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Everything posted by Aberinkula
[COLOR="77656"]I hate Gwen Stefani, and I'll hate her perfume. I'd rather buy Scent de ****-stain from a prostitute in the Las Vegas ghetto. I don't know what hte **** a hollaback girl is, so WHAT IS SHE? I hate her for turning pop into a festival of spoiled talent, luckily I don't swim in that genre pool. I hate her more than I hate Avril Lavigne, and I [I]hate [/I]Avril Lavigne. I feel sorry for the Gorillaz having Fool Good Inc. placed on that Now album with Gwen. I'd rather bask in a vat of my own urine, then be on a 'Hits' CD with her. My brother thinks she's hot... she looks like a pale doll that got shot in the face by a 22, then assulted by rabid squerrels. THAT is how ugly she is. A girl you should see is Pink. Pink is hot, Pink has talent, and Pink has the only pop song that I like. [/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]No, but I've listened to some Blind Guardian this week at school. And they are really good. Better than a lot of other bands as well. Even though Dimmu is my still my fav. I have a new playlist that is all metal too. Except for a few Grindcore songs, but that's no big deal. I have Dimmu Borgir, Amon Amarth, that one Agalloch song, some Blind Guardion, Gojira, Behemeth and some Nevermore as well. But it's not a very well populated playlist. As in, I don't have a lot of bands. So is there any bands I should add? I'm thinking about some Wintersun and Celtic Frost, but I'm not sure. BTW I'm getting a few CD's at FYE later this month, is there any suggestions abut CD's I should get?[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]I don't care about anyone except my friends and myself. if anything happens to my friends, I WANT to help, and I WILL. even if they don't want it, oh well, they get my help. But for a stranger, f them. I don't care about anyone I haven't befriended and/or known for at least 30 minutes during any moment of my life span. Sometimes, and this is a BIG sometimes, I help someone for something small. But one thing I know, no one will get money from me for charity. I don't care how starving the kids in Africa are, I don't care about little oprhan kids, I don't care for adults of any sort except sisters and brothers. Why am I such an indecent, careless prick? What did those kids ever do to make me like them? I don't know them and I probably won't ever go to Africa and give my money away to a charity, who could be a fake one and end up using money for pornogrophy or some sort of scam. Even if they are certified, they won't get my money. Besides, why can't you just bring peoeple from poor country's into rich ones nad give them good jobs and education? Who cares if it seems like a long process? Giving them food or a couple of schools is just small compared to what you charity's could really do with some help from the government or any other charity[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"][B]1. Neon Genesis Evangelion[/B] - I agree wiht Starwind. This anime is simpky amazing, a classic pice of brilliance that shows how oldies are just as phenominal as newer shows. It was filled with action and sexy-ness. My favorite character of all time, Shinji has hard times, but he makes the anime, awesome. I also love his friends Askua and Rei. rei's past was just fun to watch. The psychological aspect was great too. but what was up with shinji and that human angel? [B]2. Eureka Seven [/B]- This anime is like surfing, gundams and neon genesis rolled into one super funny, and dramatic anime. The battles, the characters, it's all good here. Especially the episode where [SPOILER]Holland's bro shoots himself in da head.[/spoiler] Also it is the show that mae me believe in anime women. Ah, Erueka, and let's not forget Talho. This show had me fapping from the start. Anyways, it's aweosme, and I sort of almost cried at the final episode... [B]3. Fooly Cooly[/B] - It's just a ****ing riot. it's also the first anime that I have all the manga volumes of too! ANyways, l love the cooky-ness more than anything. That vespa Girl was a nutjob, and WTF was up with Takkun? She fukcs his dad too? ut whatever, it's funny. I wish there was a mmovie or something to explain teh future and what happens after... but it's just a wish. [B]4. Le Portrait de Petite Cossette [/B]- 3 episodes of fantistic beauty, brilliance, and psychological power. the story was amazing, a portrait, a ghost, and a murder, with a twist. It's bloody too, and I love bloody anime. I love the main character Eiri, adnhis connection with Cossette's murderer/fiance, Marcello. [B]5. Dragon Ball/ Dragon Ball Z[/B] - the first anime I've ever seen.... EVUH! It isn't that god now that I'm into better anime, but I still owe a shitload t thsi show. It submerged me into anime, and that's why it's my number 5. [B][U]Honerable mentions...[/U] Ergo Proxy Full Metal Alchemist Blood+ Tenghjo Tenge .Hack// .Hack: Legend of the Twighlight Naruto Death Note Digimon Bleach Pokemon G Gundam SD Gundam Medabots[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]I love death Note, but I don't see the big deal. It's just an L, it's not like that L was specifically made for Death Ntoe. Come on, I've seen it before I even read the Death Note manga, frigg before I even heard of Death Note.[/COLOR]
Anime What are You Watching/Reading Now?
