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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR="77656"]No offense SunfallE, but I don't think 'nasty habit' is a good enough reason for him. Honestly it shouldn't be illegal. I've never heard valuable evidence that it is dangerous anyways. Do you ever see stories about people getting high and getting in an accident as much as alcohol related accidents? If smoking cigarettes is legal, so should smoking marijuana. If it was legal I'd smoke it when I was the legal age. Not constantly, more like every year at least once or twice. I don't see any potential threat. At least not one as big as alcohol. My mom, who is 50 and has plenty of knowledge, believes alcohol is worse than marijuana, and she works at a bar. So if something like beer is legal, marijuana should be too. I don't' give a **** what any adult or other kid thinks about this matter. it should be legal and that's final. No if and or butts about it. [quote name='AzureWolf'] The drug helps some people, hurts others. It is unpredictable.[/quote] As does most other drugs out in the world. Children's Tylonal, Excedrin, Claritin. Each drug has both negative and positive impacts.[/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE]This post is as hilarious as it is depressing. Actually, I really hope this was just a bad joke.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]I hope so too. I saw him use Nu-Metal as a genre and instantly I knew he was like me. Now I just shut my mouth. Besides I can't read the guys post anyways, his grammar stinks. Today my friend gotpissed because I complaiend about metalcore. i jsut don't like it. Then myf riend Brooke lashed on me because I'm picky about genres. I'm not picky, I just hate it when my friends get stuff wrong. It would help if they knew I don't know about genres I just know what genre a certain band is. [/COLOR]
  3. [CENTER][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/ETNM.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="77656"]The trees became full again, the grass was now green and the flowers were in bloom once more. The beginning of spring looked so good, an amazing picture for something so deceiving. The season was looking well, but the world wasn?t feeling good. Mortals can?t feel the earth?s pain or hear it?s words; however there are some who can. Well, only once in a few thousand years can they hear the planet. [CENTER][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] That time is know as the Blood Red Summer. During this time, the earth slows down the process of restoring itself. While doing this, the earth can save up energy for when it is really needed. However, the last time this happened a whole civilization was wiped out. Drought, famine and depression caused wars. Countries battled over land and sea, just to gain control over the economy. The magic that bound humans together, was now used to pull them apart. Fire, water, earth and air was used to destroy each other. Darkness laughed at the world, and light found no sympathy for the humans. But the planet?s cries went unnoticed. But even after such things were over, the country?s of the world still had troubles. The death?s of millions caused much despair. Empty voids where happiness once sat were stretched to their limits. Towns, cities, and villages fell, and even more death was dealt with. But those that could hear the planet?s suffering, wanted all this to end. So a council was formed. A council that would bring an end to the torture, and rebuild the world. The Praise, a group dedicated to the earth, formed a union in every country. But how could they bring back the order of the world? By betraying the whole world, and using it?s magic against itself. They were dedicated to the earth, so dedicated that they sought to destroy all life, and leave no one to harm mother nature. But the planet was fed up with it all. It decided to use it?s power to destroy and rebuild the earth. Almost in a instant the planet returned to the way it was before the Blood Red Summer. And so the planet would wait until he earth was advanced enough to deal with the changes. Light and Darkness agreed to let the earth slumber, and so humanity went on with life. Unaware of what would become of the earth? someday. /-\/-\/-\/-\/-\ The tower stirred and the ground shook as sand blew in a furious gust. The world moaned and groaned. But in a baron dessert, no one could hear it. But suddenly all fell silent and time stopped. The Elf Tower was ancient and had just started to arise from the pits of hell.As the dust and dirt floated in the air, the tower lit up. It's brown figure stood only one story tall. But it was much more than that. Time resumed and the planet kept on crying...[/COLOR][/CENTER]
