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Everything posted by Aberinkula
[COLOR="77656"]I must agree agree with Nerdsy, your might just be pulling these other feature's from you behind. [quote name='Rick Hunter']If perhaps I get banned or this thread conviently is deleted well then it is clear that chilidish antics are indeed tolerated as oppose to level heads. [/quote] Sorry but, advertising your site is against the rules, not saying this should be deleted, it shouldn't, but isn't it sort of irresponisble and childish to be breaking the rules of advertising outside of your signature? Correct me if I'm wrong. And on another note, despite the article on Otakupedia, it doesn't make me think you are a bad person, not at all. nether do I think lowely of your site, cause imo it looks interesting. And like Des & Shy said, you cooud contribute your own entry, or better yet add to the old one how much you site as progressed.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]Besides Panache, the Norse didn't even have toilets back then, think, and maybe listen in history class. Are you mocking the gods with talk of joints and toilets?! May thor's hammer crash the mightiest of thunder down on your party of tomfoolery, and mockery. [/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]Hmm, I'm surprised you'd play Diablo II Rach. You just don't seem like the kind of person who would play it. [B]Star Ocean: Till the End of Time:[/B] From my memory I've played this game for about 112 hours. IT was just that awesome. I went through a few months without playing it though, but when I returned, HUZZAH, I beat it. The bonus levels and the item creation have made my time in life dissapear. I've spent hours trying to perfect items. [B]Pokemon Games:[/B] Although I'm through playing these cause Diamond pisses me off, I've clocked tons of hours, mostly on Pokemon Silver, cause it's the best one. [B]Digimon World 3:[/B] It's my second favorite game for the PS1, and it was amazing. I've gotten about over 200 hours all together, if you add up the first time I bought it, when it broke I had to get a second one, and getting as far as I did took time for me to redo, cause I deleted the old data, so that was another 50 hours.. *takes a deep breath of air* In other words, this game was unlucky. Sadly, as I stated in one of Rach's threads, I didn't beat the game.[/COLOR]
Discuss A Fantasy RPG Concept, with a Christian Twist
Aberinkula replied to Aberinkula's topic in Theater
[QUOTE]Can I be a militant nihilist if i join?[/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]Actually, in this RPG you don't have to be Christian, you have creative freedom. You can be a smart mouthed bounty-hunter if you want. And no Jews aren't extinct here.[/COLOR] -
Discuss A Fantasy RPG Concept, with a Christian Twist
Aberinkula replied to Aberinkula's topic in Theater
[COLOR="77656"]No, the church doesn't hold authority over the Terraprim, it is just the biggest religion so it has the biggest impact. Politics is better there than here, as the whole world hasn't been in a war since the Revoloution of USA, which BTW is a lot different from the real revolotion. As I said, the world is in a tech-era, tecnology is advancing, and releligion isn't as big as it was. Politics before religion here in Terraprim, but the story we in the RPG is around teh religios aspect of Terraprim. BTW, I didn't want to mention this until the sign-ups, but there will a connection to our universe, which will change the POV of the cahracters. In other words, our Christianity will make the Christian's in Terraprim question their faith. For the beggining the characters will be boys and girls at church school, and regular school, that way a little history can be taught.[/COLOR] -
Discuss A Fantasy RPG Concept, with a Christian Twist
Aberinkula replied to Aberinkula's topic in Theater
[COLOR="77656"]Ah, you see, in this universe, Chirstianity is not the way it is in our universe. Everything about Christianiy is toppsy-turvey here. The bible is different, as is the history surrounding it. Of coarse, this is the backstory that will be revealed throughout the RPG. This RPG is a big "WHAT IF" question. As for the science not surviving, there is corruption deep within teh church that could spell the end of the world. In this universe, armeggedon is brought by religion, not by machines. It's a vice/versa situation here. [/COLOR] -