Aberinkula replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR="77656"]Today i started watching episode 1 of Claymore, even though I didn't see all of it, because of time, I managed to get the jist of the first eisode. I also started to watch episode 1 of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann... sadly it was subbed in Spanish. >_> But I WILL TRY AGAIN![/COLOR] -
[COLOR="77656"]About the mama thing, dude they were joking. If you can't handle a joke, that's your problem not ours. Don't expect to come onto a message board and have that not happen, cause this place isn't going to be all flowers and cookies. I kind of like the fact that there isn't a lot of active members. It gives this place a sense of tranguility that no other message board has IMO. PLus it's easier to make friends this way. As for the RPG thing, it's quality and quantity. I've seen one particular member in one of Raiha's old RPG's who posted let's so 5-8 lines and that was it. I mean if you can only add a few lines give a good reason besides, my interet is bad. Type it in wordpad or soemthing. And people not being able to post 3-4 paragraphs? No, a lot of people are capabale. Otherwise 1 paragraph only gives us an idea of what's going on, we need at least 2 paragraphs more. As for you dragoon, your grammar and spelling has gotten a lot better.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]With Geneon being capootoskies, we'll probalby see more anime on the networks as a whole. As far as anime goes, Geneon does it best for the US. They have really good shows compared some other companies. But there is also anoime on Sci-fi, but some of it is old. I don't know if Street Fighter or Noein is still on?[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]Thanks Jigglyness, I love them.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]Dragonforce+ Guitar Hero= SWEETNESS!! The last song on the game is supposed to be super hard, even on easy it is. But I've finally gotten 4 stars on Through the Fire and Flames. And yes I could hear the video game nosies. But I don't see the big deal abot it, it sounds cool actually. I know, Jake hates Dragonforce, I don't like them that much, but the song is fun as hell.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]Sweet, and I love this anime, the artwork is simply sublime. And the charactesr are cool too, Cossette has an eery gothic lolita feeling about her that just makes me have a fan-gasm. My favorite character has to be Eiri, [spoiler]him being Marcello, and having to do the same as him[/spoiler] just adds to his tension. The psycological elements flow together, and make me think which adds to ghtis anime's greatness. But with only 3 episodes, it becomes a bit disapointing :/ Psychological anime are my favorite btw. From Ergo Proxy to Neon Genesis Evangelion.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]It's on right now, where I live anyways. All three episodes.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]Well, this is anew anime on the Fuse network. I thought it was some music show at first, but it's an anime. And I'm left WTFing right now. Has anyone seen or heard about this anime? At the beginning we are left to watch the character, Cossette being murdered by her boyfriend? I don't know, but I do know this Cossete girl is hot. Blonde hair, nice red lips... nevermind, I'll stop there. No we are switched to present day 'somewhere.' EDIT: Well this anime is horror, and it is awesome. In just 3 minutes we see the main character who sees a girl with sad eyes, [spoiler]then blood starts gushing from his house's walls and furniture, the boy mutates into a beast, and his house burns down. And it seems there's a glass of something that is signigicant to the story.Also, I think his parents/grandparents are dead[/spoiler] Anyways, wiki is better at explaining this. [QUOTE=Wikipedia]The anime is about art student Eiri Kurahashi, who works in an antique shop. One day, he sees the image of a girl in an antique glass. To his shock, she appears to be moving and living out her life before his eyes. He becomes infatuated with the girl, and one night at midnight, somehow makes contact with her. He learns her name is Cossette, and that she was an aristocrat's daughter during the 18th century. She reveals to him that her spirit has been entrapped within the glass by her murder, which was perpetrated by her betrothed, the artist Marcelo Orlando. To set her free, she tells Eiri, a man must be willing to take upon himself punishment for the sins Marcelo committed. As the series progresses, Eiri is tortured mentally and physically by Cossette, who demands that he prove his professed love for her. It is revealed that Eiri is the reincarnation of Marcelo, and that Cossette is becoming as infatuated with him as he is with her. Also depicted are the efforts of the women in Eiri's life - relatives, friends and mentors, and the obligatory girl-next-door love interest - to free him from what is becoming increasingly obvious to them as a self-destructive path. [/QUOTE] Also, I think this anime is liscenced by Geneon, not sure. [/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]Hey bud you asked for his opinion and he gave it to you, and I see nothing wrong. Don't get on message boards and expect not to see that. And don't expect me to be any better. 