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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR="1234"]SWEET! Ironically I just read an artical today about the game form an old mag of my brother's, and it said it would be shipping early 2008. I have Trials & tribulations, haven't beaten it yet though because someone is borrowing it from me, but when I get it back I plan on buying Apollo Justice.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="1234"]I (finally) bought Saturate by Breaking Benjamin earlier this week. I am [B][I][U]HAPPY[/U][/I][/B]! Polyamorous, Home, Wish I May and Sugarcoat prove to be worth the whole year I've waited to find the album. Other songs, like Shallow Bay and Medicate took a while for me to get used to. But all in all, the album is pretty good. In other musical news, I'm taking a likiing to Chevelle. Most recent obsession is, I Get it. I LOVE this song, and hopefully I can find Vena Sera soon so I can buy it. The lyrics are just great for the song, and I"m convinced that Chevelle is pretty good. On my ProjectPlaylist I have some other songs by them too, like Tug-O-War for instance. I've also got Fair to Midland's Orphen Anthem 86' on my ProjectPlaylist, and I'm hoping my gf will be able to get it. I've also got a few songs from Shabutie on there, my favorite being Kinderwhore. Plus, I've got some songs by the band 3, which has some kind of conection with Co&Ca. Hopefully I can find their last album Wake Pig or The End has Begun. The song The End has Begun, These Iron Bones and Alien Angel are good songs by these guys. I've also taught myself how to play the intro to In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 by Coheed and Camrbia, on my bass guitar. So lately, I've been wrapped up in music and I've been having luck with finding some good bands. Soon I should have some good metalcore on my ProjectPLaylist too, I've decided to put some Between the Buried and Me and As I lay Dying when I get the chance.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="1234"]They have anime at the Big Lots in a town near my house. I saw some old Gundam (G and Seed) S-CRY-ed, some anime with dragons and some SD Gundam as well. It's pretty convieniant, however, they don't have whole series there and it's sometimes hard to find the first few episodes. But it's pretty nifty.[/COLOR]
  4. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]I wonder why. :D[/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR="1234"]I know, me too! I also forgot to thank everyone who nominated me and DB, he hasn't been on lately, so I'll thank everyone for him.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="1234"]Who the hell is Mr. Maul? :( Anyways, I got nominated [I]and [/I]quoted this year! [I][B]Accomplishment[/B].[/I] Well, I guess I have to share it with DB >_>[/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='Aceburner']I just realized all the awesome Monty Python quotes I can use! "I'm not dead yet" "I think I may pull through!" "I'm getting better!" "I think I'll go for a walk now." "I feel happy! I feel happy!"[/QUOTE] [COLOR="1234"]That's all? Here's another one "It's just a flesh wound!"[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="1234"]I don't think all metalcore sucks, just most of it. BFMV is just mostly bad that's all.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="1234"]You always have my good luck wish Mann. But if she kills you... your kidney's are mine. :p Honeslty though, go get her tiger.[/COLOR]
  9. [quote name='emo_dude']there was a girl i hung out with everyday and as the days went on i began to notice that the only time i was happy was when she was around and everytime she looked at me i blushed but i couldn't find out why and when i was with her i felt like there were bees buzzing inside my stomach and i didn't want to mess it up so i never told her and for a week i didn't see her so i asked her friend what happened and she told me she had moved[/QUOTE] [COLOR="1234"]Ik what you mean. THe thing is, I had an ex who lived in a different school district and I thought she was the one... now I have one who I think IS the one, but it's still painful... even though you didn't date her, be lucky, cause if you did and you broke up, the pain hits two-fold. but you will find love, that's the truth, I almsot killed myself last year because of love, I took out the knife from the drawer. But take my advice, that IS NOT the way to handle it. In fact at the Valentine's day dance Lips of an Angel played and I cried, and when I listened to Seize the Day by Avenged Sevenfold, I creid too.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="1234"]I HIGHLY suggest S-CRY-ed, it is an amazing anime, and what's good is at Big Lots you can buy DVD's for under 5 bucks. The anime is good though. But I think it takes a while to get used to. And as for other anime, G Gundam is a good series IMO. It's not like a lot of other Gundam, which is why I like it. It's about Gundam's being used in Tournaments, not that old washed up Zeon story that I hate sooooooo much >_> Plus, it's pretty old.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="1234"]I laughed so hard I hit orgasm. Congrats Rach on your acomplishment! :p[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="1234"]Ace are you insinuating I'm emo?