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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR="77656"]Well Gavin, if you've seen the anime, you'd know that the whole [spoiler]rescuing Rukia from execution is boring.[/spoiler] The only part that I enjoed recently was when what's-his-name [spoiler]did thegreat Quince thing that could make him lose his powers. And the whole Ichigo trying to make his Zanpakto stronger.[/spoiler] So if the manga is like it, don't be surprised if it gets boring.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="77656"]If Angels, The Black Order and Flo are in, why I'm going ot join too. But I won't be able to finsih it now, I have to edit it later. Plus, it willl give me a fill of KH for a while. [B]Name:[/B] Galian Kalasen (Galian is form my Keyblade War RPG, thought I'd recycle it.) [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]World of Origin:[/B] Elysium [B]Aligment:[/B] Galian is in denial about wich side he is one. For now he is grey. [B]Rasce:[/B] Human [B]Key weapon:[/B] Crimson Soul -Crimson Soul is a dark blade that has a gem of light in hte top of the blade. When this gem is broken the liquid can attach to Galian and make him more faster and durable, but this won't make him stronger. the handle is black and there are thorns on the blade that are black too. [B]Drive Form: [/B]Knows one, but he hasn't used it yet. [B]Bio: [/B]Galian awoke in Elysium with a girl and her brother. They were revelaed to be his cousins after Galian's uncle arrived at their house. Because of this he wants to know more about his family and past. And if that means falling into the malicious arms of darkness, so be it. Galian also has a thing for power. Whether the thirst is a dark and evil one, even he's not sure. [B]Theme Music: [/B]Tall Tales Taste Like Sour Grapes - Fair to Midland [B]Entrance Theme:[/B] Mantra - Tool [B]Battle Theme:[/B] Pregonies of the Great Apocalypse - Dimmu Borgir [B]Victory Theme:[/B] Topless - Breaking Benjamin (A fan & personal favorite) [B]Loss Theme:[/B] The Fall of House Atlantic - Coheed and Cambria Will edit appearence tomorrow.[/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE][B]This year one of my good friends will be getting Rock Band [/B]for the Xbox 360. I'm looking forward to this. So far we have 3 people, myself, my friend, and one of his female friends. She will be on bass, he's on drums, and i'm on guitar. We've been trying to think of a sweet-a punk band name for us, but it's been difficult. If anybody's got some good suggestions i'd love to hear 'em.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]I don't know whether to say "good job on getting Rock Band!" or "I'm going to kill you all!" I envy you guys. Actually it sounds fun. As for a suggestion "The False Shadows" sound good. I mean it's got a punky feel, and false describes it because the band isn't real... I rock. >_
  4. [COLOR="77656"]I've noticed that the anthology secttion doesn't have one. It would be pretty nifty if we could link to people's stories, threads about books and authors and that kind of stuff. I'd create it if that's okay with the mods and whatnot. I'd find it pretty cool to link current stories and threads from this year. P.S. Aaryanna, I don't check the anime section out much, so I didn't know you edited it.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="77656"]I haven't seen the thread directories being edited lately. And I was wondering if there was a way to fix that. Of coarse, i don't see a really big deal. But it's just been bugging me. especially in the music, movies and TV section. I was just wondering if there could be a position for the directories like "Directory Master" or someone who could edit the threads with those links. This position wouldn't be a moderator or have those duties. But someone who could edit those threads in the Music anime and book sections. It would also save time for the mods and admins. I wouldn't mind doing it either, because I'm on at least once a day, and it would be a something to keep me busy. But it's just a thought![/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="77656"]This request is a bit old, but I'll still take it. Thanks Jigglyness![/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="77656"]I'm just glad you didn't have some weird fetishes Beth, you and creepy fetishses don't go together. But if you do have any, that's none of my buisiness. [quote name='Arispa']That's why my boyfriend keeps his nails sharpened...[/quote] Well, I just tell my gf I enjoy being hit and that's hit. WHen she slapped me once, I didn'tthink it hurt it all, I loved it.[/COLOR]
