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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR="1234"]Rach, you are a pal, you are a pal. :P[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="1234"]Whoa, Mann, I have another reason to respect you dude. The Light and the Glass is an epic with unimaginable feeling. I cry when I lsiten to it too. BTW, Define the Great Line is a great album, and Underoath is good as well. [B]FMLYHM by Seether[/B] is a good song filled with emotion. FMLYHM is an acrynym for "**** me like you hate me." even though I don't like Seether, this song is really good and filed with love and depsair. Sometimes bad bands have good songs. [B]Welcome Home[/B] by Co&Ca just gets me enraged. The lyrics, the guitars, the dualing guitars, it's jsut an orgy of feelings. Hate, love and murder, it tells a talle of love that smashes a man in the face. Ironically, dont' like [B]Three Evils [/B]that much, it's good, but I don't relaly see the feeling. Anyways, I love towards the end when Claudio says "Before I hope you die." When he screams die I get shivers down my spine. Now, Claudio Sanchex is one of the best when it cmes to emotions. He allows it to flow for the songs, I can see why some poeple call the band emo. [B]The Velourium Camper II: Backend of Forever [/B]tells the tale of man who can't find love. "I have no luck with girls," "I overheard you were unnappy too" and "I wish I would never hurt agian" are soem of my favorite lines on In Keeping secrets of Silent Earth: 3 because I used to feel like that all the time. Along with [B]Al the Killer[/B], another song that is punped with grungy and slimey feelings of misery, despair, malice and hate. [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="1234"]Oh yeah I forgot aout Trivum. [B]Trivium [/B]- Were these guys born in the **** fields? Or did they get dropped on broken guitars when they were younger and thought the noise it made was music. That creaky **** that comes out if you hit it. CREAK, SMASH, CrACCCKKKK, that is Trivium for you. The crap that music s***s out is Trivium. Trivium: the big steamy turd of music, so steamy you can smell the corn from a mile away.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="1234"]Actually, I don't care about my left hand, but if you break my right wrist as well.... my 'pleasure' is gone forever. Just thought I'd stop there. Anyways, if I have to, I'll just show my Super Powered Balls that I stole from Des. I also added a stun and awe feature to them for dramatic effect. I'm just DB's apprentice until I become better, than he has to kill me so I can become all powerful. And really, I'm not following DB's shadow that much, why, I can stop if I want to! [/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE]They sound the same basically every album...[/QUOTE] [COLOR="1234"]Actually, the older Mudvayne is a tiny bit heavier and comes with more screaming. But it's not that notciable, and it's just the songs that make the later ones suck.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="1234"]Oh damn, you found out my intentions Rach. [B]"Here lies Premonition, he killed a guy, got shanked in prison by a guy named Bubba, died and is now here in the ground[/B]."[/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']No it means like everyone else, once he's dead he won't know if he has a grave marker or not since it will be someone else making that final decision. :p In the end, I haven't given it a thought since I don't really care what it says. I'll be dead so it's not like I'll be around to object. lol Though if it follows standard family practice which is that most of us already have plots in a nearby cemetery so we'll all be buried together... I'll probably end up having some silly religious quote put on there by my siblings or other family members.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="1234"]Well, what if you were a ghost Rach? I'm sure you'd care, wouldn't you! Your case seems so invalid. I mean, you didn't take into consideration that you could end up haunting the place with your restless soul? And if you were a ghost, and you did care, you'd haunt the person or persons responsible for the grave's quitations; who would be your parents. Your ghost wouldn't take the shame of a quote you find awful and unust, you'd take out your anger and kill the person whodunnit. Sorry I've been playing too Much Phoenix Wright >_>[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="1234"]Does that mean? Allamorph is a god?! [B]"Here lies Premonition, killed by DB, Allamorph and Darren."[/B] Read one of my posts from The Abyss sign-ups thread and you'll get it.[/COLOR]
