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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR="77656"]I'm sorry Jake, but that's funny. Don't worry I get these threads mixed up too.[/COLOR]
  2. [color="#776576"]To escape the heated discusions, I've decided to break out with a thread that won't cause a huge debate. What are you going to do this New Year's Eve? Any party's you're going to, or are you just going to sit at home and watch TV with your family? And what did you do last year? Or any new years for that matter. I myself, might be going to a friends party with a couple of other friends. Her parents are gone, and it would just be us having fun for two days. But other than that's it's going to be rather bland. But we might end up playing DDR or Guitar Hero all day. [spoiler]What pisses me off is that my friend's going to give me a condom cause my girlfriend is there. And I'm not there to have sex I'm there for fun.[/spoiler] Last year I went to a party wiht my brother. It's nice that they didn't want to insult me cause I'm young. But it was fun burning them every chance I got. Than he got into a fight with one fo his friends. He went back later to beat the kid up, but the kid hugged him crying and said never to fight again.[/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE]First off, there should be some sort of script running that prevents DB, Prem, and Panache from being able to post in the same thread. It's like I read the same three posts over and over again for four pages.[/QUOTE] [color="77656"]A solution to this would be to ignore us completely. This argument, is like the glass half-empty or half-full ordeal. I don't know what to think anymore really, but I think this; we are individuals. Mainstream, is asociated with the word's 'same thing.' And if we were mainstream, wouldn't we all be alike? But because every human is different, there is really no such thing as being mainstream. [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="77656"]When people critisise my music, I get this anger bent up inside. and I want to rain hell about theirs. Now I still listen to some generic music, but they usually listen to horible underrated crap. But I sort of like MCR. >_> Really, music is one of the biggest things that impacts the "mainstream' thing. It's hard to find anyone who you can zero out ans 'individual' when it comes to msuic. This is what I see anyways.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="77656"][quote name='Yoda']Hate leads to suffering...[/quote] ...and Star Wars gimmicks leads to box office blowout and fandom. Statements like these are too broad, hate [I]may [/I]lead to suffering is a right-on-the-mark statement that our friend 'The Star-Wars Writer' should have considered. First of all, I hate one kid, so that will eventualy lead to some sort of suffereing? Not likely, definitly not likey. Hate harbors darkness. Hate is a dark emoition, a terrible one, yea. But it's truly ugly when someone takes this into a new level. The point of murder and form of unjust acts are what lead to suffereing. Not really the hate itself. Sometimes, yes. But not every time.[/COLOR]
  6. [QUOTE]Because Prem, it sounds like you are purposefully grouping yourself with said goth clique and black-werers at your school.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]I've been influenced by one of my friends. My friend James got me into the music, and I grew the rest of the way on my own. [spoiler]he listtens to Nu-Metal and Hardcore, I did, than I grew out of it.[/spoiler] And actually we don't have goths. We did though. We have a couple people that are just themselves. 1 girl listens to IDK what kind of music, and she dresses her own way. We aren't entirely made of them. I was generalizing. We're really just the outcasts. Actually one of my freinds is just doing the same things my firend does. He does everything friend does. When my friend gets his hair cut the other does too. One listens to soemthing, suddenly the the listens to that too. He also thinks he's the best damn drummer around, when he sucks. He's always hitting things like a moron, and he says you wouldn't understand I'm a drummer. He also thinks he's emo or some ****, and he's not. He's the true definition of poser; someone who acts/dresses a certain what and lies about it and/or copies others to look 'cool.' The person he copies sees this too, but he hasn't said anything.[/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='Panache']I thought that was kind of a given. Man I hate using fake that way. The most annoying people I know love to say "I hate fake people so much zomg zomg zomg" I don't really observe them that much so if they are "fake" or not I don't know. but usually the person pointing the finger is the one with the problem. If that's the case what are we talking about here. I am really confused now.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]It's all in the eyes of the beholder I guess. I disagree about that, you agree... vice/versa.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="77656"]So than from what I gather, all of our opinions didn't matter and that Korey technically answered everyone's question before they asnwered it. Now I'm confused. This is like the genre battles in a way. EDIT: This question might not have a definite or indefinite answer.[/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE][B]If you don't care, then why bother to take the energy to even tell someone what they can do if they did have a problem?[/B] lol If you really don't care, then the posturing isn't needed. The I do what I want covers it just fine you know[/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]I don't care what they think, I didn't say I don't care what they do Indiff. :P [QUOTE]I wear hip hop clothing and listen to metal core. Do I get an uber poser cookie?