  8. I'mbord[COLOR="77656"]I was thinking about making a thread for the best of 07, but I guess you did. Better you than me though. [B]1. Coheed and Cambria - No World for Tomorrow: [/B]Of all the CD's I've boughten, this one has been the best for me. well, it better be, the wait for it's release was torture, and I was happy as a pig in **** when I got it. Anyways, it's CO&Ca at it's best. It's sound starts soft and transfers into heavy, then soft again and back. Even though some songs aren't HUZZAH! the album all around is. I has some really epic tracks, and I don't hate any song on the album. The End Complete III = epic btw. [B]2. Fiar to Mildand - Fables from a Mayfly: What I tell you Three Times is True:[/B] No matter what you say, FTM is amazing. They have one of the best sounds, and perhaps a strength strong enough to knock Coheed & Cambria off their pedastal. But hey, the reviews on the net have said they could have asound that sounds like a fusion of CO&Ca and TMV. Plus they've already hit my top ten bands list only by listening to one song. Darroh Sudderth has an amazing voice, and the oher members have a mzing talent. Don't believe me buy the album. [B]3. Dethklok - The Dethalbum:[/B] I expected a metal TV show to release a crappy albub. Much like a vide gmae has a crapp movie. But I was wrong, and this albm turned out pretty good. But I've heard people complain that it is't true metal, but tey can suck their cocks. EDIT: Whatmakes me horny for 08? The Mars Volta - The Bedlam in Goliath : well, Billy just made me remeber about htis album. I've only heard liek 2TMV songs nad htey are really good. Anyways, this album is going to be goodway to smash into 08 and into more greatmusic Lewis Black - (I forgot the name of the special so sue me): it's comming to Comedy Central in march of 08, adn Lewis Black being one of my favoirte comedians, is getting me stocked for the comedy in 08. And is it just me, but are all Jewish comedians funny>? Sarah Silverman is a riot too.[/COLOR]
  9. [quote name='Aceburner']And it'd get deleted, because it's an article about someone who nobody knows who has had as of yet no lasting effect on the world. What, you don't think they regulate wikipedia?[/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]I know this Ace. Some places you aren't able to use it for reports because of false information and whatnot. Adn the Librarian's son at school put himself as a pro-cricket player living in Norfolk NY. But that's not deleted, so they must not regulate it well[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="77656"]Gavin, anybody can put somehting into wikipedia, so that soarce isn't legitimite. I could say that I'm and 28 year old livin inCalifornia on wikipedia, when I'm just a minor living in upstate New York. So Gavin, you failed oon that part.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="77656"]Okay, DB you are going to post the image for chapter 2. I'm going to give you a link. All you have to do is copy and paste the link and wrap image tags around it. [url]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/chaptah2.jpg[/url] Anyways, Chapter 2 brings the brothers to the tower, which you can describe what it looks like. Anyway, the Masked Man is supposed to pop up again and tell the brothers about their 'powers.' That means, we'll both need to create spells for the brothers. But that will be done when we come to that path. Anyways, the first battle will happen, and the first ally/enemy will appear as well. If you want to create the person the bros. fight first, go ahead. But I'm going to create our off/on ally and enemy. [B]Name:[/B] Dominago Sudderth (Vice/versa) [B]Age:[/B] 300 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] Looks to be 20, despite his age of 300. He is tall and very strong looking. He has two scars on his face., when on his forehead that goes don his eye and onto his neck, and one that cuts the bridge of his nose, but it is very small. He wears a black cape-thing that turns into wings at his will. He has long black hair and his eyes are black. [B]Personality: [/B]Dominago grew up wise, and with a chivalrous family. But he tends to switch between a good and evil person. This can cause problems for the Trigger bros. because he wants to help them, but this other side wants to help 'him. He enjoys killing, this doesn't' matter who he is. But the good side kills carefully and sophisticatedly. But his other side kills like a maniac on the brink of utter insanity. [B]Behavior:[/B] Dominago tends to appear at strange times. Often after or before he is really needed. He fights the brothers and fights for them, either for enjoyment, help, r to test their strength. He also likes to talk in metaphors and riddles to confuse people.