[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="1234"][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v297/SgtGaNgStAh/InvaderZim-Waffles.jpg[/img] Did you hear, they're going to make artificial beavers? Much better than waffles.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="1234"]The new album, [B]Scream, Aim, Fire,[/B] is another attempt by Bullet for my Valentine, a not-so-epic metalcore band. I had their album, The Poison, and after a few songs (2) it was a snore-fest. But is the new album another epic fail, or are BFMV headed for better career? I've heard hte single Scream, Aim, Fire, and to be honest, I was surprised. At first I didn't know it was them. Now, the song isn't anything spectacular, or even special, but for BFMV, it was actually pretty good, even though I wouldn't buy the album for fear of wasted money. So, has anyone bought or even listened to this album? If so, is it better than the last, are they headed for the right direction, or are they falling even deeper into the Ocean of ****** Metalcore?[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR="1234"][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/lt.jpg[/IMG] Gigantosaurus' latest album caused a commotion over the comedy-metal scene that was just born. At a press conference the band stated [B]"We're just a group made by a retarded teenager at his computer, THIS NEVER REALLY HAPPENED!"[/B] [IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/undredal.jpg[/IMG] Undredal, an emo band from New York, gave the emo-stereotype that all emos are pussies a shove off a cliff. The group is all emo, yet they are all different, but no one ahs ever seen them... probably because the band members all killed themselves when the album was released.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="1234"]Actually Ace, that was purely coincidencial. I didn't do it on purpose, but the team-up is hilarious. Will edit new one in later.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="1234"][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/GERMAN.jpg[/IMG] Hormanal Imprinting was a smash succes in their home-town of Chipsdale Illinois. Their album 'A German Pornstar's Mouth' was a succes only felt in small-animal hating comunities. HI's beliefs are anti-nature and their first single from the album, 'Mate Like a Rabbit, Moan like a Banshee,' has been nominated for worst preformance by a county band in over 200 years. A few days later, numerous riots caused a mass-extinction of the squerrel and chipmunk population, as well as dwindling the number of walnuts in the world to 2. The tragic loss landed lead singer and guitarist 'Bucky Brandon' 4000 sentences in federal prison.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="1234"]Dont' always think that way emo_dude. I have a special someone but it's not going to make Valentine's Day better knowing that I wont see her next week. PLus even wiht the greatest love on your side, Valentine's Day isn't a promise of a good, loving day. For me 'love' has ruined my life and shrouded my judgement.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="1234"](Sorry, I'm not good with images, so this will have to do for the cover.) [IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/SPOILED.jpg[/IMG] [B]Spoiled Girl's [/B]debut album [I]'Ladies loving Ladies' [/I]was the first spark that set the fire of greatness for the all-lebian-girl heavy metal quartet. [B]'But I'm in love' [/B]is the band's third foray into awesomeness after their last album [B]'Vagina Junction, What's Your Function?' [/B]was picketed by the Lesbian's for Equality group in Virginia. The first single [I]'I'll Kill you & Scissor You' [/I]off of the album, was the highest death-metal song on the charts, hitting number 1 on all billboards.[/COLOR]
  20. [quote name='Whoa, Mann'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="hotPink"] And remember kids... Anything can turn into a date! BAM![/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR="1234"]Never have wiser words been spoke.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="1234"][B]Dull Boy[/B] by Mudvayne has been the only thing circulating through my MP3 lately. I just really love the song.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="1234"]Check the first page for information Inculta. I've added a termonology and a monster section, Gual is the first one under Great Beasts of Terraprim.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="1234"]I myself don't know much about politics. But it's tied between Obama and Hillary. They would actually be a good vice-president/president pair up either way. That's what my whole household thinks. If I understood more about the candidates, their goals, and what they are like, I'd probably express more of my views. But my political knowledge is lacking. That and I can't vote, but if I could I woudln't know who to pick.[/COLOR]
