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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR="1234"]Change to that. Instead, we're going on a small pilgrimage. I'll explain more in the new thread.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="1234"]Well, I do love her, it's not some kiddy crap. Plus my other best freind, who is like a sister to me, is best freinds with my GF. She's the reason we met in the first place. If I dumbed her I'd get a one way ticket to Hurtsy-balls-ville. Me and her had the same problem last year. We thought we were soemthing we weren't. I thought I was bi she thought she was a lesbian. We have a strong connection through that. Plus, her old father used to beat her mom, and leave my gf feeling like she was to balme, so if I broke up wiht her, she'd probably fall even deeper down that hole. So breaking up with her is out of the question. Besides, [spoiler]we both masturbate so there really isn't any change with that situation for me.[/spoiler] Plus she'd think I was only using her for her body, which is not the case at all. [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="1234"]Well, lately me and my GF have been haivng a healthier relationship, but today me and her were talking on the phone with another one of my freinds. Anyways about 30 minutes into the conversation my friend calls. Well, he's one of my best friends so I decided to tak to him for a bit. Anyways he tells me to tell my other freind to three-way him. (Yes haha, but not like that so don't let that cross your mind.) Anyways, I go to the other line to tell my friend that and she says, no I'm going to leave and my girlfriend says the same thing, or something quite like it. But now, she's mad at me for talking to him. And UGH! So, what can I do about this perdicament?[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="1234"]Termonloligy will be saved for Chapter Two, and the technologu is what it is in our world too.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="1234"]My freind was over at my grandmother's house, and he heard me play Welcome Home on the DVD player. Now he wants to do a cover of it now, and he even has it on his Ipod now, it's funny if you knew him.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="1234"]Prem, in the last few DB-less months, was honored by being given possessions from mods and admins. Desbreko's balls, Daggers... well secret daggers and even a temp ban pass to ban anyone for just a few days. He remembered what it was the mods had told him about it. [B][I]"This is a special Temp-ban, it can ban anyone, even a member who hasn't committed an offense at all. Remember Prem, use it wisely."[/I][/B] SunfallE's words resonated like an endless angelic chorus. Mitch may have been the OB Devil, but the temp ban was given to him by Adam himself, thus it was a gift from The OB God himself. DigitalBoy's face restored mystically, the presence of the magical Temp-Ban Pass, restored health to them both. Mitch laughed, and soon eh submitted a 12 page thread about how much Prem and DB sucked and how pathetic the OB populace was, then he started talking in weird lingo, that made no sense in the first place. It was Mitch at his full potential. Soon Mitch summoned the Beast to his side. [B]"Okay, it's time to kick your ass Beast for what you did!" [/B]Prem yelled. He gave the pass to DB for him to hold, Prem made some weird symbols with his hands, and he shot an ice at the beast, in a few seconds, the monster was banished to another realm. Mitch laughed hysterically almost like Prem was a baby. [B]"Muahahahahahahahahahaha!" [/B]Mitch chuckled madly. Prem shook his head and took the temp-ban back from DB. Prem ran after Mitch, but Mitch was fast, he knocked Prem to his feet, and also managed to blow DB behind Prem's body. But Prem, who was known on OB for being knocked down Adan getting up, rose with pride and extended the Temp-ban again. [B]"Time to banish you Mitch...THIS IS FOR MOCKING ME YOU WHORE!" [/B]Prem yelled in a massive bolt of anger and hate, and soon a ray of light bellowed from the holy peace of OB parchment, and soon, Mitch's body was cast away into the bowels of OB Hell. Peace restored itself, Prem went over and picked DB up, he gave him a hug and smiled. [B]"I'm glad we're friends again, you're my OB Bro till the end!" [/B]Prem said. DigitalBoy smacked his fist again Prem's. [B]"I'm glad too Prem."[/B] DB said smiling. Prem stepped back and looked at DB. [B]"But if you ever kiss me on the lips again... I'll freak!"[/B] Prem started laughing. DigitalBoy laughed with him, but suddenly the ground shook and a new soul rose from th eh mists of hell. [B]"Hahahahahaha, if it isn't Charles and James misguided minions, DigitalBoy and Prem!"[/B] Yelled a man, DB looked at him and came to a shocking conclusion. [B]"PREM, THAT"S R... RI... RICK HUNTER!"[/B] DB shrieked. His voice resonated like a teenager's screams after losing a beauty pageant to the real beautiful, yet slutty girl. Prem's smile turned into a frown, and he looked at Rick with an insane twitching in his eye. [B]"We're in for a fight!"[/B] Prem shrieked, his voice was even worse than [/COLOR]Prem's.