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="77656"]What does Tool and Fair to Midland have in common? David Botrill! He has produced an album from both band and tool. And yes, this was from reliable source. I bought the CD from FTM and it's better than the singles. Songs like Vie/Versa Upgrade^Brigade are pure bliss. I'm not going to review the whole thing yet, but it is an amazing album. EDIT Oh ****, screw it I'm going to review it Dance of the Manatee - The first single I heard. The version I'm familiar with is from the Drawn and Quartered EP. This is hardly the best song, it is know my 2nd least favorite. This song has beautiful lyrics, even though the vocals don't fit well. But the video is an amazing thing, it is artsy, and beautiful. As is all the art on the album booklet. It may be one of my least favorites, but it still has it's perks. 7.3 Kyla Cries Cologne - An amazing song with what sounds like a piano drilling into the background. Unlike the first track, the vocals blend in well. This song sort of proves that FTM is an amazing band. [quote name='Artist Direct Bio of FTM']Creatively speaking, the salad days are indeed behind them: With mega-producer David Bottrill (Tool, King Crimson) behind the boards for their forthcoming Serjical Strike debut album, Fair to Midland are poised to turn rock music on its ear in 2007. And when you take a look across the major-label landscape -- from the postmodern prog rock of the Mars Volta and Tool to the chart-topping success of Serj Tankian's own boundary-smashing art-metal powerhouse -- it's not hard to imagine Fair to Midland carving out their own plot of land amid these giants. [/quote] It is true, FTM could become great, this album proves it. And this song strengthens that point. 8.9 Vice/Versa - This is one of my favorite songs on the album. The lyrics and the vocals are mind bending in this track. The chorus is loud and the other verses are spectacular. Darroh Sudderth has an amazing voice, as well as an amazing growl that is in this song. this song starts to let the album progress more into the main genre that FTM is in. Progressive rock, **** I love the genre, and this enhances my music experience. 9.3 The Wife, the kids and the white Picket Fence - As stated in a review from AMG, this song is the real progressive-rock song on here. And I agree with whoever wrote it. The drumbeat is catchy and the pitch Darroh can reach is beautiful. Claudio Sanchez and this guy are my vocalists. "While between you and me from point A to point B is a fine line," has to be the best sung line in this song. But right before it you still get great lyrics. I cans see why Serj signed these guys to his label. But even when they were underground, they got good cred. This song feels like you're in an ocean when you hear it. The water in the ocean is beautiful but it can rage out and swoop you away. - 9.3 April Fools & Eggmen - This song has a lot of poppy values , and hard rock values. That is what I liked about Co&Ca's songs on GAIBS4, it had some poppy sounds but mind bending guitar playing. 8.7 A Seafarer's Knot - The intro of this songs is very heavy, and very awesome. The lyrics are yet again, beautiful. The rhythm is played well in this tune, and it has a great beat. - 8.3 A Wolf Descends Upon the Spanish Sahara - This song is another beautiful song, I say this a lot about this album.And I mean it BTW. This song is a pulsing song, with great lyrics and vocals again.What's bes about this song is the last minute or so. It goes to a very soft, slow and light verse into the chorus with great ferocity. This song was my least favorite at first, but I gave it a second chance, and it was much better. 9 Walls of Jericho - This song has a little techno-robotic sound. Form both the sympathizer and Darroh. This is a nother song that shows how high his voice can reach, and how far it's greatness gets. The lyrics remind me of the show Jericho as well. 8.4 Tall tales Taste like Sour Grapes - The second single as well as the second song I heard from FTM. This song is my 2nd favorite song on here. I'm not going to reveal number 1 though, because I can't decide which song it is! But this song is not at all like a sour grape. It's a sweet one, and a great one with a beautiful sound emanating from the recesses of the album. 