  24. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkRed"]CHAPTER 2: THE POOL[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR="Sienna"]After a few hours in flight, Endorph and Zenos arrived in Helia's airport. Endorph grabbed his stuff and walked out of the airport. The people stared at him like he was a freak, Zenos kept telling Endy to say something like 'may the devil have your soul,' and 'don't make me cast a hex on you!' Endy just rolled his eyes. He looked down at hate ground as he walked to escape the staring. While Endy was starring at the ground, a girl who was running toward the airport crashed into him. They both landed with a thud. Endy looked at the girl, she was wearing black, and her hair was very long. Her eyes were covered in mascara, she was rubbing her head in pain. She had MP3 headphones in, and she was listening to to some rock, which was good for a change. Hey, look at her Endy! Maybe if you play your cards right, you could get in her pants. Zenos said. However, as usual, he didn't know that he was saying that out loud. [B]"Excuse me sir!" [/B]The girl hollered. [B]"Sorry miss, it's my Prophet, he tends to be an ass most of the time, no, ALL of the time. Oh, and sorry for not looking where I was going."[/B] Endy apologized and grabbed the girls hand. He picked her up and scratched his head. [B]"Oh it's okay, I should have moved int eh first place. Oh, the name is Lacrina, I'm from Yurope. How about you?" [/B]The girl asked smiling. Her body gave of an aroma that smelled like peaches and love. But how Endy knew the scent was beyond him. [B]"My name is Endorph, I'm from the United States. Nice to meet you, but I gotta r-"[/B] [B]"Not yet Endy!"[/B] Zenos interrupted.[B] "She has a Prophet, a female Prophet... what's your name?" [/B]Zenos asked in an actually respectful manner. [B]"My name... it's Diana. It's nice to meet you."[/B] [B]"Sorry, but she doesn't talk much, mostly cause I do it for her... but ya know! Anyways, I was just going to go see my mom at the airport, but what do you say we go to the Great Pool together, you're a friendly person, and you are an outcast like me, I take it."[/B] [B]"Yeah, I am. The father in my town excepts people, be they Prophian, Wiccan, whatever. Ever since I was orphaned he's taken care of me, he'd like you." Endy said. Endy clearly like this Lacrina girl he just met. "So, whadya say we get going than?"[/B] [B]"That would be great!"[/B] [CENTER][B]*********[/B][/CENTER] The Pool radiated with warmth, it felt peaceful to Endorph, but when he got into the gates, he felt sick and dreary. I never liked this place, when I came here with my Prophet 500 years ago, I almost fainted. It's weaker now, but the pool has so much energy ti drains the organisms around ti. That's why theres no plant-life around the pool. Endy looked at the pool, it was filled with blue and green liquid. In the middle of the pool, a gigantic sphere shaped cluster of energy sat, it had souls-lights* flying around it. It was beautiful, yet draining. [B]"So Lacrina, how old are you?" [/B]Endy asked in a low voice. [B]"17, this your first year too?" [/B]Lacrina asked. She sounded like she wasn't effected, but it didn't surprise Endy, she seemed to have a strong aura. [B]"Yeah, damn this place doesn't' feel so holy. So when do we pray to this thing?"[/B] Lacrina bent down a bit and stretched, then she got on her knees. "Whenever you want." Lacrina went silent, than she started praying. Suddenly her Prophet materialized next to her. Diana was a Beautiful women, she was tall and had fiery red hair. Soon after Zenos appeared next to Endy. [B]"Feels both great, and horrible to be here..." [/B]Zenos wasn't saying anything sarcastic, in fact he was rather quiet. Endy got on his knees and prayed as well. Suddenly the ground shook beneath their feet. [B]"Son of a bitch, something doesn't feel right!" [/B]Hollered Zenos. He looked to his left to see the ocean, it was started to cloud overhead, and the ground kept on shaking.[B] "I guess that dumbass creature Gual is coming, I can sense him. But fuck, we're the only people her right now, fuck shit damn shit!"[/B] Diana looked at the gates behind them, they were shut tight, and people who were outside, couldn't get in. [B] "Lacrina, I don't' think we're in for a good time... Gual isn't very happy today."[/B] [B][CENTER]*********[/CENTER][/B] A few miles away, the calm ocean started to get a little uneasy. From the surface of the water arose a gigantic monster. It was Gual, the Sea-Guardian of Helia. He was swimming fast toward the island. His eyes were usually green, but now they were red with rage. He was going to attack the pool... while Lacrina and Endy were the only people there. [/COLOR] [B][CENTER]*********[/CENTER][/B][B][CENTER]*********[/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="1234"](OOC: Whenever yous see an asterisk (*) it means that there's either a new monster, or term in the underground thread, soul-lights will be in the terminology section. If anyone want to make a new word, please send me the word over PM, or even in the underground so that I may see it and allow it before posting. Thank you. As for what to do know, check the underground thread for details.)[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="1234"]The Day my Butt Went Psycho by Andy Griffith. It's not a classic, but it is in my book. If you have read it you'd understand. [/COLOR]
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