  4. [COLOR="77656"]Agalloch could be at FYE?! Sweet. I'll check next time I'm there. And I'm going to get Pale Folklore now that I've heard Falling Snow & Not Unlike the waves.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="77656"]I know weird. I donwloaded G-Force for my Windows media player, I took a screenshot of the visualizations I liked and edited it into a banner using paint. It's miraculous what Battleon forums can teach you. Now I know how to take screenshots. Anyways, I have an idea of the villains I want, and the allies we need. The Trigger brothers aren't the only heroes on the table. I want to add a mysterious man who pops up to help and hinder the two from the tower. I'm also going to post the bio for the first villain, teh one who draws the two into new Mexico's desert and into the Elf Tower. I'm going to add area 51 into this. But due to the time frame (in the 3000's) Area 51 won't be about aliens and sercret weapons. Name: Maynard Trigger Age: 20 (1 hour younger than his brother Kalas) Gender: Male Personality: Maynard is mysterious, nerdy and hyper. When he was a boy he read comics all day and contemplated about his life as a would-be super hero. Not to mention all the anime that made him even worse. when his parents died, he didn't become depressed. Even though a part of him was broken, his personality never changed. He can be annoying, but very pleasent to be around. Despite this, he has a few anger issues that can be resolved by women. But the rest of his mind is shrouded in an enigma. [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="77656"]Today Youtube worked at my school for once, anyways I got a chance to listen to 2 Agalloch songs. Not Unlike the Waves and She Painted (something?) Across the Sky part 1. I didn't like Not Unlike the Waves as much as the latter but they were both excellant songs. Now I want an album SO BADLY, but I doubt FYE sells them, or any other store here for that matter. I also had the chace to listen to a minutes or so worth of wintersun. I forgot the name of the song, but they were imense. Next time I'm at the school library I'll look up some other bands like Nevermore, Opeth and Blind Guardian. I'm really amped to buy an album, if only I had the money.[/COLOR]
  7. [CENTER][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/ETNM.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="77656"][B]Welcome to the underground thread of [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Elf Tower New Mexico[/COLOR].[/B] This is an RPG between me, and Deus ec Machina. This RPG is a sub-plot of my failed RPG, [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]Blood Red Summer[/B][/COLOR]. This RPG is a mixture of music, mind, and a concept similar to the Panopticon. But in this installment, we follow the adventures of two brothers as they find out about themselves and the world around them that is changing for the worst. The Elf Tower, which is located in old New Mexico, is a station for malicious evil and magic. It has a self-conscience mind and soul, and can create millions upon trillions of different obstacles and places for those unfortunate to enter. This thread is for us two, Premonition & Deus ec Machina, to discuss the RPG. And if anyone wishes to talk about it with us, that's fine with us. If you want to ask questions or even suggest characters and such, that is also excepted. The Spar should be in tomorrow afternoon, or in the evening. Me and DB (Dues) have to create our characters. [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="77656"]Well, I bought a copy of Metal Maniac magazine at a store yesterday. I bought it to help me further indulge myself in metal. And I read a few articles. They even interviewed a bunch of artist's, but the only familiar bands I saw were Agalloch, Cattle Decpitation, Exodus, Ackercocke and Evergreen Terrace. A few of which I've only heard of. And I also found out that Exodus and Dethklok have something in common. The video for Riot Act was filmed a bit by Jon Shnepp, and so were things in Dehtklok. Even if the magazine isn't a good source for metal, I found it pretty useful. My cousin told me he would be able to burn me some copies of metal bands that are really good, about a week or so ago. (Nevermore, and some other bands I've heard talk about on OB from Jake and various others.)[spoiler]Ironically my cousin's name is Jake, coincidence?[/spoiler] So I'll ask him next time I got some burnables and he's here.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR="77656"]Thanks for the info, now my brain-fog is cleared. But when the sign-ups are posted, I'll check it out. But for now, my interest isn't all that high, but I'm interested nonetheless.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="77656"]Any ideas for an antagonist? Or was there one in G&C I? If so I wouldn't know. I'd rather be a cousin though, so I don't need to worry about the character-connection btw, I was just wondering. But I'd like to be an antagonist, if I play of coarse. But that depends on you and Revelation.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="77656"]You mean, like being able to edit and customize the skins for ourselves? That would be really cool. Being able to put images and colors and whatnot instead of using pre-made skins. I'd just be happy if we could make our own banners for the top of the site, and even edit the colors of the menu bars and such. [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="77656"]Yeah, I don't see much in the whole next generaion after previous characters idea. Now, I'd enjoy being next-gen, but not a son or grandson of older characters. [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="77656"]We know each other is real-life, but we have our own views. And I'm not willing to respect the other groups unless they respect me. Some of the other groups insist that I'm gay, and keep calling me gay. So until they stop, I won't respect them. Personally, I dont' mind some of the preps. Like Kelsey and all them. Last year Kelsey talked to me and thanked me for my compliments. And htat, I apreciate.[/color]