9.7 Upgrade^Brigade - A great song and quite possibly the best one on this album. The guitar rages,a nd the vocals are amazing. The distortion makes this song great. If these songs are just redoes of older FTM songs, I'd love to hear the previous one. 9.8[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="77656"]This isn't the story, actually it a bunch of poems based on my new story. there is only one character who's name is completely revealed. In teh Poem "The Fighting Forever" the word Salace pops up. That's one of characters in my enw story. So without further edue. [B][U]The Yearning Young (Of Death and Lies)[/U][/B] This world of turning is filled with the yearning young. Slow it may be, but with the world tongue tied; it falls fast. So don't stop running, for wisdom will fail only short of the truth. Go! Just run and hide in the darkness you love, you're the victim I've used. Is it love of you that I fear? Or is it the scent of blood on your breath that makes me sneer? No, it's the feeling of pain on my ear when you spilt the truth to god. Why do you cry on his arm in the cold? Why not take my body in warmth, tonight's the night we die! Maggot, scum, bastard just die! In sin I will lie, alone with you. Maggot, scum, bastard just die! In this truth I must cry, in your shower you will lay. Your world is over with this unholy thrust, in this last conglomerate trust. No use for a lover who is worse than my other. Schizophrenic on the brink of god's doorstep, I see you stepping on hell young fucker. So don't whine on his shoulder, or I'll cry "smite the bastard!" You don't deserve an end with your secrets, so keep telling your lies. But don't be surprised when you spill blood from your eyes. So eat this blood pie filled with this poising you will die! Little girl with no end to hold on with him on her side she will fail. In his fiery gale, with fate twisting by his ride, I'll stop her from trying and keep her from crying.. Run with no other man in this tale, find your end. Run with no other man in this tale, find your gun. Then point it at your face, pull the trigger! With pain in life, everyone dies! Everyone dies! Everyone dies! Everyone dies in the end. Everyone dies in her home and in her hell. Everyone dies, so hold on to my hands little girl. Wait, no, hold onto my gun.... [B][U]The Experiment[/U][/B] Open her chest and eat the meat of her ribs. Experiment with her bones and see if she'll live. If she awakes, kill her. But if she sleeps, stab her again. Then when she's finished bring her to my lab. I'll fix her up again, on my dark bloody slab. I won't wait for her soul and blood when I've got a world to kill. Christ, god, the devil I don't care, If they step in my path I'll make them pay. But if she interferes with my plans, I'll control her again. She won't go free now, not yet. Polished in glitter and dead on the shitter, just look at the mess she made! It's not my fault she's torn in half, now go, bury her body under the shade. I'll rebuild her anyways... Silent and shaking, you try to slip away in the dark. But I can see your fear, now go home. There's a present waiting for you. You loved the girl and I told you that I wanted to marry her. So you went and ran away, now see the death of her! I don't care, I'll rebuild her anyways. Why don't you just go away and leave me to my grave, I won't here in Connecticut. So just fade away and leave to dies here alone I've fallen on her face. Ah ha, ah Hahira! Go die! Ha ha ha! Go die! [U][B]Your End & my Corpse[/B][/U] Why do you dream of the corpse in my hands? Is it this addiction that draws you close to the world that I made? So hear, what I have to say to you in the end. Cause girl these words are salty and filled with smiles, but only in the joy of your death. So capture this flame and burn it on them, but leave me out of the frame, for I don't want your shame in me. So guided we fall down the stairs of hell to fall into the devil's warming embrace No one hell as much as I, So don?t' go spitting out prayers. For every word that died and got lost between your mind and my face, you've lost grace. Don't feel for the dead you'll lose pace, so stop running into silence and stop screaming for souls. Madness is mine in the end, so don't go slicing the rinds of my eyes. Bleed out now, out of your ears and forget your womb. I'll tear out your conscience again. I don't think of our end, I just made it. [B][U]Dear Lover, I'm Dead[/U][/B] This note I wrote for you explains my absence. But words don't make up for my leave, tell the children that their daddy's gone. Don't mourn over me, I was just a waste of you life. Now hold your