  9. [quote name='2008DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Taiyou no Mannake he by Bivattche is the third opening theme to Eureka Seven, and I have to say, nothing out there is quite as upliting and generally make you feel like following your dreams, which is my favorite feeling in the world. Having first heard it in the show, I always loved the parts where he yells 'I WANNA FLY AWAY!' though hearing the full version it's just an all-around epic song. Can't beat symphonic indie, lol.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="1234"]I agree. I loved almost every theme song for Eureka Seven. [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="1243"][B]Shaun of the [/B][B]Dead [/B]- Sweet zombie flick. What more could I say? It's action packed, funny, and sad. And [I]that [/I]makes a good movie.[/COLOR]
  11. [quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]"Here Lies Corey...er Korey" My name is always mispelled...so....that's funny to me[/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR="1234"]I still don't get it >_> [B]"Moose.... Indian..."[/B] [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="1234"]'I'm going down... that's what she said."[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="1234"]"Here lies Richard, he's stiffer now than he was in his lifetime." Get it, get it, GET IT1[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="1234"]Well, actually I am 100% percent ready. Beisdeds, I need to blow off someime, and I'm OB every day, so no worry about it. Iwas just not 100% on participation, that was all. And Drren, DB is the only one on OB who is allowed to kill me, and Allamorph has that right too. [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR="1234"]My town is known for Homophobes, idiots, and som actual good people. Other htan that, it's not knwon for anything, well except for a Senetor.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="1234"]I'll try this out, it seems like fun, but if I can't handle it I'll just say something. I'll have my characters in soon Darren.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="1234"]Mother Superior by Cpoeed and Cambria gets to me. A little bit of sadness, a little of rock-out-loud fury. But the lyrics and piano are what make this song shine. [I][B]Your answer is in there, just stare down the barrell This sincerest apologies, wont write you out of this one Tonight, you'll find the right in the pull of the trigger, now bite Young fool, don't cry....[/B][/I] These lyrics especially. Those words grab me and hold me down, mostly because I've felt this way before.. Gravemakers & Gunslingers, another Coheed song, fills me with emotions. The emotion that I want to draw out a gun and start shooting **** for action purposes. The guitar, the riffs, it all adds up. Vicarious by Tool, this song makes me want to kill soemthing and watch it be tortured. Not a person, an animal. When Maynard says "You all need it too, don't lie," I get the feeling that I need to open a can of Hulk on soemone.[/COLOR]
  18. [quote name='Mr. Maul'][URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57514&highlight=worst+music"][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]Click Click[/COLOR][/SIZE][/URL][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]. Prem fails again. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR="1234"]That's funny considereing that the thread being linked is mine too [B]Hanna Montana[/B] - I don't want to even talk about it. she is very talented, but annoying as all hell. [B]Avenged Sevenfold's band [I]members [/I]-[/B]They have good music, but really, the band members were bron from leftover pieces of trash in God's 'Creation Bin.' They insulted TDEP, I don't lsiten to them, but how dare they? They think they are the top ****. And what pisses me off is in the video of Almost Easy, M. Shadows looks like a rip-off of Maynard James Keenan. Just go to Youtube, and look up the video for Almost Easy, then go find a picture of Maynard James Keenan... you'll see. [B]HIM[/B] - Now a couple of the songs from Venus Doom are actually good, but I can't see how my friends can like HIM. I just can't. I think that they suck and I don't know why. [B]Coldplay [/B]- All fame and fortune makes this band a dulll boy. I can't stand Coldplay, the guys voice makes me want to hurl and chuck tator tots at the TV whenever a video comes on. [B]Mudvayne (Later albums)[/B] - I'm going to buy L.D. 50 sometime soon, and I have the latest two albums courtesy of my friend. Now, I like Mudvayne a bit, World so Cold, TV Radio, Happy... a few sogns I like. But the rest of the newer albums suck. The earlier stuff, is [I][B]way [/B][/I]better then the new stuff on Lost and Found. [B]Green Day, Sum 41 and Simple Plan[/B] - These three bands spell disaster for my ears.working Class Hero is the only song I like from Green Day, the rest of the songs are crap. Sum 41 just bothers me, Underclass Hero is wat kills me the most, and Simple Plan just makes me sick.