  7. [COLOR="1234"]Sorry, yesterday my friend was having some problems, so I wans't able to make it. I"ll have it up soon, by tonight. I PROMISE![/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="1234"]I whole-heartily agree with DigitalBoy, I'm for it again. I feel ready after my interview the last time around. But I feel like the rebirth of the paper makes it need a new feature... not sure what though.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR="1234"]Lol, I'll have it up by 10 PM tonight, I promise.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="1234"]Prem's body was floating in a vast sea of white. However, there was no shore, there was no lighthouse... there was no home. Prem remembered the story DB told him, but what worried him was what DB did, he walked away without a second thought. Did he not realize that Prem loved him. Not in the 'marry me I want you' way, but the 'important friend who taught me everything I know,' way. However, Prem hated DB right now, not for walking away, but for not sealing Prem away forever. It was a dumb move in the wake of a smart one. Why didn't he just kill Prem right there? Why not? If he didn't need Prem, he would have no problem killing him. But Prem, lying in a pool of his own blood, was not willing to give up. He may have been in a vast sea of nothingness, but he was going to get out. [B]"It's time... to... give my... friend a proper teaching..." [/B]Prem said, suddenly his body glew black and he returned to his normal self. But this time, he was holding a small key, it was white, that's it, it had no teeth. It was just a small little circular object, but it was a key to something. Prem extended the key forth, and suddenly a door appeared out of the blue. He unlocked it and walked trough. Prem suddenly appeared back on OB, he was in a thread that was titled [I]'Prem's dead... I killed him.'[/I] DB was standing with some of the mods who were chatting about the situation. Indifference,who had a shocked look on her face, looked over at Prem. [B]"Umm, DB, I hate to break it to you, but this thread isn't going to work out." [/B]Indifference said frowning. [B]"Are you closing it?" [/B]DigitalBoy asked. [B]"Yes, but only because... Prem is alive and standing behind you."[/B] DB looked behind him to see Prem standing there with a smile on his face. [B]"BTW DB, it's [B][I][U]CROWING [/U][/I][/B]not CROWNING!" [/B]Prem said as he ran after DB. DB was holding celebratory punch and cookies, so he ad no chance to get ready. Prem bawled his fist, his hand shot blood everywhere from his nails digging into him. Indifference, along with the others, ran away screaming. Prem's fist knocked DB right in the stomach. [b]"And just so you know..."[/b] Prem continued as he started punching DB with a barrage of punches, "I asked my mom what a cadaver was!" [/B]And with that, prem punched DB so hard he lurched back and his spine snapped, it was so loud that it summoned thunder, splitting DB in twain. It was showering dust, it was a rain of glittering beauty. however, the remnants of DB shook with anger and rage, and soon they jumbled together and morphed back into DB. [B]"You can't kill me that easily."[/B] [B]"Yeah I know, and FYI, Crowning is when the baby's head can be seen when a women's in labor, duh..." [/B]Prem kicked DB in the legs, it picked him up and Prem caught him. Prem winked at DB and spun like a dradle. As DB flew thorugh the air, Prem smiled. [B]"You see DB, I'm Claudio and you're Supreme Tri-mage Ryan Wilhelm. I don't quite know what happened between the two, but I'm going to do what the Crowing is destined, and DESTROY THIS PLACE!" [/B]Prem held his fists and stood in stance, his energy erupted and OB shook like a British nanny shaking a baby. [B]"You're going to destroy OB?"[/B] DigitalBoy asked huffing. [B]"No, but I'm going to delete this thread. I don't know much about the Coheed story yet, but if I recall, there is a place called the keywork, if I'm not mistaken. It houses power to the rest of the solar system, and one of it's planets is Star IV...Oh, who cares, I"M GOING TO DESTROY THIS THREAD AND YOU [I]NOW[/I]!"