hands high, into my airwaves. My soul is vomiting in the house as you cry. Can I come then? Hell must die in my hands tonight. I won't allow this world to live in pain. So I will die, but I'm already gone by now. This letter is old and filled with stains of our blood. [B][U]The Fighting Forever[/U][/B] Draw out your fists as you would your gun. Now screw that hand into my chest, and fulfill the dreams of those you have burned. But be true to my heart and tear it out with glory. Now taste my courage and be forever fighting. The fighting forever, the ones of the floor die here. Fear pierces my head. In this blast of your kick, I'll bleed as you fight, and I'll die alone in agony. In agony.. The fighting forever, die tonight! Salace hold onto my arm, don't let go for god's sakes! We can run away now into the gates of hell as we twist and turn. But remember the star will make you bleed, this hero will you make you die. Underground I flee into fear. No one home to go to now, so why not die here in glory? I see that I'm falling down. But I'm picked back up... The curse holds true not like him or you.. The rites are inside my fists, I'm the only one who can tear you to shreds! This ignition in flames, I'm not playing a fucking game! I'm now one of my brood, I'm the kin of the cold. I'm now the glory in eyes of those you behold. I'm the words from you lips I'm the tears of your eyes. Now I'm one the fighting forever, with him by my side. It will take time to bust all their faces, for god doesn't want us to shed the blood of brothers. You may own this world, but now I won you! So feel my fist, it's the justice of the scorned. But be warned, I want hold back. This may hurt just a bit... NOTE: I'm not finished yet![/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="77656"]Wow I didn't know there was 2 Amon Amarths Avenged? Boy the lawsuits there must be.[/sarcasm] So I see that Amon was your third favorite and your 4th facoirute and you ugh, I'm conufzzled. Tonight is the night I go D shoppin! May god bless me and FYE with Agalloch![/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR="77656"]My fears... [B]Fear of water[/B] I'm deathly afraid of water. I can't go into a big body of water and swim. I.E, the beach. [B]Fear of Talking to Strangers[/B] I can't talk to people I don't know. Even relatives i just met, I can't talk to. In Spanish class there are a bunch of 10th graders who failed and I don't know them. I got bugged when me, my gf, and a few of my friends went to gather food for the needy. My gf had to say hello to the people who walked in. I could even look them in the eyes. I once tried to get out of ordering pizza because I didn't' know the guy. [B]Fear of Forests and Upstairs[/B] I get the feelings someone is watching me. I can't even stay alone in a room for long without getting creeped. It used to be I couldn't go upstairs at my house because of that fear. I used to have this ET doll that scared the living **** oughta me. Forests don't bug me as much, but the thought that some weird creature could live there just bugs me. My phillia stuff [B]Girls in Black[/B] They just make me horny. Especially the leather wearing girls. This obsession escalates to bondage and whatnot. In one of my dad's mags there was this girl touching herself with some odd needle things. They were black and she was wearing black, and it just got to me. [B]Blood[/B] I have this thing for my own blood. Whenever I get a cut I suck out what's there and it tastes great. but anyone else's blood is icky for me. [B]Heavy Metal[/B] This applies to private time for me. The sound of screaming and the drums pounding just turns me on. [B]Anime girls of sorts[/B] The girls with long hair in anime get me. It doesn't matter, young or adult. Saya form Blood+ is a prime example of this, as well as Rei-L from Ergo Proxy. The scene where she is under Vincent and her boobs stick up got me going. The young girl, from Noein, is pretty cute for being young. I'm not as DB mind you, but I still think she was uber cute. Plus the images from Kodommo no Jikkan (or whatever I'll edit the correct name) are awesome. Those little girls are so adorable I just want to hug 'em. [B]When girls hit me or hit each other[/B] Yes, I'm sorta masochistic. I get pleasure from pain, luckily my gf is the kind of person who likes to give pain. I enjoy getting slapped on the face by girls, and I also like getting punches by them, tugged by them, and pinched bye them. One of my friends pulled my ear and I got a boner once. [spoiler]Plus sometimes I imagine two girls on TV hitting each other than going down on each other. but before they go down I like to see one of them spit on the other.