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Everything posted by Aberinkula

  1. [COLOR="77656"]I guess DB has abanded another story, sad becase I was looking forword to chapter 2.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="77656"]Well, I've been llistening to Coheed & Cambria's No World for Tomorrow, which is one of my favoite albums ... EVUH! The tracks are all equally great. My favorites being No World for Tomorrow (Track: 2), The Running Free, (5) Mother Superior, (6) Gravemakers & Gunslingers, (7) The End Complete III: The End Complete, (11) TECIV:THe Road & the Damned (12) and TECV: On the Brink. (13) It's good for any Prog-Rock lover. In fact part of the album cover is in my sig & avi! But the words in the sig are lyrics from Welcome Home, one of Co&Ca's best songs.[/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE]Would you want to become a staff member, and if so, which post would you want?[/QUOTE] [COLOR="77656"]Well, If I was asked to be a moderator, I'd apply in a heartbeat. Faster than a speeding bullet, faster than a train, FASTER THAN LIGHTING! That's how fast my "yes of coarse I'll take the position" reply would travel. I'd enjoy modding either the Ampitheatre or the Lounge because they are the best places on OB.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="77656"]Okay, don't get too COCKY Kam. This conversation shouldn't become FOUL. Maybe he feels like he's just LAYED AN EGG. But hey, tomorrow is just another day for the ROOSTER to holler. [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="77656"]Actually my original job idea was to become a story writter for video games, possibly Square Enix. But thanks for the input. I wanted to re-do Cursed Lands, but I decided to ask about the three. My projects seem to get off the ground than fall soon after, which bugs the HELL oughta me. Thanks for your input as always, Allamorph, you help me a lot... a lot. With Cursed Lands, I didn't see the similarities between it and FF7 until after I made it. The Cerberus Era was a filler between the time of The Keyblade War: Academy, which actually had a redux of it's on. As for Chaos, the story was going to go onto an apocalyptic theme. So right now I'm decided if I should redo Cursed Lands.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="77656"]Yeah, Rack & Indiff, I wished you two a happy birthday. It's still in my sig. :) But you two play nice! Well, our halloween aftermath brought break-ups and good-things? But yeah, Milton Bradly may make oujia boards, but some places make real ones, so... [COLOR="DarkOrange"]WHUDAFXUP[/COLOR]? I bilieve in ghosts and all that crap, I'm a superstitious nutcase, hell a UFO has flown over my house before.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="77656"]My day was looking both bright and dim. First of all, my freinds James & Birttany broke up. She's in a slump, and I'm helping her. Of coarse finding her next path is up to her, but I support her. And James might be letting me back into his cover band. Whats weird is that he treated me a lot better when they broke up. Now they looked good together, but she was over-dramatic and clingly. It may sound mean to her, but I'm glad they broke up. Sadly she doesn't want to sit at our lunch table becase she'll start to cry. You see, they had an inter-friend relationship. That means they were in my group of friends while they were going out. They still are becasue of her friend Brooke who's a sister to both me and James. Other than that, I'm doing ****ing peachy. :) [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="77656"] [B]Name[/B]: Joseph Gallagher [B]Age[/B]: 16 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Personality[/B]: Joseph is very protective of his friends. However, he isn't very understanding. He can't go down to someone's mood level and feel their pain or happiness. Plus he is a stubborn teenager. [B]Crossover Experience:[/B] Joseph, or Joe, is a fairly new player. He's been in the game for about a year and half. For his whole playing experience he has played with a sword or two daggers because they are very comfortable for his playing style. He doesn't get much done though, he just wanders the game looking for people and quests, but eh never really finished them. His father used to play MMO's like World of Warcraft and Diablo, so he was brought up as a video gamer. Plus, he wishes to become a game programmer much like his father. [B]Etheria[/B]: Joe's etheria are more like siblings to one another. Each one represents an element and a personality. [B]The Crowing (Zraptre)[/B] - A big bird with sharp talons that tears almost anything at Joe's whim. She is roughly ten feet tall with a wingspan