[/QUOTE] Oddly enough, a lot of poeple now-a-days dress liek that and listen to rodck. I went to a few concerts last year that had metalcore bands, and a lit of them dressed hip hope clothing. [QUOTE]People who ONLY listen to Metal or Emo are not individuals. They are more 'mainstream' or atleast, conformists, than people who listen to Akon and Ashlee Simpson. [/QUOTE] I agree and I'm sort of saying no. It's weird. But I listen to Rock, Metal, and during the night before I got to bed I listen to country. [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="77656"]I suggest Stormblast Panache. I've heard a lot of songs from that album, and it is by far, one of the best. Look on the net for a song called Vredysburg. (sp) It's not from Stormblast, however, it is a great song. Projectplaylist.com is a good site to check out some of the music mentioned here.[/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE]Posers are people who are just fake period.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]People like this might as well wear a "retarded" sign. Honestly. faking style, acts, and musical interest is stupid and a waste of time. I'd never go up to someone and say "I love rap" when I hate it with a passion beyond the fiery pits of hell.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="77656"][QUOTE]People who act differently for the sake of being different are just as "fake" as people who act the same for the sake of fitting in. [/QUOTE] Wow, that would have never occured to me. So if I act like every other drone out there, I'm different? As for me, I dress mainstream, the stereotpical rock outfit that I've been known for. However, individualize myself out because my taste's aren't the same as the mainstream's tastes. For one, some of the bands I like, people just nod for no reason. (Sounds foolish that a lot of people haven't even heard of Coheed and Cammbria, or Tool :/ ) I'm like DB and Panache. I just do whatever the **** I wnat. If you've got a problem iwht me, go **** yourself, cause I don't care what you think of me. [QUOTE]It's also crap when people call others posers when they follow clothing trends. Could it be that a lot of people like a trend style when they see it and copy it?[/QUOTE] That depends, when I say poser, I mean that they can't do what they're influenced by. Ih someone dresses a certain way but can't do what it is they're dressed for, I call them a poser. At school this one kid dresses all G-unit style, but he can't rap. this kid I know dresses the same way, but he can rap. The second kid is not a poser. And if someone has no knowledge of said subject, they are also posers. People that call themselves metal-heads and listen to metalcore are a good example of posers. [QUOTE] Indiviualism: People who strive to be "different" from others, by ways of fashion, musical tastes, etc. Goths, metal heads, and many niche groups tend to fall into this stereotype. These people are often persecuted (at least they think so) or looked in a lesser way, because of their choice to veer from the socially common value in place at that time.[/QUOTE] At our school, me and my friends are called gay because we wear moslty black in our group. We aren't even that different compared to the others. And where in the books did it say wearing black makes someone gay?[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="77656"]Well, you like Tool and Avenged Sevenfold. Even though they aren't metal, we can still fanboy about them. Anyways. I listened to the bonus disk, and I am very satisfied wiht my purchase. I should **** the owner of FYE just to say 'thank you.' I didn't think metal artists said 'rock n' roll anymore'.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="77656"]Today, I went to FYE and bought Wiht Oden on our Side by Amon Amarth. I tortured my mom by listening to most of the album in her car, and I'm quite impressed. Luckily I got 3 dollars ofusing one of those discount cards they sell during the sports seasons at school. Which is cool because it comes wiht teh bonus CD with a couple of great songs on there. I still think Cry of the Blackbrids is an awesome song. But I also love Prediction of Warfare, With Oden on Our side, Hermod's Ride to Hel- Lokes Treachery part 1, and under the Northern Star. The album is beautiful beyond that. I was going to buy a Dimmu Borgir album, but all they had was In sorte Diablo, which IMO is not very good, from the sogns I've heard.[/COLOR]
  15. [QUOTE]There are people whom I do care about (some of whom are here, such as Fyxe and Prem) [/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]Same here. Love like a brother is the term. Which I use only rarely. And I do agree with Raiha, when I hate it's equally divided between the people.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="77656"][B]Ths thread isn't an excuse to start flaming anyone. I don't want to see any flmaing. I may not be a mod, but this thread isn't about calling people names, or saying you hate any member on here. This thread is just about your views on the good and the bad. Just thought I'd take the precaution to make sure this doens't turn into a battle.[/B] Ahem, now to the subject at hand. What do you think about love? Is it a beautiful process, or is it just an illusion of happiness? And what do you thik aout the oposite of love, hate? Is it a useless emotion and a malicious feeling to hold? As for me, I'm currently in love. But I used to think it was a dumb feeling; for two reasons. A) Your heart ca be broken easily, and B) because it can drive you to do weird and sometimes horrible things, like suicide for example. Now fo rme it's not te case, for I have a beautiful relationship wiht my girfriend, who I wouldn't trade for the world. [quote name='Kam']Hate produces things more evil than war. It produces things like murder, rape, torture, and the like. That said, hate is a very inappropriate word to describe feelings about someone you have no right to judge in the first place. And to use it in this fashion ultimately makes you look like a damned sight of a fool.