[/spoiler] All in all, I'm a good guy, but I have my turn-ons and I'm not guilty about any of them.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="77656"]I'm Maynard Trigger, the younger and weirder of us two brothers, I was walking into our home. My girlfriend Brianna, who was very beautiful, was walking with me. After hearing gunshots he carefully stepped to the door. I was giddy though, for I just hit 3rd base with Briana! She was smiling at me, as I tried to hide my boner. [B]"Well, I had fun."[/B] I said with smile. She gave me a hug and licked my neck.Brianna was always kinky, and very enjoyable. My brother, being the man-whore that he is, was probably banging some chick upstairs. sadly I was a virgin, but I was talented at what I did. Unless of coarse all those girls lied to me. [B]"See you tomorrow Maynard!"[/B] She hollered as she walked to her car.A As she drove away in her hover car, I tucked my dick into my waistband so no one would notice. Not that Kalas hadn't already seen my downstairs, he has, but I get embarrassed when I'm hard. I opened the door to see some naked girl wrapped in a blanket of sorts. I gulped as I got harder again. I looked in the kitchen to see Kalas dressed. [B]"What are you doing up?" [/B]I asked. He looked at me harshly. [B]"You were the one who left when I got attacked!" [/B]Kalas screamed as he walked to me. I flopped my long blond hair and looked him into the eyes. I was taller tan him by an inch or two, but he was just as intimidating. [B]"So does that mean-"[/B] [B]"Yes, we have to go to New Mexico."[/B] Kalas said as he ran to a bag he started to pack. [B]"Our destiny is now I guess. That masked guy was right."[/B] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] One week ago we were out in the town drinking. Some kid gave us beer and we ended up waking up in some ally. On top of my body was a man, he licked his lips lustfully as if he wanted my body. He bent down and licked my cheek. I felt a bit aroused, but I had just woke up, I was horny as a fucker. Kalas woke up a few seconds later to see the guy standing next to me. [B]"So, these are the two he has picked. God help their poor souls."[/B] The man said in a deep monotone voice. He was holding a bloody knife. I looked around quickly to see four bodies in the dumpster, they were freshly killed, and the blood from their bodies was still dripping form the man's knife. [B]"Who are you?"[/B] Kalas said. The man knelt down without a word and gave me a letter. He walked over to the dumpster and started to gnaw on a body. I noticed two breasts plunges from the victim's chest. It was as if they were going to jump out and bite me in the eyes! [B]"What are you waiting for fools? leave now before I kill and fuck you too!"[/B] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] That's all I remembered. I went and got dressed as Kalas put his date on the doorstep of our neighbors, the Hedwig's, who were a bunch of tightwad assholes. He walked back into the house to see me dressed in black and red. I was wearing an old band T-shirt that said Avenges Sevenfold. The archives on the net said they were some rock-band back in the 2000's. Thank god that the technology now lets' us buy shirts from the eh past, I loved this T. I put plastic sword on my back. [B]"Plastic sword?"[/B] Kalas asked. I nodded. The only other weapon I had was a nightstick, some old beer can and a bottle of mace that I used on Kalas' last girlfriend. "It doesn't matter, we have to go to New Mexico." I siad as I opened the door. [CENTER]***[/CENTER] I looked at my brother, the dessert wind blew in my face and I was ready for what awaited. I opened the letter and close it again. I nodded and we walked into our futures. [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [I]Dear Trigger brothers, Your destiny awaits in New Mexico. The world is now burning to the sound of it's suffering. Save it by going into the dessert. Area 51 is now home to your graves and glory. Fight for your lives the world depends on you. P.S. I've left a map at your home. And just so you know, you have powers beyond that of a normal person, but that is a discussion for our next meet. Sincerely yours, [B]Jack AKA, New-Ripper[/B][/I][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="77656"]Face, I agree that the vocals don't exactly fit. I mean, the guys voice is good, but sometimes it just doesn't add up. That's the case with Dance of the Manatee. But my favorite song is tall tales Taste Like Sour