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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR="1234"]I thought we needed a thread where we can rant about our least favorite bands without causing a comotion in the other threads. Just tell us what bands are the worst in your eyes, and give a discription as to why they are so bad. [B]Bullet for my Valentine -[/B] Metalcore crap-fest. Some metalcore bands I like, [I]some[/I], but these guys are the reason why I hate a lot of it. They scream like kittens being raped, bound and gagged after being squeezed like a katsup bottle, and they remind me of a big steaming dog turd, however if BFMV was a meal, I'd rather eat the turd. [B]Boys Like Girls [/B]- After listening to "The Great Escape" I lost hope for the genre. Why? I find them to be the most generic band ever. They make fun of themselves just by making music. I can't stand this song and if I hear anyone say "liek theyre my fav0rite band LOLZ!!!!111!!!!" I will throw up on their lap. [B]Linkin Park (Mintues to Midnight) - [/B]Why? WHY? All I have to say is crap, crap, crap crap, Crap! My friend said tat this album is better than the older stuff, I wanted to smack hima cross the face so hard his nuts would feel it. Old LP is better, this new stuff is the biggest WTF of 2007.[/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE]I can't act like I'm 3 years of age. The fact that I don't listen to Coheed and Cambria is scientific proof that I am at least as mentally developed as a 12-year-old.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="1234"]Actually, my mentallity was like that before I listened to Coheed, now it's the equivelent of a 14 year old. Not every Co&Ca fan is dumb btw, just some. I find that if you tell a person that a metalcore band isn't metal, they will argue with you. I have told my freinds that Atreyu and BFMV isn't metal and they go "you are too genre specific." No, I just hate how they think that those bands are metal when they are not. I'm not genre specific, I hardly know about genres anyways, I just hate when epople get them wrong. I.e, metalcore. And on a seperate note, I admit, I like Becoming the Bull by Atreyu.[/COLOR]
  3. [quote name='2008DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I think Tenjho Tenge and Blood+ suck as well, so we probably are just doomed to disagree. Unless you are watching Gurren Lagann right now as your avi and sig suggest, in which case I would tell you to hurry and watch it all so you can bask in the GREATEST ENDING EVER. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="1234"]I like the show, but damn, I only got to see a little bit, the worst part is I can never find the right video to watch it cause I end up with the 24th episode in spanish subtitles and **** like that so it's purty annoying to find the right vid. Plus I saw the VGcats comic so I had to find the picture it was making fun of, and I found it, but the show is good.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="1243"]Well, I said I was going to leave, but I didn't. I also created a new account jsut to check back without being noticed. For like 3 months I wasn't on at all cause my comp was being an ***, but otherwise I'm always here.[/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE]Anyway, Prem, I agree with you about the cards, but it did receive that name for a reason. And keep in mind that I had planned this one to release before the Ragnarok, but didn't make it in time... So I still want to stick to my original idea instead of reworking the entire thing. (You know story and all the special twists and whatnot)[/QUOTE] [COLOR="1243"]I'm just saying, future installments should be a a lot difrferent. I mean the whole 'death' situation is starting to get drained, thus maybe a different system should start for the next card RPG. In fact, the one I used did not incldue deaht in the cards, it was different.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="77656"]Oooo, oooooooo, I have an idea! How about we take Allamorph and me into a pit where we can fight to the death and of coarse, me, being Premonition will automatically know what he's going to do next, than I defeat him in a clash of blood and power, and afterwords the OB gods will shine on me. If you can't tell already, I'm very conceided.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="1234"][QUOTE]Three - Prem, in regards to your signature, even I am not above getting annoyed and calling someone a name. Mind you, it usually does take having someone illogically turning your statement into a vision of a world that accepts murder. And then claim it's your ideal world on top of that. [/QUOTE] I removed it, I was just really shocked that you said that. You seemed like the kind of person who wouldn't resort to that, so I decided to highlight it because it seemed different. Sorry if you were offended in any way by it ebing in my sig. Anyways, I think prostitution shouldn't be illegal, it's two adults making an offer, besideds it not like they are raping each other. But on the other hand with it being illegal it sort of lowers the STD rate among that thing. But have you ever heard of those legal whore houses? They are a whopping punch to your wallet, but really, instead of comitting soemthing illegal, just go to one of those places.