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Everything posted by Aberinkula
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Recently the only dreams I remember are the two I had where I end up making out with my friend... among other things >_> And I had another where another friend of mine tried raping me. *shudders* My nightmares used to be recurring, always. Sometimes I'd get one that was out of place, like one where my friend got raped by 4 fat guys, and the local mafia shot me. Than I woke up 9 months later to find out my friend is dead. Well, the other dream where I dated one of my friends and he tried raping me took place the next school year after my friend's death. One of my worst nightmare was an odd one, it's happened twice. It was on a holiday that took place every 23 years where everything was horrible. I used to have dreams where suddenly sharp, fast gusts of wind blew open windows, like a sonic boom. Dreams like that haven't happened in a few years, but the whole '23 years' was the last dream when it happened. [QUOTE=Allamorph]"I dreamed I ripped all the skin off my face and was someone else underneath."[/QUOTE] Reminds me of the Family Guy episode that parodied 'Poltergeist.' Peter scratched off his face and was Hank Hill underneath. "hehehehehehe propane.' Ha, good episode.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='Sabrina'][FONT="Tahoma"]So the question now is... who is going to defend you? o_O [/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I will... because I'm a doctor... no? Okay, I will because it's my soul duty as Highlander... not that either. Oh hell, Ace you're on your own >_>[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"][B]Kingdom Hearts 1/2: [/B]Square Enix releases some of the best games, Kingdom Hearts being they're best imo. The story-line is brilliant, and the Disney/Final Fantasy crossover works very well. The game play is easy to master, and the techniques you obtain can be pretty kick ***. There is no downside, except when the game is over. [B]Final Fantasy VII: [/B]Claimed as the best video game of it's time, this game transcends well even now where the 360, the Wii and the PS3 dominate the territory. Time based combat was never this fun, the summons were cool. But best of all one of the video game world's best villains, Sephiroth was created. Cloud may need some therapy cause honestly, he's quite emo imo. The graphics, while not the best, were brilliant for the time and even the cut-scenes were magnificent. [B]Shadow Hearts: From the New World: [/B]The darkest story-line of any T rated video game, and some of the bosses made me sick to my stomach to look at. I'm surprised the game didn't gt an M rating. The characters are all different, each one offering unique abilities that never fail to impress. ****, they even have a talking cat! Even though Shania's skimpy transformation sequences raged through my hormones, it wasn't enough to satisfy my taste, yet as the game went further, it satisfied them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Your Favorite Bands - Lets get it out of the way
Aberinkula replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Well, might as well give my new list out! [B][I]Ultimate Favorites[/I][/B] [B]1. Coheed & Cambria[/B] No matter what, Coheed will be my favorite. All 4 albums are a masterpiece all in they're own. Whether it be The Second Stage Turbine Blade's unique sound, In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth 3's epic tracks, Good Apollo I's emotional roller coaster or No World for Tomorrow's classic rock feel, C&C will remain my favorite. They've dished out some powerful songs, Welcome Home, The Final Cut, Neverender, In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth, and many more. [B]2. Avenged Sevenfold[/B] Because of them I got into music a lot more than I ever did, before them it was all Linkin Park, Green Day and all of them. A7X showed me that hard rock/hardcore can be one of the best musical experiences. Waking the Fallen's metalcore was brilliance, and actually a lot better than the competition (BFMV, Atreyu) and City of Evil's riffage and vocal work astounds me still. Even now with they're newest album being meh, they manage to be A Little Piece of Heaven. [B]3. Between the Buried and Me[/B] Nothing better than extreme hardcore, and awe-inspiring technicality, gut-wrenching breakdowns and guttural growls and screams... ah a symphony of awesome in your ears. Alaska being a piece of brilliance (Backward Marathon, Medicine Wheel and The Primer are like a trilogy, Medicine Wheel being an independent breakdown.) Colors, the 65-minute