Grapes, the vocals fit better with this song. As for FTM being heavy, that's up for debate I guess, but they are a little bit heavey. But that is moslty in the screamish part of Dance of the Manatee. BTW the new album Fables form a Mayfly, is technically Inter.Fundle.Stiffle, but redone. [QUOTE]heard one song, it sucked hard[/QUOTE] Most likely Dance of the Manatee, the song has receives some air play. The only other thing I know is that they are signed to Serjical Strike records, and that's it. Lyrically, I like them. [QUOTE]A Sound of Animals fighting[/QUOTE] I've yet to hear a song from them. But I've heard from you that they're awesome. oh, I forgot abut Cattle Decapitation. they're a great gridcore band. But I wouldn't by an album. HTe latest one s recieved as one of the best CD's from Cattle Decapitation, but it only clockes about 46 minutes. I like long albums htat hita bout 5o minutes However, really close to metal, but they are grindcore.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="77656"]Actually sometimes wiki is right. I actually look up artists ont ehre to find good reviews. Sorta avant-garde. Vicarious and Jambi are awesome. I remember the first album's Prison Sex. they grew up fast between the other albums. There is a big difference. On Lateralus the big stand-outs for me are Parabol & Parabola. Maynard's voice doesn't change much, but it has power in it. Ticks & Leeches is a prime example of his voice and it's just a good song. I also love Faaip De Oiad. The sounds and eeriness are just awesome. I had a student teacher who said he got creeped out listening to Lateralus, and I don't blame him. I used to hate Tool, that was until I heard Schism, which got me interested, and I'm glad I bought the album. Wal*Mart was useful afterall.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="77656"]Eh, I'm searching for more metal these days. And Tool inavative... **** yeah. My grandma got me 10,000 Days for Chirstmas. BTW, Cuntry Boner is a funny *** song. Ouscifer and A Perfect Circle are awesome. Imagine was a great song. Dog Fashion Disco? I have the vague feeling iv'e heard them...[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="77656"]That's art rock for you. Art Rock artists focus more on perfromance and lyrcis than the rest, at least that's what FTM have shown me. And the lead singer looks like my old freind! BTW, there is an excerpt from oe oftheir songs on my sig.[/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE]Fair to the Midland is Metal? Doesn't sound like it to me...but to be fair I have only heard one song. [/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]This is a quote by Avenged666fold from the metal thrad. But I'd htought I'd bring something to his attention here. Fair to Midland is an art rock/alt metal band from Texas. They were unsigned for two albums they provided for themselves. THe Carbon Copy Silver Lining and Inter.Funda.Stiffle were their first two albums. Then they realeased the Drawn and Quartered EP, which featured Dance of the Manatee. Their latest album, Fables from the Mayfly: What I tell you Three Times is True, is an album I'm getting tomorrow. Now the songs I've heard are Dance of the Manatee, Tall Tales Tate Like Sour Grapes, Walls of Jericho and April Fools and Eggmen. Now FTM isn't jsut some generic suit. They are a great bad with amazing music. All 4 songs are simply amazing. If you have flash playe, java and a good, fast conection listen to the playlist in this link. Listen to Walls of Jericho Tall tlaes like Sour Grapes and April Fools and Eggmn a you will see what I mean. LINK: [URL="http://www.projectplaylist.com/standalone/19566143"]PLaylist[/URL] The 3 songs are the playlist, look around for them. Two ofthem are on the very bottom of the list. Beofre Mighty Moshin Emo Rangers. (Don't ask) Tell what you think if you listen to them. And if you want I have some other hsit if you want to listen.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="77656"]No Far to Midland is art rock. I was just saying I'd rather buy their album that's all. Gozu, Agalloch... Listen to them on youtube, then you will realize metal is not dead. ****, look up Wintersun and Nevermore. I've heard a song or two by them and they were excellent.[/COLOR]