of over 20 feet. Despite her evil-like appearance, she is very cal, and trusting. She can breath lightning and ice. Zraptre is Joe's most valuable Ehteria, because she can also heal a player. She Has the element of Ice embedded into a gem located over his third eye, she symbolizes the thick crust of trust and the powerful zap of courage, and she also shows that you shouldn't take something at face value. She resembles a crow, thus her moniker The Crowing. [B]Diaboro [/B]- A gigantic demon-like etheria that harbors the powers of hell. Diaboro looks like Joe's father. Diaboro has a special form where he is just an orb of darkness that Joe can fit in is hand. He doesn't prefer attacking, he's rather the support type, as he can fuse with Joe's weapon's for side effects. Diaboro represents the dark flame that grows in players that want power and fame. Diaboro is also name after Joe's father's favorite MMO Diablo II. [B]Serjfreet [/B]- This etheria is both water and fire based, with qualities and powers that counter, and react to each other. He has a bunch of tubes throughout his body that circulate red and blue liquid to the opposite sides of his bodies. Named for water and fire. Serj isn't as obvious as freet which is a name almost like Efreet. Serjfreet represents the ebb and flow of justice and serenity. He has two spikes coming out of his back, one blue, one red. -- Any problems just tell me and I'll change it right away. Sorry for the delay![/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR="77656"] [CENTER][IMG]http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/atomic_sorcerer/NEW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Welcome to The Chopper. Here I will post three of my past RPG's. I will let the members decide which RPG I will re-do. So here are three of my past ideas that never really made an impact. [B][U][CENTER]THE CERBERUS ERA[/CENTER][/U][/B] [QUOTE]As earth faded away the last years grew dominat and blood was the only goal for most. A world where nothing exists and everything appears existant is confusing. Knowing what it trully is scares them. A creature exists to feed them. An angel exists to kill them. What is 'Them" you ask. Nobody trully knows but it will become clear. just imagine a world without love or hate. Happy or sad. Malice and despair. They do and they have to live with it. These creatures are called humans. They will soon come to deal with the fact that, their world is falling apart. The story begins with an event that changed earth. The apocalypse. In the year 2666 an atomic missle was sent to destroy a meteor. It hit the moon instead.A piece of the moon hit the meteor. But the moon soon fell onto earth. Pieces destroyed cities and left the planet devastated. More destruction was caused from chunks of the meteor. people died. But not many. a place in the eastern continents grew inhabited, by "them". But these people are normal humans exept one thing. No emotions. Well hate and happy, love and sadness are still left. All the others are out. This area consists of 4 continents. Africa, Asia, Europe, and Australia. Each one with 5 tribes. Somehow able to rebuild, the people prospered. But their memories were drained. Now the planet is stuck in an era different than any other. The Cerberus era. the reason for the name is only known by the 4 grand tribes. these tribes made the cerburus era come true. But a few years later the grand tribe of Australia was taken out of the picture. Giving true name to the cerburus era.[/QUOTE] This idea never really went anywhere, butit was one of my favorite concepts. Ithas BIG flaws, but if I redo it, it will be much better. [B][U][CENTER]CURSED LANDS: SLUMBER OF ANCIENT EARTH[/CENTER][/U][/B] [QUOTE]This Earth or ?Atlas?, was falling under despair. It seemed as if the planet was crying. People were believing that the ?Apocalypse? was drawing near. Yet, little did they know it wasn?t Armageddon. The planet was losing its power. For you see, this earth isn?t anything like ours. Atlas is dependent on a magical core. Their planet?s core is made of a mystical material knows as Xandamite. Xandamite has been drilled from the planet, making Atlas start to die. But the people on the surface don?t know that it?s killing the planet. Also they are unaware that the planet?s leading company for Xandamite drilling, Zangra is using it to create a super warrior. Not only are they a company but the president of the world Hiabata Zangra is the company?s creator. So far he?s committed crimes against humanity. Secretly. But just recently word got out that the Xandamite drilling is killing the planet. Currently protests have stopped. But one organization is trying to stop it. Requiem is a