how can I put this without sounding like a prick? Who cares, she's a ***** okay! But, she always has an attitude with me, and I'm about ready to pimp-slap her. The sad thing is, one of my other friends is dating her, so I can't say anything without damaging my other friends trust. This guy, I've known since 2nd grade, and now I'm in 8th... so pretty long time considering only one of my other friends dates way back to that grade. So, this girl will always whine and complain about what I do. I say something she goes "shut up," "get over yourself," (which you NEVER say to me) "whatever," or she'll call me a dumbass or gay. So I ask, what do I do? I've already tried to give it back to her, hell I've even told her why my gf hates her and what I think of her, but NOTHING WORKS! So I need your help OB. [B]How do I deal with someone who ******* and complains like her wihtout losing my friend's trust?[/B] [/COLOR]
  14. [quote name='Panache']...Pour Some Urine on Me.[/quote] [COLOR="1234"]O_o? Anyways, last night I downloaded a small bit of 3's [B]All That Remains[/B]. And now after listening to the first! minute and 22 seconds of the song, I want to buy the album, The End is Begun, SO BADLY! I just can't get over how great this band is, in fact they're pretty unique. They also have the album Wake Pig, that I'd like to get as well. FYE is pissing me off BTW, They sold Agalloch albums, and htey have the nerve to not take out the tab that says 'Agalloch' on top. There hasn't been an Agalloch album under that tab in over 3 MONTHS, and yet they continue to let the tab stand there and tease me... bastards >_>[/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"] Awesome thread. :) [b]Hot Fuzz[/b]: [size=5]BEST. MOVIE. EVER.[/size] Egdar Wright, Simon Pegg, marry me now. [spoiler]Or just let me have your kids.[/spoiler] [/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR="1234"]I was just about to say.... Hot Fuzz is awesome. Watched at my brothers, 3 times, and that makes about... 10 views since I bought it. I think SImon Pegg is an amazing actor, and Nick Frost was funny as hell as usual. [spoiler]The whole katsup trick was funny as hell![/spoiler] [B]Saw IV [/B]- My mom didn't want me to watch it, she said it was too gory. I loved it, tehonly scene I didn't like was the beginning scene with the autopsy table. It wasn't as good as the third Saw. [B]Saw III [/B]- Watched this movie the day after I watched Saw IV, and I thought tis movie was really good. Shawnee Smith played her role great, and I've loved her ever since she was on Becker a few years back as the ditzy women at the clinic. Anyways, I really dug the story and the ending scene was a perfect get to gather, and the whole 'game' thing was pretty cool too.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="1234"]Anyways, right now I'm just listening to whatever I find, lol. But I'm still listening to that new Avenged Sevenfold album, which after listening to it a few times, it's not that bad anymore. Still hate Dear God though and I want to take M. Shadows' head and smash it agianst the floor. Did you know, early Avenged Sevenfold was a mix of Punk and MetalCORE?[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="1234"][B]3 [/B]is a Progressive Rock band from Woodstock NY, and if anyone has proper knowledge about them knows, the band has conections to my favorite band, Coheed & Cambria. Josh Eppard, ex drummer of Coheed, was in the band 3, along with his brother Joey Eppard, who uses a weird flamenco/slap hybrid guitar technique. IDK what it is, but anyways. They have 5 albums, [B]Paint by Number, Half-Life, Summercamp Nightmare, Wake Pig,[/B] and [B]The End is Begun[/B]. They also have one EP titled [B]These Iron Bones[/B]. Anyways, this band is really good. I showed it to someone yesterday and he thought they was pretty great. I've only heard a few songs so far, mind you. [B]Alien Angel, The End is Begun [/B]and [B]These Iron Bones[/B], but they were really good songs. The lead singer, Joey Eppard, has a great voice, almost Claudio Sanchez like to be exact. [QUOTE]In May 2007, the band toured with the British progressive rock group Porcupine Tree, on the first leg of their North American Fear of a Blank Planet tour. Currently 3 is on tour with 80's rock legends Scorpions and just finished up the second leg of the Fear of a Blank Planet tour with Porcupine Tree on October 29th. They will be part of "Progressive Nation '08" along with Dream Theater, Opeth, and Between the Buried and Me. [/QUOTE] It also seems like they're going to be busy with some good bands too. Hell, Porcupine Tree, Opeth, Dream Theater? IDK if it's true or not, but if it is, they're playing with the big kids. So does anyone here like this band, or own any albums? Oh ****, has anyone even heard word of this band? [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="1234"]I've been listening to A Little Pice of Heaven by Avenged Sevenfold, and I must say it is EPIC for them. The song doesn't have guitar in it, and besides the drums and vocals, it's unlike Avenged Sevenfold. Honestly, most of the music is played by other instramentslike the piano, trumpet, etc. And it makes a great song. It's a tale about a man, who kills his lover, has sex with her dead body, than gets killed by her ghost. Than to top it all off, they marry and go on a killing spree. It's a really good song, and it actually makes the album worth while. BUt don't expect some Hard Rock tune, it's like a broadway show in 8 minutes. But I'll say, it's an amazing song for Avenged Sevenfold. Not my favorite song by them, but it's unique for them and it's up there.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="1234"]First of all, I'm going to say that this could lead to trouble. And honestly, who cares if he thinks your attacking him, he shouldn't be callng people you hate honey. Believe if I did that, my girlfriend would hang me by my nuts. If I were you I'd just tell him you don't like it, plain old simple as that. And if it doesn't work, then you need to get really serious about it. [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="1234"]I like The Number 12 Looks Like You, I love Underoath and Norma Jean a bit too. Forgot about them for a second. Cattle Decapitation is a pretty good grindcore band too.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="1234"]There's a Big Lots in NY Dagger, so there should be other ones too. There's one in Massena NY, it's on border of Canada.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="1234"]I bought Avenged Sevenfold's new self-titled album. It's alright, but nothing spectacular. I went to Wal-Mart and the one where I live is closing down to make way for the Super Wal-Mart, so the prices were lower. So I decided to buy it, and it's nothing superb, but it's not crap.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="1234"]Guys, I know this RPG isn't going far, but I hope to get it really going soon. However, we didn't get much action, and I think almost all of you have lost interest. Anyways, if anyone still wants to continue please tell me.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="1234"]I know what you mean. When I'm bored with my meaningless life I drink Mt. Dew until I have enough strive to actualy do something. Or I sit and listen to my music, mostly Coheed and Cambria... >_> Ya know, I could use a waffle right now, I haven't had them in over a year or two. I know it's a crime against humanity.[/COLOR]
  25. [quote name='Andy'][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="2"]Amen! It's anime for us poor people! Seriously, do you know how awesome it feel's buying anime for $3? It is [B]orgasmic[/B]. I mean, think about it, your buying a anime dvd for the price of an energy drink. It's just too good of a deal to pass up, at least for me anyway's.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR="1234"]Somehow I can't help but agree with this.[/COLOR]
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