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Everything posted by Aberinkula
[COLOR="77656"]DB, how can I say this, I have a girlfriend. But yes DB was and still might be a freind with "benefits." >_> My name IS going back to Premonition, just after my obsession with Co&Ca's new abum subsides. Which should be fairly soon. But, I want something to add to premontion. Like Prem 2.0 or something. My original plan was Sexy Premonition, but that would probably take up to much.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]Actually, I hope Maury is [spoiler]only out for a few hours. I was kind of hoping for a 'good dad who teaches son' thing. I'd love to see how powerful the guy really is.[/spoiler] Maybe this week's Post-Show on G4 will shed some light on the whole Muary-Matt hting from monday.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]Actually Indiff, I've shocked DB in PMs before. Like that one time he said I was PMSing and I said something I can't repeat here. But it was funny nontheless. He wanted to put it in his sig also.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"][spoiler]Actually, another reason of Clair and Adam being related is Peter and nathan. In the previews it said the Petrelli's have a dark secret. They could well be related to Takezo/Adam, thus Clair could be like, a distant cousin or something.[/spoiler] That's my theory anyways. As for Matt [spoiler] taking down Maury.[/spoiler] I loved that scene. Him being a newb has nothing to do with that. [spoiler]He faced his father and pointed out that the past Matt was in, was actually the painful memory of Maury's.[/spoiler] And really, if you've noticed, sci-fi powers usually do that "super fast maturity thing." Plus he isn't that much of a newb. Look at Sylar, he's able to control new powers very well. And god Sylar, steal Maya's powers already.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]Oh ****, I forgot about that scene completely. Well, as for the others' powers, we'll just have to wait.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]You should have seen what DB made me do. I had to T-bag his cat just to be able to look at this profile. Don't get me started on what I had to do to even be in his prescense.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"][size=1]That is the single most sexiest picture I've ever seen. DB is that you?[/size]:p And yes PMing me ALL DAY is like talking to Beelzabub, the Devil and Hilary Clinton; suicide, murder, and a shame.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]I think the painting could be a premonition of [spoiler]Mohinder killing Noah, instead of my old theory of West killing him.[/spoiler] I wasn't shocked to discover [spoiler]Adam was Takezo Kensei.[/spoiler] I learned about it already from the G4 post-show where they interviewed Tim Kring and the guy who plays HRG. And I agree, [spoiler]West being gone is the best.[/spoiler] I have the feeling that [spoiler]Adam is Clair's relative becasue of the power connection they share.[/spoiler] Plus the blonde hair. And Elle is the biggest ***** in Television history. And what about Sylar, Maya and Alejandro? And St. Joan? Oooooh, the suspense! My big question is what powers Bob, Hiro's father and Nathan's mother have? Next week looks amazing.[/color]
The Extreme/Heavy Music That Isn't Metal Thread!
Aberinkula replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR="77656"]It's called Elect the Dead. Just for kicks I'm going to post something from the back of the book.The bolded words are track titles. [quote name='From the back of the lyric booklet]The [B]Empty Walls [/B]of [B]The Unthinking Majority[/B] hide [B]Money [/B]for the illusive afterlife and do not [B]Feed Us[/B] instead, thereby Saving Us from the conclusive environmental theory that the Sky is Over. The [B]Baby[/B] is run over by the careless [B]Honking Antelope [/B]who, quoteing from the book of [B]Lie Lie Lie,[/B] cries [B]Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition[/B]. The ground rumbles and out flies [B]Beethoven't ****[/B] screaming [B]Elect the Dead[/B']![/quote] As for the music, it has some foreign sounds . Plus it has some female vocals in the backround. THe song The Unthinking Majorite features Alladin like music, sort of like a snake charmer's flute. The lyrics "I believe that you're wrong, insinuating they hold the bomb. Clearing the way for the oil brigade, Clearing the way for the oil brigade" stand out most in the track to me. If I were you I'd just find someone who has the album and listen to it, or buy it.[/COLOR] -
The Extreme/Heavy Music That Isn't Metal Thread!
Aberinkula replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR="77656"]Thank you Face, I appreciate that. Avenged, I'm not going to reply for one reason, we need our good conversation back. Has anyone heard the new solo album by Serj Tankian yet? It's a pretty decent album. Nothing too amazing, but it has it's perks. Lyrically, It's great. The meaning behind some songs, such as Empty walls, gve you soem insight on serj's thoughts. Pus, it's fun to interprete the meanings for yourself, such as the song Honking Antelope. I also love Serj Tankian's voice, he makes the songs much more fun than some others could ever do. [spoiler]He looks like my father in some ways. The nose for one. >_ -
The Extreme/Heavy Music That Isn't Metal Thread!