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="1234"]Jake do you enjoy acting like a three year old sometimes? Anyways, I'm listening to some crappy 80's music right now and I'm too lazy to turn the channel to Metal or Rock. But this morning and last night I listened to a ton of Coheed and Cambria songs, almost in a retrostpect seeing that I practicalyl listened to every album again. But I'm not complaning, I've been listening to Co&Ca for a while now, and it's adicting.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR="1234"][QUOTE]3. You determine the genre without a source by *gasp* by listening to the music.[/QUOTE] Well DB isn't a genre genious like you. [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="1234"]Umm, I'm going to steer away from your conversation and say... Swallow the Sun. Two days ago I heard 3 Hours(or days... I wasn't in a thinking mood.) of Despair and they're awesome. It was an amazing song. I have a quick question, are the bands In Flames and Dope considered metal, metalcore or no. I heard somewhere that they are so I thought I'd ask.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="1234"][QUOTE]Ergo proxy sucks, don't watch it >.> [/QUOTE] I dont know what I'm going to do about you, DB. :p Anyways, on the subject of Ergo Proxy, the last episode I saw was the one where [spoiler]Re-L discovered her little split personality with Vincent, which was an oddly satisfying twist.[/spoiler] I also saw the episode where Pino was in that Proxy's theatre. Which made her even more cute than she already is. I had lost hope for Tenjho Tenge, but the last epsiode that one [spoiler]kid's powers went ballistic and his hair turned black[/spoiler]... I want to watch the show again. Plus Maya and her sister, OMG! I aslo need to watch up a bit on Blood+, which is great btw.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="77656"]Well, that is so very true, but just the fact that 4kids worked on it, makes it an endless piece of **** that's crappiness will go on... FOREVER!!!!!!!111!!1[/COLOR]
  13. [quote name='2008DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I'll agree that SEED and Trinity **** are both lame shows, but dude.... Tokyo Mew Mew is shoujo. Yeah, it's bad enough that 4kids probably butchered it, but in the first place it's SHOUJO. As a teenage boy YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO WATCH IT. The show is meant for little girls, for crissakes!!! And Lunox, some of us likes em young :p[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="1234"]I know it's shoujo, but that doesn't stop the fact that 4Kids ruined it! My ex-girlfreinds watched it so I tried it and I wanted to bleed from my ***, not because it was for girls, but because it was horrible. [QUOTE]I don't see any attraction in a ****** with an afro fighting with his hair. Certainly doesn't make the show amazing. I guess its because Cartoon Network has to butcher everything so it appeals to little children.[/QUOTE] People like you don't see the point. It has to be for children to some extent IT'S A CHILDREN'S NETWORK for the most part. And have you seen the Japanese version? Have you ever read the manga? That is definitly something kids can't watch, it's not good for their virgin ears, but it was good. Sure the anime got a bit old after a while but Bobobo Bobo Bobo is funny all around. YOU just don't get it. I feel hurt.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="1234"]I'd actually wouldn't mind a second go, I think I'm ready. But I think we should put to rest the Death-Trials series and make way for a new system different from the last 4 and this one. Or we could make way for a new type of card series, cause I've tried it once, despite lack of RPG, I wouldn't mind making one, but ya know, I'm not a respected RPG particapant, so it wouldn't fly off the handle anyways. *sigh* But I do have The Legend of Terraprim comming out soon, and after that I might redux Star Ocean: Till the end of Light, seing as though a few members PMed me about joining but were busydue to other RPG's like Silver One's finale and other RPG's.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR="1234"]My shcool year has been so so this year. I mean last year was horrible, I almost killed myself, thank god I gave myself the "don't give up speech." Otherwise, I'd be in my grave. It was so bad. It's all because I thought I was bisexual. But if anything good came out of it, it was my new freinds, and a better understanding for the gay community. As for this year, the teasing has almost completely subsided. No one cares that I thought I was bi, and some of my old freinds that abonded me, are freinds again which is nice. My grades suck a bit. English, which is my favorite subject, is bad this year. But that's only because of the warm-up writting and vocab she made us do. Now, it's easy again. As for Home/Careers (which is called Homos/Queers by the student body lol) I hate it and want our new teacher to die, he sucks, and he looks like Mr. Tumnus, which makes me want to punch him. But it will all pay off, cause by the end of the year, my life will return to normal, no drama from my old friend, who I wanted to kill myself over cause she was annoying, and no more "h3s a ***, LOLZ." Also, lately we haven't had trouble from the skateboarders. I mean for some reason they think we are all gay/bi because we are emo and we lsiten to weird and heavy music.