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="1234"]Despite sometimes hating you, I'm going to miss your posts and you, farewell.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="1234"]It's good Inculta. You don't have to change anything. But if you want to you can, just PM me telling me what you changed. [B]Name: [/B]Endorph "Endy" Dillinger [B]Age:[/B]17 [B]Gender[/B]: male [B]Personaltiy: [/B]Endorp is falling downword into depression. The deaths of his parents at the age of 3 and the death of his brother two years ago, has been pressure on him. But only recently his personlaiy has becomre droll and sad. Endy is always bored, and he never cares about anything, however he does not insult and is very sensitive. But, despite not being rude or judgemental, Endy can get really angry, however this usually gets supressed causing him to get more depressed. He never vents out anger unless he is terribly mad. [B]History[/B]: Endoprph grew up in a fairly religious and very happy town in Northern Vermont. However, this doesn't mean his life was great too, on the contrary Endy's life has been very sad. When he was three his parents were killed by the local priest after the priest's Prophet seemed to snap causing them both to becomre murderous. The priest, possesed by a tainted Prophet, killed his parents and three of his friends. When he turned 16, he was inducted into the church's ceremony and was empowered by his Prophet, Gene. His brother, Thomas Dillinger, was suppsoed to be at the ceremony with Endy, but he died in a car crash. This caused Endy to rapidly spiral downword into a depression. Ever since then he has become different from otehrs at the church. His cllothing, music choice, and behavior has changed, and he has started to become and outcast in his town. But his Prophet, Zenos, has also become a factor in his strange life. [B]Abilities: Hell Split [/B]- Endy uses Zenos' blade to crack teh groudn and turn it into ice, this also cools teh earth below Endy freezing it to the point of brittle cracking. The Endy can split the ice, thus called Hell Split. [B]Will of God[/B] - Endy can heal himself and heal others by prayer. Endy can also use this spell to cast thunder spells on evil beings and people. [B]Mirror of St. Peter [/B]- Endy can put someone in a false bliss, making them happy yet unaware of what endy can do. this makes people halucinate and see good things. however, when this is performed, Endy drains 1 day of his lifetime and gives that day to god. [B]Later, Angel Ripper [/B]- Endy sacrifices part of his religious sanity to gain power. WHen this spell is used, Endy lloses his humanity and becomes deranged. During this state, Endy's Psyche-blade emits a terrible anger and he is able to rip apart the heaven's themselves. [B]Scythe of the Mercilious[/B] - Endy's sword becomes a scythe and he gains the ability to reap the souls of the departed. He can gather this energy for a limited time, and use them to attack without mercy. [B]Sacrificial Lamb -[/B] Zenos and Endy fuse their bodies together and obtain immense power. Howver, this takes away 7 days of his life, and puts Endy into '7 days of rest.' During these 7 days, Zenos's soul deterioratesfrom within Endy and seperates. If this is disrupted by an outside force, endy and Zenos become one permanetly Appearence: [URL="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb136/Sasukes_BadGirl/anime16.jpg"]Endorph[/URL] [B][U]PROPHET[/U][/B] [B]Name[/B]: Zenos Wiheim [B]Gender[/B]: male [B]Special Power(s):[/B] Zenos allows Endy to perform attacks of darkness at high speeds. Zenos also giaves Endy the mysterious 'Psyche Blade,' an artifact that Zenos creates using his spiritual energy. This balde turns endy's hair balck and make shim glow red with power. This also makes Endy faster, stronger and gives him more energy and life. [B]Personality[/B]: Zenos is best described as a smartass, ignorant, and bad-mouthed jerk. Zenos likes to see people get annoyed, adn even pranked. Endy feels happy when soemone feels miserable. But Zenos has a soft spot hidden within his tough-macho-man exterior. [B]History[/B]: Zenos' life as a human was not so enjoyable for him or for his peers. He was a priest, however, not a good one. Due to the way he acted -always calling epople names, laughing at someone's misfortunes and for being a jerk- God decided to trap his soul until someone could arrive and take it. Zenos was cast away into a deep sleep within a sword, which Endy obtained in the year 2008, 506 years after Zenos' imprisonment. [B]Appearence[/B]: [URL="http://www.angel-guide.com/images/Angel-sanctuary-angel-anime-angel-picture.jpg"]Zenos[/URL] NOTE: Prophets don't have to look entierly human, they can have odd traits, like wings, in fact, it isn't odd for them to have weird features. Also, as you can see, Endorphs spells become different later on. The Underground thread should be up soon.