[/B] Prem shouted as everything melted in his wake. He walked toward DB,a nd with every step he took, the ground melted into the digital sea. Soon he was only a yard away from DB. [B]"Get up you bastard!" [/B]prem hollered. DigitalBoy, who was shaking, rose to his feet and closed his eyes. Prem's hand grasped onto DigitalBoy's neck, a pint of blood spewed out with every finger than stuck into DB's skin. Then, Prem did it with his other hand. DB's face was turning pale, but Prem didn't show any mercy, he started kneeing DB wild, without a second to rest. [B]"I'm going to knee you until I've kneed you as many times as I've posted. That's over 1700 posts, so this will take a while."[/B] After an hour or two passed, Prem stopped kicking DB, DB was writhing in pain. He started gagging on his own fluids blood and bial poured onto the remnants of the thread like a waterfall of death. Prem smiled and threw DB into the dark hole. He put his had s on the ground and sealed DigitalBoy in the dark expanse of the Digital Sea. Prem looked to his right and saw the cookies that DB had, they were still there. He grabbed them and ate them. [B]"Victory is like Chocolate..."[/B][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="1234"]They say to have loved and lost is bettter than not to have loved at all. But I'm only 15, I hardly know a thing about love, yet I'm in a realationship that means the world to me. All I can say is this, it may not be too late, who knows. Love isn't like firewood, it doesn't stay destroyed, it's more like the Sunday paper, it can be recycled when destroyed and it can come in one way or another. What I'm saying is, love isn't the same every time. It might end up that the feelings recindle. [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="1234"]Prem was knocked back several feet by DB's Keyblade. All fell silent. The world became a quite, stale black and white realm of sadness, anger, and hate, however, Prem, was laughing again. [B]"I don't just fight out of jelousy... I fight off of faith. And you introducing me to my favorite band, maybe... but this is my story, you can't write me out! YOU CAN'T DESTROY ME AND WIPE MY REMAINS ACROSS THE BRINK!"[/B] Prem stood up and drew out another weapon but instead of charging, he stood and threw the blade to his side. [B]"I may be your pupil... but remember, the student is DESTINED to surpass his master. I'll take your pony-tailed head and rip it clean off, then I'll paint the walls of OB with YOUR BLOOD!" [/B]Prem extended his arm forth, and from the darkness, a black and red Keyblade formed. [B]"You may not know this DB, but in Kingdom Hearts, Ansem gave Riku the power of a dark Keyblade. Sora stuck it into his heart and removed the soul of the one he loved, but this time, I'm going to kill myself and become the new messiah of the boards. I don't care about anything anymore, all I need is the friendship of those on OB to guide me!"[/B] [B]"PREM, are you honestly that stupid? Indifference, Allamorph, the others... they all treat you well so you will feel welcome, they all HATE you, and they LOVE me, everyone loves me!!" [/B]DigitalBoy charged toward Prem, but it was too late, the dark Keyblade was already plunged into Prem's heart. Soon, it all became black, soon DB and Prem were in a realm of complete darkness. Prem had brought DB into a realm he knew nothing of, he brought DB into... Kingdom Hearts. [B]"Welcome DB, to the realm I know of, and the realm you are unaware of. You think fighting me with my favorite weapon was smart? IT WAS STUPID! You only motivated me into doing this."[/B] The look on DB"s face was so... satisfying for Prem. DB looked down to see a platform alone in a dark sea of endless night, not a single shred of light shone in this world, he looked forward. There standing was Prem, he was wearing a white and black robe. [B]"DB, I'm sorry for stealing your spotlight, I'm sorry for betraying you, so tell me... why did you take me under your wing? Why did you let me become your apprentice? Did you not think I'd become better?"