Aberinkula replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR="77656"]Dude, for your A comment, I was talking about other times. He's said wiki is bad for msuic before, I sincerly hope you were listening before. That's why I don't use Wiki for bands. Plus, he knows a lot more than you and I, that's for sure. Dude, as for number 2, we don't think he's the god of everything musical. Give him stuff on Country music, he might just WTF. We don't think he's a god, he's just well informed. Definitly more informed than you. Holy Christ, I see why I got annoying now. Dude just give to up. You have a big Jake problem and that's that. You keep rambing about it, and it's making people mad, and they're getting sick of it. I know I am. I know now how stupid I was, and now I see what a moron I am. [QUOTE]"I like this band so they must be (metal / whatever genre I like the name of at the time)."[/QUOTE] It's like saying I'm white but I love my black girlfriend so she must be white too.[/COLOR] -
The Extreme/Heavy Music That Isn't Metal Thread!
Aberinkula replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR="77656"]Dude I read wiki, and that's where I found this... [quote name='Wikipedia']Mathcore (also known as technical metalcore, technical hardcore, and math metal) is a style of metalcore recognized for a high level of technical musicianship. [/quote] Dude, you just quoted Wikipedia. Don't go on wiki, anyone can edit that ****. So if chances are someone without any knowledge of the genre could have edited it. Listen to Jake, DON'T WIKI! Just thought I'd point that out. I checked wiki because I had the feeling that's where you got the info. Oh, the quote about Mudvayne & Alt Metal is also from Wiki. And they are good, however, I just don't like the way he screams. They have good songs like World so Cold, which is my fav Mudvayne song. MY friend LOVES Mudvayne, and he loves World so Cold. His voice is so much better when he just sings, I think Mudvayne would be better wihtout the screaming and if they didn't scream so much. Just like A7X, they are really good. Waking the Fallen was a great CD, but the screaming sucked. The songs that didn't have a lot of screams shone on the album. And in City of Evil where there was only a few screams, they made a great album. I like M. Shadows voice, but he shouldn't scream. [/COLOR] -
The Extreme/Heavy Music That Isn't Metal Thread!
Aberinkula replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR="77656"]I don't really like Mudvayne, and for the record, they're not Metalcore, they're Nu-Metal. But the new album For the People By the People looks interesting. Dull Boy is actually a good Mudvayne song.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR="77656"]Oh yeah, sometimes I get so mad that I bite myself to let off steam. One of fingers has rougher skin that the others becasue of it. Oh, I'm crazy!?[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]I don't know if this is a poem, a stor-idea or what. But it's beautiful. I can sense the emotion throughout. Ironically I'm listening to [B]I Wont' see You Tonight Part 1 by A7X[/B]; this kind of reminds me of the song. Personally, I'd rather die than be alone, the pain of no one around would erode my soul and my mind to the point of madness. This also reminds me of Final Fantasy X where it has Tidas sitting aroudn the campfire with everyone, the feeliing of ruin and desolation during that scene is reminenscent of this work. Great job DB, one of your best pieces of work. The sheer emotion I sensed was pheenominal.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]I wish I could make myself emotionless at times becasue I feel that emotions aren't that important. I myself stay up sometimes wondering about the Universe' secrest. Like how did god jsut get there? I find it impossible tobelieve he was just there. I also think what it would belike if Earth ws the only planet with sentient beings. I used to, and somewhat still believe that we are in an Artificial Universe created by some being for mere entertainment. I believe this because of the supernatural. Some thing jsut seem to weird to believe. Maybe ghost's are just programs that linger around after deletion and the 'light' is just a empty space where we are brought back as different characters. I also believe that some UFO's are actually beings sent from the Real World to moniter our actions, and to make sure we don't get oo smart. Sounds a little matrixy, but that's what I believe. But why do I believe in god? Becasue I want to think that we aren't artificial, so I have soemthign to look forward to after death. I've been told that I have a strong aura, and I believe it. I've been kept up at night just thinking of these wondrs and what truly lies beyond adn beneath our reality. And if there is an alternate reality, is it artificial to? Lke a server in an MMO. But back to the emotion thing. I find some emotions