  23. [quote name='The Boss'][color=darkred][size=1] There was a recent poll done in Switzerland (where Marijuana use is legal) that proved that high school students who smoke pot socially are just as studeous and well adjusted as those who do not smoke pot. Marijuana is a weed, that comes out of the Earth. Nothing is added to it (as far as I know) and it isn't tampered with by other harmful chemicals. People have been using it for centuries. Its probably less harmful than alcohol, and it seems to be that it is safer than cigarettes. All Marijuana laws are doing is clogging our court system in America and shoving a bunch of (more-than-less) harmless stoners in jail. If we sin-taxed mary-jane like we do alcohol, and made it legal, the government could probably pull a bit of much needed tax dollars from it. I don't smoke pot or anything else personally, because I'm an athlete and I can't be messing with my lungs. But I don't disagree with the use of the drug either. Its inevitable that people are going to smoke pot, so making it illegal is just preventing the inevitable. Kinda like asking teenagers to practice abstinence.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]The Boss pretty much summed it up right there. [QUOTE]I think you anti-pot'rs oughta go out and smoke some. It's actually quite enjoyable when done so responsibly, just like drinking and (probably to a smaller degree) smoking. Go get some friends together and watch a movie and each some junk food. It'll be fun, trust me. =D[/QUOTE] Munchies FTW. And on another lighter note, my GF's teacher is named Mrs. Huff and she teaches in room 420. Plus, she allows her students to sniff the sharpies.... ? [QUOTE]I personally think it should be made legal, at least in an attempt to better understand what would happen. So many of the arguments for and against the legalization of it can't be seen until we observe the effects of both legalizing and illegalizing it. And since we already know what it'd be like if it were illegal i think we should give legalizing it a chance. It's a little like prohibition. We saw what it was like to have it both legal and illegal here and found out quickly which was worse. Since then i doubt we'll ever illegalize alcohol again. [/QUOTE] The government should legalize it for awhile and iif it gets out of hand illegalize it. But if it goes off without a hitch, they should either think their decidsion or legalize it. I've said that before, and it seemed no one had a prolem with what I said. [QUOTE]A lot of people here seem to have bad experience with marijuana. Probably a friend or something that's abused the drug. I personally think most anything can be abused and have a negative light put on it. Food is a great example. Obesity in this nation is... well, obese. It's gotten quite ridiculous. But that's totally irrelevant. My point here is that the potential for abuse should be measured and taken into account. I have very little experience with marijuana so i really can't say anything beyond that. [/QUOTE] That is very true. Almost everything can have a negative influence. As I said beofre I have friend who uses it well, and who doens't just waste life smoking it. She hates school, and she wants out ofthe place, but she's always thought this. Pot hasn't changed her. Some people can use it without screwing up, some can't. It's the same as Alcohol and cigarettes. My mom drinks, but she doesn't drive or get wasted under the influence, unlike some people.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="77656"]Metal, dead? You just don't have faith or ears I guess.. Metal is stronger now in my eyes than it ever was. Or go to the extereme not-metal thread. Anwyays, tomorrow I'm going to F.Y.E. I'm going to find an Agalloch album. Fair to midland is better for me. But I'll nag out a second album, maybe I can get two and listen to them. [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="77656"]I know the whole battle is useless anyways. People want marijuana legal and people want cigaretes illegal, but nothing has changed. I just think it [I]should [/I]be legal. But it wouldbe a good idea if the government made it elgal for a few months and see how it goes. If the plan works bad, keep it illegal, if it works well, think more about it. the government never trials these things. [QUOTE]So why would I want to legalize something that has done nothing but mess up the people I know who use it?[/QUOTE] It's the same as other drugs. Some can control themselvees, some can't. The ones that can't control themselves wind up in ****. One of my freinds smokes pot, and nothing has changed in her life. She's the same way she's always been. She knows how to control herself with it. Anyways, if you want to smoke pot scotch free, go to Amsterdam and whatnot. I think it should be legal, but I know it won't happen in the near future.[/COLOR]
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