song split into 8 independent songs was astounding. White Walls, a 14 minute masterpiece of awe-inspiring solos proved to be the best song the band can dish out. [B][U]Lesser Favorites[/U][/B] [B]4. Chevelle[/B] With the vocal sound of Maynard James Keenan and the post-grunge-power of Breaking Benjamin, Chevelle proves to be one of the best bands in the mainstream ring. I have to hand it to Pete Loeffler, the lead singer, his guitar work makes Chevelle heavy and his vocals are brilliance. He writes awesome lyrics as well, while mostly subtle, they are powerful. Each song from This Type of Thinking and Vena Sera offers it's own brand of cool. Wonder What's Next is they're best selling album, for good reasons. Comfortable Liar, Send the Pain Below and Wonder What's Next are kickass songs, the latter of which is a song of emotion. [B]5. Tool[/B] One of the finest Hard rock bands to ever grace our planet. Maynard James Keenan may be one ugly son of a gun, but his voice is brilliant. Songs like 10,000 Days, Sober and Parabol/a haunt you like no tomorrow, Vicarious being one of the most haunting songs I've ever listened to, (watch the video, it's just whoa). Tool is indescribable in genre, they're progressive rock mostly, but there's something more to it than that. [B]6. Mudvayne Mudvayne imo, is good once and a while, but they do have something quite unique about them. The rage of Slipknot, the hip-hop beat of Limp Biscuit and the emotional angsts of Linkin Park combine to create Mudvayne. Death Blooms, World so Cold, Dull Boy, TV Radio, Choices and Nothing to Gein are great songs. Not to mention the cover of The Police's King of Pain, which is an awesome cover imo. Mudvayne is not a stranger to disappointment, but every once and a while they hit the cravings other Nu-Metal Bands can't break. Disturbed would have been at this spot if it wasn't for the fact that they feel a bit, rusty to me. [B][U]Honorable Mentions[/U][/B] [B]Heaven Shall Burn All Shall Perish[/B] [B]Circle Takes the Square [/B] [B]My Chemical Romance[/B] [B]Disturbed[/B] [B]Breaking Benjamin Fair to Midland The Mars Volta Mastodon [/B] [B]In Flames [/B] [B]Cradle of Filth[/B] [/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I like comedy most of all, Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the dead are my favorite movies. I like horror too, but not the senseless violance of some movies, the slasher-flick kind bug me. Horror movies like Shutter and Saw are my favorites, they aren't scary per se, but they give you chills. I can't stand action movies at all (my favorite movies above being exceptions) they just don't get me, drama movies sometimes, but not always. I also like Sci-fi and Fantasy films, like Stardust and Harry Potter, as well as Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]No no no, I'm not gay per se, just mostly homosexual. I still like girls, just I choose not to date any, or have sex with any girls. I'm bi, but I"m more gay than straight.... get what I mean? So I identify myself as homosexual. America is a great country as a whole, but the US is just ignorant to this type of thing. It's almost like people here are trying to make it seem like homosexuality doesn't exist >.
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]I take it J is one of you're best friends? If so, DON'T GO AFTER HER! If scrubs taught me anything, if it works out as friends, it won't work out well as a couple. I agree with the episode wherer Docter Cox said it's better if you and you're lover aren't friends. Take it from somone who was in that position.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]How do you think I feel? Some people think I'd like to date a transvestite cause I'd get both >_< which is not the case... besides if I get a penis/vagina I'd like the rest to go along with it. Anyways, ummm, celebritites! I wish I could meet the cast of Heroes. I mean, the cast is beautiful! It's like a wet dream for me.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Well, I do agree with Raiha that it could be rebound, so I'd wait a while. I myself am getting over my best friend, he's bi too, but he doesn't like the fact that I like him. So I'd wait before jumping into a new relationship just in case something similiar happens to come up. Personally, I wouldn't go into the dating scene, it can cause problems. Believe me, wanting to date your friends can complicate things, so I've decided to leave relationships out until I become older. So I'd say give it time, wait until you're about 16 before dating again.