[COLOR="77656"]Well, I've decided I'm going to do something different for my next RPG. It's set in a fictional Earth, and deals with Christianity. But it's oh so different. There will be monsters and magic here. Take into consideration though, I'm Christian myself. And if you haven't figured it out, this is purely fictional. This is also going to be my first RPG of 2008. A fresh start on OB is what I'm aiming for. Now I already have a little background cooked up. So here goes... [QUOTE=RPG BACK STORY]In an alternate reality, the world we know as Earth, has a more magical brother. This earth, called Terraprim is home to Yurope, a country that houses the Vatican, a church filled with the power of god. However, unlike our planet, Christianity is based around magic, instead of what we know here. The Vatican's first Lord, Kystil Jhon the IV, was a powerful and magical man. He saw over the world of Terraprim, as a symbol of peace, and power. But this man wasn't the only force in Terraprim's religious aspect years ago. Soul's of past priests, priestesses, high-priests and high-priestesses are trapped in gem's. These souls are called 'Prophets.' Each one has a soul that can connect with a human. However, the human must befriend one at the age of 16. This bond is one of friendship and power. And for years the bond has been well kept. However, in Terraprim's 21st century , religion isn't as big as it was. Due to technological advancements, a new tech-era has emerged. However, the Vatican in Yurope, and all churches around the world, are still thriving very well. But of coarse, other religion rules, but there have been no conflicts. Unlike our earth, Terraprim hasn't seen war in over 200 years.[/QUOTE] There you have it, it's going to change in the final run, but that's the just of it. But in this RPG, the characters will reveal secrets that could change Terraprim forever. Anyways, I don't ant to reveal too much until this is out. But I thought I'd give a head's up and see what everybody thinks. There will be factions, races and other religions to go through in order to give the world of Terraprim diversity, and a more fantasy/sci-fi feel than our earth. The names of places and continents will be spelled differently, but still pronounced the same Yurope is still pronounced Europe. So, any thoughts?[/COLOR]
Anime The anime here in america...is it getting childish?
Aberinkula replied to Humaru's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR="77656"]We can always talk about the children in anime... nevermind, we have DB to worry about. :p Actually, a lot of the kids in anime are pretty darn cute IMO. Like Saya's little brother in Blood+. Now, I'm not gay, but he's pretty darn cute.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR="77656"]I bought an issue of Metal Edge today. Metal Edge... whatever. Well I got it becuase it had an interview with Claudio Snachez. But to the point. It came with a CD of 15 songs, and an Electric Wizard song was on it . Good song, but I'm not convinced as to why you like them. It also ahd a funny guide to naming a metal band, it was by some guy from Ackercocke. Who BTW, are satanists. The magazine has some metal, rock and metalcore, so they should rename the mag. The only metal magazine that's has mostly metal is Metal Mania.[/COLOR]
Anime The anime here in america...is it getting childish?
Aberinkula replied to Humaru's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR="77656"]I'm into anime, and just recently hentai... it makes me apreciate anime more actually. Just recently I got into la Portrait de Petite Cossette, ad that show is derinitly not kid freinddly IMO. BTW if you haven't seen this 3 episode OVA, your as blasphemus as that One Pice hater. Now One Piece isn't my favoiret, but it is an awesome anime nonethelss. [QUOTE]I think it is a much different situation--parents can easily control what their kids are watching on the news, but I don't think they have a clue what their kids watch on Cartoon Network.[/QUOTE] My parents knew what DBZ and all that stuff was because I told them, they didn't mind it at all. I've been watching it since I was 5, and that will never change.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR="77656"]I like Queens of the Stone age, so why would I want to bad mouth Josh Homme? I don't have any albums mind you, but I like them. I thought Bladecatcher was an awesome song, among hte best on the album, along with Colony of Birchmen, Capillarian Crest and Hand of Stone.[/COLOR]