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="1234"]Right now I'm reading Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann on th net. I think this is better than spending time looking for vids with ENGLISH subtitles. It's pretty fun so far, and I think I'm gettinge into it.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="1234"]I want Rock Band, no I [I][U][B]want[/B][/U][/I], Rock Band. Guitar Hero 3 is getting boring, and Rock band has more than just the guitar, which is nice. Also, I want to play Welcome Home, badly. In fact, everytime Rock Band comes into conversation I say "I want it so I can play Welcome Home. But as of now I don't have the money, which sucks, but I hope to get it later this year, and beat the **** out off everyone who challenges me to Welcome Home.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="1234"]Actually, I don't see why the metal community can't except metalcore as part of the metal genre, but that's just me. The same as Nu-metal. Yeah Jake will come after me, but really I don't care, so Jake take it to PMs please. I'm listening to Impulse by The Endless Sproradic, the song is werid but very good.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Red][B]WARNING:[/B] This RPG will contain strong language, violance sexual as well as other adult themes and religious themes as well. Discretion is advised.[/COLOR] [center][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/Igmere.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=White]In another universe distant from our own, there exists a world known as Terraprim. This world is much like ours. It has seven continents, each with a name similar to out own continents. The Amerika's, Yurpoe, Asya, Australya, Afreeka and Antartika are all the same. However, the history of some places is different from the history of ours. For example, The United States gained independence after a group of soldiers to Yurope and killed the king. The first president was Markus Alington, the man who killed the king and freed the patriots. After the Revolution, no war was waged for over 2 centuries. In this world, there exists a religion known as 'Prophetism,' which is much like Christianity. In Roman times Jesus, the son of god gave his life for humanities sins. About 300 years later, the Vatican was built and became a Holy place in Yurope. The first Lord high priest was Kystil Jhon the IV, a powerful adn very energetic old man. He became a symbol of the Propetism Church for years. There is a bible too, however it is different from the Christian one we know of. There is also magic in Prophetism, unlike Christianity where magic is forbidden. There are also spirits known as prophets that contain powers. These spiritual beings have chosen a body for which they are attached, these souls are know as 'Manifests.' Prophets that have found a human must be brought to the world by rituals when a human is 16 years of age. From then on a Prophet is attached and must befriend their Manifest, and until the human's death, they are attached to the person. Now in the 21st century, religion isn't as major as it was years ago. Now Terraprim is focused on technological advancements. However, the Church of Prophetism still thrives and is known as the biggest religious sect in the world. But there is a force hidden beneath all of the beliefs, this force could change the Church of Prophetism, and Terraprim forever.[/COLOR] [center] [COLOR=White][U][B]SIGN UPS[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Anything modern in today's world. [B]Age:[/B] 16-30. Characters can't be less than 16 due to the cfact that person's under 16 don't have prophets. [B]Gender: [/B]This is obvious. [B]Personality:[/B] What your character is like. [B]History: [/B]What has happened to your character in the past. [B]Attacks & abilities: [/B]Give me 3 for now, and three for later. [B]Appearence: Image would be nice.[/B] [B]Prophet's Name:[/B] Anything modenr, old or weird. [B]Gender: [/B]This is also obvious. [B]Special Power(s):[/B] What powers does the prophet have, and what impact does ith ave on your character. [B]Personality:[/B] What your prophet is like. [B]History:[/B] What was it like in yourprophets last life. [B]Appearence:[/B] Image would be nice.[/COLOR] [/center] [SIZE=1]I'm assuming this should have been in this forum in the first place. -Blayze [/SIZE] [/center]
  25. [COLOR="1234"]Oh no no no no no... Satanists are BAD for sure. The way the practice works is upside down. Religion's that use magic turn to Magicless religions. Magicless relegions turn to magic using religions. Anyways, I'm going to have this up momentarily, the RPG will be titled [B]"The Legend of Terraprim"[/B] so watch out.[/COLOR]
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