1: Why does this site exist? To infomr us on anime, and so we can enjoy talking to those that enjoy it also. 2: What does this site do? It just sits there while people post about games, music and tv, anime, and we also post stories. Some great some bad. This site is also a bridge to MyOtaku and TheOtaku. 3: Who post here? (Eamples: Gamers, Anime and Manga fans, etc.) All of those, and people who have no lives and aren't improtant, I.E me. 4: How did this site become this? Ummm, well first Adam decided make a site. Form this impregnation of the interweb, came theOtaku.com, than that sites bastard child Otakubaords was born. HTan along came Des and Jsames and Dagger. ANd viola1 our little child became a full-feldged message baords. now we come here and talk and rpg. 5: Do you beleive that this site is the best forum site around? Yes, but thats all I got 6: Do you have fun? what the hell kind of quesiotn is that? if I didn't I wouldn't obseesively come here day after day.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]Myself, I'm a bit scared I'm number three on his list. :nervous:[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]You shouldn't be scared Des, well you shouldn't get too clsoe to him at first. But he isnt' that bad. But you have to remember, you are on almost EVERYBODY's list. You have a fanclub for god's sake. So I wouldn't be surprised[/COLOR]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/newrpg.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="77656"][I]30 Years after TKWI...[/I] There I was, frozen in time as I saw my boat drift into the unverse. I left behind the academy, and my past, but I wasn't ready for war. I hated how we had to fight the dark allegiances, the heartless and the nobodies. No matter how hard we try, we're just pawns. However, we weren't the only ones... we never were. [CENTER]---[/CENTER] In a distant group of worlds far away, there was a war. This war lasted for years and seemed to never end. Heroes fell and Villains rose. Great warriors were put to shame. The fight was between two opposing groups of Keyblade Wielders. The dark side, and the light side. Great generals have been trying to call a truce, yet it seemed pointless. [CENTER]---[/CENTER] I sat in my room with my comrade, Jaska. He was my best friend in the academy, as well as an old freind. He was silent the whole trip, and he was normally very talkative. I just looked out the ships window to distract myself. Blue space was all that flew by. We also passed my homeworld, Spile along the way. We were headed for Mauryo, the original home to the academy. When it shut down 50 years ago, it became anohter war zone. That's also where my hero died. I was also thinking about what would happen to me... I was worrying to much. [CENTER][------------][/CENTER] [B][U]___[SIZE="4"]THE SIDES OF THE WAR {FACTIONS}[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]LIGHT[/B]- The side that wishes to end the war for universal peace. Despite this, they were really the reason behind the war. They use their powers for good, and usually wear silver and white armor. [B]DARK[/B]- The side that wished to use teh war to gain power, and to rule all universes. This was realizex seventy years ago, where they became lead by Yevollace, the fuhrur of the dark allience. [B]NOTHINGNESS[/B]- These guys just sit back and watch the other sides kill themselves. No one here can join the academy or the war, they use their powers for nothing but to show the other two sides's insulance. [CENTER][------------][/CENTER] [B][U]___[SIZE="4"]KEYBLADE WIELDER'S TYPES[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][SIZE="3"][CENTER]KEYBLADE STYLE[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B]FIGHTER[/B]- The battle type soley based on fighting. There are many skills to be larned. The skills ae combos of bery powerful magnitude. Magic is mixed in with the skills. The user can?t wield magic outside of his/her weapons, but can duel wield. The user must emphasize