  14. [QUOTE]TRJA is definitely the worst band I have heard in a while.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]They aren't unique at all. They're like Boys Like Girls, the band is generic crappy and mislead teenage girls thirve on them like leeches to a human. Lately the genre that TRJA and BLG are in has been starting to suck. A lot. [QUOTE]I hate every single one of those bands. They have no musical value beyond the realm of ****-tastic pop rock, and you should tell the Librarian that TRJA isn't metal, either.[/QUOTE] That furthers my point. this librarian person is probably just a mislead teneage girl. [QUOTE]Some Kid (ahahahaa) says: Once again another emo band whining about how terrible life is. We don't want to hear it!!! Keep it to yourselves, you wimps. Why do emo bands exist to begin with. They write about how messed up their life is when basically everybodies life is messed up. We've all got problems. But we don't have to put it in music so the rest of the world has to listen to it. SHUT UP!!![/QUOTE] This guy should get lessons. Music is a way to express sorrow and emotion.[/color]
  15. [COLOR="77656"][QUOTE]Maynard James Keenan is one of the ugliest guys Ive ever seen in my life but that doesn't matter when I am listening to the amazing things that come from his mouth.[/QUOTE] I second that. He looks like he got hit with an ugly stick and got humped by a manatee. Anyways, KoRn... I've revisited the latest album and I realized, I like it. Despite the reviews I've seen, I like the album. I see it's inner briliance. People I know siad it doesn't sound like KoRn used to, but ya know what? That's kind of good in this album. I like the fact that the nu-metal side of Korn is hardly here, well the hip-hop influence part. >_> [B]Here is a review I never put on my wordpress, because I forgot my account details.[/B] When I revisit albums, I start to listen to the songs I didn't like or pay attention to before, and I regret not listening to some of these songs before. KorRn's latest, untitled album is just one of those said albums. Killing, which is a fast-paced songs baout murder, iis one of the best songs on the allbum. But the best part comes at the end when it goes into a gut-wrenching, metal-style vocal party that pleases my ears. The lead singer of Korn would be good in a doom metal band actually. Ever, is one fo teh more epic tracks of the album. It is also fast-paced, but it has a lot more flavor, and drums that stand out more. And there is Starting Over, the opening to the album. I used to semi-like it, but now I really like it. I don't know why, but after listening to a different album, this one seems tons of a lot better. If you like nu-metal, and you have some money to blow off, buy the album. And with the songs lyrics, second-glance shows that this could actually be tranlsated into aconcept album, despite it's lack of solid characters and plot-line. The songs Killing, and Love & Luxery seem to go together. As well as Hushabye, a soft sogn with a creepy feeling, that gets better at the last minute. The atmosphere is creepy in this CD, except for some songs like Evoloution and Kiss. The Intro just makes me shudder, for it is reminescint of an abanded and haunted circus. Even though I don't like nu-metal much anymore, this album gets a [B]B+[/B]. It's not perfect, but it has value, inner value mostly. But it's there. Listen to it more than 5 times and it gets better. And if you can, go on yourube and look up Hold On's video. It's actually pretty funny. Despite the lyrics about a monster and holding on for what seems dear life, the video is about bull-riding... >_>[/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE]If you do end up going to [B]Pratt [/B]or NYU or Tisch or some other NYC art school, let me know so we can meet![/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]Boy, that is thesecond time I've seen this word today. The last time was just a few minutes ago on Heroes. Odd coincidence. I don't know what I'll do for college, or if I'll go at all. Popular music is what I want to do for a career path. And you don't need a degree to be in that field, which is an A+ in my book. But if I do go to college, I'll proably go to Clarkson Univeristy in NY, whic is about 20 minutes from my house. Or NYU, whatever takes me.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="77656"]I don't know much. I only ogle at Hayden and wish I was friends with her. But I'm 14 I don't have a big thing for the whole dolphin crusade. But I would never eat a dolphin, plus they deserve to live. They are smart animals, and the smart ones should live. The dumb ones should too, but the whole eating issue is weird. First of all, human hunger comes first for me, as long as it doesn't extinct a whole species, n'mean?[/COLOR]