[color="#776560"][B][U][SIZE="3"]Soul Nomad & The World Eaters[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Rated:[/B] T: Blood, Fantasy Violance, Sexual Themes, Strong Language [B]Company:[/B] NIS America This gaem is, very, odd. It's like a choose yourown adventure story turned video game, and it turns out both fun, and weird. the story, te continet of Prodesto was once ome toa great war. Three beasts known as 'World Eaters' destroyed vilalges. These demi-god like beings were controlled Gig, a smart-mouth, yet funny as hell, god. Gig was the Monster of Death and the God of Destruction. But some old women put him into a sword. 200 years later, you obtain this sword... and Gig. You play as a hero, you can be either male or female, it doesn't matter, and you even name the hero. Remember how I said it's like a choose your own adventure book? Well it is, what you do impacts what happens. Some choices called 'bad endings,' or somehthing like that, make you restart the game all over... and I mean all over, however you get to keep your character's level, which isn't bad. There's a bunch of neat features as well, you can pick fights with people on the streets using 'Gig Edicts' which are the game's items. The game is fun IMO, even though I've yet to continue past the fight with soem idiot, cause I've had to restart more than 5 times cause of the whole story path thing. Sadly it is 2D, which I don't mind. Yet seom people will be turned off by this aspcet, owever I don't care. Good story-line, good strategic game play (the battles are waged on a checkers board type thing) good music and soand, and funny characters. Plus unlike a lot of T rated games, it swears as much as the rating allows it. It says 'hell,' 'damn,' 'numbnuts,' '****,' and 'wench' among other words. And these are just a few that Gig says. He says 'asskicker'... I'm going to stop there so this thread doesn't look degenerative. Oh, it also has a lot of fimiliar voices, and the style is reminescant of a few animes. You'll just have to buy the game to find out for yourself cause I can't remeber which animes yet. And if you were wondering, the setting is in a med-evil type world. [B][U]Final Impresions[/U][/B] It's a good 2D strategy RPG, wiht a complelling storyline and witty characters. Plus it's an anime style game, which is a bonus. Anyways, it's sure to be one of my favorite games for the PS2, I give it a 9/10. Now I ask, has anyone heard of this game? Has anyone played or want to play? And if you've played this game, do you like it and why[/COLOR]?
[COLOR="77656"]I skipped right to the ast song, I was enraged. A message in silence? What is it? Waste time to hear a message that I couln't hear. But the first mintues were great. And I agree about Capilarian Crest[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]No Panache, no. Not all good metal bands are satanists. And who siad soome of them are, it could just be a scene thing. Who knows, there could be a super good band out there and the message they send is love Jesus. Anyways, enough about what makes good metal, time to talk about a metal band. Ahem, I bought Blood Mountain today, even though I procrastinated most of the time, I finally got it, with a DVD too. Right now I'm half way through Capillarian Crest, and teh whole album is amazing so far. Can't wait for the last song which is clocked at 22 mintues and counting. I'll post a full review when I'm finished.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]This was brought up in the "L" thread, where people tended to think more or less on the opinion that the popular is uncool and being an inidividual is really what's "in" right now. I thought this would be a great topic for discussion. [/U][/I][/B] Soooooo...basically, in my own humble opinon. Everyone is mainstream in some way, every one is and individual. It's really a balancing act, there is no one extreme or the other. What do you think?[/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]Those were the only parts of the first post I bothered to look at. I just read a few posts from other members, and took the rest from there. So I ignroed the middle and took it as 'uneeded fat.' [QUOTE]second example. if you look at any chatroom, i'm sure you would find some kind of smiley face or leet or cliche heart like
[COLOR="77656"]No Jake, good metal doesn't have to be written in a frostbitten northern forest, but it does help actually.[/COLOR]
Anime The anime here in america...is it getting childish?
Aberinkula replied to Humaru's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR="77656"]Panache, Boondocks is NOT anime. It's based on a comic, not a manga. It's style is just influnced a bit by anime. Blood+ is good, and Eureka Seven was good. To bad Adult Swim took it out of the lineup :( They also had Neon Genesis Evangelion, and that show is deintily not childish.[/COLOR] -
Anime The anime here in america...is it getting childish?