secret resistance consisting of only 10 members. One of the newest members, Alvash codename: Zero has just joined after quitting the president?s company. The resistance?s leader, Ezekiel codename: The Tesla has decided to take their plans further. His next plan is to attack the drill within sector 3, district 5. This is where the story starts. Alvash looked around after being let off the bus. His comrades, Louise and Jerry were standing at the drill?s gate. ?So this is the 5th district drill, eh?? Alvash asked through his handkerchief. Jerry nodded. ?Yes it is. Plus this our first drill to take down. Personally I thought we would have disbanded a month ago.? Alvash turned back to see Ezekiel get off the bus. ?Damn fools, always asking for bus fare to get out! Why?d the bastards past a law that you have to pay to get off, the bus. Pathetic!? Alvash entered the door with the others. As he entered he saw an amazing site. the drill. He may have worked for Zandra but he was just a secretary. ?A beauty, right? Heh not for long!? Ezekial chuckled. Alvash looked up and down the structure then proceeded on. [/QUOTE] This went off, but only had 3 posts. It was a story with Final Fantasy-esque themes, which I loved. Some notible people joined too, Tekkaman, Allamorph and dodeca. [B][U][CENTER]THE MELODY OF CHAOS[/CENTER][/U][/B] [QUOTE]Many years ago 7 elders created a magic. Only few could use it. After crimes such as murder, theft, and destruction. The magic was sealed away. Yet, 100 years later their grandchildren unsealed the magic. But as before the magic was abused. So six demigods were born to stop this magic. Each one harboring two elements. Fire and Death. Water and Despair. Earth and Anger. Air and Hatred. Ice and Ruin. Lightning and Disease. Each one killed a grandchild. But one was left. So the last grandchild decided to seal himself away, along with his magic. He foretold that generations later, a foolish mortal would bring back the chaos he put asleep. But while the demigods were out murdering the other 6, a new magic was formed within the darkness of the void. Now the year is 2039. And a mad man, who researched the magic, has brought the darkness back. But two groups of people are trying the keep the magic sealed. Alpha Afflictus and Omega Strain. Once a big group now they are enemies. But the good magic or pure magic was seeping from the gates of the void. Now children born in the years of 2021-25 were blessed with this pure power. Yet the six demigods have returned as well. Ifrit of Fire. Leviatheen of water. Elephantus of earth. Breeya of air. Chillus of ice. And Thundress of Lightning. ?The story shall unfold.[/QUOTE] Out of all three, this one saw more success. owever, it was ruined after Inuyasha_Fandom commanded the front. So which one should I redo? If I redid them, would you join? Discuss.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="77656"]Not to metion they're ****ing cute. :3 They were also on Fuse's Dive along with other Indie rock bands, which I tought sucked.>_>[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="77656"]Okay, the sarcastic favorite bands are getting old.. DAMN! I forgot the most harcore of hardcore, the greatest of the greatest. Michael Booblay! ****, why didn't someone else think of that?! @ Fyxe: Tegen & Sara isn't my cup of tea, but I like them. They're supposed to be having a show on MTV, I dont' if it's a whole series, but they had a commercial for it. I heard that song where she was playing the piano and they switched. [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="77656"]Funny, most Christians I know do Halloween. My VERY Riligious grandmother asked me if I'm going trick-or-treating a few years ago. And her and God are tight. She has't been to riligious lately though, she's toned down a bit. I bilieve that we stole the holiday and made it our own. But no one cares much anymroe. All Hallows Eve is old news I guess. Next year I'm going to be Nathan Explosion or Toki Wartooth from Metalocalypse. Metal up our halloween. Sadly this year isn't the most fun. I HATE trick-or-treating wiht a passion. But I don't miind dressing up.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="77656"]People say Claudio sucks at singing. I say he has one of the best voices next. But I can't play an intrument well. (Hope to play drums one day though or the keyboard.) However, I'm good at songwritting. Don't know how much that would help as this band could only be musically driven. But if this came to life, I'd take a listen.