strength and defense. It should be noted tat fighters have become less common due to more technology in the other two styles. [B]GUNNER[/B] - The battle type were the key blade is used as a gun. The skill list is limited to only gun use. It is pretty useful at long-range. He kind of skills are that of powerful bullets and gun shots. The user must be agile, and very accurate. This form doesn't emphazise any type fo pwoer, be it magic or brute-strength. [B]DRIVE[/B]- probably the most hard of the battle types to master. It?s very diverse and complicated. This battle type is chocked ful of skills, but only few are processed. It doesn?t matter what your skill level is, but your intelligence must be high, so that your understanding for such power must be very high as well. [B][SIZE="3"][CENTER]MAGIC STYLE[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B]Black[/B]- This magic is elemental and full of curses, hexes, and enchantments. It?s used by those who like to hurt others. The user may develop a sense of blood-lust. [B]White [/B]- The magic of healing. The user may also use protection, or skill increasment spells as well. It?s used by those who care for themselves or others. [B]Chaos[/B]- The magic of mischief. The user may transform himself or others, teleport to various places, or just pull pranks on others. For those immature people. [B]Summon[/B]- the ability to summon monsters of the three basic magic types. Female soldiers must be able to use summon magic along with another. [CENTER][------------][/CENTER] [B][U]___[SIZE="4"]BLADE TYPES[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]SLICERS[/B]- These keyblades are normal and commmon. THese keyblades are used for all sorts of things, attacking defending, anything. However there canonly eb oen held at a time, and they have a limit of power. [B]SHOOTERS[/B]- Shooters are a type of keyblade that don't have a blad and are just round. They can be used to hit people wiith, however that is not as effective as shooting them wit it's high power gun. [B]DUEL-BLADES[/B]- These come in any form and can come in two's, or the person wielding one can wield two different ones, whichever they prefer. However, if the person's power is not balacnced the weapons effectiveness dwindles. never use a weak level and high level combonation. [B]DAGGERS & STAVES[/B]- The dagger keyblades are usually short and have very durable edges, and the staves are shaped like shooters except they have an orb at the top. Daggers are for the fast, usually fighters, while staves are used for gunners and drivers. [CENTER][------------][/CENTER] [B][U]___[SIZE="4"]OTHER INFORMATION[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]POV[/B]- This RPG will be told in First-person view, this applies to all characters. [B]CHARACTERS[/B]- You can't have all powerful characters, that would defeat the purpose of the RPG's battles. But you can create few NPC's as wella s some villains that your character faces. [B]FACTIONS[/B]- Everyone is on the light side for the beginning. The side you choose is determined on your actions and choices. However, you can't join the side of Nothingness unless you are either thrown out of the war, or go AWAL. This is also dependant on your choices. [CENTER][------------][/CENTER] [B][U]___[SIZE="4"]SIGN-UPS[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][I]NAME: Anything goes AGE: Between 18-50 GENDER: Male or female WEAPON STYLE: Choose from above MAGIC STYLE: Choose from above PERSONALITY: How your character acts HISTORY: Your characters past NOTES: ANything else we should know about?[/I][/B][/COLOR]
[QUOTE]and you pro-marijuana people should take the hint this drug can destroy not only the people that smoke it but familys of the people too.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]That's for the people who aren't smart and mess up. Not everyone messes up and can use it responsibally and safely. BTW, smoking and alchahol also destroy lives and families as well. And if memory serves, [B]YOU SMOKE Cigarettes[/B], and if you don't anymore, [B]YOU DID. [/B]So take that into consideration before saying mairijuana destroys lives. That would be like me saying, "beating someone is bad" and going back and beating someone. Think before you say that. [/COLOR]
NAMBLA: How far can you stretch the first ammendment
Aberinkula replied to Starwind's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR="77656"]It's like the KKK. They are legally able to believe what they want, however they can't act out their beliefs or their in deep ****. As for me, they are a bunch of sick bastards, so what if they have the right to believe what they want to believe? It's sick and these guys should be drivin into the gates of hell.[/COLOR] -