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Another thing about homophobia is insecurities. Some men/women are insecure about themselves so they decide to take it out on people. I personally went through that before I came out. I became a jerk to my friends because I was taking out my problems on them. I mean, people would say they didn't want me near them because they thought I was going to rape them. Honestly saying a gay person is going to rape you because they're standing behind you is dumb. Well if that was true, wouldn't that mean the same for straight men standing behind women or something along those lines? You have the right to be uncomfortable changing or showering next to a gay person, but mocking them, beating them for it is taking it too far. I mean, if you're showering next to a gay man, and you're straight, they will respect that. I have straight friends, some I find attractive but I'd never hit on them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]I caught a glimpse of an article in the newspaper about a ban on homosexuals in the military. Now, they do have a 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' policy, but it said that it doesn't always work out well. Defenders of the ban say it 'diminishes soldier's honorable service in the military.' Personally, I think it would be stupid to ban gay people from the military. I mean, we have terrorists and war to worry about, we shouldn't be worried about who's gay in the military. So, what are your views on the subject? Do you agree or disagree about banning gay and lesbian people in the army? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I admit, I love this show. I mean, sure people are stupid enough to go on this show, when the truth will come out, but it's they're fault. And not all the time is this results of greed, sometimes people just strive for more money to help the family, when some of the questions asked just achieve the opposite result. It's sort of vicarious of us to watch and keep watching at the result of people's suffering. I mean, I don't feel sorry for a mass majority of the people on there, but once and a while there is someone who doesn't deserve they're family ruined.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]La Portrait de Petite Cosette, is a 3 episode OVA, and I suggest watching it. They have it in English, for it has been on the Fuse network. With only 3 episodes, it's pretty good, and by that I mean it's excellent. I agree with Lunox on Fullmetal, it's a brilliant piece of work, all of it. No episode is a waste imo. The episode Mother really effects me. But I think Conquerer of Shambala was a bit of a disappointment, it begged another movie.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]The Fairly Odd Parents and Courage the Cowerdly Dog are two of my favorites. The latter being one of the funniest shows in CN history. Family Guy is my favorite cartoon of all time as well. Now I admit there are a few episodes of Spongebob that make me laugh, like the one where they sell Chocolate... haha funny episode.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]...Yeah Allamorph, I guess you're a sad being, I pity you. Wait, I don't like Spongebob either... dammit. But seriously, people who don't watch spongebob are just as happy as people who do watch it, in fact, I'm happier that I don't watch it anymore.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]45 - Shinedown: [/B]A song about suicide, it's Shinedown's best imo. My brother is the person who showed me this song. He tried committing suicide once, so he doesn't like it anymore, but I do. [B]Wake Up - Coheed and Cambria: [/B]Pure love song. Basic, yet to me, sublime. It's the whole 'I'd do anything for you' shabang, and it hits well. Definitely a song I cry to lol. [B]10,000 Days - Tool:[/B] In dedication to Maynard James Keenan's mother Marie, the song is about her fight with disease. It's a good song, starting slow than heavy, than it ends with a little poetic verse. It's dedicated to his late mother, so it means something. [B]Crossing the Frame - Coheed and Cambria:[/B] This song is catchy, the chorus, the beginning the end. It's Poppier than some of the songs on the list, but it's still a fun song to listen to. [B]The Light and the Glass - Coheed and Cambria:[/B] A good song, very soft until the end where it ends in chanting of 'Pray for us' which is just brilliant. The song starts off happy, than transcends into the last few minutes with a sadder feel to it. Definitely the song on this list I recommend MOST.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]My Chemical Romance is labeled emo, Coheed and Cambria is labeled emo. The thing is both bands have emotion in them, but nothing about them is emo. People that say that, don't know what they're talking about. But yeah, listen to Whoa Mann, he knows what he's talking about.