[/B] DigitalBoy said nothing. He stood on the platform and looked at Prem with fury. [B]"Fine than, don't answer." [/B]Prem said softly as he disappeared. Suddenly Prem was behind DB, he took his hand and wrapped it around DigitalBoy's neck. "Instead of letting you talk, I'll KILL YOU" Prem screamed loudly as he took his other hand and stuck it right through DB, he ripped out DB's vocal cords and threw them into the darkness. Prem took his other hand and stuck it back into DB's throat, blood streamed out like fountain, it covered Prem's face, he licked it off and swallowed it. His hand, still inside DB's neck, was clenching a flap of skin on the front of DB's neck. He swung his arm and threw DB like a rag-doll, blood spewed outward and Prem's hand dripped like a bloody towel. [B]"Now, it's time to become the bloodiest cadaver, it's time DB... FOR YOUR FINAL CUT." [/B] DB's body flew across the endless trench of pain and darkness that was Kingdom Hearts. Prem's hand was suddenly holding a scythe. "It's time for a Shinigami dance!" Prem yelled as he transformed the realm into an old mansion. It was none other than the place where DB's creation, the Count, lived and terrorized the Shinigami that were being played by the members of OB. DB's body smacked the walls of the mansion with a thud. Prem went after him, holding his scythe like a new born child. In a flash of light, Prem slashed DB's body in half, his remains flew every way, his intestines to the right, his head and torso in the air, his spleen and stomach to the left, and he rest of his body fell in a slump. BLood was everywhere, dripping from teh walls, drippign off of Prem's scythe and face. It was everywhere, so much blood. It seemed over, but Prem didn't want his victory yet, he took his scythe and gave birth to DB again. [B]"You had your chance..." [/B]DB said in a calm, almost dead voice. His body was completely reborn, all the blood was still everywhere, but it was still him. Prem's face was still dripping with blood. He wiped it clean and balled his hand into a fist again.[B] "I'm going to have fun with this!" [/B]He shouted, but before he could punch DB in the stomach, DigitalBoy rolled to his left and took out a sword, he took his sword and plunged it into Prem's leg. [B]"You sound so retarded Prem, you keep using stupid quotes and song titles from Co&ca and you keep yammering about how you know about Kingdom Hearts. Stop bragging about yourself and GET REAL!"[/B] DB's hair tie had fallen out and his hair was wet with sweat, he removed the sword from Prem's leg and punched him back. Prem stopped himself from slidding back anymore. [B]"You ready to answer those questions now?"[/B][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="1234"]Lately, I've been listening to some good sogns. A very good song that I'm getting addicted to is The End Complete V: On the Brink by, you guessed it, Coheed and Cambria. It's one of [B]THE [/B]most epic Co&Ca songs, it's beautiful and epic beyoned my comprehension.[/COLOR]
  14. e[COLOR="1234"][B]"... as soon as you are out of my way!" [/B]Prem screamed as he arched back a bit. He held his fists tightly, till his hands bled! Suddenly Prem was engulfed in a silver light, and seconds later, he was holding on to a sac of skin and vein. "See these?" Prem asked DB. [B]"Ya? What are they?"[/B] DigitalBoy said nervously. [B]"These are Desbreko's balls... THE BALLS OF A GOD!"[/B] Prem threw them into the air and they shined red with pain and fury. [B]"And now, I will use them to destroy you, old Friend!" [/B]An energy engulfed Prem in a flash of power. It was the power of an immortal, no... a god. Des' balls transformed into a sword, it was none other than the master sword. Prem stood in a battle-ready position. The energy that fluxed through him was magnificent, DigitalBoy was in awe at the feeling of sheer power. [B]"How did you get Desbreko's strength?!" [/B]DB asked as he wet his pants. He was so scared, even his urine started to whimper. He stepped back, but soon, he was on the wall, he had no where to run. Prem, could annihilate him! Prem ran at DB like a dog after a cat, suddenly Prem was right in front of DB. Prem kissed him on the cheek and smirked. [B]"Here's a gift, from me to you..." [/B]Prem said sincerely. But despite the calm, almost peaceful voice, Prem was pissed. He took his arm back and in a matter of seconds, he stabbed DB, the blade went through the wall. DigitalBoy was stuck, and all he could do was stare in shock at Prem's strength. Just a few months ago, Prem was weak and feeble, but tat one fight. That one battle, changed him, and while Sandy was ripping DB a new one, Prem grew even stronger. [B]"DB, the day we first fought; your first mistake was letting me get up!"