[quote name='Deus ex Machina'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Who wouldn't to be part of the forum that sniffs it's own farts more than any other on the internet? XD [b]I'm here for... the people. Premonition[/b], Dagger, Desbreko, Konata, Jakehammeren, Goodbye, Face, Kam, My Troupe of RP Buddies (you know who you are), the lovely Fyxe, and probably a couple others. Just, you know, people I know pretty well that I won't find elsewhere. Yall bastards have tied me here! XD[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]If I was single and gay I'd totally make out with you right now. I'm here for pretty much the same reason, my friends. DB, Keyblade Wielder, SunfallE and Indifference, and my aquantinces. And I'm here [strike]to bother the **** oughta everyone here[/strike] to enjoy the neverending fun o here> Plus it's a time killer. [/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"][B]"Kalas!"[/B] I screamed frantically. I looked over at Brianna's naked, exposed body. Thinking that I could have seen her chest open, made me angry. I clenched my fist and charged energy straight to it. This tie, I concentrated so hard, I could feel nerves burst with electricity, and I could feel my blood boil. I ran toward the killer, and instead of punching him, I punched Kalas so hard he unclogged himself from the killer's hands. A torrent of blood spew out like a fountain, luckily he was able to heal thanks to my magic. As for the killer, I looked at his malicious expression as he turned around with his knife. Luckily i stopped him with my arm and shocked him. He bent over and moaned with pain. i could see the I-wish-I-didn't-stand-there-and-do-nothing look on his face. When he was on the ground I shot his legs and arms with lighting to jumble hi nerves, preventing him from getting up. [B]"Kalas, you will Be okay!"[/B] i assured him. Suddenly I could hear a voice call out to us. "[B]How dare you disturb my silent resting place!" [/B]An eerie, ominous voice cried out. It sounded male, and very very pissed. Suddenly the whole infinity of white contorted,t wisted and drooled down like a very viscous liquid. Soon the scenery of nothingness and blood changed to our old High School playground. [B]"I am the tower, and I demand you explain yourselves humans? I have had enough! And if you don't stop, I'll banish you!"[/B] the voice said very angrily. I looked to see that the killer, and Brianna were one. But ahead of me was the masked man. He smiled heavily, and I could see the blood on his teeth, my brother, who had just regained conscienceness, looked ahead too. [B]"Enough of this Tower!" [/B]He yelled.[B] "These people are here under my Lord's wishes. And unless you go back to sleep, i will destroy these boys, and your system."[/B] [B]"Humph... a mere mortal thinks he can boss me around? I'm all knowing, all seeing, I CREATED THESE REALMS FROM THE BLOOD OF YOUR MOTHER EARTH!" [/B]The voice screamed. The ground shook, ad the playground scenery collapsed as well. "[B]However, I'm feeling generous, so I will let you free. But if you don't leave within one months time, I will tear you hearts asunder, and splice your genes to make my energy!" [/B]The voice faded out. The Masked man looked at us. [B]"That was the Elf Tower. He created this place using this whored out hell-hole we call earth. You see, my lord has a quaint feeling of love and curiosity for this place, and you two are the pawns. Why? Because the earth called upon you to defend it, but because my Lord and I have taken the liberty of bringing you here, you can't fulfill her wishes. Plus we have plans for you and the tower. Luckily, it's sleeping again. But if it kills you, so be it. your pawns after all..."[/B] the masked man took off his mask to reveal a face without skin. Maggots and worms crawled through his bones, and his teeth looked liked they were rotting. [B]"Now, I make my leave!" [/B]He said. *** [B]"That fucker left us without at least letting us asking questions." [/B]I yelled at Kalas, he just rolled his eyes. we decided to take a brake and swing for a while, we ignored the children that suddenly appeared out of thin air, like it mattered, they weren't real. I looked up and looked around, there wasn't' a wall or what looked like a barrier, anywhere. I looked down at the ground, the dirt and grass looked and felt real. [B]"Well, we also have some pissed off tower yelling at us, what more can happen?!"