Aberinkula replied to Humaru's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR="77656"]FYI, CN had DBZ uncut a bit, but I guess it was too much. My dad got pissed when that girl in Snake's Way put the gun to her head. Watch Adult swim, and watch Fuse, they don't have childish anime. YOU NEED TO SURF CHANNELS MORE![/COLOR] -
[COLOR="77656"]Well, I finished final Fantasy X, but the ending pissed me offa t so many levels, that I want to jump in there and kill the cast. But alas, there is a sequel. [B]Digimon World 3 -[/B] It's a shame really, thsi is one of THE best playstation games out there, no matter what anyone says. I was jsut bout to go against Gallacticmon and save the real and digital world. But the disk broke. It was the second time I had it to, it broke before that as well. [B]Rogue Galaxy - [/B]I rented this game, so it was no surpise that I didn't finish it. the game was awesome, the characters, the gameplay, it was all good. I got to Eden... and I had to take it back. [B]Final Fantasy 7 -[/B] I can't seem to finish a lot of RPGs, which is the genre I mostly play. I beat the last for of Jenova, and then the game stopped working. It was my favorite PS1 gane too. [B]Final Fantasy 8 -[/B] My sister's dad found it in a trashcan, good condition. But her boyfriend's CD case was a dick and the game didn't work at all. I got the the first cutscene with the beach... that's it. >_> [B]All Full Metal Alcemist Games -[/B] They sucked so I stopped playing. [B]LoZ: Ocorina of Time -[/B] I started this game at a freind's house, then we weren't friends anymore. [B]Spyro the Dragon -[/B] The last boss is a *****, I stopped playing cause I lost hope. [B]Final Fantasy IV Advance - [/B]I used a gameboy advance gameshark and I got stuck in that samurai guys head during that 're-gather your party members' thing after Kefka [spoiler]rules the world.[/spoiler] I refused to restart a new game, I WAS DOING SO GOOD TOO![/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]Today, I was happy as **** when I got 10,000 Days by Tool. But now I want to take the CD And brake it into shards. Who's idea was it to make the CD in a pocket? Because of the thin pocket thingy, it scraped my CD when I tried to get ot out. Now the ****er won't load tracks Rossetta Stoned and beyond onto my Windows Media Player! I only have songs up to Lost Keys, and that's it! Or it could have been my nieces shity CD player, the stupid thing. I just hope tracks 8, 9, 10 and 11 suck hard balls, that way it's not a bad thing that the other songs won't work.[/COLOR]
The Obligatory "Haul" Thread
Aberinkula replied to The Spectacular Professor's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR="77656"]For me, I got almost everything early, and other stuff I picked out. My grandma is got me 10,000 Days by Tool, which after listening to Vicarious, I'm stoked about getting it. My mom got me Guitar Hero 3, in all it's glory. My bro gave me some money,a nd with it I bought With Oden on our Side b Amon Amarth, and I also bought Digimon World: Dusk for my DS. What ccan I say, I'm a sucker for the little guys. And my other grandmother gave me a gift card to FYE. Other than that, this year was stale.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR="77656"]Well, Rach, he may have posted the thread, but I payed attention to the first post. Even if I ignore a member, I don't ignore the first posts of one of their threads, lest I say something completely different from what the thread is about. And yeah, I'm young, I may be good with grammer and stuff of the like, but my understanding of some things isn't as good as other things. So that's probably why I didn't get it.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]I don't pay attention to your posts, dude. Some members, including you, I ignore becuase we don't get along. And you didn't have to repeat yourself, cause I don't care anyways. What I said was different form yours. I believe in individuasm, and you don't. That's your opinion, and frankly what you said isn't going to change mine. If this doesn't sound nice, I'm sorry, I'm not in a ripe mood.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"][QUOTE]For what? Not trying to be mean, I'm actually curious. In response to the tread: If I ever saw some drunk ******* trying to drive, I'd help him out by punching him in the face. [/QUOTE] Umm, to answer the question, I was joking. Anyways I actually agree, if I saw someone attemtping to drive drunk I would do the same, it may seem violant. But one punch would be better than him getting into an accident. [quote name='Indiff']As for the actual topic, I work with victims of domestic violence as part of my job so in all honesty once I'm done for the day I'm often too tired to give a damn if someone else is in need. It's tiring and draining at times and I tend to guard my time off for other things. Plus I'm tiny, changing a tire is something I would have a hard time with, believe me I've tried. [/quote] My grandma is shorter than me, she's less than 4 foot 9. And I think she's changed a tire before. It must suck to hear about domestic violence cases that are sad, like teh death of a little gilr because of an abusive father, that kind of thing. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE]Tomooro my grandma's gunna cook the turkey and all. Xmas is pretty much a black comedy at my house because my parents are so very cynical - my dad only does Xmas cuz he knows we look forward to it, and my mom HATES the whole concept and spends the whole time whining about capitalism blablabla. Then my ggrandma is the Christian traditionalist and all, it's a fun combination.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]That's funny, because that's my family during Christmas. My grandma is a huge Christian. I swear if she saw a pagan walk by achurch, she's shoot rays out of her eyes at the person. My dad is just doing it cause I look forword to it, this is his first year without his father, so it's hard for him. And my mom hates the holiday cause she has to get up early and get presents. It's fun as hell.[/COLOR]