[/B] Prem brought his arm back. He brought it forward and punched DB right int eh stomach. But Prem wouldn't stop, he kept punching DB, punch after punch after punch. Prem stopped punching DigitalBoy after an agonizing, torturing and soul shredding 5 minutes. He took out his sword and DB fell, he was holding his stomach and vomiting all over the floor. Food and bial poured out of him like a volcano, not even a second passed between each flow of disgusting waste. Prem chuckled like a mad man. His eyes were bloodshot, and his pupils blazed with insanity. Prem swayed back and forth with madness, he had finally snapped. He lived so long in DB's shadow, even recently he felt like he was still a dark figure behind the light of a man. All the jealousy of being number two gathered up, and Prem couldn't take it, it became his heart, and now those feelings pushed the limits of existance, Prem was ready to kill without notice, without mercy... without realizign who he was fighting. All Prem could do was laugh and cry. [B]"What's, your, problem?"[/B] DB asked while he was still throwing up. [B]"It's sad seeing you lie on the floor and take it! It's a cry of shame toward you!" [/B]Prem started laughing and sobbing, the tears fell to the floor, and DB was still coughing. Prem knelt down, his knee was sitting in a pile of chunks and acid. Prem gave DB a pill, he smiled. DB looked at it, blood was dripping from his mouth, along with a days worth of Mt. Dew, and a whole bunch of stomach fluid. He looked at the pill. [B]"Take this medicine, get up... and let me kill you..."[/B][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR="1234"]Prem's leap landed him on an 'A.' From the looks of it, he had landed on the A of 'THE AMPHITHEATER.' DigitalBoy's BAH halberd was old, rusty and ugly. Prem, now being the big-shot of OB, took out his PWN saber and lit it up.[B] "Your just pissed cause I have a girlfriend, DB!" [/B]Prem hollered. [B]"I'm a better Otaku than you, I have better music than you, I AM YOUR FATHER!"[/B] DigitalBoy shouted as he leaped toward Prem. Prem smiled mischievously as he put his hands in a defensive formation. DB's BAH smacked Prem right on the hand, the hand that just got done healing form Round 1! [B]"You. Son. Of. A... BITCH!" [/B]Prem yelled as he shot DB back. Prem shot after him and pulled his saber back. Like lightning, Prem slashed DB right along his waist. Then they both landed on the 'T' that sat withing 'THE LOUNGE.' the air pulled DB's pants off revealing Breaking Benjamin boxers. Inside them was a small worm-like creature. [B]"HELP ME!"[/B] It shouted, it's shrieking voice scrambled Prem's brain making him close his eyes and ears while DigitalBoy disappeared. Prem's mind was back to normal after a few seconds. [I]How could such a small penis have such a big wail?[/I] Prem thought to himself. Prem turned right, than left, than right again. But DigitalBoy was nowhere to be seen.Suddenly, booming voice erupted and shook the boards with a mighty thunder/ [B]"You think I'd be foolish enough to actually listen to Breaking Benjamin, huh Prem?!" [/B]DB Shouted from below. He was squatting with his halberd in his hands. He was on a number, probably the time that is displayed on the bottom of the page. [B]"Admit it Prem, I AM better than you, I ALWAYS have been and I ALWAYS WILL BE BETTER THAN YOU!"[/B] DB kept on shouting about how he was the God of OB, the Christ of message boards, the messiah of Internet chat sites. But it meant nothing. Prem just stood, picking his nose and thinking about young, beautiful women. [B]"Are you done blabbering, you old cooch farting doofus?"[/B] Prem said in a cocky tone. DigitalBoy has heard it before. After Prem became the Bermuda Detective, and master poster of Otaku City, he sent a PM telling DB that he was 'da shitz' of OB. The cocky tone was Prem just being stupid. [B]"Yes, cause I'm taking you somewhere, you can't stand... You're past!" [/B]DigitalBoy put his hand in the air, it all went black once more. A few seconds later, Prem was standing on a handsome face from Fullmetal Alchemist, it was Greed?! He looked over to see the number '7' attached to a few other letters. Below he saw a feeble, low post count and a crappy signature... it could only be... [B]"This Prem, is GUNmanZERO7's account, or in other words, your past self. This is who you used to be, a crappy, anti-grammatical member of OB with no respect for authority." [/B] [B]"D... do you think this scares me?!"