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="77656"]Oh yeah, people have mistooken Flyleaf for a metal band. But they were either misinformed or they didn't know jack-squat about metal and thought "she screams. She R da metal." [B]Job for A Cowboy[/B] - Pretty good actually, just heard a song a while ago after I woke up from a nap. They played well, and it woke me up completely. And the vocals were done well IMO.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR="77656"]And when this all blows over, Shalua will take her anger out on the others. Then the shinigami will be left with bruises and boo-boos. Unless of coarse the path chooses otherwise. But thanks Rach![/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="77656"]Try using refresh if you haven't already.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="77656"][b]What is your availability? For instance, if you held an event where you had to tally votes, you might need to invest more time than usual.[/b] For availability, I get on every day for at least 1 or 2 hours of time. I spend less time on school work than OB, by about 3 hours a day, so that shows how much time I invest on OB. So I'd have enough time to tally votes. Plus it would help me pass the time and figure out a better understanding for the members choices. When I'm event master, I will check this forum everyday and try my best to spawn events, and even make a small one. I'd take my time o create a monthly event and a yearly event, with small ones in the middle. [b]Are you happy to work with members to bring their event ideas to life?[/b] More than happy. I want nothing more than to help ideas come to life. Another upside is that with member crated events, there's more availability for Events, each proving fun and valuable. It would also give members the chance to prove themselves. members are often aware of Community events more than regular RPS or such. Plus some member could find friends to enjoy the OB Experience with. And the members are the biggest part of these events, not me. [b]List two of your own event ideas here. You will need to be able to bring your own events to OB, as member-driven events will not always be available.[/b] Well I've always wanted a writing contest. The Bermuda Triangle event was fun in the last round. Being able to create the winning story was just amazing for me. Perhaps one of the greatest things to happen on OB. The writing Event would be in the style of a tournament. 8 selected members would compete with each other and go up the ladder. During the final round, I would have the members create and RPG for the community. And whoever has the most successful, and enjoyable RPG would win. My other idea is sort of like the Nifty fifty, except it doesn't deal with OB. It would actually deal with anime, music, television, movies and books. Members would nominate the best in entertainment, and the fifty most nominated things would become 1 of the 50st best of the year. [B]Are you going to be committed to the job? Why should we make you Event Master?[/B] I'd be very committed. After White retired from Event Master, I wanted to become the new one. In fact during Otaku idol, I wanted to join, but I wasn't as good with stuff like that at the time. I'd love to make events and help other members in having a hand with their Event ideas as well. When I'm event master I won't shirk off my duties. I made a commitment and I'm sticking to it. I have a bigger place on OB now than I ever did, and the experience has made me a bigger part of OB. Plus, if I was the Event Master, I'd feel even better knowing that I can make a difference to OB and it's member base. That's why I'd make a great Even Master. Plus, I have confidence, I don't think I could make a difference, I KNOW I can! Plus, my mind is a bank for ideas and I'd love to vent them out. I can study my progress and tell which ideas aren't interesting to members and tell which one are interesting to members so I can know what to do next. --- [B]EDIT:[/B] This is going to be interesting, I'm going against DB. Good luck dude![/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="77656"]Well, they've had some sort of poll on what you are going to do in the world's final minutes. A lot of people chose 'eat fatty foods.' I heard this on the radio mind you, but what would you do in the earth's final hour? As for me, I'd live my last minutes with friends and family. And I'd crack out a Mt. Dew and watch the meteor fall. Or I'd loot, or, as sad as this sounds, buy a hooker. I'm dead serious so don't think I'm lying. So what would you do in the last few minutes, would you spend time with family & friends, would you just watch teh last few minutes go by, or would you do something different? DISCUSS! [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="77656"]And so god said verily [B]"After 7 days of sleeplessness, feast on my fruits of labor. Then, I shall give thee the holy gift to... SHOW DEM ZOMBIES YA BOOMSTICK!"