useless, like happiness. No matter how happy someone is, they are really broken inside. A smile is just a beautiful facade used to shroud pain. [QUOTE]The biggest difference is that when I get mad even though I may destroy stuff, I usually will only break objects that are easily replaced or are already garbage such as failed-to-burn DVDR discs. [/QUOTE] Same here, my mom yells at me, but I could care less. I had a computer a few months ago taht woas a piece of ****., I got mad ebcasue I couldn't fidn my sneaker, so I kicked it and broke it. I also broke a few of my mom's things. Heirlooms more or less. But holy christ, it's just an object, get over it. I used to have this broken paddle, useless. My radio wouldn't work right, so I took the paddle and threw it against the wall. It shattered into pieces, so I just sat there looking at the motherboard and tied to put it back together, but it was a failed attempt. I aslo have this thing about tecnology that started when I broke a remote and put it back together. I love to inspect things and see what makes something tick. I will also purposely brake a remote or something just to put it back together. I used to have an MP3, it broke so I decided to open to check it out. Sadly I could never get it apart. When I'm not angry I'm a *****. Sometimes when I'm angry I daydream about killing the person who made me mad, however I would never do that. I don't actually have a mental disorder, I just have issues. I'm the kind of person who has the symptoms just not the disease. I kind of do things someone with OCD would, and I also think I have a split personality that coems out when I'm about to sleep. [spoiler]Has to do with Masterbation[/spoiler][/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]For me, I'm somewhat mentally stable. Now I have anger problems. I smash things when I'm mad, I hit things, and I yell. Sometimes I get so mad that I cry, but that's rare. I'm very imaginative too, I can come up with a story-line in a matter of seconds and turn it into something great. Even though my writing capabilities are limited. >_> I act perverted, but I'm not. however that gets me into trouble. I accidentally brushed a girl's boob. at first it was a joke to her, and then it turned into a fight. Now one of my friends just told me not to worry about it. So I didn't then the next day at school, we made up. However she is a drama queen. Plus when someone says something, I tend to take differently. One of my friends had the nerve to ask me how it (the boob) felt. At lunch the next day, he got into a fight with me. (For the record it was MetalCore, but he gets pissed easily and soon forgets it.) He said he was kidding about the question. I don't know if he said that he was joking or not, but he should have never said it. So I tend to not listen. In a PM, DB said I could be Passive Aggressive. From reading the Internet, I started to believe it, and I still do. But if I'm Passive Aggressive or not, I don't know. So anyways, what are you like? Do you have any mental disorders or problems? Are you smart, or creative? Tell here... DISCUSS![/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]I get this horrible headache's. They are mostly for allergies and tension. But lately I've been getting Caffine Headache's, which seem to be the ***** of the headache world. So when I get home, I sleep. Or I get on OB and gab about crap. But when I'm really sick I turn into a prick. I get the headache's at school usually, so I think there is something at school I'm allergic to. Sometimes they're to the point where I feel like throwing up and I just huddle up into a ball. It really soothes me to just sit in front of my fan and reflect on the day. You see, I have a fan on every night every day of the year otherwise, I get sweaty and [size=1]pee myself.[/size] I don't get cluster headache's though. I just wish I could get medical Marijuana. >_>[/COLOR]
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Good show! [I]*smack'd*[/I] You're right, by the way. God doesn't hate homosexuals. He hates homosexuality, but not the person.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]I guess that's a genuine case of hate the sin, love the sinner. [/COLOR]
Get together of OB's musically enabled (OB band?)
Aberinkula replied to Nomurah!'s topic in Noosphere
[COLOR="77656"]Whoa, Mann, your story-line needs, dare I say more action? Maybe a sci-fi or fantasy driven elemnt? And maybe a villain who wishes to control the universe, and the Captain's dream is the only way the villain can persue his dream. Any story help, just call me. And I didn't want to admit it, but the name is badass.[/COLOR] -
Get together of OB's musically enabled (OB band?)
Aberinkula replied to Nomurah!'s topic in Noosphere
[COLOR="77656"]It's either the file or my comp, but I can't hear jack squat of your bass riff.[/COLOR] -
Get together of OB's musically enabled (OB band?)