[/B] Prem said as his voice cracked. He wasn't sure if he was okay or not. But he was PREMONITION, he saw this one coming a mile away. [B]"So, are you just going to sit there?" [/B]DB asked while his hair flowed with the wind. Prem was sweating madly, like an ice cube in a furnace. His face was as pale as a white guy's ass. He was shaking like a faggot eating a hot dog. But for one second, for just [i]one[/i] second, Prem felt brave, than the feeling came back again. He was ready. [B]"No, I'm not going to sit here while you try your dirty little scare tactics! Get ready to have the biggest failgasm, your going to be embarrassed so bad it will be a failorgy!!!!!"[/B][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="1234"]Oh, your failgasm was so big you hit your head on the bed of sanity. You just [I]think [/I]you could beat me later.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="1234"]You shouldn't have hoped to get through in the first place, that was mighty fine sign-up. With the addition of 2 new people, I will start the RPG. Look for it tonight or this afternoon. For now, the sign-ups will stay open, and we'll see what happens.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="1234"]You guys ever think that maybe, I'm stronger? Soak that in for a while. DB let down his guard and lost, he had a failgasm.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="1234"]They are spirits, but they can manifest into form when the human combines with them. And we are all starting at our own houses, for now.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="1234"]Last week I got a new ILO MP3 from Wal*Mart. Well, I just found out, it comes with Windows Media Player 10! Im happier than a pig in ****. Right now, I'm listening to [B]World so Cold by Mudvayne[/B]. My freind was going to give me a copy of[B] L.D. 50 [/B]today, but the bastard gave me a blank CD instead >_< Oh well, it's probably revenge for giving him ablank CD last year cause I thought it had One-X on it. Yes, I'm lsitening to Mduvyane. They are actually pretty good, better than most of the other Nu-Metal out there at least. Can't wait til the new Dope album comes out though.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="1234"] [CENTER][B][U]Cast of Characters[/U][/B] [B]Endoprh Dillinger[/B] and [B]Zenos Wilheim [/B]will be played by [B]Premonition[/B] [B]Julian Darrickson [/B]and [B]Calvin Reuter [/B]will be played by [B]Inculta_Bellum[/B] [B]Wrest Verdenstidd[/B] and [B]Isa [/B]will be played by [B]0ber0n the Neko[/B] [B]Jonathan Stallard [/B]and [B]Michael of Acre [/B]will be played by [B]Domon[/B] [B]Vahn [/B]and [B]Diometras The Demented [/B]will be played by [B]Ugamon[/B] [B]Chance Heartlock [/B]and [B]Lord Cronos[/B] will be played by [B]Mage17[/B] [B]Hunter Predd [/B]and [B]Abaddon [/B]will be played by [B]The Protoss[/B][/CENTER] Welcome to The Legend of Terraprim's underground thread. Here you may discuss the RPG [B]"The Legend of Terraprim."[/B] This is your chance to ask questions, chat and read terms within the Terrarpim Terminology section. For now, the list of people above is not permanent, once the auditions are finished, the list will be complete. Then, the sign-ups will be closed and I will only except new sign-ups via PM.[/COLOR] [CENTER] [B][U][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="4"]I: TERMONOLOGY[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT][/U][/B] [LEFT][COLOR="Sienna"][U] [B]PROPHETS:[/B][/U] Beings of spiritual energy that are the souls of those who have passed. Only people with strong religious beliefs and strong spiritual energy become prophets. Instead of going to Heaven when a person is alive, they are confronted by God himself, than they are stuck in 'soul orbs' until the human destined to obtain the prophet, turns 16 and performs the ritual. Prophets can control high-levels of magic, and people that have Prophets, are usually looked higher upon in society. Prophets can have the power of mortals, or the powers of gods themselves. However, a Prophet that is stronger than god, is banished into the 'Spiritual Opening' for energy recycling. [U][B]SOUL ORBS: [/B][/U]Objects, either spiritual or real, that house the spirits of past priests/other religious bodies. The orbs are always white, and can only be seen by the dead, or by priests. [U][B]SPIRITUAL OPENING: [/B][/U]A void where the energy if Prophets is turned into new energy for new Prophets, and other forms of spiritual greatness. The spiritual opening is said to be completely black. [U][B]SACRED CITY OF HELIA: [/B][/U]A city on an island, North of Yurope. This place is home to the great pool, where a massive core of spiritual energy sits. [U][B]THE GREAT POOL:[/B] [/U]A great core of spiritual energy. The core is a compound made completely of liquid. However, it has the ability to absorb energy through prayer. During the Yearly Pilgrimage, it