[/B] *** ....TOWER SELF-DEFENSE SYSTEM ACTIVATED, VIRUSES DETECTED IN SECTOR-Z. ACTIVATING TOWER DEFENSE MAZE, PREPARE TO ACTIVATE... The tower seemed to have a computer core, and it was alive. The voice called out to itself. [B]"Humans... their minds have made this place stronger over the millenia. Without them, this technology wouldn't exist... now let's see how long those two can last." [/B]The tower said to itself. [B]"But, I shall see if they can hold ground, but maybe they can help me regain energy... foolish mortals are easy to take control of."[/B] *** Kalas looked at the sky as it started to darkenn. We were probably granted sleep, which we needed. Today was a bad day... but sort of cool in a way. We had so many questions, but no answers.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]I was looking up hentai a few days ago, and there was a real porn image and it said virs warning, but my computer said that nothing was there later on. So just because your comp has a virus, doens't mean the virus IS going to hurt your computer, or yourself so to say. So if there isn't anything wrong with your comp, maybe it's just a fluke, than again I don't know much about computers except how to fix the memory and whatnot.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]Yeah I agree with DB. Plus, I don't participate in half the RP's I join cause I lose interest. As for RPGs you know will fail... all of them for me.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE]Seriously. Legalize it. I'll still stay away from it like I have been and it'll just be another thing I can beat the piss out of my children for if they try it.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]One of these days silpheed, the wrong person will come along and beat the living hell oughta your *** with that attitude. As I recall, your a skater and you hate the thug types, so stick to skateboarding, not thugging. And it would't matter if you did it or not, you sound kinda douchey to me.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]I couldn't feel kalas anywhere, I didn't even know what the hell happened to me. but I felt like I was on the ground, so I opened my eyes to see what the fuck happened. I saw a black man with a white tux, white pants and white shoes holding a women. He felt powerful, almost like a deity or something. [B]"God?" [/B]I cried out. That was my first guess because all of the TV shows I watched with god in it, showed him as a black man. But closer inspection showed me differently, the man was stripping?! [I]Would god strip?[/I] I asked myself. But what I saw next shocked me, no I didn't see some mystical dong or anything, but a long sword. I Had also missed a girl just at his feet. She was naked with her boobs in the air. [I]What the fuck is up with me and seeing naked women being attacked? [/I]I asked myself as I thought of a week ago. I stood up right after I heard her scream. I grabbed for my plastic sword, but it was gone! Maybe the tower didn't like weapons. I just closed my eyes and huffed, I wish I had a weapon, but I guess my powers would suffice. [B]"HEY PUNK!"[/B] I yelled. I took my hand back and concentrated energy to it, then I smacked the ground and caused it to shatter. The man in white jumped in the air, suddenly a ball of energy shot from the ground and struck him in the fun-bags. He was jumping really high, and he fell really fast. He fell to the ground with a loud THUD. "[B]What the hell are you do-"[/B] suddenly my eyes were dead set on the naked chick. It was Brianna! [B]"What the hell is my gf doing here you crazy asshole?" [/B]I yelled. The man rolled around and took out his knife. [B]"First of all, the name is Al. And second of all, she's my hostage! And by the way, If you don't sit down and shut yer yap, I'll kill her and you. I also heard your god comment. For the record, I'm an atheist!"[/B] Al hollered. I just sat down without a word. [B]"My master says if you and your butt-buddy go any further, I hafta kill ya. And if you don't leave, I'll kill ya girlfriend!"[/B] Al said, he wasn't kidding either. [I]Damn, I wish Kalas was here. [/I] suddenly behind me I could my brother's presence, and I could also feels Al's energy, he wasn't stronger than me or my brother, but I didn't want to find out what he could do. Kalas saw me and ran over to me. Suddenly the room was engulfed in a white light. I felt light-headed, then I passed out. OOC: Tag DB, make up some scenery and battle Al![/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]I'm glad my list didn't send the creeps towards you. (unless it did) That stuff is bizzare to others I know. Believe the the love of pain and blood is enough to get some people freaked. But when anime girls pops up something's bound to get said. Belive me one of my friends gave me a weir look for liking anime girls.[/COLOR]