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]As promised, here is chapter one. This is my second version of this chapter, the first being nothing more but a draft, thus here is the better version, for this version I strived for a little more of a lighter feel to it, to get the story going at a good mood. I went from 3rd person to 1st person, which I seem to have more luck with. I'm in the middle of Chapter two right now, which will come in two parts because I'm planning on having it long. But I might split it into two sperate chapters. Anyways, enjoy The White Walls![/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]---------------------------------------------- [FONT="Batang"][SIZE="8"][COLOR="Gray"]THE WHITE WALLS[/COLOR] [/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Silver"]CHAPTER 1: THE TALE OF 3 TRAVELERS[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT] [COLOR="Gray"][SIZE="1"]Our search for Jason just hit the one year mark, after looking and looking, Chloe, Ryan and I gained little progress in finding him. Once and a while we heard about him, but never saw him. On my sixteenth birthday, my 3rd day dating Jason; he burned down the town killing everyone except me and Chloe. He was normal and happy for 2 days into our relationship, than he became cold. The last time I saw him was when Chloe dragged me out of the fire. He was just over the horizon, looking back at us, a smile of madness across his face. A few weeks later, as me and Chloe walked from town to town to find a new home, we decided to search for Jason. Four months into our search, we met our friend Ryan in the city of Greensboro. He just followed us out of town, and we took him in. He doesn't talk much, but he's pretty open to me and Chloe. He too has the ability to see walls, he can see people's inner-most desires, desires even the person isn't aware of. He saw his own, and stays quiet. Whatever he saw, he wont tell us what it is. As for me, I can see walls too. white ones that allow me to see people's futures. For some reason after the fire the only time I see walls is when the person is about to die, so it's my job to save that person. Chloe, who is like my sister, doesn't have the ability to see walls, but she can control water, so it's possible she has one. Anything else about me you ask? Well, I have the spirit of a womanizing demon inside me, and it doesn't help that I'm gay too... so it comes as a bit of a problem. Chloe thinks it's funny though, she picks on me all the time, but she means well. Ryan for some reason, shows some interest in Chloe... and me! Sometimes he'll try making a move on us. Chloe doesn't see a problem with it, but I do. So far, our adventure hasn't been very fun, or bad either. Every now and then, a demon pops up, or someone's life is at stake and I have to save them. But nothing odd yet. Now we find ourselves in the small town of Evenclera. It's been at least 3 days since I last saw even a small glimpse of technology, it seems like forever since I've been on a computer, nor have I seen a television in a while. I haven't had the time for anything like that in a while. Chloe was walking next to me, we were by a small little river so whenever she got too hot, she used her abilities to splash us with water, just by waving her hand, water came out and splashed us. It sparkled in the sun, which was kind of cool. Ryan didn't like getting wet that much, which was sad because he looked pretty good all wet. He was pretty handsome, dark hair over his left-eye. He always wore tight fitting clothing and he had a strange necklace on all the time too. Even when he took showers, he didn't take it off. Not that I watch him take showers or anything, I'm not THAT perverted... Oh sorry, I'm getting sidetracked by the image. Anyways, the river that ran through the town suddenly turned the other way and ran off to the outskirts. We walked over a small bridge and entered the plaza. There were a few stores here and there, they mostly sold food, all the fancy-shmancy stores were on the other side of town. We were just out for a stroll. Surprisingly, Chloe hasn't been very talkative today. Neither has Ryan, but that's just him being him. Suddenly, Chloe turned to her right and stopped. She looked up and down the building in front of her. It was a small restaurant, it looked nice so she started walking in. [B]"Hey guys, we should grab a bite to eat before we leave town." [/B]she said smiling. I nodded, so Ryan and I walked in too. We sat down at the table and looked at the menu. Chloe started giggling and she looked at me, I was sitting with Ryan, who as usual, decided to rest his head on my shoulder. [B]"Hey... Darren!"