[/B][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="77656"]This **** will make DB LOL into a coma. [quote name='Shadow Getsuei's Custom Title']Open the door to Kingdom Hearts![/quote] He's a fricken Kingdom Hearts DORK, and his signature. Christ he's hilarious. Look at his post in the Adventure square, timeless. No offense but god, hilarious![/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="77656"]My favorte sund effect? The Excalibur laser beam nosie from Ace Combat: The Belkan War. Plus the mexican samba music during the last fight, epic. Another cool video game sound is the sound of spyro's flame during teh PS1 games. As weird as it is to say, I loved those noises. Plus in Crash Bandicoot he made that sound when the mask gets killed. And when he dies and he's like 'whoa!" Good times.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="77656"]DB, you haven't made me less of a KH fan, I did. You just made me, smarter and non-drony. Much better than making me less of a KH nerd. Plus after the I played the last game, I got sick of it. So KH3 or whatver new KH game, is out of the question. Truth be told I wish you were living in my town. >_> I thank you for actually shaping my consciecne into a much more greater thing. I've wasted my mind on cartoons, yu-gi-oh cards, and the occasional pokemon shirt. So without you, I'd be nothing. So my eternal gratitute goes to you. [QUOTE][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Actually, just go on youtube and type in "Numb" and every person's name on a video is a person I harbor personal disdain toward.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Oh yeah, it's true. You know what's really insulting? When people think I'm goth. Today this kid actually ****ing told me that I listen to Goth Music. WHY YOU! First of all, I'm not goth. And second of all, I'm closer to emo than goth, but I'm not even close to emo. I have emo freinds, don't get me wrong. But they really don't know what a real emo is, neither do I. >_> Add calling the music I love crap? How dare he, first of all rap and hip-hop suck and I feel no emotion towards rap music. The udnerground scene, I can take but not so much, but 50 Cent and all that **** makes me cringe. A yo future or technology or whatver the **** it is makes me wish I was dead. In fact it makes me wish 50 CENT was dead. I may have bad tastes in music, but mine is way better than those posers. So don't call my music crap when you haven't even heard what I've heard. And I used to be one of those rap & hip-hop lovers too. Thank god those days are long gone. GOD I NEED A TAMPON![/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="77656"]I have the odd feeling your talking about me DB... I don't like KH as much as I used to so... [B]@ Korey[/B]: People call me midget too. when I'm married my wife will say "midget come rub my feet." Just watch, she will. LOL at the puberty thing too. One of my freinds started puberty when he was about 10, now he's 14! [quote name='Allamorph']Dude, that's an actual ailment.[/quote] He's right. I almost secamb to that disease. Thankfully a regiment of M-rated games and porn saved my life.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="77656"]Or you could share that moment with a special friend. You know, you, her and your buddy! Threesomes FTW. Actually, I wouldn't be cought dead doing my wife and having my male friend do her too. But doing 2 girls at the same time, an imposibble dream, yeah. But a great fantasy. [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="77656"][quote name=' Allamorph']What I wanna know is: what is it with all you people and your socio-emotional angstiness? I swear I hear more people get head-up about getting picked at or not getting invited places than complaining about actual ailments. Wowzers.[/quote] Here is something, imagine someone saiid this to you. (Refere to quote below) Imagine you have said something on OB and someone is angry at you, they say this: [quote name='Fake Insult']"Allamorph you are a slutty son of a ***** and you are a good for nothing fagmunch. You get raped by your dad and you lvie with your ugly mom. Your acne is horrible and you have terrible teeth."[/quote] Okay, now how did that make you feel? If someone said that to you and they meant it, how wuld you feel? I'd be pissed myself. But would you be filled with socio-emotional angstinee after that? And for those who read this, I'm friends with Allamorph and I would never EVER say anything like that to hurt him. I am not in any way shape or form serius in my quote.[/COLOR]
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