lends all of it's energy to the Christ Manifest, allowing Christ himself to appear before the Vatican and announce revelations from God. [B][U]SOUL-LIGHTS (NEW): [/U][/B]Small little fly-like beings that are the empty shells of Prophets and human beings who's spiritual energy was spilled into the pool after death, they only appear during the yearly Pilgrimage, and dissapear after Christ announces god's word. [U][B]CHRIST MANIFEST:[/B][/U] A Christ Manifest is a Manifest that has the son of god, Jesus Christ, as their Manifest. The person, be it male or female, that as Christ as their Prophet, is appointed Lord High-Priest of the Vatican. This person is the strongest person in the Prophetism Church and has the highest authority, however he/she can not make all religious decisions. [U][B]THE COUNCIL OF PRIESTS:[/B] [/U]A group of 18 men and women, who act as the Lord High Priests advisor's. They give the Lord High Priest permission to pass laws. They may veto or object laws brought by the Lord High Priest, and are also the grand jury of the Prophetism Church.[/COLOR][/LEFT] [B][U][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="4"]II: GREAT BEASTS OF TERRAPRIM[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/Beast1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Sienna"]GUAL, THE SEA-GUARDIAN OF HELIA A beast tat has guarded Helia since it's creation. Gual is a gentle beast towards the good, yet he is very hostile towards the unjust. Gual guards Helia from evil and tehnology such as missles, that could harm someone. Gual can create massive waves and can eat things with his 12 rows of teeth. Gual, despite his vicious appearence, can be very calm and people can actually pet im without being attacked, unless the person is evil. [IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/TheUnholy.jpg[/IMG] VLEHOEL THE UNHOLY A monster born from malice, hate and despair that feeds off dark emotions. Vlehoel is said to be born from the devil's lust for it has a women on it's back. It's arms are club-like and it's body smells like rotting flesh. Sealed away under Helia years ago after a preist sealed him underground. [img]http://members.tripod.com/~MasterBraeokk/dragons/GLORYGLD.JPG[/img] THE CHAOS, HAMUBAT A dragon of darkness that's soul is trapped in a statue. God supposidly created him for peaceful purpsoes, but the devil got a hold of Hamubat and tainted him. however, teh beast is not alive anymore, for God put it into a statue. But a theory states that Hamubat will be the harnbinger of the apocalypse. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="4"][FONT="Century Gothic"]III: LESSER BEASTS OF TERRAPRIM[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [img]http://www.geocities.com/lord_visionary/demon_small.jpg[/img] [B][U]LEAPER[/U][/B] A very weak, and common monster that hops aroudn like a child. Depsite being fast, it's easy to take down. [img]http://www.virilneus.com/demons.jpg[/img] [B][U]PELO & VELO[/U][/B] Two sibling demons that attack with dark magic. They both are one demon, however, desptie two being better than one, Pelo and Velo are still weak demons. [img]http://silent_hill6.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/insane_cancer_demon.jpg[/img] [B][U]CRINGE[/U][/B] Fat monsters who eat grass and weeds. They seem harmless, but they are one of the strongest of the lesser demons. They hold gigantic clubs that are stained with blood. Very tall and fat.[/COLOR] [[/CENTER]
  22. [COLOR="1234"]Well, that is a fight! And the whole lover thing was hilarious I might add. But what was up with the vulture and 'nevermore"? I mean the whole nevermore thing was pretty epic. Anyways, good luck with Sandy, DB, you need it! :animesmil[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="1234 yeah, I forgot about [spoiler]Wigned Eureka[/spoiler] I loved the last 10 episodes so much, it was the best last 10 episdoes of any any I've seen.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="1234"]Yeah, I rushed that post. And I am the horniest, but Enomine was so sweet on the last episode. And Talho is pretty cool. BTW, could you read that? :p[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="1234"]Mine too, plus Enomine, she is also hot. I lvev Eureka's voice too, it's o sincere and it has meaning. And Talho... let's just say each one is good in one way, but no one beats Eureka. But what I like about Enomine, is her crazy sidde, I love crazy girls, they are hot and veyr forceful. Talho was ot... until a bit later. >_>[/COLOR]
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