[/B] Chloe said to me with her usual smile on her face... I knew something was coming. [B]"Are you going to order the rainbow trout?" [/B]She asked. I didn't get it at first, but suddenly I grasped the joke. Instead of just laughing I decided to retaliate. [B]"Yeah I think I will, you know, I've never had fish asshole."[/B] I said smiling. Chloe's laugh suddenly stopped and she shook her head. [B]"Men are so nasty, gay or not." [/B]She replied, I started laughing my butt off. Ryan's eyes widened and he decided to just rest his head on the table. The waiter came over and took our order. I watched him walk away slowly, "nice view in this place!" I said smiling. Chloe turned and looked at the waiter. "Couldn't agree more!" She said. We both smiled. We loved to joke around, it allowed us time to be happy, despite the fact that just a year ago today, everyone we knew died. My parents are still alive, but they're traveling around the world to help study the past of walls and elemental powers. Chloe's father went AWOL on her and her mother died. She had to deal with her grandma's death the day of the fire... we left everything and started our new life. Ryan lived his sister, she didn't know he left with us. "So, today's the anniversery..." I said as the waiter gave us our drinks. Chloe nodded and wiped her eyes. [B]"Yup... it's been a year. I know you miss Jason."[/B] Chloe looked into my eyes and smiled. If I was straight, she'd be the girl I'd take. She always makes me happy when I'm sad. [B]"Yeah, the last great memory with him was the night we started dating. It was a good day-"[/B] [B]"Who was the catcher?"[/B] Chloe asked, we both laughed. [B]"Anyways, I just hope we find him soon. Then we can start our new life."[/B] [B]"I haven't heard from Andras in a while, what happened?"[/B] The waiter came with our food, we said our thanks and started eating. I ordered the rainbow trout of coarse. "[B]Well you see, I've decided to keep him in my subconscious for a bit. He needs to rest so my powers can grow. Besides he might hit on you." [/B]I laughed. I looked outside the window, the sky was clear, and the sun was setting beyond the horizon, a beautiful red enveloped the sky like a carpet of crimson. Next to me was Ryan, his black hair over his eyes. His lips shut. He didn't order anything, I usually shared my food with him. His eyes opened suddenly, and he sat up. He turned to me and smiled, I smiled back of coarse. Than, almost as fast as his awakening, he fell back asleep on my shoulder. Ryan had an odd way of showing his friendship, he was an odd card... but a good friend. I sort of have a thing for him, but I'd rather not. I don't think he's ready to handle someone. I don't know why I think this way though. He didn't say much about himself, so all we know is what we've seen. I looked at Chloe, she was sitting near the window looking at the sun set. She was finished eating, but I wasn't. Instead of finishing I took my food and put it in my bag for Ryan. I stood up and scratched my ear. Chloe looked at me and she got up too. Ryan woke up after I nudged him. He got up, and we all left. When we reached the edge of town, it was finally dark out. The stars covered the sky, and the silky white that was scattered across the cosmos looked like fresh milk. It was still warm, a small breeze flowing by made it very comfortable. As we stepped outside the limits of town a dark presence crept up on us. I looked at Chloe, Ryan was very susceptible at this kind of thing, so he stood in front alert. The energy came from a few miles ahead. I noticed the energy for some reason it felt familiar. It was very dark and vicious feeling, but for me I felt relieved and warm. It had to be his energy. I started walking ahead, my intent was clear. I had to reach the source before it disappeared. I started running ahead of the other two. [B]"Hey Darren!" [/B]Chloe shouted. I looked back. [B]"Guys I think it's his energy!"[/B] I shouted. Chloe's eyes widened and Ryan's did as well. They both started chasing after me. The energy started to feel a bit stronger, than weaker. It fluctuated every few seconds in an uneven pattern. After a few minutes of running I stopped and fell to the ground. The energy got stronger and stronger as I lay. I could feel it, running through my body. My head ached with energy, I wanted so bad to run after it, to find it's source... see if it's him. Chloe lay down next to me and looked into my face. [B]"You okay there Mr. Graceful?" [/B]she asked, I flipped onto my back and grabbed at her. [B]"You know, I've never been attracted to a woman before like I am to you!"