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="1234"][B]Gundam SEED [/B]- Even though I loved G Gundam, Gundam Wing and SD Gundam, this show made me want to bleed through my ears, eyes and penis. It was just horrible. Thank god the ending song was good, otherwise it wasn't worth it. The story didn't grab me, and honestly, it was boring. [B]Trinity Blood[/B] - Blah blah blah Rosencrouts(sp?), blah blah blah Vatican, Blah blah blah whiny prest naging. It sucked hard balls. If you are a fan, don't get me wrong, it's animated nicely and the premise is good imo, but it's just not worth it. To me it was like a smoothie. It's looks good on teh advertisements plastered on the commercials, but once you get it, it's like "what the **** have I done?!" [B]Tokyo Mew Mew[/B] - 4kids, why must you rape our young minds with badly edited and crappy anime? WHY??? This show is just annoying. So annoying Helen Keller can't even stand it! I'm suprised One Piece is even one piece anymore, 4kids didn't shatter it to **** like all the other shows, thank god. I can't say anymore, 4kids, do you not want us to know about Japan. So WHUDAFXUP?[/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]Nope, so long as you follow in DB's shadow, you are destined to be trampled. :p Besides it's your fault for having "[I] larceny in his heart[/I]" Anyway, interesting turn of events.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]Thanks Indiff, you are just [I]the best [/I] help in this situation. >_> *Hangs self next to picture of DB and curse the world* [/COLOR]
  18. [color="#1234"][B]'The Running Free' by Coheed and Cambria [/B]seems like a good theme for Eureka Seven. It reminds me of Renten and the Nervash. [B]'Nothing for me Here' by Dope [/B]is a good theme song for naruto because in thebeginnning Naruta wasn't mister popularity in the village. [B]'Vicarious' by Tool [/B]is a good theme song for Ergo proxy. The sheer psychology of Ergo Proxy and the lyrics of Vicarious fit perfectly, IMO.[/COLOR]
  19. [quote name='0ber0n the Neko']Just industrial. Annoying industrial. Also, German.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]That pretty much sums up the annoyance that is Rammstein. I hate them, no, I loath them.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="77656"]Hey, don't forget who's idea it was for the Vagaband Lawyers! :p [QUOTE]Premonition swooped in with larceny in his heart. He reached for the most available pie and instead of grabbing it properly, got a face full of sizzling hot rack instead and was about to make an exit, howling and cursing, when Petie appeared. And this time for some reason he was wearing a Paladin’s armor. Everyone paused to blink at the anachronism, when he drew a sword and swung after Premonition, nearly slicing off his ears.[/QUOTE] Okay, quick question, why am I always the one who's abused in these stories? I get killed by The Beast in FQFG2, now I get sizzled and slashed in this story. Do I ever have justice? Do I ever go a day without some form of abuse?[/COLOR]
  21. [quote name='Malkav']Give him a fair shot. Sword fight him with a barracuda[/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]Ooooooooooooo barracuda! Ahem, yeah I'd pummel him if I were you, not the most humane choice, but for this case it's probably best.[/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE]Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]Ooo, you growled! I'm just [I]shaking[/I]. :p Anyways I agree with Kam, I hate Metallica on levels that I can't even see with my mind. the last Metallica song I heard made me want to die, One is the only song I can't stand. St. Anger, is an explosion of crap. I used to enjoy them until I discovered St. Anger.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="77656"]Well, I was playing Guitar Hero again today, and I came across one weird flipping song. It's crazy IMO. So I decided to create a thread dedicated to the weirdest songs you've ever heard. [B]Impulse - An Endless Sporadic:[/B] the song goes from heavy to soft to weird tro funky a lot. The song is good btw, but it is downright freaky. It has soem weird nosies and great music. I'm going to enjoy playing more on Guitar Hero. Anyways, what's some of the weirdest **** you've ever heard? And don't list songs, explain why you think the song you posted is weird.[/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE]After I stop being a douchebag? Um... have you not noticed that I've been nothing but a douchebag for the three years I've been on this forum? I've actually been informed that I have accumulated 3 Official Douchebaggery Points (ODPs) from the moderators for my previous post. I like this new system. Now I can gauge my douchebaggery in a more precise manner.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]Yes that is true, but after a while it turns to annoyance, than turns into a thorn on our backs, and soon it will become worse. Oh yeah, metal right... One is one of Metalica's early metal songs, if memory serves me. But anyways, isn't the newer Metallica considered Hard Rock, or is it still considered metal?[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="77656"]Actually now that you mention it, I'd probably do the same thing so I don't look like a Co&Ca freak-a-zoid. [spoiler]I take things to literal, just ask my friends, I never take a joke.[/spoiler][/COLOR]
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