  18. [color="#777656"] [QUOTE]This isn't pop music. It isn't a world in which you get honor for clinging to another bands coattails and milking the genre for everything it's worth. This is metal. You're remembered for your contribution to the advancement of the cause.[/QUOTE] Metal is like cures for cancer, the better the advancements, the better the genre becomes. Like a human without cancer is better off. I'm sorry, but I feel that's the truth. Youth and Hotness is best left to Birtney Spears and all of those girls kid. As for metal, it's all about the playing. ****, you should treat every genre like that. I don't the big deal, if you wanted looks to come out of music, google pics of artists. But please, don't say that looks and all that stuff make something better/worse, that's just stupid. But back to what really matters, music. I made a new playlists, and I chopped off the excess fat, or the bad songs to be more prescise. I have some good metal bands in there as well. But I still have some songs left, so I'm going to fish through the metal thread sometime and get some great bands to search for. But I've got a few songs on there that are pretty good.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="77656"]Well, there is one kid in the skateboarder group that I see eye-to-eye with, even though we don't talk often. Saw him today when I was Bowling, he nodded I nodded back. All the other skateboarders call me gay. As for me, I've been friends with someone in every clique a tleast one. I used to be friends with almost all of thw skateboarders. And being around one of them made me act perverted (not act, as much as influenced) I was popular in like 2nd & 3rd grade. Than in 4th and 5th grade I was a nobody, then in 6th grade I was popular a tiny bit and so on. Now in 8th grade a lot of people hate me, but some of the others are nice. Some of the popular girls talk to me. I jsut wish I was friends with at least 1 person in every group so I could have connections with each group. Become monotinous for befriending someone of every group would be great. In fact, that was me in 6th grade. Than 7th... [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="77656"]So what are you thoughts about the syle's and lifestyle's of people? It's mostly at school hwere you can notice these things. The emos, the goths, the punks, the preps, the skateboarders, the rappers are some of the kinds of people at shchools. All the others fit some other catagory I haven't listed. So, are you in any of those groups? Do you shun others for how they dress/act? Well for me, I've been called emo and goth. I'm not goth, and I'm hardly emo. Sure I hang out with people in that group, but we are usually metal-heads or rock-luvers. I wear all black, but that doesn't make me goth! I find myself somewhat emo, but not overbearing. Now our school is outnumbered by skateboard posers. Some can skateboard, but that's only like two people, the other ones suck. The group I'm in is in a war-like thing with the skateboarders. I used to be friends with almost all of them too. But it just seems like 8th grade is filled with them. We have a popular group, and they're all in it. They call us names without thinking about themselves. But whenever they're called posers, they back down as if they weren't a group to begin with. Luckily it seems as if our group is expanding. We have the 8th grade group and a small 7th grade group. (Very small!) So anyways, what about you?[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="77656"][B]Here's a fact about mommies, babies and breeding in general. During pregancy, almost all women with arthritis didn't have it during the time of pregnancy. A spider's penis is located on it's leg.[/B] [B]I'n medevil China it was not unsusual for a mother to breast-feed her child until he/she was 7. Up to the a ge 6 or 7, a child can breathe and swallow at the same time.[/B] And here's a doggy fact. [B]Contrary to popular belief, dogs don't by salivating, they sweat through the pads of their feet.[/B][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="77656"][QUOTE]Mr Rach makes the coolest threads XD[/QUOTE] I second that motion. His threads are just too attractive, and plain old shmexy. I'm going gay for your threads Rach! As for me, I'm straight. However, I was bi-curious, and that led to trouble. People still insist on calling mem gay, when I'm not. I've kissed a girl, and I've enjoyed it. (Happened this saturday... my first kiss wth a girl!) But people at my school are retarded and are too ignorant to see the truth. I've found girls to be more open, and experiment more than men. I know someone who experimented with a nother guy, but I'm stopping right there. He doesn't think it's wrong anyways. Let's just say he was in denial for a few minutes, he's straight. He taught me that some interactions witha guy aren't considred gay, or something like that. He thinks blowjobs and handjobs don't make you gay exactely, but he got that from the 40 year old Virgin >_>.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="77656"]Who would you be an ***-slave to? Can't be me, I'm taken. *Walks back to his corner* I'll pay DB two-billion to meet me and my freinds so we can torture him with bad music. Well, I have Tool and Coheed & Cambria... but that's all. >_>[/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE][COLOR="DarkOrange"]And besides, everyone knows I'm gay O_o[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]Me especially! :animesmil Ace, have you ever heard of 'fight fire with fire?' And my talk it out man-to-man, I meant act like a neanderthal as well. [I]"Ug, me Conrad, you *****. You leave, I leave, go bye-bye. Oi you bad gal[/I]." Show her man![/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="77656"]Uh, Amon Amarth isn't metalcore Man, at least I don't think so. [/COLOR]
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