[/B] I said, she rolled her eyes and stood up. [B]"Darren's okay Ryan."[/B] Chloe said shaking her head. I could hear Ryan laughing, which was unusual. He stood over me and squatted down, his ass planted right on my face. I swear to god if he- Chloe started laughing hysterically. Ryan stood up, walked over to hear and gave her a high five. The bastard farted on my face. [B]"Thanks Ryan, I love you too." [/B]I stood up and took a deep breath of fresh air. I walked over to Ryan and gave him a hug. [B]"Good one man, I've taught you well!"[/B] I smiled. He did too. I looked over at Chloe... I was happy as long as these two were with me. The energy disappeared of coarse, but I could still feel it... I think it was him. We all started walking toward the moon. I could feel something in my heart, and for the first time in my life, I saw my own wall, I saw tomorrow... I just smiled. I had a feeling I wouldn't be dying in the middle of a field. It was a good omen... Or maybe we were all headed for trouble... but whatever it was, we could face it. I looked up at the sky, a shooting star zoomed through the sky like a lightning bug on fire. The moon shined on the sky, making a halo of light around it. I looked to the horizon, trees off in the distance hid lights of some sort. I guess that's where we were headed next.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Shaun of the Dead (Viewing #4) - One of my favorite moveis of all time, it's funnier this time around. But still I hate seeing [spoiler]Shaun's mum's death. I actually wanted to cry this time >_< Also when the zombies get David and rip his guts out, I love that part. I thought he was a prick![/spoiler] I haven't seen any other movies lately, I saw a bit of Saw last night on Sci-fi, but stopped watching it, the commercial interuptions took away from the horror of the film. I'm getting into movies more than I ever have. [U][B]Films on the Roster[/B][/U] Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs Frality (comes with Saw) Saw I Saw II Shutter Underworld Evolution [B][U]Films I Wish to See[/U][/B] Dark Knight (R.I.P. Heath Ledger) The Eye Futurama: Bender's Big Score I Now Pronounce you Chuck & Larry White Noise 2 [B][U]Films I've Seen[/U][/B] 21 - Great The 40 Year Old Virgin - Good Camp Rock (forced viewing) - **** Grandma's Boy - Good Hot Fuzz (3) - Best Movie Ever! I am Legend - Great Knocked Up - Good Shaun of the dead (4) - Second Best Movie Ever! Stardust - Good Sweeny Todd - Great [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]People change, it's just natural. I mean, my best friend changed right before my eyes after 6th grade. Sometimes you might not like the change, but you get used to it. It's just something that happens, you'll change to eventually. Who knows, maybe you've changed a bit in her eyes too. What really matters is that you guys are still friends and that's the most important thing. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]A show like this is pathetic. If you want to know how hot you are on the 1-10 scale... ask your friends. Otherwise don't cramp Television with useless garbage like this... besides... That's Disney's job.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='Rachmaninoff'] That and I have perfect pitch so if you're off too much, it's like nails on a chalkboard. [I]*shudder*[/I] Though that's probably part of why I'm not a huge rock fan... don't get me started on how many singers there are out there who are... [I]off.[/I][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Well, a lot of the times, the vocals are worse in concert. Gerard Way for example has a great voice on CD's, but in concert it sounds like his vocal chords were raped by horrible pitch. Ah, the power of editing. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]i've seen Benjamin Burnly of Breaking Benjamin outside of the Canton arena where their last tour started... than he drove thourgh a town called Potsdam past a Sunoco... that's it though. Although my mom knows someone who met Shania Twain.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Well, already in the first paragraph I found myself laughing, and the whole AA meeting thing was pure gold, oh shit the whole story was gold. I really enjoyed DeLarge's random parts, and the Sam and Frodo bit was [strike]much like a wet-dream I had recently[/strike] just funny. I also like banner for the story, it sort of sets an emo tone for the story though :p Anyways, keep writing and I'll keep reading.[/SIZE][/COLOR]