Aberinkula replied to Nomurah!'s topic in Noosphere
[COLOR="77656"]That name is god awful. No offense Mann. And yeah, vocolist, but what about lryics?! Who's going to write, and about what? I'll write if need-be. Or is there just going to be covers? I can't play well, nor do I have the equipment to send my **** over teh net, but I'll write for you guys.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR="77656"]Well, I want to redo Cursed Lands: Slumber of Ancient Earth, but I've decided to scrap some of the story-line and revive it with a new taste and new flare. If you want to read the original version, do so. here's the link: [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=56135"]CL:Original[/URL] So first order of buisiness, I'm going to quote some parts of the original sign-up thread, and show you teh changes I'm making. [QUOTE]Xandamite has been drilled from the planet, making Atlas start to die. But the people on the surface don?t know that it?s killing the planet.[/QUOTE] Xandamite is a fictional element found in the planet Atlas. This is reminescent of mako from FF7. Xandamite and Atlas are Being kept. But the other towns are changing. [QUOTE]Also they are unaware that the planet?s leading company for Xandamite drilling, Zangra is using it to create a super warrior. Not only are they a company but the president of the world Hiabata Zangra is the company?s creator. So far he?s committed crimes against humanity. Secretly. But just recently word got out that the Xandamite drilling is killing the planet. Currently protests have stopped. But one organization is trying to stop it. Requiem is a secret resistance consisting of only 10 members.[/QUOTE] Zangra sounds too much like Shinra, so I'm scrapping that name, and the name of the creator. From now on the Company is called "Gantra Inc. and it's the ONLY Xandamite drilling company on the planet. Also the fact that it's owner is the president, is also being scrapped. THe owner's new name is Gantra Renzoukshi, but the company is funded by the goverment whos President is Gantra's brother. Requim, the resistnace much like Avalanche, is also ebing scrapped for a new group callled Alpha-Blade, the members are going to be different also. [QUOTE]One of the newest members, Alvash codename: Zero has just joined after quitting the president?s company. The resistance?s leader, Ezekiel codename: The Tesla has decided to take their plans further. His next plan is to attack the drill within sector 3, district 5. This is where the story starts.[/QUOTE] I'm not going to reveal my new character, but he will be different than Alvash, and Ezekial is also being scrapped for another character, who I won't name either. codename's are being dropped, as I've decided that Alpha-Blade is going to disband by the end of the sign-ups. [QUOTE]Alvash looked around after being let off the bus. His comrades, Louise and Jerry were standing at the drill?s gate. ?So this is the 5th district drill, eh?? Alvash asked through his handkerchief. Jerry nodded. ?Yes it is. Plus this our first drill to take down. Personally I thought we would have disbanded a month ago.? Alvash turned back to see Ezekiel get off the bus. ?Damn fools, always asking for bus fare to get out! Why?d the bastards past a law that you have to pay to get off, the bus. Pathetic!? Alvash entered the door with the others. As he entered he saw an amazing site. the drill. He may have worked for Zandra but he was just a secretary. ?A beauty, right? Heh not for long!? Ezekial chuckled. Alvash looked up and down the structure then proceeded on. [/QUOTE] I'm scrapping that completely. Instead, I'm going to have a conversation between two characters as to why Alpha-Blade is breaking up. But they will still be at the drill. I'm also going to keep the sign-ups, with some added things. I didn't shed much light on the source of magic, or magic at all. But it's there. Find out when the sign-ups are out. Anyways, I thought I'd shed some light on this project before I actually create it. Why? So I can see if these changes are what's needed. This version will be mroe refined, and the story will be more in depth. I'm still going with the original story-line I wanted beyond the sign-ups. So, what do you guys think? Are these changes too much, or are these changes perfect? And also, would you be willing to join, or re-join if you were in the first one?[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]I think DB has a dog complex or something. He is great though, you just don't see his brilliance. As for me, my brilliance is a different story. Oh, I meant god complex. Dog complex just sounds like a mental disease where you think you're the best bounty hunter around.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="77656"]I heard about this on Megatokyo Forums, didn't reply then, bt it's much more interesting on OB. I'm with Gavin on this one, I'd beat the living **** out of those guys if they even [I]thought [/I]about doing that. Thank god for dead soldiers? God hates fags? Give me a break. They fought for their country and they get a bunch of ignorant gay-bashing-****faced-dicklicking ******** saying that dead sodliers are good? First of all, I'd throw them into a war and watch their ***** get shot to hell. And second of all, maybe they hate fags, but have any one of them talked to god and hear god say "I hate fags?" No I don't think so. Honestly I think they should burn in the fiery pits of hell, and they should all get raped by the devil. It's sad that people act this way, and it also sickens me. These people should be sent to jail for life. Pickiting the death of a soldier? Oh come the **** on. If people were anymore ignorant you wouldn't be able to have a friend of the same sex. [QUOTE]The church has a Web page which is dominated by anti-homosexual themes and which claims that among the places God hates and plans to destroy are America, Canada and Sweden.[/QUOTE] This is perhaps the dumbest thing they cold do. If I ahd the power I'd **** on this site from my computer. And why are you living in the US when it's going to be destroyed? God must hate you also. These people have sooooooooooooooooo many flaws in their biliefs that it's not even funny. Maybe, just maybe, god will burn these guys into hell himself, rather than have the devil grab 'em. Hell, I woudl personally go to these guys and shoot them if I had to. These guys are ****er, douchebags, cockmunches and *******. Dine in hell why don't you?[/COLOR]