[/quote] I agree and disagree with Kam's post in the "L being used" thread. First of all, hate doesn't always produce murder, rape or torture, or anything of the like. I hate a few kids at school. But I'd never do anything to them, I just don't like them at all. Youya not have the right to judge anyone. But wouldn't it sound foolish to like soemone who beats on women and has no respect for anyone, I.E, a murderer. Now, that doesn't mean I think hate is a good emotion, that's not the case. I can't see why anyone would hate to the point of raping anyone, or any of the examples in teh quote above. I may hate some people, but I would never be driven as to do anything drastic.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="77656"]So Lunox, you haven't tooken into considereation that maybe he doesn't like her anymore, or any asian vixem? I used to think Hayden Penettiere was hot, than I saw a picture of Cristina Scabbia or Lacuna Coil, and now she's my fanboy girl.[/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE=The Boss]You guys are all haters. Gwen Stefani is the dopest pop-singer around, and I'm not afraid to say it. "Sweet Escape" is, without a doubt, one of my favorite pop songs of all time, so eat it.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]Even though I disagree Boss, I give you [I]Ball Points[/I] for admitting this. I admit though, I used to like Hollaback girl. That was when I was a pop-star-luver.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="77656"]Actually, not to ruin your plans, but I'm already planning on heading to Afghanistan in a few weeks. Sorry if it complicates things. But on a note that's actually funnier than what I just said, I won't mind paying my taxes as long as it goes to a good cause. Luckily the war will be over before I have to worry about bills, so my complaining will ceace about the war. Taxes help our country. Food tax, clothing tax, a lot of products have tax. So, I've actually been helping out when I buy stuff with my own money. You never really notice. But I don't know much about that .7% we call taxes in the US.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="77656"]Liek ZOMG, a repeat thread!!!!1!!!, Oes the agzoniez when w1ll da torture 3nd? My username is from the movie Premonition. While I haven't seen it, I love the concept. Plus I like the nickname Prem.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="77656"]Well, a lot of money goes over to Mission's Iraqi Freedom, and Mission Destroy Bin Laden. And I find the Iraq war completely stupid. I say if they're not going to except us, they should rebuild themselves, we try to help and we end up with dead troops. Then again there is someone who oposes this and thinks the war is filled wiht good reason. So doesn't the government use money fro dumb and/or needless causes. What about the problmes over here? Why can't they just sue the money to help our country? We have starving, uneducated people here as well. Just not as bad as some country's. For exapmle, New Orleans; not everyone is living a good life there again. And yet we're helping other country's who have tons of people who hate us. And I didn't say bring them to any country in particular. Any free-well-paid and organized county would do. Plus, it's not like we should bring EVERYONE over, just the villages in extreeme dire need of food and peace. Not every single person over in a 3rd world country has it bad. Yes, a lot do, but not every one. Another solution would be to just make money legally, however that is not possible as far as I know. The government doens't look very well-used now a days. Now some would quickly disagree, but that's just my opinion.[/COLOR]
  22. [quote name='Vicky']Great! Over populate the country even more and create even more hate crime! Besides, no government is going to do that; it costs them money and puts a huge dent in their money making schemes (I'm sure you know about Government Aid, trading, tied aid and whatnot). [/quote] [COLOR="77656"]Yeah, and let them starve in their homeland. Than again, it would just cause another immigration type thing like in the 1800's. Or some variation thereof. [quote name='Raiha']Do you actually stick around to see if someone makes that phone call? Because you know calls aren't 25 cents anymore. And who doesn't know how to just make a collect call? I figured that out when I was 9. I mean sure you might feel some sort of swelling, but that might just be the veins in your forehead responding to the realization that you just gave a quarter to someone who pocketed it and then later spent it on crack. [/quote] Quoted for truthness, and quoted because it' another 'kick-***' Raiha post.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="77656"]I just refered to that song, I think it's I'm Comming Up. Ironic they play I'm Comming Up for gays... "I'm Comming out so you better get the party started, I'm comming out I'm comming..." oudns better. Yes I remember the line from that Pink song. I used to be a rap/pop luver... thank god those days are over. Celebs and their qwuirky lyrics. Oh did you hear Jamie Lyn Spears is pregnant? GREAT! We can have a new Britney running around. Come on, cover your stump before you hump.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="77656"]You should. And honestyl, Pink is better than Gwen. Even though they both suck at terrible levels. You may have been comming up Pink, but the talent of you pop artists is going down.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="77656"]That was sarcasm dude. [/COLOR]
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